(C) Copyright 2006,2010 The Apache Software Foundation. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The code in this directory contains the code for the benchmark sample called Day Trader. This sample was contributed by IBM to the Apache Geronimo project under the ASF license to further functional and performance testing of Geronimo. Note that this is a web only release of daytrader. ----------- | BUILD | ----------- To build DayTrader, you need to have Java SE 5 and Maven 2.0.9 or later installed, which can be found at http://maven.apache.org. Once installed you can build DayTrader by executing the following command from the dayTrader root directory (the directory containing this README): mvn clean install This will build these plugins: daytrader-derby-datasource -- shared datasource dor other application plugins daytrader-web-jdbc-jetty -- Use JDBC way to access the database, built for jetty assembly daytrader-web-jdbc-tomcat -- Use JDBC way to access the database, built for tomcat assembly daytrader-web-jpa-jetty -- Use application managed persistence context to access the database, built for jetty assembly daytrader-web-jpa-tomcat -- Use application managed persistence context to access the database, built for tomcat assembly ------------- | INSTALL | ------------- Plug-ins -------- 1. Log on the admin console 2. Click plugins to add a new plugin repository url: http://geronimo.apache.org/plugins/samples-3.0-M1/ 3. Choose the new-added plugin repository to list all installable plugins there 4. Choose the proper daytrader plugin to install 5. Click WAR applications and you will see the installed daytrader. 6. Click the web context path and start playing with daytrader. --------- | RUN | --------- 1. Access the dayTrader application at: http://:/. 2. Before you begin using DayTraader, theres are a couple setup steps: - Populate the database with a set of fictional users, stocks, prices, etc. by selecting: 'Configuration -> (Re)-populate Trade Database'. Note: This may take a minute or two depending on your database server. - After populating the database, the DayTrader Configuration options will appear. Just accept the defaults. 3. Now you can begin trading by going to: 'Trading & Portfolios' Or run the sample test scenario to verify it is installed and working: 'Configuration -> Test DayTrader Scenario' 4. Run daytrader with non-derby databases Now daytrader supports 7 kind of RDBMS: DB2, Oracle, Informix, SQLServer, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Derby You need to build the proper database plugins by yourself: I. Update the pom.xml according to your local JDBC driver setting II. Build the plugin with maven: mvn install III. Install the datasource via admin console from the local repository --------------- | UNINSTALL | --------------- To uninstall DayTrader, use the admin console.