================================================================= ECLIPSE 3.2.1 HELLO WORLD APPLICATION SCENARIO FOR BT 2.0 ================================================================= This archive contains configs and scripts for running EHWA scenario under Build Test Infrastructure 2.0 (HARMONY-3501). The BT 2.0 provides features which allow: - Run EHWA on just built classlib and drlvm - Run EHWA in standalone mode (once) - Run EHWA in continuous mode using Cruise Control Tool Please, refer to ./tests/EHWA.txt concerning initial (manual) EHWA scenario description. Please, refer to ./tests/README.txt concerning EHWA run outside of the Build Test Infrastructure. CONTENTS ======== +/ |-+/adaptors/ - Adaptors connecting test suites to the Build Test | | | |-+/ehwa/ - EHWA adaptor directory | | | |--adaptor.xml - The adaptor used by BT | | | |--parameters.xml - Parameters file used by BT | | | |--README.txt - This file | | |-+/tests/ - Test suites connected to Build Test | |-+/ehwa/ - EHWA test scenario directory | |-- ehwa_eclipse_3.2.1.au3 - Script for running EHWA on Windows | |-- ehwa_eclipse_3.2.1.pl - Script for running EHWA on Linux | |-- ehwa_run.xml - Scenario ant run file; launches proper script | |-- EHWA.txt - Manual scenario description | |-- README.txt - Description of EHWA run outside of Build Test Infrastructure PREREQUISITES ============= Supported platforms are: Windows*/ia32, Windows*/em64t, Linux/ia32/gtk, Linux/em64t/gtk EHWA run under Build Test requires the tools and libraries as framework itself, namely J2SDK* 1.5, Apache Ant 1.6.5, Subversion tool, and etc. Please, see BT/REDAME.txt for details. Note: BT 2.0 only works properly with Sun JDK* 1.5! All other external dependencies, such as Eclipse 3.2.1 and xalan.jar will be automatically downloaded on the setup phase. Following tools must be additionally installed for the scenario run: Windows | Linux --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt3 | X11 GUITest-0.20 or better http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3 | http://sourceforge.net/projects/x11guitest | NOTE: 1) On Windows* AutoIt3 home should be added to the PATH before the EHWA scenario run Notes: - To install the tool on Windows 2003 installer should be used. Otherwise (in case of zipped version) the tool may not be launched. - The tool should be install to directory without spaces in its name (for example, C:\Program Files\AutoIt3 shouldn't be used). Otherwise the tool may not be found by the ant script. 2) The problems may exist with X11 GUITest installation on Linux/em64t. It is recommended to use X11 GUITest-0.20 version. The following steps are standard installation: 1) perl Makefile.PL 2) make 3) make test 4) make install (or set PERL5LIB env.var to $AUTOIT_HOME/blib/lib:$AUTOIT_HOME/blib/arch) But for Linux/em64t you may need to correct path to X11 libs in Makefile.PL before the step 1): 'LIBS' => ['-L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/X/lib -lX11 -lXtst -lXext'], -> 'LIBS' => ['-L/usr/X11R6/lib64 -L/usr/X/lib -lX11 -lXtst -lXext'], Also, please, do the following change in Makefile generated after the step 1), if needed: LIBC = /lib64/libc.so.6 -> LIBC = /lib64//lib64/libc.so.6 EHWA SCENARIO RUN ================== The following steps should be made to setup EHWA: 1. Check out Build Test 2.0 installer from SVN svn co -r HEAD -N http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/harmony/enhanced/buildtest/trunk NOTE: If HARMONY-3501 is not applied yet, please, download and unpack attached archive to appropriate 2. Follow the instructions from /README.txt to satisfy general BT pre-requisites (install necessary software, specify environment variables, specify SVN proxy settings if necessary). NOTE: This partly means update /buildtest.* script with your personal settings If you don't have buildtest.bat/buildtest.sh set JAVA_HOME, ANT_HOME, SVN_HOME, add corresponding bins to the PATH and call 'ant' (everywhere below) instead of buildtest. 3. Unpack this archive to the directory 4. Setup Build Test 2.0 and required suites with the following command, run from : buildtest -Dtest.suites="classlib,drlvm,ehwa" setup NOTE: If you don't won't to use the latest built Harmony JRE as tested JRE you may simply run buildtest -Dtest.suites=ehwa setup The following steps should be made to run EHWA on the tested JRE: 5. If needed, correct values of required parameters in /required-parameters.properties file, generated after the setup step. Required parameter for the EHWA run is JRE under test. By default it is set to the last built Harmony JRE. 6. If needed, set values of the optional parameters in /framework.local.properties file. If you want to pass some options to the tested JRE use the following property: ehwa.parameters.optional.tested.jre.options= - sets JRE options for eclipse launching, default is "-showversion" To configure scenario run, use the following option: ehwa.parameters.optional.delay.factor= - sets factor used in time delays inside the scenario, default value is 2. Cruise Control Web Port and Port for JMX console can be specified by the following properties: framework.parameters.cc.jmxport framework.parameters.cc.webport Please, see BT Readmes for more information. 7. Run EHWA on the previously built Harmony JRE the with command: buildtest -Dtest.suites="classlib,drlvm,ehwa" run Or run the EHWA in continuous mode under Cruise Control with command: buildtest -Dtest.suites="classlib,drlvm,ehwa" run-cc 8. Run EHWA on explicitely defined JRE with command: Use /required-parameters.properties file to define tested JRE ant -Dtest.suites=ehwa run Or ant -Dtest.suites=ehwa run-cc NOTE: Do not any movements on the screen during EHWA run, this may cause the scenario fail! It is better to use a remote machine for running EHWA scenario. To check task status, if run EHWA under Cruise Control, point your browser to http://localhost:< framework.parameters.cc.jmxport>/ - default is http://localhost:8080/ NOTE: If you run EHWA under Cruise Control along with classlib and drlvm task, EHWA will be run every time when some changes occurred in classlib or drlvm If you run EHWA under Cruise Control on some explicitely defined JRE, you should do force build from http://localhost:8080/ page to start EHWA execution. Please, see EHWA run results in /cc/build/results/ehwa Results are stored in the timestamp dirs under /cc/build/results/ehwa dir. Results contains EHWA log and may contain Eclipse launching log, Eclipse workspace log and picture of the screen if an error has occurred. Logs will be also sent to the email indicated in /framework.local.properties file For more information about Build Test configuration, please, see /README.txt and /SPEC.txt RUN EHWA OUTSIDE OF BUILD TEST ============================== To run the scenario outside of Build Test Infrastructure you only need to have data under ./tests/ehwa dir. For more information, please, refer to ./tests/ehwa/README.txt. DISCLAIMER AND LEGAL INFORMATION ================================ *) Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners.