<%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> JSP Page

Basic Information

Name: <%=name%><%}%>"/>
Age: <%=age%><%}%>"/>
Mail: <%=mail%><%}%>"/>
Birthday: <%=birthday%><%}%>"/>
Address: Country:<%=country%><%}%>"/>
State:    <%=state%><%}%>"/>
City:     <%=city%><%}%>"/>
Salary: <%=salary%><%}%>"/>

Registration Notice!

  1. Name Attribute can not be null.and the length of it should between 1 and 5.
  2. Your age should between 1 and 100.
  3. Valid mail format is like somebody@whatever.com.
  4. Your birthday format is like 2012-12-30.
  5. Address should not be null.
  6. To register as a member,your salary should be less than 1000.
    To register as a VIP,your salary should be less than 10000.

<%Object message=request.getSession().getAttribute("message"); if(null!=message){%><%=message.toString()%><%}%>