Running Flume on HBase ---------------------- 1) Compile top-level flume $ ant 2) Copy your version of hbase-*.jar into the plugins/hbasesink/lib I tested against hbase-0.89.20100621+17.jar 3) Compile hbase-sink from this directory ../plugins/hbasesink$ ant 4) Successful compilation will produce "hbase_sink.jar" in ../plugins/hbasesink/ 5) Add the plugin classes in flume/conf/flume-site.xml flume.plugin.classes com.cloudera.flume.hbase.Attr2HBaseEventSink Comma separated list of plugin classes 6) Include the jars in the "FLUME_CLASSPATH" From the terminal where you would start the Flume nodes: $ export FLUME_CLASSPATH=/your_path/flume/plugins/hbasesink/hbase_sink.jar:/your_path/hbase-*/conf/ Include all the jars that your plugin refers to Here's how I've run flume against hbase in dev mode: 7) From your hbase-*, "bin/" Note that starting hbase will also start ZooKeeper 8) using the hbase shell create a table for the flume sink to write events $ bin/hbase shell > create 't1', 'f1', 'f2' 9) Undertand the attr2hbase sink usage and configure the source: "usage: attr2hbase(\"table\" [,\"sysFamily\"[, \"writeBody\"[,\"attrPrefix\"[,\"writeBufferSize\"[,\"writeToWal\"]]]]]) Refer parameter_mapping.html in /docs for more details. 10) start flume, I started a node with a rssatomSource and attr2hbase("t1","f1","f2:event","attr-prefix","10","false")' > scan 't1' (This is output of my rowkey and data) hbase(main):002:0> scan 't1' ROW COLUMN+CELL \x00\x00\xF6_\x0Fk\xF4\x80 column=f2:event, timestamp=1274227444388, value=hello \x00\x00\xF6_\x0Fk\xF4\x80 column=f1:host, timestamp=1274227444388, value=valhalla \x00\x00\xF6_\x0Fk\xF4\x80 column=f1:timestamp, timestamp=1274227444388, value=\x00\x00\x01\x28\xAD\xDF\xCA\ x7C 1 row(s) in 0.0550 seconds