//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more // contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with // this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. // The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 // (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with // the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package mx.printing { import flash.events.KeyboardEvent; import mx.collections.CursorBookmark; import mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid; import mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn; import mx.core.EdgeMetrics; import mx.core.ScrollPolicy; import mx.core.mx_internal; import mx.events.AdvancedDataGridEvent; use namespace mx_internal; //-------------------------------------- // Excluded APIs //-------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------- // public properties //-------------------------------------- [Exclude(name="allowDragSelection", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="allowMultipleSelection", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="dataTipField", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="dataTipFunction", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="doubleClickEnabled", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="dragEnabled", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="draggableColumns", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="dragMoveEnabled", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="dropEnabled", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="dropTarget", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="editable", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="editedItemPosition", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="editedItemRenderer", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="horizontalScrollBar", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="horizontalScrollPolicy", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="maxHorizontalScrollPosition", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="maxVerticalScrollPosition", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="scrollTipFunction", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="selectable", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="selectedIndex", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="selectedIndices", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="selectedItem", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="selectedItems", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="showScrollTips", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="toolTip", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="useHandCursor", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="verticalScrollBar", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="verticalScrollPolicy", kind="property")] //-------------------------------------- // protected properties //-------------------------------------- [Exclude(name="anchorBookmark", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="anchorIndex", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="caretBookmark", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="caretIndex", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="caretIndicator", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="caretItemRenderer", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="caretUID", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="dragImage", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="dragImageOffsets", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="highlightIndicator", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="highlightUID", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="keySelectionPending", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="lastDropIndex", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="selectionLayer", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="selectionTweens", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="showCaret", kind="property")] //-------------------------------------- // public methods //-------------------------------------- [Exclude(name="calculateDropIndex", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="createItemEditor", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="destroyItemEditor", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="effectFinished", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="effectStarted", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="endEffectStarted", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="hideDropFeedback", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="isItemHighlighted", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="isItemSelected", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="showDropFeedback", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="startDrag", kind="method")] //-------------------------------------- // protected methods //-------------------------------------- [Exclude(name="dragCompleteHandler", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="dragDropHandler", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="dragEnterHandler", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="dragExitHandler", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="dragOverHandler", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="dragScroll", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="drawCaretIndicator", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="drawHighlightIndicator", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="drawSelectionIndicator", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="mouseClickHandler", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="mouseDoubleClickHandler", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="mouseDownHandler", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="mouseEventToItemRenderer", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="mouseMoveHandler", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="mouseOutHandler", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="mouseOverHandler", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="mouseUpHandler", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="mouseWheelHandler", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="moveSelectionHorizontally", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="moveSelectionVertically", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="placeSortArrow", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="removeIndicators", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="selectItem", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="setScrollBarProperties", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="expandItemHandler", kind="method")] //-------------------------------------- // events //-------------------------------------- [Exclude(name="click", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="doubleClick", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="dragComplete", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="dragDrop", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="dragEnter", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="dragExit", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="dragOver", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="effectEnd", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="effectStart", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="headerRelease", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="itemClick", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="itemDoubleClick", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="itemEditBegin", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="itemEditBeginning", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="itemEditEnd", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="itemFocusIn", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="itemFocusOut", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="itemRollOut", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="itemRollOver", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="keyDown", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="keyUp", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="mouseDown", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="mouseDownOutside", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="mouseFocusChange", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="mouseMove", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="mouseOut", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="mouseOver", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="mouseUp", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="mouseWheel", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="mouseWheelOutside", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="rollOut", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="rollOver", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="toolTipCreate", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="toolTipEnd", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="toolTipHide", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="toolTipShow", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="toolTipShown", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="toolTipStart", kind="event")] //-------------------------------------- // styles //-------------------------------------- [Exclude(name="columnDropIndicatorSkin", kind="style")] [Exclude(name="columnResizeSkin", kind="style")] [Exclude(name="dropIndicatorSkin", kind="style")] [Exclude(name="headerDragProxyStyleName", kind="style")] [Exclude(name="horizontalScrollBarStyleName", kind="style")] [Exclude(name="rollOverColor", kind="style")] [Exclude(name="selectionColor", kind="style")] [Exclude(name="selectionDisabledColor", kind="style")] [Exclude(name="selectionDuration", kind="style")] [Exclude(name="selectionEasingFunction", kind="style")] [Exclude(name="strechCursor", kind="style")] [Exclude(name="textRollOverColor", kind="style")] [Exclude(name="textSelectedColor", kind="style")] [Exclude(name="useRollOver", kind="style")] [Exclude(name="verticalScrollBarStyleName", kind="style")] //-------------------------------------- // effects //-------------------------------------- [Exclude(name="addedEffect", kind="effect")] [Exclude(name="creationCompleteEffect", kind="effect")] [Exclude(name="focusInEffect", kind="effect")] [Exclude(name="focusOutEffect", kind="effect")] [Exclude(name="hideEffect", kind="effect")] [Exclude(name="mouseDownEffect", kind="effect")] [Exclude(name="mouseUpEffect", kind="effect")] [Exclude(name="moveEffect", kind="effect")] [Exclude(name="removedEffect", kind="effect")] [Exclude(name="resizeEffect", kind="effect")] [Exclude(name="rollOutEffect", kind="effect")] [Exclude(name="rollOverEffect", kind="effect")] [Exclude(name="showEffect", kind="effect")] /** * The PrintAdvancedDataGrid control is an AdvancedDataGrid subclass that is styled * to show a table with line borders and is optimized for printing. * It can automatically size to properly fit its container, and removes * any partially displayed rows. * * @mxml * *

The <mx:PrintAdvancedDataGrid> tag inherits the tag attributes * of its superclass; however, you do not use the properties, styles, events, * and effects (or methods) associated with user interaction. * The <mx:PrintAdvancedDataGrid> tag adds the following tag attribute: *

 *  <mx:PrintAdvancedDataGrid
 *    Properties
 *    allowInteraction="true|false"
 *    displayIcons="true|false"
 *    sizeToPage="true|false"
 *    source="null"
 *  > 
 *  ...
 *  </mx:PrintAdvancedDataGrid>
* * @see mx.printing.FlexPrintJob * @see mx.printing.PrintDataGrid * @see mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid * * @includeExample examples/AdvancedPrintDataGridExample.mxml * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public class PrintAdvancedDataGrid extends AdvancedDataGrid { include "../core/Version.as"; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Constructor // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Constructor. * *

Constructs a PrintAdvancedDataGrid control with no scroll bars, user interactivity, * column sorting, resizing, drag scrolling, selection, or keyboard * interaction. * The default height is 100% of the container height, or the height * required to display all the data provider rows, whichever is smaller.

* * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public function PrintAdvancedDataGrid() { super(); horizontalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.OFF; verticalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.OFF; sortableColumns = false; selectable = false; // to disable dragScrolling dragEnabled = true; resizableColumns = false; mouseChildren = false; super.percentHeight = 100; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Variables // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @private * Previous Page row count. */ private var previousPageRowCount:int = 0; /** * @private * Variable for storing the folderClosedIcon. */ private var folderClosedIconClass:Class; /** * @private * Variable for storing the folderOpenIcon. */ private var folderOpenIconClass:Class; /** * @private * Variable for storing the defaultLeafIcon. */ private var defaultLeafIconClass:Class; /** * @private * Storage variable for changes to displayIcons. */ private var displayIconsChanged:Boolean; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Overridden properties // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------- // height //---------------------------------- [Bindable("heightChanged")] [Inspectable(category="General")] [PercentProxy("percentHeight")] /** * @private * Getter needs to be overridden if setter is overridden. */ override public function get height():Number { return super.height; } /** * @private * Height setter needs to be overridden to update _originalHeight. */ override public function set height(value:Number):void { _originalHeight = value; if (!isNaN(percentHeight)) { super.percentHeight = NaN; measure(); value = measuredHeight; } super.height = value; invalidateDisplayList(); if (sizeToPage && !isNaN(explicitHeight)) explicitHeight = NaN; } //---------------------------------- // percentHeight //---------------------------------- [Bindable("resize")] [Inspectable(category="Size", defaultValue="NaN")] /** * @private * Getter needs to be overridden if setter is overridden. */ override public function get percentHeight():Number { return super.percentHeight; } /** * @private * percentHeight setter needs to be overridden to update _originalHeight. */ override public function set percentHeight(value:Number):void { _originalHeight = NaN; super.percentHeight = value; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Properties // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------- // currentPageHeight //---------------------------------- /** * @private * Storage for the currentPageHeight property. */ private var _currentPageHeight:Number; /** * The height that the PrintAdvancedDataGrid would be if the sizeToPage * property is true, meaning that the PrintAdvancedDataGrid displays only completely * viewable rows and displays no partial rows. * If the sizeToPage property * is false, the value of this property equals * the height property. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public function get currentPageHeight():Number { return _currentPageHeight; } //---------------------------------- // displayIcons //---------------------------------- /** * @private * Indicates that the folder/leaf icons will be displayed or not. */ private var _displayIcons:Boolean = true; /** * If true, display the folder and leaf icons in the navigation tree. * * @default true * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public function get displayIcons():Boolean { return _displayIcons; } public function set displayIcons(value:Boolean):void { if (value != _displayIcons) { _displayIcons = value; displayIconsChanged = true; itemsSizeChanged = true; invalidateProperties(); invalidateSize(); invalidateDisplayList(); } } //---------------------------------- // allowInteraction //---------------------------------- /** * Storage for the allowInteraction property. * @private */ private var _allowInteraction:Boolean; /** * If true, allows some interactions with the control, * such as column resizing, column reordering, and expanding or collapsing nodes. * * @default false * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public function get allowInteraction():Boolean { return _allowInteraction; } public function set allowInteraction(value:Boolean):void { _allowInteraction = value; if(value) { mouseChildren = true; resizableColumns = true; } else { mouseChildren = false; resizableColumns = false; } } //---------------------------------- // originalHeight //---------------------------------- /** * Storage for the originalHeight property. * @private */ private var _originalHeight:Number; /** * The height of the PrintAdvancedDataGrid as set by the user. * If the sizeToPage property is false, * the value of this property equals the height property. