#!/bin/sh ################################################### # Regenerate a site's HTML with the latest Forrest. ################################################### SCRIPT=${1} [ -z "$SCRIPT" ] && echo >&2 "Usage: $0 Where is the name of a file in ../samples Eg: $0 xml-forrest-template-cvs.xml" && exit 1 . `dirname $0`/local-vars # default 20 minute timeout. export CVS_RSH=ssh export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH TSTAMP=`date +%Y-%m-%d-%k-%M` # Leaving EMAIL blank causes no email to be sent EMAIL= LOGS=$WEBAPP/logs DEST_DIR=$WEBAPP/sites PATH=$PATH:$HOME/apps/bin # Assume we're in the xml-forrest/src/resources/forrestbot/scripts [ -z "$FORREST" ] && FORREST=$BASE/../../../../ # Set this to true if you want to delete any local mods to the $FORREST and # update from CVS. Not recommended unless scripts/ is moved outside the # xml-forrest CVS hierarchy [ -z "$REGEN_FORREST" ] && REGEN_FORREST=false # Set to true to delete the work/ directory, which contains forrestbot-checked # out CVS source. Setting to false is faster, but less safe [ -z "$REGEN_WORK" ] && REGEN_WORK=true FORRESTBOT_SCRIPTS=$FORREST/src/resources/forrestbot/samples SHBAT=$BASE/shbat WORK=$BASE/work function setup() { if [ ! -d $FORREST ]; then echo "$FORREST not present" exit fi } # Delete and rebuild the shbat distribution, optionally updating xml-forrest function rebuild_forrest() { pushd . [ -d "$SHBAT" -a -e "$SHBAT/forrest.build.xml" ] && rm -r $SHBAT cd $FORREST # see www.red-bean.com/cvsutils if [ "$REGEN_FORREST" = "true" -a `which cvsco` ]; then cvsco cvs up -dP fi ./build.sh -Ddist-shbat.dir=$SHBAT popd } # Populate the work/ directory with customized forrestbot scripts function prepare_workdir() { pushd . [ "$REGEN_WORK" = "true" -a -d "$WORK" ] && rm -r $WORK if [ ! -d $WORK ]; then mkdir $WORK && cd $WORK cp -r $FORRESTBOT_SCRIPTS/* $WORK fi cd $WORK [ -d build/bot ] && rm build/bot/work*.log perl -i -pe "s:::g" $SCRIPT perl -i -pe "s:::g" $SCRIPT popd } # Run the forrestbot on $SCRIPT. Set a watchdog thread to kill the forrestbot # if it seems to hang function forrestbot() { cd $WORK $SHBAT/bin/forrestbot -Dbot.config=$SCRIPT & cmdpid=$! # Start "watchdog" process to terminate the command # after $timeout seconds: ( sleep $TIMEOUT; echo "Forrestbot timed out after $TIMEOUT seconds" ; kill $cmdpid && (sleep 2; kill -1 $cmdpid) && (sleep 2; kill -9 $cmdpid) ) & watchdogpid=$! wait $cmdpid # wait for command kill $watchdogpid >/dev/null 2>&1 } # Copy forrestbot log files to webapp function copy_logs() { mkdir -p $LOGS/old for i in $WORK/build/bot/work*.log; do cp $i $LOGS cp $i $LOGS/old/`basename $i`-$TSTAMP done echo "Copied logs" } echo Running script $SCRIPT setup rebuild_forrest prepare_workdir forrestbot copy_logs