[15:30] xley: testing logfile [15:32] » You changed the topic to "ForrestFriday: Finish locationmap, investigate some of the blocker issues for next release". [15:48] » You are now known as crossley. [15:50] » You are now known as xley. [18:17] » Ross joined the chat room. [18:17] Ross: Bit quiet here this morning/afternoon [18:17] xley: yes until now [18:18] Ross: I'm only looking in really - baby sitting so will be coming and going [18:19] xley: okay, i will be here all day/night so will check in from time-to-time [18:19] Ross: Anything you are working on right now that I can help with in an intermittent way (status.xml perhaps?) [18:20] xley: I am trying to solve http://issues.apache.org/jira/bro​wse/FOR-839 "projectInfo plugin does not list all Contributors" [18:20] xley: how are your XSLT feeling today? [18:21] Ross: I always like a bit of XSLT [18:22] xley: this one is a challenge ... [18:22] xley: org.apache.forrest.plugin.input.pr​ojectInfo/resources/stylesheets/ch​anges-to-document.xsl [18:27] Ross: and the problem is.... [18:27] Ross: sorry you allready linked to the issue - looking at it now [18:29] xley: the generate-id() and key() and stuff is not listing people who are already listed on a more recent release. [18:33] Ross: OK, I hate this key stuff - but this was my code so here goes... [18:34] Ross: no... wrong thinking back to code (realised as I typed my suggestion) [18:35] xley: :-) it is beauty when it works. [18:38] xley: I tried with the other technique (using preceding:: axis) and got the same problem. [18:42] Ross: The problem is we are getting distinct values of @due-to... [18:43] Ross: do you know if it is possible to do something like use="release/@version/action/@due​-to" (that syntax is wrong) [18:43] Ross: I'm searching for guidance now - just thought I'd ask if you know a trick [18:44] xley: no i don't know [19:05] Ross: I have to takw Zeph and the dog out, I think I have some pointers, do you want them gere or in the issue tracker? [19:07] xley: whatever is easiest for you. [19:07] xley: no rush, this might be a good time for me to prepare some dinner. [19:08] Ross: OK, I'll type up in Jira - we can convene again later (I'm in meetings all afternoon, but I guess you'll be sleeping then anyway) [19:08] xley: and 'svn revert' the mess that i have made of that stylesheet and start afresh. [19:09] xley: i will probably be up late tonight if there is something that can be done on various issues. [19:11] » pbol joined the chat room. [19:12] pbol: Hi Ross [19:14] Ross: Hi, I'm afraid you caught me just going out... [19:14] Ross: David is off making his dinner [19:14] Ross: If you fancy helping us out thake a look at http://issues.apache.org/jira/bro​wse/FOR-839 [19:14] Ross: I just added our findings so far [19:14] Ross: We will both be back in 30-60 mins [19:15] pbol: Ok, I'm in put-the-toddler-to-bed mode at the moment anyway. [19:16] Ross: \action walking dog [19:24] xley: Log of today's IRC session is at http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/f​orrest/events/forrest-friday/20060​609-log.txt [19:24] » tscherler joined the chat room. [19:25] xley: Hi Thorsten, i am doing dinner, Ross and Paul are in baby mode. [19:26] tscherler: k buenas dias [19:26] xley: How is your xslt today? See http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/f​orrest/events/forrest-friday/20060​609-log.txt [19:26] tscherler: lemme check [19:26] tscherler: good hunger [19:30] tscherler: xley [19:31] tscherler: how the xsl:key function works http://www.cranesoftwrights.com/r​esources/xslkeys/index.htm [19:32] tscherler: grouping (waht we want to do) with Muenchian method http://www.jenitennison.com/xslt/​grouping/muenchian.html [19:58] tscherler: I partly fixed it (not yet checked in since there is still an issue) [19:58] tscherler: - [19:58] tscherler: + [20:28] tscherler: fixed [20:38] » pbo1 joined the chat room. [20:39] » pbol left the chat room. [20:44] Ross: Thorsten: re FOR-839 - I've had to reopen the issue - check the issue tracker for details - I'm looking at it now [20:47] tscherler: Ross [20:47] tscherler: not for me [20:47] Ross: Sorry I don't understand? [20:48] tscherler: For example, Addison Berryappears three times in the 0.7 credits. [20:49] tscherler: not for me [20:53] Ross: You mean you don't see multiple listings? Strange... [20:54] tscherler: http://localhost:8888/docs_0_70/ch​anges.html#version_0.7 [20:54] Ross: I just checked and there was a conflict on the merge... probably somethig local to my machine - will close the issue again when I confirm this [20:54] Ross: sorry for the noise [20:54] tscherler: http://localhost:8888/docs_0_70/ch​anges.html#Contributors-N1051E [20:54] tscherler: no worries [20:54] tscherler: This is a list of all people who have contributed to this release, but were not full developers on the project. We thank these people for their contributions. Cyriaque Dupoirieux, Ferdinand Soethe, Florian G. Haas, Gary Feldman, Ian P. Springer, Joao Ferreira, Johannes Schaefer, Jˆrg Werner, Kevin, Mark Eggers, Ron Blaschke, Stephan E. Schlierf, Tamara Harpster, Upayavira incompatible encoding [20:56] * tscherler need to do some work [20:56] xley: i am doing some investigation of the new work. Thanks Thorsten. [20:56] Ross: Confirmed - it was a problem on my end - thanks Thorsten [20:57] tscherler: k :) [20:57] tscherler: thx for testing [21:02] xley: Nope, sorry to say that it has the same systems as described in FOR-839 [21:03] xley: s/systems/symptoms/ [21:04] tscherler: xley what do you mean? [21:04] tscherler: did you deployed the plugin new (after an update) [21:04] xley: yep [21:05] tscherler: like said it is working fine for