#!/usr/local/bin/thrift -java # # Thrift Service exported by Hadoop File System # Dhruba Borthakur (dhruba@gmail.com) # /** * The available types in Thrift: * * bool Boolean, one byte * byte Signed byte * i16 Signed 16-bit integer * i32 Signed 32-bit integer * i64 Signed 64-bit integer * double 64-bit floating point value * string String * map Map from one type to another * list Ordered list of one type * set Set of unique elements of one type * */ namespace java org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.api namespace php hadoopfs struct ThriftHandle { i64 id } struct Pathname { string pathname } struct FileStatus { 1: string path, 2: i64 length, 3: bool isdir, 4: i16 block_replication, 5: i64 blocksize, 6: i64 modification_time, 7: string permission, 8: string owner, 9: string group } struct BlockLocation { 1: list hosts, /* hostnames of datanodes */ 2: list names, /* hostname:portNumber of datanodes */ 3: i64 offset, /* offset of the block in the file */ 4: i64 length /* length of data */ } exception MalformedInputException { string message } exception ThriftIOException { string message } service ThriftHadoopFileSystem { // set inactivity timeout period. The period is specified in seconds. // if there are no RPC calls to the HadoopThrift server for this much // time, then the server kills itself. void setInactivityTimeoutPeriod(1:i64 periodInSeconds), // close session void shutdown(1:i32 status), // create a file and open it for writing ThriftHandle create(1:Pathname path) throws (1:ThriftIOException ouch), // create a file and open it for writing ThriftHandle createFile(1:Pathname path, 2:i16 mode, 3:bool overwrite, 4:i32 bufferSize, 5:i16 block_replication, 6:i64 blocksize) throws (1:ThriftIOException ouch), // returns a handle to an existing file for reading ThriftHandle open(1:Pathname path) throws (1:ThriftIOException ouch), // returns a handle to an existing file for appending to it. ThriftHandle append(1:Pathname path) throws (1:ThriftIOException ouch), // write a string to the open handle for the file bool write(1:ThriftHandle handle, string data) throws (1:ThriftIOException ouch), // read some bytes from the open handle for the file string read(1:ThriftHandle handle, i64 offset, i32 size) throws (1:ThriftIOException ouch), // close file bool close(1:ThriftHandle out) throws (1:ThriftIOException ouch), // delete file(s) or directory(s) bool rm(1:Pathname path, 2:bool recursive) throws (1:ThriftIOException ouch), // rename file(s) or directory(s) bool rename(1:Pathname path, 2:Pathname dest) throws (1:ThriftIOException ouch), // create directory bool mkdirs(1:Pathname path) throws (1:ThriftIOException ouch), // Does this pathname exist? bool exists(1:Pathname path) throws (1:ThriftIOException ouch), // Returns status about the path FileStatus stat(1:Pathname path) throws (1:ThriftIOException ouch), // If the path is a directory, then returns the list of pathnames in that directory list listStatus(1:Pathname path) throws (1:ThriftIOException ouch), // Set permission for this file void chmod(1:Pathname path, 2:i16 mode) throws (1:ThriftIOException ouch), // set the owner and group of the file. void chown(1:Pathname path, 2:string owner, 3:string group) throws (1:ThriftIOException ouch), // set the replication factor for all blocks of the specified file void setReplication(1:Pathname path, 2:i16 replication) throws (1:ThriftIOException ouch), // get the locations of the blocks of this file list getFileBlockLocations(1:Pathname path, 2:i64 start, 3:i64 length) throws (1:ThriftIOException ouch), }