/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* MEDIA_TYPE */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'U' AND name = 'MEDIA_TYPE') BEGIN DECLARE @reftable_1 nvarchar(60), @constraintname_1 nvarchar(60) DECLARE refcursor CURSOR FOR select reftables.name tablename, cons.name constraintname from sysobjects tables, sysobjects reftables, sysobjects cons, sysreferences ref where tables.id = ref.rkeyid and cons.id = ref.constid and reftables.id = ref.fkeyid and tables.name = 'MEDIA_TYPE' OPEN refcursor FETCH NEXT from refcursor into @reftable_1, @constraintname_1 while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN exec ('alter table '+@reftable_1+' drop constraint '+@constraintname_1) FETCH NEXT from refcursor into @reftable_1, @constraintname_1 END CLOSE refcursor DEALLOCATE refcursor DROP TABLE MEDIA_TYPE END ; CREATE TABLE MEDIA_TYPE ( MEDIATYPE_ID INT NOT NULL, NAME VARCHAR (80) NOT NULL, CHARACTER_SET VARCHAR (40) NULL, TITLE VARCHAR (80) NULL, DESCRIPTION TEXT NULL, CONSTRAINT MEDIA_TYPE_PK PRIMARY KEY(MEDIATYPE_ID)); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* CLIENT */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'U' AND name = 'CLIENT') BEGIN DECLARE @reftable_2 nvarchar(60), @constraintname_2 nvarchar(60) DECLARE refcursor CURSOR FOR select reftables.name tablename, cons.name constraintname from sysobjects tables, sysobjects reftables, sysobjects cons, sysreferences ref where tables.id = ref.rkeyid and cons.id = ref.constid and reftables.id = ref.fkeyid and tables.name = 'CLIENT' OPEN refcursor FETCH NEXT from refcursor into @reftable_2, @constraintname_2 while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN exec ('alter table '+@reftable_2+' drop constraint '+@constraintname_2) FETCH NEXT from refcursor into @reftable_2, @constraintname_2 END CLOSE refcursor DEALLOCATE refcursor DROP TABLE CLIENT END ; CREATE TABLE CLIENT ( CLIENT_ID INT NOT NULL, EVAL_ORDER INT NOT NULL, NAME VARCHAR (80) NOT NULL, USER_AGENT_PATTERN VARCHAR (128) NULL, MANUFACTURER VARCHAR (80) NULL, MODEL VARCHAR (80) NULL, VERSION VARCHAR (40) NULL, PREFERRED_MIMETYPE_ID INT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT CLIENT_PK PRIMARY KEY(CLIENT_ID)); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* MIMETYPE */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'U' AND name = 'MIMETYPE') BEGIN DECLARE @reftable_3 nvarchar(60), @constraintname_3 nvarchar(60) DECLARE refcursor CURSOR FOR select reftables.name tablename, cons.name constraintname from sysobjects tables, sysobjects reftables, sysobjects cons, sysreferences ref where tables.id = ref.rkeyid and cons.id = ref.constid and reftables.id = ref.fkeyid and tables.name = 'MIMETYPE' OPEN refcursor FETCH NEXT from refcursor into @reftable_3, @constraintname_3 while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN exec ('alter table '+@reftable_3+' drop constraint '+@constraintname_3) FETCH NEXT from refcursor into @reftable_3, @constraintname_3 END CLOSE refcursor DEALLOCATE refcursor DROP TABLE MIMETYPE END ; CREATE TABLE MIMETYPE ( MIMETYPE_ID INT NOT NULL, NAME VARCHAR (80) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT MIMETYPE_PK PRIMARY KEY(MIMETYPE_ID)); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* CAPABILITY */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'U' AND name = 'CAPABILITY') BEGIN DECLARE @reftable_4 nvarchar(60), @constraintname_4 nvarchar(60) DECLARE refcursor CURSOR FOR select reftables.name tablename, cons.name constraintname from sysobjects tables, sysobjects reftables, sysobjects cons, sysreferences ref where tables.id = ref.rkeyid and cons.id = ref.constid and reftables.id = ref.fkeyid and tables.name = 'CAPABILITY' OPEN refcursor FETCH NEXT from refcursor into @reftable_4, @constraintname_4 while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN exec ('alter table '+@reftable_4+' drop constraint '+@constraintname_4) FETCH NEXT from refcursor into @reftable_4, @constraintname_4 END CLOSE refcursor DEALLOCATE refcursor DROP TABLE CAPABILITY END ; CREATE TABLE CAPABILITY ( CAPABILITY_ID INT NOT NULL, CAPABILITY VARCHAR (80) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT CAPABILITY_PK PRIMARY KEY(CAPABILITY_ID)); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* CLIENT_TO_CAPABILITY */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'U' AND name = 'CLIENT_TO_CAPABILITY') BEGIN DECLARE @reftable_5 nvarchar(60), @constraintname_5 nvarchar(60) DECLARE refcursor CURSOR FOR select reftables.name tablename, cons.name constraintname from sysobjects tables, sysobjects reftables, sysobjects cons, sysreferences ref where tables.id = ref.rkeyid and cons.id = ref.constid and reftables.id = ref.fkeyid and tables.name = 'CLIENT_TO_CAPABILITY' OPEN refcursor FETCH NEXT from refcursor into @reftable_5, @constraintname_5 while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN exec ('alter table '+@reftable_5+' drop constraint '+@constraintname_5) FETCH NEXT from refcursor into @reftable_5, @constraintname_5 END CLOSE refcursor DEALLOCATE refcursor DROP TABLE CLIENT_TO_CAPABILITY END ; CREATE TABLE CLIENT_TO_CAPABILITY ( CLIENT_ID INT NOT NULL, CAPABILITY_ID INT NOT NULL, ); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* CLIENT_TO_MIMETYPE */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'U' AND name = 'CLIENT_TO_MIMETYPE') BEGIN DECLARE @reftable_6 nvarchar(60), @constraintname_6 nvarchar(60) DECLARE refcursor CURSOR FOR select reftables.name tablename, cons.name constraintname from sysobjects tables, sysobjects reftables, sysobjects cons, sysreferences ref where tables.id = ref.rkeyid and cons.id = ref.constid and reftables.id = ref.fkeyid and tables.name = 'CLIENT_TO_MIMETYPE' OPEN refcursor FETCH NEXT from refcursor into @reftable_6, @constraintname_6 while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN exec ('alter table '+@reftable_6+' drop constraint '+@constraintname_6) FETCH NEXT from refcursor into @reftable_6, @constraintname_6 END CLOSE refcursor DEALLOCATE refcursor DROP TABLE CLIENT_TO_MIMETYPE END ; CREATE TABLE CLIENT_TO_MIMETYPE ( CLIENT_ID INT NOT NULL, MIMETYPE_ID INT NOT NULL, ); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* MEDIATYPE_TO_CAPABILITY */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'U' AND name = 'MEDIATYPE_TO_CAPABILITY') BEGIN DECLARE @reftable_7 nvarchar(60), @constraintname_7 nvarchar(60) DECLARE refcursor CURSOR FOR select reftables.name tablename, cons.name constraintname from sysobjects tables, sysobjects reftables, sysobjects cons, sysreferences ref where tables.id = ref.rkeyid and cons.id = ref.constid and reftables.id = ref.fkeyid and tables.name = 'MEDIATYPE_TO_CAPABILITY' OPEN refcursor FETCH NEXT from refcursor into @reftable_7, @constraintname_7 while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN exec ('alter table '+@reftable_7+' drop constraint '+@constraintname_7) FETCH NEXT from refcursor into @reftable_7, @constraintname_7 END CLOSE refcursor DEALLOCATE refcursor DROP TABLE MEDIATYPE_TO_CAPABILITY END ; CREATE TABLE MEDIATYPE_TO_CAPABILITY ( MEDIATYPE_ID INT NOT NULL, CAPABILITY_ID INT NOT NULL, ); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* MEDIATYPE_TO_MIMETYPE */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'U' AND name = 'MEDIATYPE_TO_MIMETYPE') BEGIN