Enhanced standard JSP actions and custom MyFaces actions. 1.0.10 sn http://myfaces.apache.org/sandbox15 Container for field configurations dynaFormConfigs org.apache.myfaces.custom.dynaForm.component.dynaForm.DynaConfigsTag JSP Field configurations dynaFormConfig org.apache.myfaces.custom.dynaForm.component.dynaForm.DynaConfigTag JSP the name of the property this configuration is for for true the displaySize to be used to render the component typeOnly false false boolean configure this field as displayOnly typeAndRtexprvalueInCorrectOrder false false boolean configure this field as readOnly - noneditable input field typeAndRtexprvalueOutOfOrder false true boolean configure this field as disabled - like readOnly but grayed too disabled false false Handle all the dynamic form creation for JSF dynaForm org.apache.myfaces.custom.dynaForm.component.dynaForm.DynaFormTag JSP The var used to get access to the form controller rtexprvalueOnly true false The value binding prefix which will be used to create the real value binding. If this is missing and the layout component has a "var" attribute its value will be used. valueBindingPrefix false false The root model uri true false Render the whole form in display (non editable) only mode displayOnly false false The bundle to use to convert the lables to readable strings rtexprvalueOnly false true true|false - Set to true if only the fields listed within the configuration are to be rendered neither false