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How to use the structurer

This How-To describes the usage of the structurer config domain specific language to create beautiful websites in no time.

Intended Audience

The "Dispatcher" (aka "Views") is new functionality which is still in development phase. That is why it is in the "whiteboard" section of the Forrest distribution. This HowTo is a good start but still needs more work. See Status of Themes: Skins and Dispatcher.

This part of the the dispatcher is called the structurer and is dedicated to webdesigner and user with some knowledge of css.


This how-to will show you how to write a structurer from the ground up. We will focus on html as the output format. As well it will show how to add your own css implementation to the structurer.


  • Installing a mozilla browser and the forrestbar helps a lot in developing.


When developing with the dispatcher we assume you are using 'forrest run' and the following workflow "change files -> refresh browser"
Installing a mozilla browser and the forrestbar helps a lot in developing. Many instructions assumes that you have the forrestbar installed.

Empty structurer file

  <forrest:view type="html">

The structurer is designed to be open for any format that can use forrest:view as configuration file. The only format we implemented is html for now. This is as well true for the delivered contracts.

Creating your first structurer

The structurer is based on jx templates to allow simple presentation logic (all code starting with "jx:"). Please refer to the cocoon documentation about jx.

In this section we will create a new structurer. We will override the default structurer of the core themes for the index page of a new seed. For that we will create a file called index.fv and save it in the directory {properties:resources}/structurer/url (create it if needed). This will make only the index.html page look different from the rest of the project.

You can set a view for an individual file, a directory, or the whole site. To address multiple files in a directory call your .fv file common.fv. If Forrest doesn't find a .fv file with the same name as the current file it will use the common.fv file in that directory, or the first one it finds going upwards through the directory structure. common.fv files affect all subdirectories unless they are overidden by another common.fv or a file-specific foo.fv file.

Remember: pointing your browser to http://localhost:8888/ls.contracts.html will show a page with all contracts and themes that you can use in your project provided by forrest.

Let us use the blank structurer from the earlier step and add the content-main contract. In ls.contracts.html we find the information for how to use the contract in our structurer. Our index.fv should look like:

  <forrest:view type="html">
    <forrest:contract name="content-main">
    <forrest:properties contract="content-main">
      <forrest:property name="content-main" nugget="get.body">
        <jx:import uri="cocoon://#{$cocoon/parameters/getRequest}.body.xml"/>
      <!-- Heading types can be clean|underlined|boxed  -->
      <forrest:property name="content-main-conf">
        <headings type="underlined"/>

A contract has to request the data model it want to transform. This happends by defining forrest:properties which have the same name like the contract. In our case we want the HTML rendered from intermediate format (**.body.xml). This we are going to include via: <jx:import uri="cocoon://#{$cocoon/parameters/getRequest}.body.xml"/>

Contracts can offer some property configuration of the outcome of the transformation. In our case <forrest:property name="content-main-conf"> <headings type="underlined"/> </forrest:property> .

Lets try our new structurer by pointing to http://localhost:8888/index.html. We will see only the main content. Now let us add the section navigation to our structurer. The contract usage in the structurer can be looked up in ls.contracts.html. Our structurer now looks like:

  <forrest:view type="html">
    <forrest:contract name="nav-main">
      <forrest:properties contract="nav-main">
        <forrest:property name="nav-main" nugget="get.navigation">
    <forrest:contract name="content-main">
      <forrest:properties contract="content-main">
        <forrest:property name="content-main" nugget="get.body">
          <jx:import uri="cocoon://#{$cocoon/parameters/getRequest}.body.xml"/>
        <!-- Heading types can be clean|underlined|boxed  -->
        <forrest:property name="content-main-conf">
          <headings type="underlined"/>

We now find the main content and the section navigation after each other and in the order we placed them in the structurer, but we want it next to each other (left: nav-section; right: content-main).

Hooks in the structurer

We will use now the first time a <forrest:hook name="layoutId"/> . Hooks are the styling side of the structurer. We can imitate arbitrary html skeleton with their help. Before we explain how to use your own css in the structurer, we will use the default css. You can see in our example that we have css included. That is a default fallback coming from the implementation. In this common.css we can find

/* menu */
#leftbar {
    width: 25%;
    float: left;
    background: #eae8e3;
    border: thin dashed #565248;

With this information we know to use <forrest:hook name="leftbar"/> and add contracts into that container.