me [21:05] tscherler: I see contributors in all releases [21:05] xley: The name "Sjur" should be in both 0.7 and 0.8-dev http://localhost:6666/changes.htm​l [21:06] xley: we always did get contributors showing, just that some were missing as per FOR-839 [21:07] xley: I have local changes to show "committers' as well as contributors. That demonstrates it even more. [21:08] Ross: David, you are right - Sjur is still missing from 0.7, the issue should not be closed. [21:09] Ross: Interestingly, Sjur did appear in both for me when I had the merged changes of my own and Thorstens [21:09] Ross: but I also had duplicates of some people [21:09] xley: I think that Thorsten's changes is just another way of doing what you had already done with generate-id(). [21:10] Ross: Agreed, the code allready used the Muenchian method [21:11] Ross: I'll try and remember what I was doing before Zeph started demanding (he's in bed now) [21:13] xley: do you still have the *.rej or whatever file leftover from your svn conflicts? [21:20] Ross: Nope, I stupidly deleted all changed-to-* files and updated [21:20] Ross: I have an idea of what I was doing, I'm just suprised i kind of worked, because prior to THorstens change it did not change anything [21:20] Ross: So if I can just find how the two were intereacting... [21:27] Ross: (nb the "conflicts" were not svn conflicts, that merged oK, they were conflicts in the sense of my edits conflicting with Thorstens solution) [21:27] xley: ah. [21:31] » _Gav_ joined the chat room. [21:32] xley: do we really want this page to contain all changes for all releases. I mean i wonder if it would work better as separate pages: changes_0.7.html and changes_0.8-dev.html instead. Perhaps then the xsl:key could be based on the $versionNumber passed in. [21:32] xley: Hi Gav [21:32] _Gav_: Hi David, Hi All [21:34] xley: Ross: would that help to limit the key() to just the current contributors? [21:34] Ross: THi gav [21:35] Ross: David: [21:35] Ross: that functionality is already in there [21:35] xley: yes but ... [21:35] Ross: http://forrest.apache.org/pluginDo​cs/plugins_0_80/org.apache.forrest​.plugin.input.projectInfo/changes_​0.1.html [21:36] xley: i wondered if is because of requesting changes.html i.e. everything (all releases together) that causes this FOR-839 problem [21:36] Ross: Yes, it is.. [21:36] xley: yes that functionality is great. Thanks. [21:37] xley: lemme test [21:37] Ross: for FOR-839 we need to "simply" select on release/@version and release/action/@dev, currently we do not. [21:38] Ross: Your suggestion is certainly a good workaround, and I'm not looking at the actual problem right now (distracted by a funding application0 [21:38] xley: changes_0.7.html does not contain Sjur [21:40] Ross: Hmmm.... [21:40] Ross: Ha! of course it doesn't - I'm being stupid [21:40] Ross: The source is still the same, so we still need to filter on individual items [21:54] xley: Ross said: [21:54] xley: Ross: Interestingly, Sjur did appear in both for me when I had the merged changes of my own and Thorstens [21:54] xley: Ross: but I also had duplicates of some people [21:54] xley: ... [21:55] Ross: I think I have a solution... just veifying [21:55] xley: The missing name might have appeared because of the listing of duplicates [21:56] Ross: (missing name caused by duplicates - makes sense) [21:56] Ross: Can you please verify these lists of names are correct... [21:56] Ross: 0.7 ... [21:56] Ross: Cyriaque Dupoirieux, Ferdinand Soethe, Florian G. Haas, Gary Feldman, Ian P. Springer, Joao Ferreira, Johannes Schaefer, Jörg Werner, Kevin, Mark Eggers, Ron Blaschke, Sjur N. Moshagen, Stephan E. Schlierf, Tamara Harpster, Upayavira [21:56] Ross: 0.8 ... [21:56] Ross: Addison Berry, Alan Chandler, Anil Ramnanan, Dave Brosius, Gavin McDonald, Joachim Breitsprecher, Paul Devine, Phillip Evens, Pier Fumagalli, Rasik Pandey, Sjur N. Moshagen, Steve Masover, Tom HANAX [21:57] Ross: 0.7.1 [21:57] Ross: Steve Masover [21:57] tscherler: [21:58] Ross: That's exactly what I just tried out - seems we are on to it - lets see if David agrees the above names are correct [21:58] xley: sounds good lists Sjur and Steve Masover are now present. Good on you. [21:58] Ross: I just need to sort out the ',' and then I'll commit [21:58] xley: thorsten just committed a fix for that extra "," [21:59] tscherler: ross [21:59] tscherler: but [21:59] tscherler: i get duplicates [22:00] Ross: xley - thanks, I need to sort out a leading ',' introduced by my changes [22:00] Ross: tscherler I don't have duplicates, see my list of names above (I have reverted your change on the for-each) [22:00] tscherler: ah ok [22:03] Ross: code committed please test [22:03] Ross: Good IRC work guys :-) [22:06] xley: I tested, looking good. Fantastic work, thanks. [22:07] Ross: Cool. I've got to prepare for my afternoon of meetings. Should be back online around 4pm UTC (world cup start - can't miss that) [22:14] _Gav_: And who is England going to get beaten by ;) [22:14] tscherler: germany and spain I hope ;) [22:14] _Gav_: he he [22:14] Ross: Well having lived in Trinidad and Tobago for a couple of years, I would put up with them winning (as long as England still qualify) [22:15] _Gav_: Australia will be happy to get past round 1 [22:15] _Gav_: Getting on to FOR-891 ... [22:16] Ross: Booo.... if you are back to work - I'm off to my other work [22:16] Ross: (sorry can't help right now - good luck) [22:16] » Ross left the chat room. ("Chatzilla 0.9.73 [Firefox]") [22:16] _Gav_: No probs [22:17] _Gav_: Ok, so am I right in thinking I should put the fixes for the validator warnings, i.e- background-color etc [22:17] _Gav_: into skinconf.xsl [22:17] _Gav_: skinconf.xsl == common [22:18] _Gav_: but forrest is using Pelt skin, so I originally thought it should be in the pelt screen.css [22:18] tscherler: lemme check [22:19] _Gav_: - that is where Vlad is complaining they are missing from [22:19] _Gav_: ok [22:19] tscherler: each skin has a default skincof [22:19] tscherler: need to finish a task and then I am with you [22:21] _Gav_: ok, ah, I thought David said they should go in the project skinconf.xml, but he probably meant the skins skinconf.xsl? [22:21] tscherler: the thing is that [22:22] tscherler: project skinconf.xml is not a real good idea [22:22] tscherler: because of redudancy [22:22] tscherler: it should go into skinconf.xsl of pelt [22:23] _Gav_: ok, can you expain something then [22:23] tscherler: k [22:23] tscherler: you will find [22:24] tscherler: [22:24] tscherler: [22:24] tscherler: add/update the default colors here [22:24] tscherler: and [22:24] tscherler: [22:25] tscherler: add test for the new colors [22:25] tscherler: [22:25] tscherler: [22:25] tscherler: does that help? [22:27] _Gav_: yes, my question is what is the relationship between skinconf.xml -> /pelt/skinconf.xsl -> pelt/css/screen.css -> profile.css.xslt [22:28] tscherler: lol [22:28] tscherler: that is not that easy ;) [22:28] _Gav_: I need to add background-color in places to cure the warnings from the validator, and I dont really know the best place to put them [22:28] tscherler: skinconf.xml wird mit /pelt/skinconf.xsl transformiert [22:29] tscherler: that got used then in [22:29] tscherler: profile.css.xslt [22:29] tscherler: pelt/css/screen.css is static [22:29] tscherler: oops german [22:29] _Gav_: I got the gist [22:30] tscherler: (14:28:53) tscherler: skinconf.xml wird mit /pelt/skinconf.xsl transformiert -> skinconf.xml will be transformed with /pelt/skinconf.xsl [22:30] _Gav_: does screen.css and the other *.css then override the generated css [22:31] _Gav_: are they meant to be in 'addition' to [22:31] tscherler: that depends of the order it got placed in the html/head [22:31] _Gav_: You finish your other task first, I'll have a look round. [22:31] tscherler: k [22:31] tscherler: will be back soon [22:33] _Gav_: For the log : How does dispatcher differ in the process of generating CSS. [22:52] _Gav_: Ok, so if a project uses skinconf.xml for its color scheme, then use those colors [22:52] _Gav_: Otherwise use the colors specified in the chosen skin skinconf.xsl [22:53] _Gav_: So project skinconf.xml takes precedence over any skin skinconf.xsl [22:54] _Gav_: Seems wierd really. If one has a project skinconf.xml color scheme, and decides to change from say [22:54] _Gav_: common to pelt skin, or to tigris skin, it will make no difference to the color scheme as [22:54] _Gav_: the project skinconf.xml colors will still be used. [22:59] _Gav_: Either way W3C Validator is failing on all stylesheets. [22:59] _Gav_: Am I right in assuming skinconf.xml and/or skinconf.xsl becomes profile.css ? [23:00] _Gav_: If so then I need to add background-color + other changes into either one of those to fix these issues [23:01] _Gav_: But I will in any case need to add the same to screen.css because that is failing too, for the same attributes in some cases [23:02] _Gav_: # Line : 168 (Level : 1) You have no color with your background-color : #top .header .current [23:02] tscherler: mom [23:02] _Gav_: Comes from screen.css [23:02] tscherler: just poped in [23:02] _Gav_: Line : 39 (Level : 1) You have no color with your background-color : #top .header .current [23:02] tscherler: dispatcher is a whole different way [23:02] _Gav_: comes from profile.css [23:02] tscherler: normally I would say [23:02] _Gav_: Ok, ignore that for another time then [23:03] tscherler: apply changes in screen.css [23:03] _Gav_: That was my original plan [23:03] tscherler: profile.css is an extension/override of screen.css [23:03] tscherler: you are right that (14:59:44) _Gav_: Am I right in assuming skinconf.xml and/or skinconf.xsl becomes profile.css ? [23:04] tscherler: like skinconf.xml will be transformed with /pelt/skinconf.xsl [23:04] tscherler: the result is used in profile.css.xsl [23:04] tscherler: as incoming document [23:04] tscherler: so the problem is that [23:04] _Gav_: ah ok, so screen.css print.css take priority of values declared in skinconf.x?l [23:05] tscherler: adding background color to screen and profile seems to be redundant [23:05] tscherler: no [23:05] tscherler: look at the source code of [23:05] _Gav_: It does seem redundant, but how do we clear these warningd without them [23:05] tscherler: skinconf.xml will be transformed with /pelt/skinconf.xsl [23:06] tscherler: [23:06] tscherler: screen comes before profile [23:06] tscherler: meaning profile is extending/overriding the values of screen [23:07] tscherler: (15:05:55) _Gav_: It does seem redundant, but how do we clear these warningd without them -> you are right, I have no other way ATM [23:07] tscherler: that leaves us with [23:08] tscherler: skinconf.xml takes precedence over any skin skinconf.xsl [23:08] tscherler: and [23:08] tscherler: profile takes precedence over screen [23:08] tscherler: ...by extending/overriding [23:09] _Gav_: ok yep, so [23:09] tscherler: :) [23:09] _Gav_: we should not alter skinconf.xml [23:10] _Gav_: :) [23:10] _Gav_: should be .... there [23:10] tscherler: jupp [23:10] tscherler: like in our site-author [23:10] tscherler: I recall an issue with default colors [23:11] tscherler: we have definied our forrest colors in the sconf.xml [23:12] _Gav_: Ok, this issue Im working on is site-author related. [23:13] _Gav_: sorry Im == we [23:14] _Gav_: So if I add background-colors to screen.css, keeping the changes pelt skin related and not project specific [23:15] _Gav_: as profile.css overrides screen.css, the errors should go away from profile.css if declared in screen.css [23:15] _Gav_: maybe [23:17] _Gav_: If people are happy the changes should go there I'll add them and try it [00:02] » pbo1 left the chat room. (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [00:13] tscherler: (15:15:16) _Gav_: as profile.css overrides screen.css, the errors should go away from profile.css if declared in screen.css [00:14] tscherler: I think the css validation is on all stylesheets individualy [00:14] tscherler: meaning the redundance is needed for validation [00:15] _Gav_: yes, I was thinking of the styles entries from screen.css inheriting from profile.css [00:15] _Gav_: sometimes, curing one css validation issue, cascades and cures another doen the line. [00:16] _Gav_: While you were gone, I decided to look into FOR-876 [00:16] _Gav_: It works fine for me (?) [00:17] _Gav_: So I guess another solution for lm: solved elsewhere may have solved this too ? [00:19] tscherler: not sure [00:20] _Gav_: Back to CSS, I guess I need to add the fixes to screen.css,basic.css,print.css and skinconf.xsl (-> becomes profile.css) [00:20] tscherler: I need to debug again http://issues.apache.org/jira/bro​wse/FOR-893 [00:21] tscherler: if you can debug successfully FOR-893 then I agree [00:22] tscherler: screen.css,basic.css,print.css YES [00:22] tscherler: skinconf.xsl NO [00:22] tscherler: profile.css.xsl [00:22] tscherler: is the one to go [00:22] tscherler: because it becomes profile.xss [00:23] tscherler: css I mean [00:24] _Gav_: You sure, there is no hard values in there, just @values coming from skinconf.xsl I thought [00:26] _Gav_: how should I debug FOR-893 [00:28] _Gav_: maybe I shouldn't do two things at once :) [00:32] tscherler: jeje yeah [00:32] tscherler: do the css [00:32] tscherler: ;) [00:33] _Gav_: yep [00:33] _Gav_: I updated FOR-876 with my findings anyway. [00:33] tscherler: (16:24:14) _Gav_: You sure, there is no hard values in there, just @values coming from skinconf.xsl I thought -> not skincof.xsl but the result of the transformation from skinconf.xml with skinconf.xsl [00:34] tscherler: thx [00:35] _Gav_: I'm with you sort of, just not getting where I should be putting as an e.g.- [00:35] tscherler: you can match any color or xml in profile.css.xsl from the transformed skinconf.xml [00:35] » cheche joined the chat room. [00:35] _Gav_: table .title background-color="ffffff" [00:35] cheche: Hello over there.... [00:35] tscherler: hi [00:35] cheche: how is everyone? [00:35] _Gav_: g'day [00:35] tscherler: fine and you [00:36] _Gav_: cold but good [00:36] tscherler: less then 2 hours to the world cup ;) [00:36] cheche: not bad... I had been trying to findout the channel for the forrest friday [00:36] cheche: tscherler: you know spain is going to win like always.... [00:36] tscherler: lol [00:36] _Gav_: [00:36] cheche: _Gav_: cold? where are you based? [00:36] cheche: oh dear... [00:36] _Gav_: Australia :) [00:37] tscherler: if spain win then they make it a holiday ;) [00:37] cheche: I think that I got something cool to show you [00:37] _Gav_: It is WINTER here though [00:37] cheche: tscherler: spain is always in holidays... if you work for the gover [00:37] cheche: tscherler: spain is always in holidays... if you work for the goverment [00:37] tscherler: ;) [00:38] cheche: I have got a skin [00:38] cheche: and old skin... [00:38] tscherler: We are not working for the government ;) [00:38] cheche: (sorry tscherler... I will look on the dispacher next time) [00:38] cheche: that nearly works with forrest.... [00:38] cheche: do you want to tryi? [00:39] tscherler: (16:38:32) cheche: (sorry tscherler... I will look on the dispacher next time) -> jeje no worries [00:39] _Gav_: ok [00:39] tscherler: I have to go now but will come back [00:39] cheche: _Gav_: do you linux right? [00:39] cheche: ok [00:39] tscherler: need to buy some beers for Germany - costa rica ;) [00:40] cheche: tscherler: I will put it somewhere so you can download as well [00:40] _Gav_: No sorry, on the windoze [00:40] cheche: _Gav_: no one is perfect do not worry [00:40] _Gav_: :) [00:40] tscherler: lol [00:40] tscherler: cu later [00:40] _Gav_: I have a freebsd somewhere [00:40] cheche: tscherler: cu man [00:41] tscherler: quillo ;) [00:41] cheche: _Gav_: do not worry i will use zip that is all , I was thinking to use tar [00:41] _Gav_: ok, I was wondering the problem [00:41] tscherler: btw sadly there will be no forrest tutorial on apacheCon [00:41] _Gav_: bummer [00:41] tscherler: jupp [00:42] cheche: tscherler: yes man ... I wanted to go to ireland to drink some guiness....Á incompatible encoding [00:42] _Gav_: cheche fyi : windows untars just fine these days [00:43] cheche: _Gav_: ah ok. [00:43] tscherler: +1 to meet you there but doh [00:44] cheche: tscherler: well, we are learning... next time we will try to get something more interesting for people to sign up on tutorials [00:44] _Gav_: should have one down under [00:44] tscherler: ...or proposing only talks ;) [00:45] cheche: tscherler: would it be possible to propose talks and tutorials? [00:45] tscherler: yeah i actually did it this year [00:45] tscherler: what happens is that the tut got accepted but not the speech [00:45] cheche: ah ok.. so did you get accepted for the talk? [00:45] cheche: ok [00:46] tscherler: k I am off [00:46] cheche: tscherler: ok, cu [00:46] cheche: the skin is here: [00:46] cheche: http://www.apertus.es/~cheche/exo.