Certified Downloads

Currently, the Apache Geronimo has no certified releases.

The Apache J2EE license require the ASF to present the following notice from Sun Microsystems with our certified releases :


Any redistributed derivative work of the software licensed hereunder must be compatible and branded with the appropriate compatibility logo specified b y Sun and licensed by Sun persuant to a separate Trademark License required to be executed by you with Sun.

The ASF is working with Sun to resolve problems with the contents of this notice. An example of a proposed alternative wording :

Any claims of compliance to Java(tm) Technology Specification(s) apply only to the original, unmodified Work. Derivative Works do not inherit compliance and may be subject to third-party restrictions on claims of compliance and use of related trademarks.

Milestone Downloads

The following non-certified milestone releases are available. These milestone releases are 'technology demonstrations' and not offered as a J2EE-compatible server.


Source Code