--------------------------------- Webapp generated in ${project.webapp} NOTE This webapp is suitable for deployment to a remote machine, however, it does not allow editing in the project src directory. For local testing of your project files you should use "forrest run" or "forrest webapp-local". These create a webapp, only suitable for local deployment, but that allow editing of your project files in the src directory. To run in Tomcat, add this to the config file (usu. server.xml): <Context path='/${skinconfig.project-name}' docBase='${project.webapp}' reloadable='true'/> If using JDK 1.4 or above, make sure to set the Java environment variable -Djava.endorsed.dirs=${forrest.home}${/}lib${/}endorsed Eg, in the TOMCAT_OPTS (3.3.x) or CATALINA_OPTS (4.x) env variable. ---------------------------------