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public function get originalHeight():Number { return _originalHeight; } //---------------------------------- // sizeToPage //---------------------------------- /** * If true, the PrintAdvancedDataGrid readjusts its height to display * only completely viewable rows. * * @default true * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public var sizeToPage:Boolean = true; //---------------------------------- // source //---------------------------------- /** * @private * Source ADG. */ private var _source:AdvancedDataGrid; /** * Initializes the PrintAdvancedDataGrid control and all of its properties * from the specified AdvancedDataGrid control. * *

Note: The width and height of the PrintAdvancedDataGrid control * are not taken from the source AdvancedDataGrid control. * Changes to the source AdvancedDataGrid control are not automatically reflected * in the PrintAdvancedDataGrid instance. * Therefore, you must reset the source property after changing * the source AdvancedDataGrid control.

* * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public function get source():AdvancedDataGrid { return _source; } /** * @private */ public function set source(value:AdvancedDataGrid):void { _source = value; this.dataProvider = value.dataProvider; // set the dataProvider var i:int = 0; var n:int = 0; // assign groupedColumns only if Column Grouping // is present in the source AdvancedDataGrid if (value.groupedColumns != null) { var groupColumnsArray:Array = []; n = value.groupedColumns.length; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { groupColumnsArray.push(value.groupedColumns[i].clone()); } this.groupedColumns = groupColumnsArray; } else { // assign the columns var columnArray:Array = []; n = value.columns != null ? value.columns.length : 0; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { var sourceColumn:AdvancedDataGridColumn = value.columns[i]; var col:AdvancedDataGridColumn = sourceColumn.clone(); // check for treeColumn if (sourceColumn == value.treeColumn) this.treeColumn = col; columnArray.push(col); } this.columns = columnArray; } this.itemRenderer = value.itemRenderer; // set the itemRenderer this.headerRenderer = value.headerRenderer; // set the headerRenderer this.groupItemRenderer = value.groupItemRenderer; // set the groupItemRenderer this.rendererProviders = value.rendererProviders; // set the rendererProviders this.labelField = value.labelField; // set the labelField this.labelFunction = value.labelFunction; // set the labelFunction this.groupIconFunction = value.groupIconFunction; // set the groupIconFunction this.groupLabelFunction = value.groupLabelFunction; // set the groupLabelFunction this.displayDisclosureIcon = value.displayDisclosureIcon; // set displayDisclosureIcon this.displayItemsExpanded = value.displayItemsExpanded; // set displayItemsExpanded this.itemIcons = value.itemIcons; // set the itemsIcons this.lockedColumnCount = value.lockedColumnCount; // set lockecColumnCount this.lockedRowCount = value.lockedRowCount; // set lockedRowCount this.wordWrap = value.wordWrap; // set wordWrap this.variableRowHeight = value.variableRowHeight; // set variableRowHeight columnsInvalid = true; itemsSizeChanged = true; // invalidate everything invalidateProperties(); invalidateSize(); invalidateDisplayList(); } //---------------------------------- // validNextPage //---------------------------------- /** * Indicates that the data provider contains additional data rows that follow * the rows that the PrintAdvancedDataGrid control currently displays. * * @return A Boolean value of true if a set of rows is * available else false. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public function get validNextPage():Boolean { var vPos:int = verticalScrollPosition + rowCount ; return dataProvider && vPos < dataProvider.length ? true : false; } //---------------------------------- // validPreviousPage //---------------------------------- /** * Indicates that the data provider contains data rows that precede * the rows that the PrintAdvancedDataGrid control currently displays. * * @return A Boolean value of true if a set of rows is * available else false. