<%! /** * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ %> <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" isThreadSafe="false" import="javax.servlet.*" import="javax.servlet.http.*" import="java.io.*" import="java.util.*" import="org.apache.hadoop.fs.*" import="org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.*" import="org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.*" import="org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.*" import="org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.Storage" import="org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.Storage.StorageDirectory" import="org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.*" import="org.apache.hadoop.util.*" import="java.text.DateFormat" import="java.lang.Math" import="java.net.URLEncoder" %> <%! JspHelper jspHelper = new JspHelper(); int rowNum = 0; int colNum = 0; String rowTxt() { colNum = 0; return " "; } String colTxt() { return " "; } void counterReset () { colNum = 0; rowNum = 0 ; } long diskBytes = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; String diskByteStr = "GB"; String sorterField = null; String sorterOrder = null; String NodeHeaderStr(String name) { String ret = "class=header"; String order = "ASC"; if ( name.equals( sorterField ) ) { ret += sorterOrder; if ( sorterOrder.equals("ASC") ) order = "DSC"; } ret += " onClick=\"window.document.location=" + "'/dfshealth.jsp?sorter/field=" + name + "&sorter/order=" + order + "'\" title=\"sort on this column\""; return ret; } public void generateNodeData( JspWriter out, DatanodeDescriptor d, String suffix, boolean alive, int nnHttpPort ) throws IOException { /* Say the datanode is dn1.hadoop.apache.org with ip we use: 1) d.getHostName():d.getPort() to display. Domain and port are stripped if they are common across the nodes. i.e. "dn1" 2) d.getHost():d.Port() for "title". i.e. "" 3) d.getHostName():d.getInfoPort() for url. i.e. "http://dn1.hadoop.apache.org:50075/..." Note that "d.getHost():d.getPort()" is what DFS clients use to interact with datanodes. */ // from nn_browsedfscontent.jsp: String url = "http://" + d.getHostName() + ":" + d.getInfoPort() + "/browseDirectory.jsp?namenodeInfoPort=" + nnHttpPort + "&dir=" + URLEncoder.encode("/", "UTF-8"); String name = d.getHostName() + ":" + d.getPort(); if ( !name.matches( "\\d+\\.\\d+.\\d+\\.\\d+.*" ) ) name = name.replaceAll( "\\.[^.:]*", "" ); int idx = (suffix != null && name.endsWith( suffix )) ? name.indexOf( suffix ) : -1; out.print( rowTxt() + "" + (( idx > 0 ) ? name.substring(0, idx) : name) + "" + (( alive ) ? "" : "\n") ); if ( !alive ) return; long c = d.getCapacity(); long u = d.getDfsUsed(); long nu = d.getNonDfsUsed(); long r = d.getRemaining(); String percentUsed = StringUtils.limitDecimalTo2(d.getDfsUsedPercent()); String percentRemaining = StringUtils.limitDecimalTo2(d.getRemainingPercent()); String adminState = (d.isDecommissioned() ? "Decommissioned" : (d.isDecommissionInProgress() ? "Decommission In Progress": "In Service")); long timestamp = d.getLastUpdate(); long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); out.print(" " + ((currentTime - timestamp)/1000) + "" + adminState + "" + StringUtils.limitDecimalTo2(c*1.0/diskBytes) + "" + StringUtils.limitDecimalTo2(u*1.0/diskBytes) + "" + StringUtils.limitDecimalTo2(nu*1.0/diskBytes) + "" + StringUtils.limitDecimalTo2(r*1.0/diskBytes) + "" + percentUsed + "" + ServletUtil.percentageGraph( (int)Double.parseDouble(percentUsed) , 100) + "" + percentRemaining + "" + d.numBlocks() + "\n"); } public void generateConfReport( JspWriter out, FSNamesystem fsn, HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException { long underReplicatedBlocks = fsn.getUnderReplicatedBlocks(); FSImage fsImage = fsn.getFSImage(); List removedStorageDirs = fsImage.getRemovedStorageDirs(); String storageDirsSizeStr="", removedStorageDirsSizeStr="", storageDirsStr="", removedStorageDirsStr="", storageDirsDiv="", removedStorageDirsDiv=""; //FS Image storage configuration out.print("

NameNode Storage:

