The IVY repository project contains two sets of resources: 1) a set of jars download by IVY 2) a set of ANT scripts for IVY projects The jars downloadable by IVY are nothing more than a standard IVY repository, so to make use of this you ought to read the IVY documentation. The ANT scripts, however, require some introduction. ANT Scripts ----------- There are a number of ANT scripts in the build-scripts directory these are intended to be imported by your project and provide a "standard" set of targets for working with projects of various types. Each of which will utilise this IVY repository to manage their dependencies. The scripts provided are hierarchical, that is each imports another script "lower" in the hierarchy. This means that your project should only import one of these scripts. Each of the scripts handles a single set of requirements for a specific type of project. Working from the lowest level of the hierarchy we have: common-ivy.xml -------------- This build file provides the targets and configuration necessary for working with IVY repositories such as this one common-java.xml --------------- Here we have targets needed to manage a typical Java project. This file imports the common-ivy.xml file. Your project may need to do some special processing for one or more of the targets in this build file. The following targets are intended to be overridden by your project build file for this purpose. - post-compile-core This target is called after the compiation of core files. It should be used to handle any non-standard compilation tasks. For example, it may copy some resources into the classpath. common-webapp.xml --------------- Here we have targets needed to manage a typical java web application project. This file imports the common-java.xml file. Your project may need to do some special processing for one or more of the targets in this build file. The following targets are intended to be overridden by your project build file for this purpose. - post-deploy-webapp This target is called after to the depoyment of webapp files to the webap server. It should be used to handle any non-standard parts of the webapp. For example, it may copy some resources into the webapp folder. Project build.xml ----------------- Your project build file should import one of the above common build scripts. For example: At the very least your file will require the path to your ivy repository directory. Confusingly, this is not necessarily where the jar files are stored, but it is where the build files an ivyconf.xml file is located. For exampl: ivy.repository.dir=../tools/ivy Project ivy.xml --------------- Your project must provide an ivy.xml file. For example: