========================================================== Running Eclipse Unit Tests under BT infrastructure ========================================================== This document describes how to run Eclipse Unit Tests (EUT) on Apache Harmony within Apache Harmony Build&Test infrastructure (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HARMONY-3501). Please see BTI's README.txt for general instructions on BT usage. The following platforms are currently supported: Windows x86, Linux x86, Linux x86_64. --------------- Archive Content --------------- This archive contains scripts for running EUT within BT. The directories structure within BT trunk directory is as follows: +/ |-+adaptors/ - scripts connecting test suites to BTI (called "adaptors") | | | |-+eut/ - EUT suite adaptor directory | | | |--adaptor.xml - EUT suite adaptor | | | |--EUT.BTI.README.txt - this readme file | | | |--parameters.xml - parameters file | |-+tests/ - test suites integrated into BTI | | | |-+eut/ - EUT scripts directory | | | |-+extra/ - extra scripts and patches that might be useful for EUT runs | | | |--build.xml - main EUT suite launching script | | | |--efl.${os}.${arch} - platform specific expected failures lists | | | |--EUT.README.txt - readme file describing standalone EUT run (without BTI) | | | |--eut.properties - EUT properties (used when running without BTI) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Running Eclipse Unit Tests on Harmony JRE under BT infrastructure ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Follow instructions from /README.txt to satisfy general BTI pre-requisites (install necessary software, specify environment variables, specify proxy settings if necessary). 2. Unpack this archive to directory 3. Perform setup: buildtest -Dtest.suites="classlib,drlvm,eut" setup 4. For Linux only: make sure that you have X server up and running and set environment variable DISPLAY to appropriate value 4. Configure BT for EUT run: * Specify appropriate options for the JRE under test in /framework.local.properties file by setting eut.parameters.optional.tested.vm.options=. By default, eut.parameters.optional.tested.vm.options="-showversion -Xmx512m -XX:vm.assert_dialog=false" * If you need to run only few specific suites, not all EUT test suites, edit /framework.local.properties and specify: eut.parameters.optional.tests=suite1,suite2,... * If you need to modify test suite execution timeout (default is 2 hours), edit /framework.local.properties and specify: eut.parameters.optional.timeout= * If you want to run Team CVS tests, edit /framework.local.properties and specify: eut.parameters.optional.cvs_user= eut.parameters.optional.cvs_password= eut.parameters.optional.cvs_host= eut.parameters.optional.cvs_root= * For Linux only: if you have the windowing system other than GTK (motif most probably), specify: eut.parameters.optional.ws=motif * Specify appropriate mail settings in /framework.local.properties file if you want Cruise Control to send mail notifications * Modify platform specific expected failures list in /tests/eut if necessary. It should be named as efl.${os}.${arch} where ${os}.${arch} can be windows.x86, linux.x86 or linux.x86_64 5. Build classlib and drlvm and run EUT on this Harmony JRE: buildtest -Dtest.suites="classlib,drlvm,eut" run 6. To continuously perform Harmony JRE build (classlib and drlvm) and EUT run under Cruise Control: buildtest -Dtest.suites="classlib,drlvm,eut" run-cc 7. Results summary can be found in the file /build/results//report.txt, detailed tests output is stored in the file /build/results//output.txt, where is the directory name based suite's run date and time. Note that expected failures list (specific for the platform) are used to process EUT run results and only unexpected failures, error and crashes are reported. Full test results list (including expected failures) in xml and html format can be found at /build/results//results. If you run EUT under Cruise Control ("run-cc" target) and specified mail settings in the /framework.local.properties file, mail notifications with results summary will also be sent to the specified e-mail address. -------------------------------- DISCLAIMER AND LEGAL INFORMATION -------------------------------- Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners.