/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package javax.mail.util; import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.RandomAccessFile; import javax.mail.internet.SharedInputStream; public class SharedFileInputStream extends BufferedInputStream implements SharedInputStream { // This initial size isn't documented, but bufsize is 2048 after initialization for the // Sun implementation. private static final int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 2048; // the shared file information, used to synchronize opens/closes of the base file. private SharedFileSource source; /** * The file offset that is the first byte in the read buffer. */ protected long bufpos; /** * The normal size of the read buffer. */ protected int bufsize; /** * The size of the file subset represented by this stream instance. */ protected long datalen; /** * The source of the file data. This is shared across multiple * instances. */ protected RandomAccessFile in; /** * The starting position of data represented by this stream relative * to the start of the file data. This stream instance represents * data in the range start to (start + datalen - 1). */ protected long start; /** * Construct a SharedFileInputStream from a file name, using the default buffer size. * * @param file The name of the file. * * @exception IOException */ public SharedFileInputStream(String file) throws IOException { this(file, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE); } /** * Construct a SharedFileInputStream from a File object, using the default buffer size. * * @param file The name of the file. * * @exception IOException */ public SharedFileInputStream(File file) throws IOException { this(file, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE); } /** * Construct a SharedFileInputStream from a file name, with a given initial buffer size. * * @param file The name of the file. * @param bufferSize The initial buffer size. * * @exception IOException */ public SharedFileInputStream(String file, int bufferSize) throws IOException { // I'm not sure this is correct or not. The SharedFileInputStream spec requires this // be a subclass of BufferedInputStream. The BufferedInputStream constructor takes a stream, // which we're not really working from at this point. Using null seems to work so far. super(null); init(new File(file), bufferSize); } /** * Construct a SharedFileInputStream from a File object, with a given initial buffer size. * * @param file The name of the file. * @param bufferSize The initial buffer size. * * @exception IOException */ public SharedFileInputStream(File file, int bufferSize) throws IOException { // I'm not sure this is correct or not. The SharedFileInputStream spec requires this // be a subclass of BufferedInputStream. The BufferedInputStream constructor takes a stream, // which we're not really working from at this point. Using null seems to work so far. super(null); init(file, bufferSize); } /** * Private constructor used to spawn off a shared instance * of this stream. * * @param source The internal class object that manages the shared resources of * the stream. * @param start The starting offset relative to the beginning of the file. * @param len The length of file data in this shared instance. * @param bufsize The initial buffer size (same as the spawning parent. */ private SharedFileInputStream(SharedFileSource source, long start, long len, int bufsize) { super(null); this.source = source; in = source.open(); this.start = start; bufpos = start; datalen = len; this.bufsize = bufsize; buf = new byte[bufsize]; // other fields such as pos and count initialized by the super class constructor. } /** * Shared initializtion routine for the constructors. * * @param file The file we're accessing. * @param bufferSize The initial buffer size to use. * * @exception IOException */ private void init(File file, int bufferSize) throws IOException { if (bufferSize <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Buffer size must be positive"); } // create a random access file for accessing the data, then create an object that's used to share // instances of the same stream. source = new SharedFileSource(file); // we're opening the first one. in = source.open(); // this represents the entire file, for now. start = 0; // use the current file length for the bounds datalen = in.length(); // now create our buffer version bufsize = bufferSize; bufpos = 0; // NB: this is using the super class protected variable. buf = new byte[bufferSize]; } /** * Check to see if we need to read more data into our buffer. * * @return False if there's not valid data in the buffer (generally means * an EOF condition). * @exception IOException */ private boolean checkFill() throws IOException { // if we have data in the buffer currently, just return if (pos < count) { return true; } // ugh, extending BufferedInputStream also means supporting mark positions. That complicates everything. // life is so much easier if marks are not used.... if (markpos < 0) { // reset back to the buffer position pos = 0; // this will be the new position within the file once we're read some data. bufpos += count; } else { // we have marks to worry about....damn. // if we have room in the buffer to read more data, then we will. Otherwise, we need to see // if it's possible to shift the data in the buffer or extend the buffer (up to the mark limit). if (pos >= buf.length) { // the mark position is not at the beginning of the buffer, so just shuffle the bytes, leaving // us room to read more data. if (markpos > 0) { // this is the size of the data we need to keep. int validSize = pos - markpos; // perform the shift operation. System.arraycopy(buf, markpos, buf, 0, validSize); // now adjust the positional markers for this shift. pos = validSize; bufpos += markpos; markpos = 0; } // the mark is at the beginning, and we've used up the buffer. See if we're allowed to // extend this. else if (buf.length < marklimit) { // try to double this, but throttle to the mark limit int newSize = Math.min(buf.length * 2, marklimit); byte[] newBuffer = new byte[newSize]; System.arraycopy(buf, 0, newBuffer, 0, buf.length); // replace the old buffer. Note that all other positional markers remain the same here. buf = newBuffer; } // we've got further than allowed, so invalidate the mark, and just reset the buffer else { markpos = -1; pos = 0; bufpos += count; } } } // if we're past our designated end, force an eof. if (bufpos + pos >= start + datalen) { return false; } // seek to the read location start. Note this is a shared file, so this assumes all of the methods // doing buffer fills will be synchronized. int fillLength = buf.length - pos; // we might be working with a subset of the file data, so normal eof processing might not apply. // we need to limit how much we read to the data length. if (bufpos - start + pos + fillLength > datalen) { fillLength = (int)(datalen - (bufpos - start + pos)); } // finally, try to read more data into the buffer. fillLength = source.read(bufpos + pos, buf, pos, fillLength); // we weren't able to read anything, count this as an eof failure. if (fillLength <= 0) { return false; } // set the new buffer count count = fillLength + pos; // we have data in the buffer. return true; } /** * Return the number of bytes available for reading without * blocking for a long period. * * @return For this stream, this is the number of bytes between the * current read position and the indicated end of the file. * @exception IOException */ public synchronized int available() throws IOException { checkOpen(); // this is backed by a file, which doesn't really block. We can return all the way to the // marked data end, if necessary long endMarker = start + datalen; return (int)(endMarker - (bufpos + pos)); } /** * Return the current read position of the stream. * * @return The current position relative to the beginning of the stream. * This is not the position relative to the start of the file, since * the stream starting position may be other than the beginning. */ public long getPosition() { checkOpenRuntime(); return bufpos + pos - start; } /** * Mark the current position for retracing. * * @param readlimit The limit for the distance the read position can move from * the mark position before the mark is reset. */ public synchronized void mark(int readlimit) { checkOpenRuntime(); marklimit = readlimit; markpos = pos; } /** * Read a single byte of data from the input stream. * * @return The read byte. Returns -1 if an eof condition has been hit. * @exception IOException */ public synchronized int read() throws IOException { checkOpen(); // check to see if we can fill more data if (!checkFill()) { return -1; } // return the current byte...anded to prevent sign extension. return buf[pos++] & 0xff; } /** * Read multiple bytes of data and place them directly into * a byte-array buffer. * * @param buffer The target buffer. * @param offset The offset within the buffer to place the data. * @param length The length to attempt to read. * * @return The number of bytes actually read. Returns -1 for an EOF * condition. * @exception IOException */ public synchronized int read(byte buffer[], int offset, int length) throws IOException { checkOpen(); // asked to read nothing? That's what we'll do. if (length == 0) { return 0; } int returnCount = 0; while (length > 0) { // check to see if we can/must fill more data if (!checkFill()) { // we've hit the end, but if we've read data, then return that. if (returnCount > 0) { return returnCount; } // trun eof. return -1; } int available = count - pos; int given = Math.min(available, length); System.arraycopy(buf, pos, buffer, offset, given); // now adjust all of our positions and counters pos += given; length -= given; returnCount += given; offset += given; } // return the accumulated count. return returnCount; } /** * Skip the read pointer ahead a given number of bytes. * * @param n The number of bytes to skip. * * @return The number of bytes actually skipped. * @exception IOException */ public synchronized long skip(long n) throws IOException { checkOpen(); // nothing to skip, so don't skip if (n <= 0) { return 0; } // see if we need to fill more data, and potentially shift the mark positions if (!checkFill()) { return 0; } long available = count - pos; // the skipped contract allows skipping within the current buffer bounds, so cap it there. long skipped = available < n ? available : n; pos += skipped; return skipped; } /** * Reset the mark position. * * @exception IOException */ public synchronized void reset() throws IOException { checkOpen(); if (markpos < 0) { throw new IOException("Resetting to invalid mark position"); } // if we have a markpos, it will still be in the buffer bounds. pos = markpos; } /** * Indicates the mark() operation is supported. * * @return Always returns true. */ public boolean markSupported() { return true; } /** * Close the stream. This does not close the source file until * the last shared instance is closed. * * @exception IOException */ public void close() throws IOException { // already closed? This is not an error if (in == null) { return; } try { // perform a close on the source version. source.close(); } finally { in = null; } } /** * Create a new stream from this stream, using the given * start offset and length. * * @param offset The offset relative to the start of this stream instance. * @param end The end offset of the substream. If -1, the end of the parent stream is used. * * @return A new SharedFileInputStream object sharing the same source * input file. */ public InputStream newStream(long offset, long end) { checkOpenRuntime(); if (offset < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Start position is less than 0"); } // the default end position is the datalen of the one we're spawning from. if (end == -1) { end = datalen; } // create a new one using the private constructor return new SharedFileInputStream(source, start + (int)offset, (int)(end - offset), bufsize); } /** * Check if the file is open and throw an IOException if not. * * @exception IOException */ private void checkOpen() throws IOException { if (in == null) { throw new IOException("Stream has been closed"); } } /** * Check if the file is open and throw an IOException if not. This version is * used because several API methods are not defined as throwing IOException, so * checkOpen() can't be used. The Sun implementation just throws RuntimeExceptions * in those methods, hence 2 versions. * * @exception RuntimeException */ private void checkOpenRuntime() { if (in == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Stream has been closed"); } } /** * Internal class used to manage resources shared between the * ShareFileInputStream instances. */ class SharedFileSource { // the file source public RandomAccessFile source; // the shared instance count for this file (open instances) public int instanceCount = 0; public SharedFileSource(File file) throws IOException { source = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r"); } /** * Open the shared stream to keep track of open instances. */ public synchronized RandomAccessFile open() { instanceCount++; return source; } /** * Process a close request for this stream. If there are multiple * instances using this underlying stream, the stream will not * be closed. * * @exception IOException */ public synchronized void close() throws IOException { if (instanceCount > 0) { instanceCount--; // if the last open instance, close the real source file. if (instanceCount == 0) { source.close(); } } } /** * Read a buffer of data from the shared file. * * @param position The position to read from. * @param buf The target buffer for storing the read data. * @param offset The starting offset within the buffer. * @param length The length to attempt to read. * * @return The number of bytes actually read. * @exception IOException */ public synchronized int read(long position, byte[] buf, int offset, int length) throws IOException { // seek to the read location start. Note this is a shared file, so this assumes all of the methods // doing buffer fills will be synchronized. source.seek(position); return source.read(buf, offset, length); } /** * Ensure the stream is closed when this shared object is finalized. * * @exception Throwable */ protected void finalize() throws Throwable { super.finalize(); if (instanceCount > 0) { source.close(); } } } }