Notes for ForrestFriday 13 January 2006 Please try to summarise as we go. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The topic is to finish locationmap, clean up Jira, prioritise issues for next release, more xhtml2 dev, Dispatcher +docs. (automated commit every 20 minutes.) (almost-live web-based logfile) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Slow start today. Nothing much happended for the first 3.5 hours. Discussed the state of work with moving the plugins to use locationmap FOR-726 ... started working on systematically testing and reviewing each. Thorsten explained some more aspects of the Disptacher and Cyriaque started "Migrate themer contracts to dispatcher v3" Use the "Subversion Commits" view to see progress. Brief discussion about moving to use rather than the current file. Someone will need to send a proposal to the dev list explaining why we need to move and how to go about it. It seems a big job with many aspects. Thorsten and Gavin talked about xhtml2 output, etc. Brief discussion about branches. Supplements the current discussion on dev list. Talked about ways to operate with different versions of trunk and branches. Brief talk about forrestbot - PaulK has some success. Nice jokes about useful things to do with wires in a storm :-) Slow finish. Not much participation in the second half.