Release Notes - Flume - Version v1.1.0 ** Sub-task * [FLUME-989] - Factor Flume Avro RPC interfaces out into separate Client SDK ** Bug * [FLUME-11] - Tests are setting logger level and should not be. * [FLUME-889] - All events in memory channel are lost on reconfiguration * [FLUME-920] - flume-ng script does not work on Ubuntu Maverick * [FLUME-933] - Default[Source|Sink|Channel]Factory implementation should do reference counting for create/unregistering instances. * [FLUME-936] - MemoryChannel is not thread safe * [FLUME-955] - Rat failure: Legacy Avro Source missing Apache license header * [FLUME-957] - Remove unused flume json config file * [FLUME-960] - TestAvroSink.testFailedConnect is racy and fails often * [FLUME-963] - Add additional tests to TestHDFSEventSink and demystify existing tests * [FLUME-972] - Missing dep when attempting to prepare flume dir for import into Eclipse * [FLUME-987] - LoggerSink prints garbage for body * [FLUME-1003] - The memory channel does not seem to respect the capacity * [FLUME-1005] - Several issues with flume-ng script * [FLUME-1009] - HDFSEventSink should return BACKOFF when the channel returns null * [FLUME-1018] - Context can cause NullPointerException ** Improvement * [FLUME-886] - Create Log4j Appender * [FLUME-919] - flume-ng script should use exec when spawning the java process * [FLUME-922] - Straighten up branches for development * [FLUME-925] - Update build infrastructure to follow Apache Maven guidelines * [FLUME-931] - Flume NG TailSource * [FLUME-932] - Making flume-ng components pluggage and name aware * [FLUME-935] - Create abstract implementations of basic channel/transaction semantics * [FLUME-939] - Load from flume_conf_dir environment variable / system property as opposed to bin directory * [FLUME-945] - Add the ability to specify a default channel for multiplexing channel selector. * [FLUME-956] - Configuration File Template * [FLUME-958] - Miscellaneous build improvements * [FLUME-964] - Remove compiler warnings where possible * [FLUME-978] - Context interface is too basic requiring boilerplate user code * [FLUME-984] - SinkRunner should catch unhanded exceptions and log them like PollingSourceRunner * [FLUME-990] - Hive sink * [FLUME-1019] - Document Sink and related interfaces, defining expected behaviors * [FLUME-1021] - Document API contracts and expected behavior in additional interfaces, including Source ** New Feature * [FLUME-865] - Implement failover sink * [FLUME-892] - Support for SysLog as source * [FLUME-914] - Port the IRC sink to flume ng * [FLUME-930] - Support for multiplexing into different channels from single source. * [FLUME-942] - Support event compatibility with Flume 0.9x * [FLUME-970] - Create user guide for Flume NG * [FLUME-1015] - S3 sink on flumeNG ** Task * [FLUME-940] - Remove unused code from Flume * [FLUME-949] - Collapse PollableSink into Sink interface. * [FLUME-977] - Migrate trunk to 0.9.5 branch and move branch flume-728 over to trunk ---- Release Notes - Flume - Version v1.0.0 - 20111230 ** Bug * [FLUME-830] - flume uber jar is missing files from flume-file-channel project * [FLUME-831] - flume-jdbc-channel project has unnecessary direct dependency on log4j API * [FLUME-833] - Audit Direct Library Deps for Flume NG * [FLUME-835] - Issues during clean build of Flume NG * [FLUME-850] - Upgrade the version of Hadoop we use for HDFS sink * [FLUME-858] - HDFSWriterFactory is using operation == for string comparison * [FLUME-863] - Use of unknown sink type leads to NullPointerException * [FLUME-868] - RAT checks fail on due to local maven repo * [FLUME-869] - JDBC channel tests leave derby.log in module directory * [FLUME-870] - LoggerSink contains two calls to Transaction#commit() * [FLUME-880] - HDFSFormatterFactory is using == operator for String objects * [FLUME-887] - Add maven assembly to build a source only artifact * [FLUME-891] - flume-ng script doesn't build the classpath properly * [FLUME-894] - Add log4j as part of the build * [FLUME-898] - Create DISCLAIMER file for Flume project * [FLUME-900] - RELEASENOTES file needs to be ignored by RAT * [FLUME-902] - Remove thrift references in NG build * [FLUME-903] - Update project metadata in main pom * [FLUME-904] - Update plugin and dependency repos referenced in the main pom * [FLUME-905] - ExecSource silently fails after first transaction with channel * [FLUME-906] - Maven Avro plugin missing an entry in plugin dep management * [FLUME-907] - Maven assembly missing CHANGELOG and other misc files * [FLUME-908] - Clean out old bin and conf contents * [FLUME-909] - org.apache.flume.node.TestAbstractLogicalNodeManager is failing on some machines * [FLUME-910] - Typo