/* * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ @namespace "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx"; @namespace charts "mx.charts.chartClasses.*"; charts|ChartBase { dataTipRenderer : ClassReference("mx.charts.chartClasses.DataTip"); fontSize : 10; } charts|CartesianChart { axisColor : #D5DEDD; dataTipRenderer : ClassReference("mx.charts.chartClasses.DataTip"); fontSize : 10; } charts|PolarChart { dataTipRenderer : ClassReference("mx.charts.chartClasses.DataTip"); fontSize : 10; } AreaChart { axisColor : #D5DEDD; dataTipRenderer: ClassReference("mx.charts.chartClasses.DataTip"); fontSize : 10; textAlign : "left"; } AreaSeries { adjustedRadius: 2; radius: 4; } /* //-------------------------------- // BarSeries //-------------------------------- */ BarSeries { labelClass: ClassReference("mx.controls.Label"); labelSizeLimit : 9; } /* //-------------------------------- // BarChart //-------------------------------- */ BarChart { labelClass: ClassReference("mx.controls.Label"); axisColor: #D5DEDD; barWidthRatio : 0.65; dataTipRenderer : ClassReference("mx.charts.chartClasses.DataTip"); fontSize : 10; gridLinesStyleName : "horizontalGridLines"; textAlign : "left"; } BubbleSeries { } BubbleChart { axisColor : #D5DEDD; dataTipRenderer : ClassReference("mx.charts.chartClasses.DataTip"); fontSize : 10; gridLinesStyleName : "bothGridLines"; maxRadius : 50; minRadius : 0; textAlign : "left"; } CandlestickSeries { } CandlestickChart { axisColor: #D5DEDD; columnWidthRatio : 0.65; dataTipRenderer : ClassReference("mx.charts.chartClasses.DataTip"); fontSize : 10; textAlign : "left"; } /* //-------------------------------- // ColumnSeries //-------------------------------- */ ColumnSeries { labelClass: ClassReference("mx.controls.Label"); labelSizeLimit : 9; } /* //-------------------------------- // ColumnChart //-------------------------------- */ ColumnChart { labelClass: ClassReference("mx.controls.Label"); axisColor : #D5DEDD; columnWidthRatio : 0.65; dataTipRenderer : ClassReference("mx.charts.chartClasses.DataTip"); fontSize : 10; textAlign : "left"; } HLOCSeries { closeTickLength : 3; openTickLength: 3; hlocColor: 0; } HLOCChart { axisColor : #D5DEDD; columnWidthRatio : 0.65; dataTipRenderer : ClassReference("mx.charts.chartClasses.DataTip"); fontSize : 10; textAlign : "left"; } LineSeries { adjustedRadius: 2; radius : 4; } LineChart { axisColor : #D5DEDD; dataTipRenderer : ClassReference("mx.charts.chartClasses.DataTip"); fontSize : 10; textAlign : "left"; } PlotSeries { radius: 5; adjustedRadius : 2; } PlotChart { axisColor : #D5DEDD; dataTipRenderer : ClassReference("mx.charts.chartClasses.DataTip"); fontSize : 10; gridLinesStyleName : "bothGridLines"; textAlign : "left"; } PieSeries { calloutGap : 10; innerRadius : 0; insideLabelSizeLimit : 9; labelPosition : "none"; renderDirection : "counterClockwise"; shadowDepth : 4; } PieChart { dataTipRenderer: ClassReference("mx.charts.chartClasses.DataTip"); fontSize : 10; innerRadius : 0; textAlign : "left"; } /* //-------------------------------- // AxisRenderer //-------------------------------- */ AxisRenderer { labelClass: ClassReference("mx.controls.Label"); canDropLabels : ClassReference(null); canStagger : true; labelGap : 3; labelRotation : NaN; minorTickLength : 0; minorTickPlacement : "none"; showLabels : true; showLine : true; tickLength : 3; tickPlacement : "outside"; labelAlign : "center"; verticalAxisTitleAlignment:"flippedVertical"; } .verticalAxisStyle { minorTickLength : 2; minorTickPlacement : "outside"; tickLength : 5; } .blockNumericAxis { minorTickLength : 0; minorTickPlacement : "cross"; tickLength : 8; } .linedNumericAxis { minorTickLength : 4; minorTickPlacement : "outside"; tickLength : 8; } .dashedNumericAxis { minorTickLength : 4; minorTickPlacement : "outside"; showLine : false; tickLength : 8; } .blockCategoryAxis { minorTickLength : 0; minorTickPlacement : "none"; tickLength : 0; tickPlacement : "cross"; } .hangingCategoryAxis { minorTickLength : 0; minorTickPlacement : "cross"; tickLength : 4; } .dashedCategoryAxis { minorTickPlacement : "none"; tickLength : 0; tickPlacement : "cross"; } GridLines { gridDirection : "horizontal"; horizontalShowOrigin : true; horizontalTickAligned : true; verticalShowOrigin : false; verticalTickAligned: true; } .horizontalGridLines { gridDirection : "vertical"; horizontalShowOrigin : false; horizontalTickAligned : true; verticalShowOrigin : true; verticalTickAligned: true; } .bothGridLines { gridDirection : "both"; horizontalShowOrigin : true; horizontalTickAligned: true; verticalShowOrigin : true; verticalTickAligned: true; } /* //------------------------------- // LegendItem //------------------------------- */ LegendItem { fill: #000000; fontWeight: "bold"; fontSize: 10; } /* //------------------------------- // Legend //------------------------------- */ Legend { borderStyle: "none"; horizontalGap: 20; maintainAspectRatio: true; paddingBottom: 5; paddingLeft: 5; paddingRight: 5; paddingTop: 5; verticalGap: 7; } /* //------------------------------- // DataTip //------------------------------- */ charts|DataTip { backgroundColor: #FFFFFF; }