Title: Apache FlexUnit Tutorial ###Welcome to the Apache FlexUnit Tutorial!### This course is divided into units, most of which present new information and contain walkthroughs. At the end of each unit, you will find a summary of the unit’s content. The following are used throughout the guide: * **Concepts** introduce new information. * **Demonstrations** illustrate new concepts. * **Walkthroughs** guide you through procedures. * **Summaries** provide a brief synopsis of the unit’s content. * **Reviewing** the Course Prerequisites To gain the most from this class, you should already: * Be comfortable [building applications](http://flex.apache.org/doc-getstarted.html) in Flex * Be familiar with both [AS3 and MXML](http://help.adobe.com/en_US/flex/using/index.html) ###Tutorial Units:### * [Introducing FlexUnit 4.2](flexunit/Unit-1.html) * [Overview of Testing Terms and Terminology](flexunit/Unit-2.html) * [FlexUnit Capabilities](flexunit/Unit-3.html) * [FlexUnit Basics](flexunit/Unit-4.html) * [Developing Static Tests](flexunit/Unit-5.html) * [Working with the Test Fixture](flexunit/Unit-6.html) * [Using Suites](flexunit/Unit-7.html) * [FlexUnit Theories](flexunit/Unit-8.html) * [External Data](flexunit/Unit-9.html) * [Mock Classes](flexunit/Unit-10.html) * [Parameterized Tests](flexunit/Unit-11.html) * [Running Tests from Different Versions](flexunit/Unit-12.html) * [Working with Asynchronous Operations](flexunit/Unit-13.html) * [UIComponents](flexunit/Unit-14.html) * [Creating Testable Code](flexunit/Unit-15.html) * [Allowing Your Tests to Function with Continuous Integration](flexunit/Unit-16.html)