Upcoming Events
We are happy to announce several upcoming Flink events both in Europe and the US. Starting with a Flink hackathon in Stockholm (Oct 8-9) and a talk about Flink at the Stockholm Hadoop User Group (Oct 8). This is followed by the very first Flink Meetup in Berlin (Oct 15). In the US, there will be two Flink Meetup talks: the first one at the Pasadena Big Data User Group (Oct 29) and the second one at Silicon Valley Hands On Programming Events (Nov 4).
We are looking forward to seeing you at any of these events. The following is an overview of each event and links to the respective Meetup pages.
Flink Hackathon, Stockholm (Oct 8-9)
The hackathon will take place at KTH/SICS from Oct 8th-9th. You can sign up here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dDZnMlRtZHJ3Z0hVTlFZVjU2MWtoX0E6MA.
Here is a rough agenda and a list of topics to work upon or look into. Suggestions and more topics are welcome.
Wednesday (8th)
9:00 - 10:00 Introduction to Apache Flink, System overview, and Dev environment (by Stephan)
10:15 - 11:00 Introduction to the topics (Streaming API and system by Gyula & Marton), (Graphs by Vasia / Martin / Stephan)
11:00 - 12:30 Happy hacking (part 1)
12:30 - Lunch (Food will be provided by KTH / SICS. A big thank you to them and also to Paris, for organizing that)
13:xx - Happy hacking (part 2)
Thursday (9th)
Happy hacking (continued)
Suggestions for topics
Sample streaming applications (e.g. continuous heavy hitters and topics on the twitter stream)
Implement a simple SQL to Streaming program parser. Possibly using Apache Calcite (http://optiq.incubator.apache.org/)
Implement different windowing methods (count-based, time-based, ...)
Implement different windowed operations (windowed-stream-join, windowed-stream-co-group)
Streaming state, and interaction with other programs (that access state of a stream program)
Graph Analysis
Prototype a Graph DSL (simple graph building, filters, graph properties, some algorithms)
Prototype abstractions different Graph processing paradigms (vertex-centric, partition-centric).
Generalize the delta iterations, allow flexible state access.
Meetup: Hadoop User Group Talk, Stockholm (Oct 8)
Hosted by Spotify, opens at 6 PM.
1st Flink Meetup, Berlin (Oct 15)
We are happy to announce the first Flink meetup in Berlin. You are very welcome to to sign up and attend. The event will be held in Betahaus Cafe.
Meetup: Pasadena Big Data User Group (Oct 29)
Meetup: Silicon Valley Hands On Programming Events (Nov 4)