​zip [00:46] » tscherler left the chat room. [00:47] cheche: it is very similar to wordpress. [00:47] cheche: so in theory you could modify css + images a get a new look and feel. [00:48] cheche: but i need to check the licenses before released [00:48] cheche: (I am going to get some tea) [00:49] _Gav_: ok, I'll check it out [00:52] _Gav_: xley, you there [00:52] cheche: unzip and forrest run [00:53] _Gav_: ok, will do shortly, thanks. [00:53] xley: yes Gav [00:53] cheche: hi xley [00:53] _Gav_: just on this remoteDemo thing [00:53] cheche: how is things down under ? :-) [00:53] xley: Hi Cheche, just unzipping your skin to see what is inside. [00:54] cheche: xley: I wanted to talk to you about the license of this stuff... [00:54] xley: fine thanks mate. [00:54] xley: what is the problem? [00:55] cheche: well, I am doing a website for a local goverment [00:55] cheche: and I choose one skin for the wordpress them [00:55] cheche: based on that I create a forrest skin [00:55] cheche: so except the colors and images evrything is new [00:56] cheche: can I released under the apache license? [00:56] xley: Gav: remoteDemo? i will get back to you when Cheche is finished [00:56] _Gav_: cheche : that looks great! [00:56] _Gav_: no probs [00:56] cheche: _Gav_: thanks! [00:57] cheche: _Gav_: it is not finished yet [00:57] _Gav_: and with skins too [00:58] xley: cheche: i don't know what you mean "choose one skin for the wordpress theme". [00:58] cheche: ok... I will explain to you [00:58] cheche: http://www.alexking.org/software/w​ordpress/theme_browser.php [00:59] cheche: you can choose any theme and download on your system and use it with wordpress [00:59] xley: what is wordpress? [00:59] cheche: blog system [00:59] _Gav_: cms [01:00] xley: k [01:00] cheche: I can give you an account in mine if you want to have a look: [01:00] cheche: http://casa.che-che.com/blog/ [01:01] xley: no thanks. Anyway, continue describing your issue. [01:03] cheche: well, there are 600 + themes for a competition... and I choose one for my project [01:03] cheche: http://dev.guijuelo.es/eventos/ [01:03] cheche: then I wanted to use forrest to create stationtect base on that theme. [01:03] cheche: then I wanted to use forrest to create statict contect base on that theme. [01:04] cheche: and I created the exo skin [01:04] cheche: so am I allow to publish that under the asf license? [01:07] xley: Depends what you did to "create the exo skin". [01:08] cheche: to create the exo skin you have to [01:08] cheche: create the same elements with same identifiers ( div class="wrapper") so when in the css file #wrapper is used the match and give the look and feel [01:09] cheche: the idea of the exo skin is to be as close as wordpress so any theme can be used with forrest [01:11] xley: so the xslt is your creation and the css are from wordpress? [01:11] cheche: yes [01:11] cheche: and the images [01:12] cheche: well, possible the images and the css had been modify by the designer (tony geer) [01:12] cheche: but there is not any information about licenses in the header. [01:13] cheche: so I do not know if it is ok for me to released like that... or just posibly create a new css with direfent colours and diferent images so we are 100% ok [01:18] xley: i am no license expert. You could perhaps package it like we do at Forrest. The whole thing is under Apache License. The bits that are someone else's work we declare by adding their license.txt and if they make any conditions (such as request attribution) then we put an entry in NOTICE.txt [01:19] cheche: they do not have a license.txt, but I am in contact with the developer... [01:19] xley: And we don't add any supporting products that are any more restrictive than the Apache License. However for your personal release you don't need to stick to that. [01:20] cheche: ok. did you have a look to the skin? [01:20] xley: suggest that they release their work under Apache License or similar [01:21] cheche: ok, I will forward an email to him about it. [01:26] cheche: _Gav_: ok, I have finished .--) [01:27] _Gav_: :) [01:27] xley: yes i had a quick look. [01:28] xley: Hey so i read about that you are not going across the pond this weekend. That is sad. [01:28] cheche: me? [01:28] xley: yes, i gather your tutoial is not happening. [01:29] cheche: and thorsten [01:29] cheche: well, like I say to Thorsten [01:29] cheche: we are learning... [01:29] xley: not enough promotion of the event? [01:29] cheche: possibly [01:29] xley: bummer [01:29] cheche: and not enough promotion of the tutorial itself [01:30] _Gav_: xley: rewriteDemo works fine [01:30] _Gav_: remoteDemo works how I read it should, but not how you say it should [01:30] cheche: next time, I will write some bits about the tutorial in the blog so people can have a look of what I am going to talk [01:31] cheche: what is remoteDemo? [01:31] xley: Gav: not for me. Did you see my comment after yours at FOR-876 [01:31] _Gav_: I did yes and I can not see how it would work like it says it should [01:32] cheche: did you know that you can do this: http://www.google.com/search?q=FO​R-876 [01:32] _Gav_: do now [01:32] cheche: it grets the first result :-) [01:32] xley: cheche: it looks like too much choice for people at ApacheCon, Your tutorial clashed with Thorsten's and you probably split the interest. [01:33] xley: Gav: why, it used to work. [01:33] _Gav_: the match pattern is expecting xml, but the thread says to use .html [01:33] cheche: xley: maybe, I do not know.. but we where going to tlak about somthing totaly diferent [01:34] xley: Gav: C'mon that is how Cocoon/Forrest operate. [01:35] xley: ask for blah.html in the browser and behind-the-scenes Cocoon will get whatever XML source relates to the request. [01:37] _Gav_: sorry , been looking through