Private Build of Axiom 1.2.5 for Geronimo. How to build Axiom 1.2.5-20100610 --------------------------------- Checkout the Axiom 1.2.5 tag svn co Apply the patch ----------------- cd 1_2_5 patch -p0 -i axiom_api.patch Build Axiom 1.2.5 --------------- cd 1_2_5 mvn install Notes: - Use Sun 1.5.x and Maven 2.0.9 build. Patch Information ----------------- axiom_api.patch - contains fixes for AXIS2-4450 Copy patched jar files to appropriate locations ----------------------------------------------- cd 1_2_5 cp modules/axiom-api/target/axiom-api-1.2.5.jar /repository/org/apache/ws/commons/axiom/axiom-api/1.2.5-20100610/axiom-api-1.2.5-20100610.jar