If we want to put the nav-section contract into the left-hand side position of the site we need to place the contract into that hook. Like:

<forrest:hook name="leftbar">
  <!-- Include contract here -->

Our structurer will then look like:

  <forrest:view type="html">
    <forrest:hook name="leftbar">
      <forrest:contract name="nav-section">
        <forrest:properties contract="nav-section">
          <forrest:property name="nav-section" nugget="get.navigation">
    <forrest:contract name="content-main">
      <forrest:properties contract="content-main">
        <forrest:property name="content-main" nugget="get.body">
          <jx:import uri="cocoon://#{$cocoon/parameters/getRequest}.body.xml"/>
        <!-- Heading types can be clean|underlined|boxed  -->
        <forrest:property name="content-main-conf">
          <headings type="underlined"/>

CSS in the structurer

We now know how to place contracts and hooks in our structurer. Until this stage we only used the common.css. CSS-support of the structurer is as easy as placing contracts/hooks. To override the common.css stylesheet we use another tag within our structurer <forrest:css /> .

You can add inline and linked css with the structurer. As soon as you use forrest:css you will disable the fallback css support from forrest. With this tag we tell the dispatcher that we want to override the common.css. After adding the following to our index.fv the design will be different.

<forrest:css >
/* Extra css */
/* menu */
#leftbar {
  width: 25%;
  float: left;
  background: #CCCCFF;
  border: thin solid #000000;

We just changed the border-style to 'solid', the background to '#CCCCFF' and the color to '#000000'. So you see a white page where the menu is surrounded by a solid border with the defined background.

<forrest:css /> needs to be the direct child of <forrest:view type="html">
  <forrest:view type="html">
    <forrest:css >
/* Extra css */
/* menu */
#leftbar {
  width: 25%;
  float: left;
  background: #CCCCFF;
  border: thin solid #000000;
    <forrest:hook name="leftbar">
      <forrest:contract name="nav-section">
        <forrest:properties contract="nav-section">
          <forrest:property name="nav-section" nugget="get.navigation">
    <forrest:contract name="content-main">
      <forrest:properties contract="content-main">
        <forrest:property name="content-main" nugget="get.body">
          <jx:import uri="cocoon://#{$cocoon/parameters/getRequest}.body.xml"/>
        <!-- Heading types can be clean|underlined|boxed  -->
        <forrest:property name="content-main-conf">
          <headings type="underlined"/>

As a second example, let us change as well the content-main by adding another hook <forrest:hook name="content"/> We need to add the new layout container to our inline css:

/* The actual content */
#content {
  margin-left: 25%;
  padding: 0 20px 0 20px;
  background: #B9D3EE;

Then we have to add the 'content-main' contract to the 'content' hook. The resulting structurer looks like:

  <forrest:view type="html">
    <forrest:css >
/* Extra css */
/* menu */
#leftbar {
  width: 25%;
  float: left;
  background: #CCCCFF;
  border: thin solid #000000;
/* The actual content */
#content {
  margin-left: 25%;
  padding: 0 20px 0 20px;
  background: #B9D3EE;
    <forrest:hook name="leftbar">
      <forrest:contract name="nav-section">
        <forrest:properties contract="nav-section">
          <forrest:property name="nav-section" nugget="get.navigation">
    <forrest:hook name="content">
      <forrest:contract name="content-main">
      <forrest:properties contract="content-main">
        <forrest:property name="content-main" nugget="get.body">
          <jx:import uri="cocoon://#{$cocoon/parameters/getRequest}.body.xml"/>
        <!-- Heading types can be clean|underlined|boxed  -->
        <forrest:property name="content-main-conf">
          <headings type="underlined"/>

We are now able to place contracts into the layout container and add custom css to the structurer.

Linking to an external css file

This will change for the next version of views (v3) where we use a generic contract instead of the standalone element (forrest:css).

Make sure your project has the following directory structure. If it doesn't you'll have to create it. "common" is the fallback for all themes, if you want to override the css for a specific theme replace "common" with "themeName". This is where Forrest will look for external css stylesheets.


Where $projectHome is the directory where your project exists.

Put your css stylesheets in this directory. For arguement's sake let's say it's called mystyles.css

Edit your common.fv structurer (or whatever structurer (theme) you are using). This will probably be some where in:


or if you want to override it for the whole project in:


Add the following element to the *.fv file:

<forrest:css url="styles.css" media="screen" theme="pelt"/>

Important! This must appear straight after the "view type" element (as first child):

<forrest:view type="html">
<forrest:css url="mystyles.css" media="screen" theme="pelt"/>

The attributes are:

  1. the url where the css exist (NOTE: it will be rewritten to "../themes/mystyles.css").
  2. the media type, you can set different styles for screen and print. This is really useful if you want to hide elements such as navigation in the print output (#nav-section{display:none} for example).
  3. the theme, "pelt" is the default theme (another is the "common" theme). Change this if you are using your own theme.

You can have as many css links as you like, and they'll appear in the head of your document in same order as they are in the .fv file.

Fixme (thorsten)
Add more information of recent threads around css in the structurer and information how you add an @import? Use e.g. http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=113471292700001&r=1&w=2

Further Reading

Congratulations you are now able to work with the structurer. From here we recommend to read the following How-Tos:


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