WildcardLocationMapHintMatcher etc and can't see where that is happening. [01:38] cheche: xley: what is you feeling about using xhtml instead of xdocs as internal format? [01:38] _Gav_: I can see plenty of hint="" etc where thorsten says it is failing in FOR-893 [01:38] xley: cheche: sooner the better. [01:38] _Gav_: I'll leave that for now then and get back to CSS [01:39] xley: but it is a big job. [01:39] _Gav_: Straight after 0.8 release I guess that can begin [01:40] xley: that is the plan. [01:40] xley: why do you ask cheche? what do you reckon? [01:41] cheche: it was planed for 0.6 [01:41] cheche: and I wonder how to get enought inch so everyone help to make it happend [01:42] xley: Yep, but not enough people have been around to help. [01:42] cheche: xley: I konw [01:42] xley: :-) i did actually mean you. [01:42] xley: s/did/did not/ [01:42] cheche: :-) [01:43] cheche: no worries [01:43] cheche: have you seen this: [01:43] cheche: http://pages.google.com/ [01:44] xley: most of us cannot spend enough time it seems. I struggle just to keep the day-to-day things happening, let alone do new things. [01:44] cheche: that pages.google.com is about creating content and publish on the web [01:45] cheche: I like forrest to reer statict content [01:45] cheche: I like forrest to render statict content [01:48] _Gav_: bedtime for me, back in a few hours, maybe the cloud will have lifted a bit by then. [01:48] _Gav_: cya [01:48] cheche: ok cya [01:48] xley: bye [01:51] xley: cheche: Fix http://issues.apache.org/jira/bro​wse/FOR-876 and your locationmap could get the content from you.googlepages.com [01:52] cheche: ok. I am going to have a look [02:49] cheche: well, I gather some information, but I have not found it yet... [03:08] cheche: I have to go... [03:08] » cheche left the chat room. [04:06] » tscherler joined the chat room. [04:06] tscherler: :) [05:33] » Ross joined the chat room. [05:33] Ross: Hello to anyone still alert [07:03] » tscherle1 joined the chat room. [07:04] » tscherler left the chat room. (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [08:50] » un_amorphous joined the chat room. [08:51] un_amorphous: hello [08:52] un_amorphous: i hope the log at http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=f​orrest-dev&w=2&r=1&s=friday+channe​l&q=b doesn't repeat everything said here b/c I'm likely to take up too much space [08:53] un_amorphous: = new user .. started with forrest .8 to design web page for my law practice [08:53] un_amorphous: it works great, documentation seems adequate, but, I have a couple of questions if anyone has the time [08:55] un_amorphous: I'm linking to images [] in my content xdocs .xml [08:56] un_amorphous: and getting broken pipes [08:58] un_amorphous: i want to display images in my web pages and show larger pictures when the images are clicked and this seems to work with a static site but with the broken pipes the inline images don't appear in wholesite html/pdf and I don't like 'build failures' [09:01] un_amorphous: think it has something to with editing the sitemap to include the images as non-xml/non-processed resources but could use a little direction [09:02] un_amorphous: thought my feedback might help somewhere down the road with documentation [09:05] un_amorphous: I got another question re where to change forrest table properties to set table borders="0" so they don't show up but I guess I'll hold off asking that :) [09:07] un_amorphous: i got a draf/dev site up at www.turnerlit.com [09:08] un_amorphous: er, but that doesn't have any code for images which is my present concern [09:23] un_amorphous: i would suggest that http://forrest.apache.org/dtdx/do​cument-v13.html#table have information on changing global forrest table properties (i.e. borders & colors) and that the following section on 'Figures' describes what else must be done to avoid broken pipes [09:36] » un_amorphous left the chat room. ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.12") [09:37] » un_amorphous joined the chat room. [09:53] » _Gav_ left the chat room. (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [09:53] » _Gav_ joined the chat room. [09:54] _Gav_: hello [10:04] xley: un_amorphous: Hello. Yes everything in this channel does get logged. [10:05] xley: You should ask your questions on the user@ mail list - this is not a help forum. [10:05] xley: You say that you are using 0.8 Forrest. [10:05] xley: Recently we added a demo to 'forrest seed'. See samples/linking.html#images [10:05] xley: Gav: hello [10:05] _Gav_: hows things [10:06] _Gav_: I suggested to un_amorphous to use 'fork' instead of target=_blank, then I got cut off, so not sure if it got through [10:06] xley: no it didn't [10:07] _Gav_: ok, but it is deprecated in v20 I think anyway [10:09] _Gav_: I was talking to Thorsten last night about where to put the CSS for profile.css [10:09] _Gav_: he suggested profile.css.xslt, not doubting him but is that right? [10:09] _Gav_: I thought maybe skinconf.xsl [10:13] xley: i will have a look. [10:14] » Ross left the chat room. (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [10:15] xley: Gav: would you please see the dev@ list re: FOR-876 /remoteDemo/index.html [10:22] _Gav_: yep, I saw Ross Closed it. [10:23] _Gav_: requesting /remoteDemo/index.html I get the same as you. [10:24] xley: Thanks, so i don't understand why he closed it. [10:25] _Gav_: No, but you agree rewriteDemo/index.html works? [10:26] _Gav_: requesting remoteDemo/index.xml does work too, but your saying that is not what it is there for.? [10:27] xley: yes, rewriteDemo/index.html works. [10:29] xley: Neither remoteDemo/index.html nor remoteDemo/index.xml work for me. [10:32] _Gav_: Strange, I added [10:32] _Gav_:

Th​is link goes to svn xdcos/index.xml

[10:32] _Gav_: to samples/index.xml and it resolves to [10:32] _Gav_: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/fo​rrest/trunk/main/fresh-site/src/do​cumentation/content/xdocs/index.xm​l [10:33] _Gav_: And yes I am being thick again, but 'in my mind', looking at the Locationmap :- [10:33] _Gav_: [10:33] _Gav_: [10:33] _Gav_: and
tags [16:15] xley: You said that you were missing the demo that i referred to, that is why i took you through the 'svn update' thing. Are these new questions? [16:15] un_amorphous: no im going svn update now to get the demo with help text on doing images without broken pipes [16:16] xley: anyway, if you have further such questions then please use user@ mailing list. [16:16] un_amorphous: thank you .. grr its such a temptation to ask here .. :) [16:17] un_amorphous: but yeah .. you guys need to spend more time developing with bothers from noob users [16:17] xley: i know, but if we start that trend then the few committers who attend here will become burnt out. [16:22] un_amorphous: Updated to revision 413257 [16:43] un_amorphous: i got it the second time around but I thought you said it was depreciated [16:50] un_amorphous: er, hallucinated gav was back [17:01] un_amorphous: well thanks for letting me hang out here this Forrest Friday. You've been very gracious. Please stop by the user@mailing list sometime and feel welcome to answer some questions. [17:02] » un_amorphous left the chat room. ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.12") [18:16] » _Gav_ joined the chat room. [18:23] pbo1: hi gav [18:24] pbo1: your minitutorials site is looking much better. [18:24] _Gav_: yes, I thought it needed a spring clean [18:25] _Gav_: was after a cleaner look [18:25] _Gav_: and dared to use red and green :) [18:26] _Gav_: been to the City, did I miss much [18:27] _Gav_: been wanting to add an Atom feed to it, but the rssvalidator.org has been broken for a few days now. [18:31] pbo1: the thing I'm a bit hazy about with rss is how to generate the feeds. there seems to be tons of literature on aggregating and not much on actually producing. [18:33] _Gav_: ok, do you mean creating the xml for the feeds, or do you mean displaying them on your site [18:33] _Gav_: http://minitutorials.com/rss_xml/r​ss_display.php [18:33] _Gav_: http://minitutorials.com/rss_xml/r​ss_deliver.php [18:33] _Gav_: I have not put them on the navigation yet [18:34] _Gav_: Those are RSS 2.0, I am writing an Atom 1.0 one at the moment [18:35] pbo1: http://minitutorials.com/rss_xml/r​ss_deliver.php - Yep, I'm across that, you can use a little firefox extension too. I'm more talking about automating the process. [18:36] pbo1: BTW, http://minitutorials.com/webdesig​n/css/css21.shtml could do with a cleanup. Contact me off channel. [18:36] _Gav_: Yes, I wrote that some time a go, before I knew anything, that code is a bit dated I think now [18:37] _Gav_: I need to rewrite the whole thing. [18:38] pbo1: I think the most important thing I've learnt about CSS is to use selectors. You can write [18:38] pbo1: 'classless' html, just name the containers and hit them. [18:39] pbo1: which is one reason I like the dispatcher - the contracts are containers. I just name them and dont' worry about all the legacy stuff in the output. [18:41] _Gav_: Thats something I should work towards I think [18:41] pbo1: The only place it gets dicey is with the main nav, there's so much going on in there. I'd like to strip all the presentation code out of the stylesheet which does the collapses so you don't have to worry about fighting it. [18:42] _Gav_: Just notcied W3C has an Atom/RSS Feed Validator [18:42] pbo1: body{ font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif; font-size: medium; text-align:left; text-decoration:none; color: cc33cc; font-style: italic; background-color: ffffcc; } h1{ font-family:verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: large; font-weight: bold; font-style: normal; background-color:transparent; color: ff0000; text-align:center; } h2{ font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; background-color:transpar [18:42] pbo1: oops [18:44] pbo1: What are you using for content creation at the moment? [18:45] _Gav_: What programs? Dreamweaver, TopStylePro [18:45] _Gav_: Outside of Forrest [18:47] pbo1: I mean for actually writing text which you want to include in forrest sites. [18:48] _Gav_: oh ok, Vim [18:53] _Gav_: I write the xml in Vim because it seems to be more Forrest friendly - more compatable for SVN [18:53] _Gav_: so comitters have less work to do. [18:53] _Gav_: Otherwise Dreamweaver copes with xml just fine too [18:59] pbo1: No, I mean for writing content, not code [19:01] pbo1: I've been using a plugin for jedit called Xilize a lot. the next version will allow html rendered text to output to a separate directory. Sorry gotta go... [19:01] _Gav_: ok [21:18] tscherle1: (04:18:15) xley: Hmm, i still think that common/skinconf.xsl might be correct place. -> no it is not like I said before [21:21] tscherle1: (10:41:26) pbo1: The only place it gets dicey is with the main nav, there's so much going on in there. I'd like to strip all the presentation code out of the stylesheet which does the collapses so you don't have to worry about fighting it. -> I need to apply the patches that Brian provided. I totally agree that the contracts are best without any structure where possible. [21:41] tscherle1: (02:29:35) xley: Neither remoteDemo/index.html nor remoteDemo/index.xml work for me. -> IMO FOR-893 is desscribing the problem of the rewritting [21:42] tscherle1: (02:33:56) _Gav_: [21:42] tscherle1: (02:33:57) _Gav_: [21:42] tscherle1: (02:33:57) _Gav_: this information is not needed to find a solution. [22:13] » _Gav_ joined the chat room. [22:13] tscherle1: xley can you test something for me [22:15] tscherle1: [22:15] tscherle1: [22:15] tscherle1: [22:15] tscherle1: [22:15] tscherle1: if you add this to the sitemap.xmap in the fresh-site [22:16] tscherle1: then it is working [22:16] tscherle1: meaning there is something in the [22:16] tscherle1: [22:16] tscherle1: that is not working as expected [22:19] tscherle1: but the above code is throwing [22:19] tscherle1: WARN (2006-06-10) 14:14.40:961 [core.manager] (/remoteDemo/samples/faq.xml) PoolThread-4/CoreServiceManager: ComponentLocator exception from parent SM during lookup. [22:19] tscherle1: org.apache.avalon.framework.servic​e.ServiceException: Component for key 'org.apache.excalibur.source.Sou​rceFactory/http' not found. (Key='Cocoon') [22:21] xley: sorry got called away ... while i am testing that, did you see the mail link above? [22:22] tscherle1: yeah but I do not understand why [22:22] tscherle1: [22:22] tscherle1: [22:22] tscherle1: [22:22] tscherle1: [22:22] tscherle1: [22:22] tscherle1: [22:22] tscherle1: [22:22] tscherle1: from docbook [22:23] tscherle1: is working with [22:23] tscherle1: further why not using [22:23] tscherle1: [22:26] tscherle1: [22:26] tscherle1: [22:26] tscherle1: [22:26] tscherle1: [22:26] tscherle1: works fine as well [22:26] tscherle1: and throws the warnings as well [22:27] xley: you are moving too fast for me. [22:27] xley: i get no error message for the first thing you asked me to test. [22:28] tscherle1: in the log [22:28] xley: however it just shows the same page again, according to the [22:28] tscherle1: tail -f build/webapp/WEB-INF/logs/*.log [22:28] tscherle1: yeah [22:29] tscherle1: that means the is not working correct for the remoteDemo [22:29] xley: llet me look at locationmap.xml [22:30] xley: no errors at all in errors.log [22:31] tscherle1: hmm did you include all logs? [22:31] tscherle1: *.log [22:31] tscherle1: it is in the core.log [22:32] xley: will look at core.log in a minute [22:33] xley: re: locationmap.xml ... that is what it is supposed to do (get the source from svn). [22:33] xley: great it works. [22:33] xley: we should change the demo to a different source. [22:34] _Gav_: Any reason why ... [22:34] _Gav_: [22:34] _Gav_: [22:34] _Gav_: [22:34] _Gav_: is commented out, but not in Daisy [22:34] _Gav_: (Hi all) [22:35] tscherle1: the thing is that we need to find out what is the core match that treats normally "remoteDemo/**.xml" [22:35] tscherle1: because we do not use it [22:35] tscherle1: but the daisy plugin does [22:35] tscherle1: hi [22:35] _Gav_: ok, just wondered [22:36] xley: re: core.log ... we have many warnings in there at normal times. [22:40] tscherle1: I reckon the core match is in forrest.xmap [22:40] tscherle1: [22:40] tscherle1: [22:40] tscherle1: [22:40] tscherle1: [22:40] tscherle1: but I need to go buy some food [22:40] tscherle1: will be back in an hour [23:17] _Gav_: hello [23:22] xley: hello [23:24] xley: I just committed a fix for FOR-876 remoteDemo locationmap. Of course we need a combination of sitemap and locationmap to handle this. Thanks to everyone for the help. [23:24] _Gav_: ah, thought I was cut off. [23:25] _Gav_: I just posted to the list my findings for this CSS lark. [23:25] xley: :-) [23:27] _Gav_: It aint easy, but to match the way it done currently, probably for the best [23:30] _Gav_: I think I'll go now and watch some footy. [23:31] _Gav_: Some more got done so another successful FF [23:31] _Gav_: I'll watch for comments on the list and start posting patches tomorrow [23:31] xley: yeah great, thanks to everyone ... good luck for your team [23:32] _Gav_: ok, thanks, cya [23:32] xley: bye [23:32] » _Gav_ left the chat room. [23:47] » pbol left the chat room. [23:50] » pbo1 left the chat room. [00:14] » You are now known as xley. [00:14] » You changed the topic to "ForrestFriday: Finish locationmap, investigate some of the blocker issues for next release". [00:14] » You changed the topic to "ForrestFriday: Finish locationmap, investigate some of the blocker issues for next release". [00:14] » You rejoined the room. [00:21] xley: Hey Thorsten it is about time to close up the Forrest Friday. When you leave, then i can close it. Off to bed soon. [00:29] tscherle1: k [00:29] tscherle1: slep well [00:29] tscherle1: sleep I mean [00:29] xley: hey are you going to ApacheCon [00:30] tscherle1: no [00:30] xley: at all [00:30] tscherle1: no forrest tutorial has been people [00:30] xley: ah that is what i gathered from your talk here with cheche [00:31] tscherle1: I am planing to move this summer [00:31] xley: thought that you might still go to AC for the rest of it. [00:31] tscherle1: so vacation and money are going ATM into the new house [00:31] xley: move to where [00:32] xley: fair enough. [00:32] tscherle1: here in seville [00:32] tscherle1: to house that has some ground [00:32] xley: okay, sounds nice [00:32] tscherle1: for my dogs (3) [00:32] tscherle1: and a swimming pool for myself ;) [00:33] xley: big bind with pets. [00:33] tscherle1: it is 30∫ C ATM here ;)incompatible encoding [00:33] tscherle1: yeah [00:33] tscherle1: I love dogs [00:35] xley: all then best then, see you later. [00:36] tscherle1: k nice talking to you [00:36] tscherle1: cu [00:36] xley: cheers [00:37] xley: when you leave i can close the channel. [00:37] xley: longest Forrest Friday ever! [00:37] tscherle1: jeje [00:37] tscherle1: k I am going [00:37] tscherle1: ;) [00:37] tscherle1: /exit [00:37] xley: bye again [00:38] tscherle1: by [00:38] » tscherle1 left the chat room.