DECLARE @reftable_8 nvarchar(60), @constraintname_8 nvarchar(60) DECLARE refcursor CURSOR FOR select reftables.name tablename, cons.name constraintname from sysobjects tables, sysobjects reftables, sysobjects cons, sysreferences ref where tables.id = ref.rkeyid and cons.id = ref.constid and reftables.id = ref.fkeyid and tables.name = 'MEDIATYPE_TO_MIMETYPE' OPEN refcursor FETCH NEXT from refcursor into @reftable_8, @constraintname_8 while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN exec ('alter table '+@reftable_8+' drop constraint '+@constraintname_8) FETCH NEXT from refcursor into @reftable_8, @constraintname_8 END CLOSE refcursor DEALLOCATE refcursor DROP TABLE MEDIATYPE_TO_MIMETYPE END ; CREATE TABLE MEDIATYPE_TO_MIMETYPE ( MEDIATYPE_ID INT NOT NULL, MIMETYPE_ID INT NOT NULL, ); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* PORTLET_STATISTICS */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'U' AND name = 'PORTLET_STATISTICS') BEGIN DECLARE @reftable_9 nvarchar(60), @constraintname_9 nvarchar(60) DECLARE refcursor CURSOR FOR select reftables.name tablename, cons.name constraintname from sysobjects tables, sysobjects reftables, sysobjects cons, sysreferences ref where tables.id = ref.rkeyid and cons.id = ref.constid and reftables.id = ref.fkeyid and tables.name = 'PORTLET_STATISTICS' OPEN refcursor FETCH NEXT from refcursor into @reftable_9, @constraintname_9 while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN exec ('alter table '+@reftable_9+' drop constraint '+@constraintname_9) FETCH NEXT from refcursor into @reftable_9, @constraintname_9 END CLOSE refcursor DEALLOCATE refcursor DROP TABLE PORTLET_STATISTICS END ; CREATE TABLE PORTLET_STATISTICS ( IPADDRESS VARCHAR (80) NULL, USER_NAME VARCHAR (80) NULL, TIME_STAMP DATETIME NULL, PAGE VARCHAR (80) NULL, PORTLET VARCHAR (255) NULL, STATUS INT NULL, ELAPSED_TIME BIGINT NULL, ); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* PAGE_STATISTICS */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'U' AND name = 'PAGE_STATISTICS') BEGIN DECLARE @reftable_10 nvarchar(60), @constraintname_10 nvarchar(60) DECLARE refcursor CURSOR FOR select reftables.name tablename, cons.name constraintname from sysobjects tables, sysobjects reftables, sysobjects cons, sysreferences ref where tables.id = ref.rkeyid and cons.id = ref.constid and reftables.id = ref.fkeyid and tables.name = 'PAGE_STATISTICS' OPEN refcursor FETCH NEXT from refcursor into @reftable_10, @constraintname_10 while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN exec ('alter table '+@reftable_10+' drop constraint '+@constraintname_10) FETCH NEXT from refcursor into @reftable_10, @constraintname_10 END CLOSE refcursor DEALLOCATE refcursor DROP TABLE PAGE_STATISTICS END ; CREATE TABLE PAGE_STATISTICS ( IPADDRESS VARCHAR (80) NULL, USER_NAME VARCHAR (80) NULL, TIME_STAMP DATETIME NULL, PAGE VARCHAR (80) NULL, STATUS INT NULL, ELAPSED_TIME BIGINT NULL, ); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* USER_STATISTICS */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'U' AND name = 'USER_STATISTICS') BEGIN DECLARE @reftable_11 nvarchar(60), @constraintname_11 nvarchar(60) DECLARE refcursor CURSOR FOR select reftables.name tablename, cons.name constraintname from sysobjects tables, sysobjects reftables, sysobjects cons, sysreferences ref where tables.id = ref.rkeyid and cons.id = ref.constid and reftables.id = ref.fkeyid and tables.name = 'USER_STATISTICS' OPEN refcursor FETCH NEXT from refcursor into @reftable_11, @constraintname_11 while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN exec ('alter table '+@reftable_11+' drop constraint '+@constraintname_11) FETCH NEXT from refcursor into @reftable_11, @constraintname_11 END CLOSE refcursor DEALLOCATE refcursor DROP TABLE USER_STATISTICS END ; CREATE TABLE USER_STATISTICS ( IPADDRESS VARCHAR (80) NULL, USER_NAME VARCHAR (80) NULL, TIME_STAMP DATETIME NULL, STATUS INT NULL, ELAPSED_TIME BIGINT NULL, ); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ADMIN_ACTIVITY */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'U' AND name = 'ADMIN_ACTIVITY') BEGIN DECLARE @reftable_12 nvarchar(60), @constraintname_12 nvarchar(60) DECLARE refcursor CURSOR FOR select reftables.name tablename, cons.name constraintname from sysobjects tables, sysobjects reftables, sysobjects cons, sysreferences ref where tables.id = ref.rkeyid and cons.id = ref.constid and reftables.id = ref.fkeyid and tables.name = 'ADMIN_ACTIVITY' OPEN refcursor FETCH NEXT from refcursor into @reftable_12, @constraintname_12 while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN exec ('alter table '+@reftable_12+' drop constraint '+@constraintname_12) FETCH NEXT from refcursor into @reftable_12, @constraintname_12 END CLOSE refcursor DEALLOCATE refcursor DROP TABLE ADMIN_ACTIVITY END ; CREATE TABLE ADMIN_ACTIVITY ( ACTIVITY VARCHAR (40) NULL, CATEGORY VARCHAR (40) NULL, ADMIN VARCHAR (80) NULL, USER_NAME VARCHAR (80) NULL, TIME_STAMP DATETIME NULL, IPADDRESS VARCHAR (80) NULL, ATTR_NAME VARCHAR (40) NULL, ATTR_VALUE_BEFORE VARCHAR (80) NULL, ATTR_VALUE_AFTER VARCHAR (80) NULL, DESCRIPTION VARCHAR (128) NULL, ); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* USER_ACTIVITY */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'U' AND name = 'USER_ACTIVITY') BEGIN DECLARE @reftable_13 nvarchar(60), @constraintname_13 nvarchar(60) DECLARE refcursor CURSOR FOR select reftables.name tablename, cons.name constraintname from sysobjects tables, sysobjects reftables, sysobjects cons, sysreferences ref where tables.id = ref.rkeyid and cons.id = ref.constid and reftables.id = ref.fkeyid and tables.name = 'USER_ACTIVITY' OPEN refcursor FETCH NEXT from refcursor into @reftable_13, @constraintname_13 while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN exec ('alter table '+@reftable_13+' drop constraint '+@constraintname_13) FETCH NEXT from refcursor into @reftable_13, @constraintname_13 END CLOSE refcursor DEALLOCATE refcursor DROP TABLE USER_ACTIVITY END ; CREATE TABLE USER_ACTIVITY ( ACTIVITY VARCHAR (40) NULL, CATEGORY VARCHAR (40) NULL, USER_NAME VARCHAR (80) NULL, TIME_STAMP DATETIME NULL, IPADDRESS VARCHAR (80) NULL, ATTR_NAME VARCHAR (40) NULL, ATTR_VALUE_BEFORE VARCHAR (80) NULL, ATTR_VALUE_AFTER VARCHAR (80) NULL, DESCRIPTION VARCHAR (128) NULL, ); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* USER_ACTIVITY */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* MEDIA_TYPE */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* CLIENT */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* MIMETYPE */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* CAPABILITY */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* CLIENT_TO_CAPABILITY */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* CLIENT_TO_MIMETYPE */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* MEDIATYPE_TO_CAPABILITY */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* MEDIATYPE_TO_MIMETYPE */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* PORTLET_STATISTICS */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* PAGE_STATISTICS */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* USER_STATISTICS */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ADMIN_ACTIVITY */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */