This sample shows JAX-WS 2.0 usage in Geronimo 2.0. 1. Build Using Maven 2.0.5+ to build this sample. mvn install 2. Deploy After the build, A war file jaxws-calculator-war-2.0-SNAPSHOT.war will be created under jaxws-calculator-war\target. Deploy this sample via the following command or admin console. deploy.bat deploy %SAMPLE_HOME$\jaxws-calculator\jaxws-calculator-war\target\jaxws-calculator-war-2.0-SNAPSHOT.war 3. Run Use your favorite browser to open the following url: http://localhost:8080/jaxws-calculator-war-2.0-SNAPSHOT 4. Undeploy Undeploy this sample via the following command or admin console. deploy.bat undeploy org.apache.geronimo.samples.jws/Calculator/2.0/car