Notes for ForrestFriday 10 February 2006 Please try to summarise as we go. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The topic is to finish locationmap, clean up Jira, prioritise issues for next release, more xhtml2 dev, Dispatcher + docs. (automated commit every hour.) JennyCurran is keeping a live logfile at Silly stats are at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cheche and Thorsten discussed the horrible CSS in version 0.7 and hoped that Dispatcher will be better. Gavin had good timing and commenced cleaning up pelt.fv Ross and David continued the long-lasting FOR-200 (cleaning up the locationmap bits-and-pieces). Discussed the plugin deployment procedure. This sprang from part of the work for tidying up locationmaps in plugins. Very important to get this procedure right. Thorten and Tim discussed locationmap caching. Thorsten multi-tasked with Gav to help with tidying the pelt theme. Ross helped Thorsten with deployment of the Dispatcher plugins. Gavin continued with fine-tuning the pelt.fv and there was discussion about how to do two separate 'forrest run' on different ports to assist with visual comparison. David continued with verifying that plugins had locationmaps and that their version information was correct. Ross and Tim talked about Locationmap caching solutions. Thorsten helped Gavin to fix the credit logo placement in pelt.fv Thorsten tried to deal with the CDATA problem with poor xml in the forrest-issues.html rss source. Diwaker, Thorsten, and David did some time recording for the Dispatcher of site-author ... the build exec times are improving. David continued with trying to get the plugins deployment process. Brief discussion about the generated PNG from SVG (e.g. project logo) not working with Dispatcher. Also need to refactor part of the resources.xmap for themes.xmap PaulB and Gavin discussed the 'generate nav from directory structure' option. PaulB talked a bit about Helena's RSS ideas. There seemed to be round-the-world coverage.