in maven avro plugin groupId in plugin dep management * [FLUME-911] - README should reference Apache Flume rather than just Flume * [FLUME-912] - DEVNOTES contains outdated info * [FLUME-913] - slf4j-log4j binding is excluded from the dist assembly due to test scope * [FLUME-915] - Incorrect license information in various files * [FLUME-916] - DISCLAIMER file has an incorrect URL ** Improvement * [FLUME-846] - Bump Avro version to 1.6.x * [FLUME-867] - Pollable source and sink runners should reduce poll interval after several BACKOFFs * [FLUME-871] - HDFS sink needs to handle blocked/hung append operation ** Question * [FLUME-856] - Move data across hosts ** Task * [FLUME-876] - Update README, NOTICE, LICENSE, and DEVNOTES files * [FLUME-878] - Write release-ready Maven assembly descriptor * [FLUME-879] - Document Flume's ASF release process * [FLUME-885] - Set version number of project to 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT for NG branch * [FLUME-899] - Add Release notes * [FLUME-901] - Make Flume NG build and pass tests against Hadoop 0.23 branch Release Notes - Flume - Version NG alpha 2 - 20111107 ** Bug * [FLUME-773] - ExecSource doesn't rollback transactions on errors * [FLUME-805] - HDFS sink should mangle the names of incomplete files till they are closed * [FLUME-815] - Test json config file has missing bind property * [FLUME-816] - TestJdbcChannelProvider throws OOME based on RNG values * [FLUME-817] - JdbcChannel can not be created by DefaultChannelFactory * [FLUME-818] - PropertiesFileConfigurationProvider doesn't properly log exceptions * [FLUME-822] - JDBC channel lock acquisition failure during take() * [FLUME-823] - The properties configuration provider should fail if the configuration file is not found * [FLUME-825] - Need to remove dependency on hadoop core from flume-ng-core project * [FLUME-827] - Avro client conn failure results in 60-second wait before terminating * [FLUME-848] - Typo is TestHDFSEventSink path * [FLUME-861] - AvroSource is failing on ClosedChannelException ** Improvement * [FLUME-819] - JDBC channel plugin is not registered with Flume node * [FLUME-820] - JDBC channel should support capacity specification. * [FLUME-821] - Derby schema handler should create the necessary indexes for fast lookups. * [FLUME-826] - Update libs ** New Feature * [FLUME-775] - Support text output * [FLUME-814] - Add support for multiple channels to sources ** Task * [FLUME-812] - Enable Apache RAT checks during Maven build * [FLUME-866] - Remove old plugins and log4j appender Release Notes - Flume - Version NG alpha 1 - 20111021 ** Sub-task * [FLUME-737] - Port Flume OG sources and sinks to NG interfaces * [FLUME-739] - Create NG node configuration components * [FLUME-747] - Create NG command line launchers and daemon infrastructure * [FLUME-760] - Implement JDBC based channel implementation * [FLUME-761] - Implement HDFS Flume NG sink * [FLUME-777] - Support text output for HDFS sink * [FLUME-795] - Replace the non-transactional memory channel with new transactional memory channel ** Bug * [FLUME-769] - FLUME-728 - TestJsonFileConfigurationProvider fails due to timing issue * [FLUME-784] - MemoryChannel should poll with timeout on take() rather than block indefinitely * [FLUME-788] - Add more test cases to Flume-NG HDFS test * [FLUME-803] - support re-entrant transaction for memory channel * [FLUME-806] - Fix cast exception in MemoryChannel due to config type changes * [FLUME-807] - Fix tests broken by FLUME-802 changes * [FLUME-809] - Fix channel syntax javadoc bug in PropertiesFileConfigurationProvider * [FLUME-811] - Remove logging of avro client that causes errors with proxy object methods ** Epic * [FLUME-728] - Flume NG refactoring ** Improvement * [FLUME-772] - MemoryChannel should push events back into channel on rollback * [FLUME-774] - Move HDFS sink into a separate module * [FLUME-781] - Add error checking to AvroCLICilent * [FLUME-782] - Instrument AvroSource with counters * [FLUME-783] - Add a batch event RPC call to AvroSource * [FLUME-804] - Support help and node name arguments from the command line * [FLUME-810] - Add help command line options to AvroCLIClient ** New Feature * [FLUME-771] - Implement NG Avro source * [FLUME-778] - Implement NG Avro sink * [FLUME-779] - Create an Avro CLI for sending data to the Avro source ** Task * [FLUME-780] - Reduce default log levels for chatty libraries * [FLUME-785] - Write javadoc for builtin channels * [FLUME-786] - Write javadoc for builtin sources * [FLUME-787] - Write javadoc for builtin sinks * [FLUME-801] - Write NG getting started guide * [FLUME-802] - Complete PropertyFileConfigurationProvider implementation