Apache Software Foundation > Apache Forrest
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Notes for forrest.zones.apache.org


Note the current hostname is forrest-vm.apache.org. Links in this text have been updated but not all uses of the name forrest.zones.apache.org.

The server forrest-vm.apache.org provides our testing and demonstration area. It is managed by Apache Forrest committers. The material is intended for developer use only.


Configuration files and directory structures are stored in SVN at https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/forrest/zone and additional private stuff is in our pmc/forrest/zone SVN.

The current environment is a virtual machine provisioned using configuration information stored using Puppet.

Configuration changes may be applied by submitting a pull request. Fork the repository, make your changes on a topic branch based on deployment branch, and submit your request.

Other (old) notes are in SVN at zone/README.txt

Note that the user account forrest is now a role account named forrest_role.


creates /home/forrest_role/config ... $CONFIG
directories /forrestbot-*/ are the forrestbot homes, see below.
setenv*.sh ... these are sourced by the forrestbots and other
  cronjobs and user configs, to set the environment.


creates /home/forrest_role/htdocs ... $DOC_ROOT
directories /ft/ and /fts/ are the forrestbot config and results, see below.


A place to hold sources for various test sites.
Normally these would be in the relevant project's SVN.
Hold them here until building properly.

Cron runs the various Forrestbots and management tasks, such as updating the forrest-trunk software; cleaning up old logfiles, etc. A copy of the crontab is stored in SVN at zone/config/crontab.txt.


Installed software is now managed via Puppet, see above.



svn checkout of trunk.
automatically 'svn update' and 'build' via cron: $CONFIG/update-forrest-trunk.sh


svn checkout of trunk, manually updated as needed.


svn checkout of current release branch, manually updated as needed.

To manually update -stable or -release do this:

source $CONFIG/setenv-java-14.sh
cd /export/opt/forrest-trunk-stable
svn up
cd main
./build.sh clean; ./build.sh


The forrestbots

There are various forrestbots operating with different versions of forrest. Their home is at $CONFIG


forrestbot operating with trunk.
builds various sites automatically, triggered via cron.
Configuration files and the generated results are at $DOC_ROOT/ft/


forrestbot operating with trunk-stable.
builds various sites, only runs when needed, triggered via cron.
Configuration files and the generated results are at $DOC_ROOT/fts/

Log files

Forrestbot logs are at $CONFIG/forrestbot-trunk/logs/ and old ones are cleaned up daily by the crontab. The content is sent to the dev list whenever a non-successful build happens.

The Cocoon logfiles for each built site are at $CONFIG/forrestbot-trunk/conf/work/*/webapp/WEB-INF/logs/ (which of course are re-generated on each hourly run). These are saved to $CONFIG/forrestbot-trunk/logs/*-cocoon-log-*.tar.gz to assist with debugging.

There is also a log file for each site that forrestbot builds which captures the output of cron (cronout-*.txt). Be sure to verify this logfile after making configuration changes.

Whenever the 'forrest' software automatically updates following commits, then there will be a logfile at the $CONFIG top-level directory. Old ones are cleaned up daily by the crontab.


See the general notes for the zone administration.

The project chair is the root user. Committers can ask on the dev list to get a user account added or modified.

Monitor the infrastructure@ mail lists for changes to the machine.

Keep an eye on the status via the monitoring service.

Occasionally the "SSL server certificate" will change for svn.apache.org server. Monitor the infrastructure and committers mail lists, and see infra notes about this topic.

If you think that you need to contact infra about anything, then please try our Forrest dev or private list first. See the monitor page for Service Status.

Keep an occasional eye on $CONFIG/update-forrest-trunk.log This is the output of the cronjob to do svn update to trunk and re-build.

User administration

After receiving your account, please be sure to configure it properly.

See some notes at configuring opie for sudo access. Opie and sudo are needed to work as the forrest_role user.

Look at the setup of some other users on our zone.

Other notes