======================================================= Iterative runs of class library unit tests under BT 2.0 ======================================================= --------------- Archive Content --------------- This archive contains adaptor and custom configuration for iterative runs of classlib unit tests (HUT) under BT 2.0 +/ |-+adaptors/ - Adaptors connecting test suites to Build Test | | | |-+HUT_iterative/ - HUT iterative runs adaptor directory | | | |--adaptor.xml - The adaptor | | | |--parameters.xml - Parameters file | | | |-+cc - Cruise Control custom configurtion directory | | | |--HUT_iterative-project.xml - Cruise Control configuration file | | | |--publisher.xml - HUT iterative runs publisher | | | |-+xsl - xslt files | | | |-+HUT_iterative - scripts to iteratively run HUT | | | |--HUT_iterative_run.bat | | | |--HUT_iteartive_run.sh | | | |--modulesList - the list of classlib modules to run tests for | |-README_HUT_iterative.txt - Readme File ------------------------------------------------ Integration of HUT iterative runs under BT 2.0 ------------------------------------------------ 1. Follow general instructions of README.txt for BT 2.0 (pre-intagration or post-integration usage). 2. unzip BT-HUT_iteartive.zip into BT infra directory. 4. Perform setup: ant -Dtest.suites="classlib,drlvm" setup There is no special setup for iteartive runs of classlib tests, as well as there is no special place for HUT_iterative test suite. 4. Set values of /scripts/local.properties.template in generated file: framework.local.properties 5. Run the HUT iteartively on previously built JRE: ant -Dtest.suites="classlib,drlvm,HUT_iteartive" run 6. Run the suite under Cruise Control: ant -Dtest.suites="classlib,drlvm,HUT_iterative" run-cc 7. Iterative test run results are accumulated in ${classlib.trunk}/build/test_report_${moduleName}_${iteration} directories. After test cycle is completed, the results are merged and e-mailed to the address predefined in framework.local.properties file, if any. The FAILURES, ERRORS, CRASHES statistics are attached. Zip file with test reports, logs and statistics is available: ${classlib.trunk}/results_${VMNAME}_.zip The zip archives can be removed: ant -Dtest.suites="HUT_iterative" clean ---------- Disclaimer ---------- *) Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners.