Notes for ForrestFriday 10 March 2006 Please try to summarize as we go. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The topic is to finish locationmap, clean up Jira, prioritise issues for next release, more xhtml2 dev, Dispatcher + docs. (automated commit every hour.) JennyCurran and her silly log stats were unable to attend this ForrestFriday - she was missed by all;) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thorsten and Paul discussed the various approaches to the IE issue with respect to dispatcher. Thorsten attached three approachs via patches to JIRA and Paul tried them out. No luck but I *think* that they ended figuring this out. (FIXME: Please correct this if necessary). Paul noted to Ross that he's done the OOo patch but it doesn't seem to work yet - still some work left: Ross appeared gone at the time. Thorsten explained the skinconf.xml/dispatcher relationship. Essentially, the current dispatcher replaces it - skinconf is no longer needed. Paul noted that the skinconf titles were still coming from there and Thorsten said add a patch and he'd look into it. Gav got his new laptop up and running after some patient assistance from Thorsten;) Ross' plans changed and he had to exit. Paul and Thorsten talked about svg in forrest with dispatcher. SVG can be done by including an svg contract in the view - no problem. Thorsten basically discussed how png's are created from svg's but we can now use dispatcher contracts to deliver svg's directly. There's even the potential for using svg in combination with some browser detection to do some rich vs. simple presentation in the contract.