The code in this directory contains the code for the benchmark sample called Day Trader. This sample was contributed by IBM to the Apache Geronimo project under the ASF license to further functional and performance testing of Geronimo. BUILD To build the dayTrader EAR, install Maven 2 (2.0.2 was used at the time of this writing) and then type 'mvn install' or 'mvn package' from the dayTrader root directory (the directory containing this README). See the Maven 2 documentation for more information on building with Maven 2. This should build the daytrader-ear-1.0-SNAPSHOT.ear in the modules/ear/target directory. INSTALL Before installing the EAR, you will need to create the tradedb database. First, make sure Geronimo is started. Then cd into the derby directory. Make sure the GERONIMO_HOME environment variable is defined. Run either createDB.bat (Windows) or (Unix). This will create the tradedb database and its tables. To install the EAR, run the following from the dayTrader root directory: ${GERONIMO_HOME}\deploy.[bat|sh] deploy modules\ear\target\daytrader-ear-1.0-SNAPSHOT.ear dayTrader-plan.xml When the application starts, you may see exceptions such as "Error: TradeDirect:init -- error on JNDI lookups of DataSource -- TradeDirect will not work". You should be able to ignore these messages. RUN Access the dayTrader application at http://:/daytrader. To begin trading, go to 'Configuration -> (Re)-populate Trade Database'. This creates the fictional users, stocks, prices, etc. in the database and may take a while. After this you can go to 'Go Trade!' to begin trading. There are two application clients you can run, the streamer client and web services client. To run these (from the geronimo bin directory): TradeStreamerAppClient: java -jar client.jar tradeStreamerAppclient wsappclient: java -jar client.jar Trade/daytrader-wsappclient-1.0-SNAPSHOT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Many thanks to Gianny Damour and David Jencks for helping to get the sample to its working state at this point.