This table shows the parameter mapping of Flume event to HBase sink

Sink has the next parameters: attr2hbase("table" [,"family"[, "writeBody"[,"attrPrefix"[,"writeBufferSize"[,"writeToWal"]]]]]).
"table" - HBase table name to perform output into.
"sysFamily" - Column family's name which is used to store "system" data (event's timestamp, host, priority).
In case this param is absent or ="" the sink doesn't write "system" data.
"writeBody" - Indicates whether event's body should be written among other "system" data.
Default is "false" which means it should NOT be written.
In case this param is absent or ="" the sink doesn't write "body" data.
In case this param has format "column-family:qualifier" the sink writes the body to the specified column-family:qualifier
"attrPrefix" - Attributes with this prefix in key will be placed into HBase table. Default value: "2hb_".
Attribute key should be in the following format: "<attrPrefix><columnFamily>:<qualifier>",
e.g. "2hb_user:name" means that its value will be placed into "user" column family with "name" qualifier.
Attribute with key "<attrPrefix>" SHOULD contain row key for Put,
otherwise (if no row can be extracted) the event is skipped and no records are written to the HBase table.
Next table shows what gets written into HBase table depending on the attribute name and other settings (in format columnFamily:qualifier->value, "-" means nothing is written).

Event's attr ("name"->"value") and Event's body -> (body -> "Val") attrPrefix="2hb_", sysFamily=null, writeBody="bodyfam:bodycol" attrPrefix="2hb_", sysFamily="sysfam", writeBody="bodyfam:bodycol" attrPrefix="2hb_", sysFamily="sysfam", writeBody="" attrPrefix="2hb_", sysFamily=null, writeBody=null
"any"->"foo", body->"EventVal" bodyfam:bodycol-> EventVal bodyfam:bodycol-> EventVal - -
"colfam:col"->"foo", body->"" - - - -
"2hb_any"->"foo" body->"EventVal" bodyfam:bodycol-> EventVal sysfam:any->foo, bodyfam:bodycol-> EventVal sysfam:any->foo -
"2hb_colfam:col"->"foo", body->"" colfam:col->foo colfam:col->foo colfam:col->foo colfam:col->foo
1) The attr2hbase sink with attribute-prefix parameter as "empty/null", will use the hard-coded default attribute-prefix:"2hb_"
2) The Events without values for the configured attribute-prefix or default "2hb_" will NOT be written to the HBase.