"); out.print("
\n"+ ""); StorageDirectory st =null; for (Iterator it = fsImage.dirIterator(); it.hasNext();) { st = it.next(); String dir = "" + st.getRoot(); String type = "" + st.getStorageDirType(); out.print(""); } long storageDirsSize = removedStorageDirs.size(); for(int i=0; i< storageDirsSize; i++){ st = removedStorageDirs.get(i); String dir = "" + st.getRoot(); String type = "" + st.getStorageDirType(); out.print(""); } out.print("
Storage DirectoryTypeState

\n"); } public void generateDFSHealthReport(JspWriter out, NameNode nn, HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException { FSNamesystem fsn = nn.getNamesystem(); ArrayList live = new ArrayList(); ArrayList dead = new ArrayList(); jspHelper.DFSNodesStatus(live, dead); ArrayList decommissioning = fsn .getDecommissioningNodes(); sorterField = request.getParameter("sorter/field"); sorterOrder = request.getParameter("sorter/order"); if ( sorterField == null ) sorterField = "name"; if ( sorterOrder == null ) sorterOrder = "ASC"; // Find out common suffix. Should this be before or after the sort? String port_suffix = null; if ( live.size() > 0 ) { String name = live.get(0).getName(); int idx = name.indexOf(':'); if ( idx > 0 ) { port_suffix = name.substring( idx ); } for ( int i=1; port_suffix != null && i < live.size(); i++ ) { if ( live.get(i).getName().endsWith( port_suffix ) == false ) { port_suffix = null; break; } } } counterReset(); long total = fsn.getCapacityTotal(); long remaining = fsn.getCapacityRemaining(); long used = fsn.getCapacityUsed(); long nonDFS = fsn.getCapacityUsedNonDFS(); float percentUsed = fsn.getCapacityUsedPercent(); float percentRemaining = fsn.getCapacityRemainingPercent(); out.print( "
\n" + rowTxt() + colTxt() + "Configured Capacity" + colTxt() + ":" + colTxt() + StringUtils.byteDesc( total ) + rowTxt() + colTxt() + "DFS Used" + colTxt() + ":" + colTxt() + StringUtils.byteDesc( used ) + rowTxt() + colTxt() + "Non DFS Used" + colTxt() + ":" + colTxt() + StringUtils.byteDesc( nonDFS ) + rowTxt() + colTxt() + "DFS Remaining" + colTxt() + ":" + colTxt() + StringUtils.byteDesc( remaining ) + rowTxt() + colTxt() + "DFS Used%" + colTxt() + ":" + colTxt() + StringUtils.limitDecimalTo2(percentUsed) + " %" + rowTxt() + colTxt() + "DFS Remaining%" + colTxt() + ":" + colTxt() + StringUtils.limitDecimalTo2(percentRemaining) + " %" + rowTxt() + colTxt() + "Live Nodes " + colTxt() + ":" + colTxt() + live.size() + rowTxt() + colTxt() + "Dead Nodes " + colTxt() + ":" + colTxt() + dead.size() + rowTxt() + colTxt() + "" + "Decommissioning Nodes " + colTxt() + ":" + colTxt() + decommissioning.size() + rowTxt() + colTxt() + "Number of Under-Replicated Blocks" + colTxt() + ":" + colTxt() + fsn.getUnderReplicatedBlocks() + "

\n" ); if (live.isEmpty() && dead.isEmpty()) { out.print("There are no datanodes in the cluster"); } }%> <% NameNode nn = (NameNode)application.getAttribute("name.node"); FSNamesystem fsn = nn.getNamesystem(); String namenodeLabel = nn.getNameNodeAddress().getHostName() + ":" + nn.getNameNodeAddress().getPort(); %> Hadoop NameNode <%=namenodeLabel%>

NameNode '<%=namenodeLabel%>'

Started: <%= fsn.getStartTime()%>
Version: <%= VersionInfo.getVersion()%>, r<%= VersionInfo.getRevision()%>
Compiled: <%= VersionInfo.getDate()%> by <%= VersionInfo.getUser()%>
Upgrades: <%= jspHelper.getUpgradeStatusText()%>

Browse the filesystem
Namenode Logs

Cluster Summary

<%= jspHelper.getSafeModeText()%> <%= jspHelper.getInodeLimitText()%> <%= JspHelper.getWarningText(fsn)%> <% generateDFSHealthReport(out, nn, request); %>
<% generateConfReport(out, fsn, request); %> <% out.println(ServletUtil.htmlFooter()); %>