<%@ page import="java.util.Collection, java.util.Iterator, java.math.BigDecimal, org.apache.geronimo.daytrader.javaee6.core.direct.*, org.apache.geronimo.daytrader.javaee6.entities.*, org.apache.geronimo.daytrader.javaee6.utils.*" session="true" isThreadSafe="true" isErrorPage="false"%> <% boolean showAllOrders = request.getParameter("showAllOrders")==null?false:true; Collection closedOrders = (Collection)request.getAttribute("closedOrders"); if ( (closedOrders != null) && (closedOrders.size()>0) ) { %> <% } %>
DayTrader Account DayTrader

<%= new java.util.Date() %>
Alert: The following Order(s) have completed.
<% Iterator it = closedOrders.iterator(); while (it.hasNext() ) { OrderDataBean closedOrderData = (OrderDataBean)it.next(); %> <% } %>
order ID order status creation date completion date txn fee type symbol quantity
<%= closedOrderData.getOrderID()%> <%= closedOrderData.getOrderStatus()%> <%= closedOrderData.getOpenDate()%> <%= closedOrderData.getCompletionDate()%> <%= closedOrderData.getOrderFee()%> <%= closedOrderData.getOrderType()%> <%= FinancialUtils.printQuoteLink(closedOrderData.getSymbol())%> <%= closedOrderData.getQuantity()%>
<%= results %>
Account Information
account created: <%= accountData.getCreationDate() %> last login: <%= accountData.getLastLogin() %>
account ID <%= accountData.getAccountID() %> total logins: <%= accountData.getLoginCount() %> cash balance: <%= accountData.getBalance() %>
user ID: <%= accountData.getProfileID() %> total logouts: <%= accountData.getLogoutCount() %> opening balance: <%= accountData.getOpenBalance() %>
Total Orders: <%= orderDataBeans.size() %> show all orders
<% Iterator it = orderDataBeans.iterator(); int count=0; while (it.hasNext()) { if ( (showAllOrders == false) && (count++ >= 5) ) break; OrderDataBean orderData = (OrderDataBean) it.next(); %> <% } %>
Recent Orders
order ID order Status creation date completion date txn fee type symbol quantity price total
<%= orderData.getOrderID() %> <%= orderData.getOrderStatus() %> <%= orderData.getOpenDate() %> <%= orderData.getCompletionDate() %> <%= orderData.getOrderFee() %> <%= orderData.getOrderType() %> <%= FinancialUtils.printQuoteLink(orderData.getSymbol()) %> <%= orderData.getQuantity() %> <%= orderData.getPrice() %> <%= orderData.getPrice().multiply(new BigDecimal(orderData.getQuantity())) %>
Account Profile
user ID: full name:
password: address:
confirm password:
credit card:
email address:

Note: Click any symbol for a quote or to trade.
DayTrader Account DayTrader