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public function get validPreviousPage():Boolean { var vPos:int = verticalScrollPosition - previousPageRowCount ; return dataProvider && vPos >= 0 ? true : false; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Overridden methods: UIComponent // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @private * Checks the changes in displayIcons and update the display. */ override protected function commitProperties():void { super.commitProperties(); // set treeColumn in case of a column grouped AdvacnedDataGrid if (source && source.groupedColumns && source.treeColumn) { var n:int = source.columns.length; for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++) { var sourceColumn:AdvancedDataGridColumn = source.columns[i]; if (sourceColumn == source.treeColumn) { this.treeColumn = this.columns[i]; break; } } } if(displayIconsChanged) { displayIconsChanged = false; if(displayIcons) { setStyle("defaultLeafIcon",defaultLeafIconClass); setStyle("folderClosedIcon",folderClosedIconClass); setStyle("folderOpenIcon",folderOpenIconClass); } else { // get the styles and store them folderClosedIconClass = getStyle("folderClosedIcon"); folderOpenIconClass = getStyle("folderOpenIcon"); defaultLeafIconClass = getStyle("defaultLeafIcon"); // set the folder/leaf icons to null setStyle("defaultLeafIcon",null); setStyle("folderClosedIcon",null); setStyle("folderOpenIcon",null); } } } /** * @private * Sets the default number of display rows to dataProvider.length. */ override protected function measure():void { var oldRowCount:uint = rowCount; var count:uint; count = (dataProvider) ? dataProvider.length : 0; // Headers should show even if there is no dataProvider if (count == 0 && headerVisible) count++; if (count >= verticalScrollPosition) count -= verticalScrollPosition; else count = 0; setRowCount(count); // need to calculate rowCount before super() super.measure(); measureHeight(); if (isNaN(_originalHeight)) _originalHeight = measuredHeight; _currentPageHeight = measuredHeight; if (!sizeToPage) { setRowCount(oldRowCount); super.measure(); } } /** * @private * setActualSize() is overridden to update _originalHeight. */ override public function setActualSize(w:Number, h:Number):void { if (!isNaN(percentHeight)) { _originalHeight = h; super.percentHeight = NaN; measure(); h = measuredHeight; } super.setActualSize(w, h); invalidateDisplayList(); if (sizeToPage && !isNaN(explicitHeight)) explicitHeight = NaN; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Overridden methods: ListBase // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @private * Overridden configureScrollBars to disable autoScrollUp. */ override protected function configureScrollBars():void { } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Methods // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Puts the next set of data rows in view; * that is, it sets the PrintAdvancedDataGrid verticalScrollPosition * property to equal verticalScrollPosition + (number of scrollable rows). * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public function nextPage():void { previousPageRowCount = rowCount - lockedRowCount; if (verticalScrollPosition < dataProvider.length) { verticalScrollPosition += rowCount - lockedRowCount; // TODO: can this be avoided? itemsSizeChanged = true; invalidateSize(); invalidateDisplayList(); } } /** * Puts the previous set of data rows in view; * that is, it sets the PrintAdvancedDataGrid verticalScrollPosition * property to equal verticalScrollPosition - (number of rows in the previous page). * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public function previousPage():void { if (verticalScrollPosition > 0) { verticalScrollPosition = Math.max(0, (verticalScrollPosition - previousPageRowCount)); invalidateSize(); invalidateDisplayList(); } } /** * @private * ListBase.measure() does'nt calculate measuredHeight in required way * so have to add the code here. */ private function measureHeight():void { if( dataProvider && dataProvider.length > 0 && (verticalScrollPosition >= dataProvider.length)) { setRowCount(0); measuredHeight = 0; measuredMinHeight = 0; return; } var o:EdgeMetrics = viewMetrics; var rc:int = (explicitRowCount < 1) ? rowCount : explicitRowCount; var maxHeight:Number = isNaN(_originalHeight) ? -1 : _originalHeight - o.top - o.bottom; measuredHeight = measureHeightOfItemsUptoMaxHeight( -1, rc, maxHeight) + o.top + o.bottom; measuredMinHeight = measureHeightOfItemsUptoMaxHeight( -1, Math.min(rc, 2), maxHeight) + o.top + o.bottom; } /** * Moves to the first page of the PrintAdvancedDataGrid control, * which corresponds to the first set of visible rows. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public function moveToFirstPage():void { // move the iterator to the first position // this is done because when nextPage() is called without // checking for validNextPage(), listItems becomes empty after the last page // and the iterator is not seeked to the desired position. iterator.seek(CursorBookmark.FIRST); verticalScrollPosition = 0; invalidateSize(); invalidateDisplayList(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Overridden event handlers: UIComponent // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @private * Overridden keyDown to disable keyboard functionality. */ override protected function keyDownHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void { } /** * @private * Overridden expandItemHandler to disable animation * and recalculate the height * when allowInteraction is false. */ override mx_internal function expandItemHandler(event:AdvancedDataGridEvent):void { event.animate = false; // no animation super.expandItemHandler(event); // we have to recalculate the height itemsSizeChanged = true; invalidateDisplayList(); invalidateSize(); invalidateProperties(); } } }