What is Apache Forrest ---------------------- Forrest is an XML standards-oriented documentation framework based on Apache Cocoon, providing XSLT stylesheets and schemas, images and other resources. Forrest uses these to render the XML source content into a website via command-line, robot, or a dynamic web application. Requirements ------------ Forrest is implemented both as a Java servlet and a Java command line application. The following requirements exist for installing it: * A Java 1.3 or later compatible virtual machine for your operating system. Installation Instructions and Documentation ------------------------------------------- Read the index.html file in this directory for the installation instructions. The documentation relevant for your version is included with Forrest. The Forrest website has documentation for the current development version. Licensing and legal issues and credits -------------------------------------- Forrest is licensed under the Apache Software License, version 2.0 See the files in the top-level of the Forrest distribution called LICENSE.txt and NOTICE.txt and see licenses for accompanying products in the "legal" directory. Thanks for using Apache Forrest ... http://forrest.apache.org/