#===================================================================== # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. 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Default value is 10. portlet.openejb.help.bulkpassivate = BulkPassivate portlet.openejb.help.bulkpassivatedesc = Property name that specifies the number of instances to passivate at one time when doing bulk passivation. Default value is 100. portlet.openejb.help.businesslocal = Business Local Interfaces portlet.openejb.help.businesslocaldesc = Comma-separated list of business local interfaces that the bean has. portlet.openejb.help.businessremote = Business Remote Interfaces portlet.openejb.help.businessremotedesc = Comma-separated list of business remote interfaces that the bean has. portlet.openejb.help.cef = CmpEngineFactory portlet.openejb.help.cefdesc = Default value is org.apache.openejb.core.cmp.jpa.JpaCmpEngineFactory. portlet.openejb.help.cmpcontainer = CMP Container portlet.openejb.help.containerinfo = Container Information portlet.openejb.help.containerinfodesc = This portlet also gives us information regarding the different types of OpenEJB containers that are running in Geronimo. To get this information, click the different containers shown in the tree. The editable fields for each container are shown below portlet.openejb.help.deploymentId = Deployment Id portlet.openejb.help.deploymentIddesc = Deployment Id of the EJB. portlet.openejb.help.ejbInfo = EJB Information. portlet.openejb.help.ejbInfoDetail = This portlet shows the following information regarding the Enterprise Java Beans deployed in the embedded OpenEJB instance. This information cannot be edited. portlet.openejb.help.ejbhome = EJB Home Interface portlet.openejb.help.ejbhomedesc = Home interface of the EJB. portlet.openejb.help.ejbname = Ejb Name portlet.openejb.help.ejbnamedesc = Name of the EJB. portlet.openejb.help.instancelimit = InstanceLimit portlet.openejb.help.instancelimitdesc = Specifies the maximum number of bean instances that are allowed to exist for each MDB deployment. Default value is 10. portlet.openejb.help.jndiname = JNDI Names portlet.openejb.help.jndinamedesc = Comma-separated list of JNDI names for the EJB. portlet.openejb.help.ki = Known implementations portlet.openejb.help.ki1 = org.apache.openejb.core.stateful.RAFPassivater portlet.openejb.help.ki2 = org.apache.openejb.core.stateful.SimplePassivater portlet.openejb.help.kid = Default value is org.apache.openejb.core.stateful.SimplePassivater. portlet.openejb.help.local = Local Interface portlet.openejb.help.localdesc = Local interface of the EJB. portlet.openejb.help.localhome = Local Home Interface portlet.openejb.help.localhomedesc = Local Home interface of the EJB. portlet.openejb.help.mdbcontainer = MDB Container portlet.openejb.help.mli = MessageListenerInterface portlet.openejb.help.mlidesc = Specifies the message listener interface handled by this container. Default value is javax.jms.MessageListener. portlet.openejb.help.passivator = Passivator portlet.openejb.help.passivatordesc = The passivator is responsible for writing beans to disk at passivation time. Different passivators can be used by setting this property to the fully qualified class name of the PassivationStrategy implementation. The passivator is not responsible for invoking any callbacks or other processing. Its only responsibility is to write the bean state to disk. portlet.openejb.help.primarykeyclass = Primary Key Class portlet.openejb.help.primarykeyclassdesc = Primary Key class of the EJB(if any). portlet.openejb.help.primarykeyfield = Primary Key Field portlet.openejb.help.primarykeyfielddesc = Primary Key field of the EJB(if any). portlet.openejb.help.ra = ResourceAdapter portlet.openejb.help.radesc = The resource adapter delivers messages to the container. Default value is Default JMS Resource Adapter. portlet.openejb.help.remote = Remote Interface portlet.openejb.help.remotedesc = Remote interface of the EJB. portlet.openejb.help.sei = Service EndPoint Interface portlet.openejb.help.seidesc = Service Endpoint Interface if the stateless EJB is exposed as a web service. portlet.openejb.help.sfpoolsize = PoolSize portlet.openejb.help.sfpoolsizedesc = Specifies the size of the bean pools for this stateful SessionBean container. Default value is 1000. portlet.openejb.help.sftimeout = TimeOut portlet.openejb.help.sftimeoutdesc = Specifies the time to wait between invocations. This value is measured in minutes. A value of 5 results in a time-out of 5 minutes between invocations. A value of zero means no timeout. Default value is 20. portlet.openejb.help.slpoolsize = PoolSize portlet.openejb.help.slpoolsizedesc = Specifies the size of the bean pools for this stateless SessionBean container. Default value is 10. portlet.openejb.help.sltimeout = TimeOut portlet.openejb.help.sltimeoutdesc = Specifies the time to wait between invocations. This value is measured in milliseconds. A value of 5 results in a time-out of 5 milliseconds between invocations. A value of zero means no timeout. Default value is 0. portlet.openejb.help.statefulcontainer = Stateful Container portlet.openejb.help.statelesscontainer = Stateless Container portlet.openejb.help.strictpooling = StrictPooling portlet.openejb.help.strictpoolingdesc = StrictPooling tells the container what to do when the pool reaches its maximum size and there are incoming requests that need instances. With strict pooling, requests will have to wait for instances to become available. The pool size will never grow beyond the the set PoolSize value. Without strict pooling, the container will create temporary instances to meet demand. The instances will last for just one method invocation and then are removed. Default value is true. portlet.openejb.help.title = The EJB Server portlet allows you to see the different OpenEJB containers deployed on the server. It allows you to set the configurable attributes of those containers as well as view information on the EJBs that are deployed on that container. portlet.openejb.view.beanclassname = Bean Class Name portlet.openejb.view.boolean = The value of {0} should be either true or false. portlet.openejb.view.businesslocalinterfaces = Business Local Interfaces portlet.openejb.view.businessremoteinterfaces = Business Remote Interfaces portlet.openejb.view.containerclass = Container Class portlet.openejb.view.containerdescription = Container Description portlet.openejb.view.containerid = Container Id portlet.openejb.view.deploymentid = Deployment Id portlet.openejb.view.displayname = Display Name portlet.openejb.view.ejbhomeinterface = EJB Home Interface portlet.openejb.view.ejbname = EJB Name portlet.openejb.view.invalid = The value of {0} is not valid portlet.openejb.view.jndinames = JNDI Names portlet.openejb.view.localhomeinterface = Local Home Interface portlet.openejb.view.localinterface = Local Interface portlet.openejb.view.name = Name portlet.openejb.view.numeric = The value of {0} should be Numeric. portlet.openejb.view.primarykeyclass = Primary Key Class portlet.openejb.view.primarykeyfield = Primary Key Field portlet.openejb.view.remoteinterface = Remote Interface portlet.openejb.view.restart = Restart the server for the changes to take effect. portlet.openejb.view.sepinterface = Service EndPoint Interface portlet.openejb.view.unchanged = An unexpected error has occurred and the value cannot be set. portlet.openejb.view.unrestarted = The server should be restarted for the changes that were made to the fields to take effect. The changed fields are now shown in red color. portlet.openejb.view.update = Update portlet.openejb.view.value = Value