Release Notes -- Apache Geronimo Eclipse Plugin -- Version ${pom.version} -- ${buildNumber} Helpful URLs ------------ Geronimo Devtools: Geronimo Eclipse Update Site: Bug Tracking: Quick start - fast and easy development: 5-minute Tutorial using GEP: System Requirements ------------------- 1. Java J2SE 1.5.0 or greater, and a platform that supports it 2. Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers (Ganymede or Europa), which is platform-specific -- Get Eclipse from 3. Geronimo server (2.0.x or 2.1.x) -- Get a Geronimo server from Notes ----- You will likely need to increase the default setting for maximum PermGen size for your Eclipse installation (especially for Sun's JDK 1.5.0_x on the Windows platform) to prevent "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen" errors. From the command line you can use: eclipse -vmargs -Xms128m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m Or you can edit your eclipse.ini file. An example is shown below but remember that each argument has to be on seperate lines: -vmargs -Xms128m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m Geronimo Eclipse Plugin Version ${pom.version} Enhancements -------------------------------------------------- 1. Numerous enhancements to the Geronimo deployment plan editors 2. GEP is packaged as a single feature that provides v20 and v21 server support Installation Instructions ------------------------- See Bug Fixes and New Features -------------------------- GERONIMODEVTOOLS-128 Add usabilty enhancements for Web Service References in geronimo-web.xml deployment plan editor. GERONIMODEVTOOLS-129 Enhanced Editor Support for specifying GBeans in all the deployment editors GERONIMODEVTOOLS-171 Add extension point to remove hard-coded org.apache.geronimo name from launch console action check GERONIMODEVTOOLS-414 Provide an option to Add Dependencies from Server GERONIMODEVTOOLS-422 Reduce the clutter of open sections in the GEP deployment plan editors. GERONIMODEVTOOLS-423 Add more options to the Security Section in Geronimo Deployment Plan Editor GERONIMODEVTOOLS-430 Provide editor support to configure Advanced Security Settings GERONIMODEVTOOLS-461 Documentation updates GERONIMODEVTOOLS-465 Replace depracated Eclipse-LazyStart in plugin manifests GERONIMODEVTOOLS-485 new Abbot testcase added. GERONIMODEVTOOLS-499 Only installing Geronimo v2.0 server adapter in GEP 2.1.2 does not work for Ganymede GERONIMODEVTOOLS-501 Adding server in eclipse suggests "Apache Geronimo V2.1 is currently only certified on a 1.5 JVM. Use of any other version is not currently supported." GERONIMODEVTOOLS-502 Fix NPE when adding references to naming page of deployment plan editors GERONIMODEVTOOLS-503 Read security info from deployment descriptor(s). GERONIMODEVTOOLS-505 PLUGIN_RELEASE-NOTES-2.1.2.txt missing from distribution GERONIMODEVTOOLS-507 Ship only one feature that provides v20 and v21 server support GERONIMODEVTOOLS-513 We should not have removed support for utility projects -- added back GERONIMODEVTOOLS-515 Restore Mirroring to the GEP Eclipse Update Site Release Notes -- Apache Geronimo Eclipse Plugin -- Version ${pom.version} -- ${buildNumber} @version $Rev$ $Date$