A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
label — Property, class mx.charts.LegendItem |
Specifies the text that Flex displays alongside the legend element. |
label — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.LegendData |
The text identifying the series or item displayed in the legend item. |
label — Property, class mx.collections.Grouping |
The name of the field added to the flat data
to create the hierarchy. |
label — Property, class mx.collections.SummaryField |
The property used inside the summary object,
an instance of the SummaryObject class, to
hold summary information. |
label — Property, class mx.collections.SummaryField2 |
The property used inside the summary object,
an instance of the SummaryObject class, to
hold summary information. |
label — Property, class mx.containers.FormHeading |
Form heading text. |
label — Property, class mx.containers.FormItem |
Text label for the FormItem. |
label — Property, class mx.controls.Button |
Text to appear on the Button control. |
label — Property, class mx.controls.ProgressBar |
Text that accompanies the progress bar. |
label — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridGroupItemRenderer |
The internal UITextField that displays the text in this renderer. |
label — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridHeaderRenderer |
The internal UITextField that displays the text in this renderer. |
label — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridSortItemRenderer |
The internal UITextField object that renders the label of this Button. |
label — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.BaseListData |
The textual representation of the item data, based on the list class's
itemToLabel() method. |
label — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListItemRenderer |
The internal UITextField that displays the text in this renderer. |
label — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.TileListItemRenderer |
The internal UITextField that displays the text in this renderer. |
label — Property, class mx.controls.menuClasses.MenuBarItem |
The UITextField that displays the text in this MenuBarItem. |
label — Property, class mx.controls.menuClasses.MenuItemRenderer |
The internal UITextField that displays the text in this renderer. |
label — Property, class mx.controls.olapDataGridClasses.OLAPDataGridGroupRenderer |
The internal UITextField that displays the text in this renderer. |
label — Property, class mx.controls.treeClasses.TreeItemRenderer |
The internal UITextField that displays the text in this renderer. |
label — Property, class mx.core.Container |
The text displayed by some navigator containers to represent
this Container. |
label — Property, interface mx.core.IButton |
Gets the text on a Button. |
label — Property, interface mx.core.INavigatorContent |
The text displayed by the navigator container for this container. |
label — Property, class mx.events.FlexNativeMenuEvent |
The label text of the associated menu item. |
label — Property, class mx.events.ItemClickEvent |
The label of the associated navigation item. |
label — Property, class mx.events.MenuEvent |
The label text of the associated menu item. |
label — Property, class mx.preloaders.DownloadProgressBar |
Text to display when the progress bar is active. |
label — Property, class spark.components.ButtonBarButton |
The String to display in the item renderer. |
label — Property, class spark.components.FormHeading |
Text to display in the FormHeading component. |
label — Property, class spark.components.FormItem |
Text label for the FormItem. |
label — Property, interface spark.components.IItemRenderer |
The String to display in the item renderer. |
label — Property, class spark.components.IconItemRenderer |
If labelFunction = labelField = null,
then use the label property that gets
pushed in from the list control. |
label — Property, class spark.components.LabelItemRenderer |
The String to display in the item renderer. |
label — Property, class spark.components.NavigatorContent |
The text displayed by some navigator containers to represent
this Container. |
label — Property, class spark.components.gridClasses.GridItemRenderer |
The String to display in the item renderer. |
label — Property, interface spark.components.gridClasses.IGridItemRenderer |
The String to display in the item renderer. |
label — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBase |
Text to appear on the ButtonBase control. |
label — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.ItemRenderer |
The String to display in the item renderer. |
label — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.ViewNavigatorBase |
The label used when this navigator is represented by a visual component. |
label — Property, class spark.modules.ModuleLoader |
The text displayed by some navigator containers to represent
this Container. |
label — Property, class spark.skins.spark.DefaultGridItemRenderer |
The grid control sets this property to the value of the column's
itemToLabel() method, before calling preprare().
The String to display in the item renderer. |
label — Property, class spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer |
The String to display in the item renderer. |
label — Property, class spark.skins.spark.UITextFieldGridItemRenderer |
The grid control sets this property to the value of the column's
itemToLabel() method, before calling preprare().
The String to display in the item renderer. |
Label — class, package mx.controls |
The Label control displays a single line of noneditable text. |
Label — class, package spark.components |
Label is a low-level UIComponent that can render
one or more lines of uniformly-formatted text. |
Label() — Constructor, class mx.controls.Label |
Constructor. |
Label() — Constructor, class spark.components.Label |
Constructor. |
LabelAccImpl — class, package mx.accessibility |
LabelAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation
which implements accessibility for the Label class. |
LabelAccImpl(master:mx.core:UIComponent) — Constructor, class mx.accessibility.LabelAccImpl |
Constructor. |
labelAlign — Style, class mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries |
| Determines the alignment of the label. |
| |
labelAlign — Style, class mx.charts.series.BarSeries |
| Determines the alignment of the label. |
| |
labelAlign — Style, class mx.charts.AxisRenderer |
| Specifies the alignment of label with respect to the position of the value it points to. |
| |
labelAngle — Property, class mx.charts.series.items.PieSeriesItem |
The angle of the label, in radians, for this wedge. |
labelCache — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.NumericAxis |
The most recent set of AxisLabel objects
generated to represent this axis. |
labelClass — Style, class mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries |
| The class that is used by this component to render labels. |
| |
labelClass — Style, class mx.charts.series.BarSeries |
| The class that is used by this component to render labels. |
| |
labelClass — Style, class mx.charts.AxisRenderer |
| The class that is used by this component to render labels. |
| |
labelClass — Style, class mx.charts.ColumnChart |
| The class that is used by this component to render labels. |
| |
labelClass — Style, class mx.charts.BarChart |
| The class that is used by this component to render labels. |
| |
labelCol — Property, class spark.skins.spark.FormHeadingSkin |
| The column containing the form item's label. |
labelCol — Property, class spark.skins.spark.FormItemSkin |
| The column containing the FormItem's label. |
labelContainer — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartElement |
The DisplayObject that displays labels rendered by this element. |
labelContainer — Property, interface mx.charts.chartClasses.IChartElement |
The DisplayObject that displays labels rendered by this element. |
labelData — Property, class mx.charts.series.renderData.BarSeriesRenderData |
A structure of data associated with the layout of the labels rendered by the bar series. |
labelData — Property, class mx.charts.series.renderData.ColumnSeriesRenderData |
A structure of data associated with the layout of the labels rendered by the column series. |
labelData — Property, class mx.charts.series.renderData.PieSeriesRenderData |
A structure of data associated with the layout of the labels rendered by the pie series. |
labelDisplay — Skin Part, class spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBase |
| A skin part that defines the label of the button. |
A skin part that defines the label of the button. |
labelDisplay — Skin Part, class spark.components.FormItem |
| A reference to the visual element that displays this FormItem's label. |
A reference to the visual element that displays this FormItem's label. |
labelDisplay — Skin Part, class spark.components.FormHeading |
| A reference to the visual element that displays this FormItem's label. |
A reference to the visual element that displays this FormItem's label. |
labelDisplay — Skin Part, class spark.components.DropDownList |
| An optional skin part that holds the prompt or the text of the selected item. |
An optional skin part that holds the prompt or the text of the selected item. |
labelDisplay — Property, class spark.components.LabelItemRenderer |
The text component used to
display the label data of the item renderer. |
labelDisplay — Property, class spark.components.gridClasses.GridItemRenderer |
An optional visual component in the item renderer
for displaying the label property. |
labelDisplay — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.ItemRenderer |
Optional item renderer label component. |
labelDisplay — Property, class spark.skins.ArrowDownToggleButtonSkin |
A skin part that defines the label of the button. |
labelDisplay — Property, class spark.skins.ArrowRightToggleButtonSkin |
A skin part that defines the label of the button. |
labelDisplay — Property, class spark.skins.SparkButtonSkin |
A skin part that defines the label of the button. |
labelDisplay — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.ButtonSkinBase |
labelDisplay skin part. |
labelDisplay — Property, class spark.skins.spark.CheckBoxSkin |
A skin part that defines the label of the button. |
labelDisplay — Property, class spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer |
Optional item renderer label component. |
labelDisplay — Property, class spark.skins.spark.DropDownListSkin |
An optional skin part that holds the prompt or the text of the selected item. |
labelDisplay — Property, class spark.skins.spark.FormHeadingSkin |
A reference to the visual element that displays this FormItem's label. |
labelDisplay — Property, class spark.skins.spark.FormItemSkin |
A reference to the visual element that displays this FormItem's label. |
labelDisplay — Property, class spark.skins.spark.RadioButtonSkin |
A skin part that defines the label of the button. |
labelDisplay — Property, class spark.skins.spark.StackedFormHeadingSkin |
A reference to the visual element that displays this FormItem's label. |
labelDisplay — Property, class spark.skins.spark.StackedFormItemSkin |
A reference to the visual element that displays this FormItem's label. |
labelDisplayGroup — Property, class spark.skins.spark.DefaultGridHeaderRenderer |
| Defines the size and location of the labelDisplay visual element. |
labelDisplayShadow — Property, class spark.skins.android4.ButtonSkin |
Defines the shadow for the Button control's label. |
labelDisplayShadow — Property, class spark.skins.ios7.ButtonSkin |
Defines the shadow for the Button control's label. |
labelDisplayShadow — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.ButtonSkin |
Defines the shadow for the Button control's label. |
labelElements — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase |
The set of display objects that represent the labels
for the chart elements. |
labelField — Property, class mx.charts.series.BarSeries |
Name of a field in the data provider whose value appears as the label. |
labelField — Property, class mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries |
Name of a field in the data provider whose value appears as the label. |
labelField — Property, class mx.charts.series.PieSeries |
Name of a field in the data provider whose value appears as label
Ignored if labelFunction is specified
labelField — Property, class mx.controls.ColorPicker |
Name of the field in the objects of the dataProvider Array that
contain text to display as the label in the SwatchPanel object text box. |
labelField — Property, class mx.controls.ComboBox |
Name of the field in the items in the dataProvider
Array to display as the label in the TextInput portion and drop-down list. |
labelField — Property, class mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu |
The name of the field in the data provider that determines the
text to display for each menu item. |
labelField — Property, class mx.controls.MenuBar |
The name of the field in the data provider that determines the
text to display for each menu item. |
labelField — Property, class mx.controls.NavBar |
Name of the field in the dataProvider object
to display as the label for each navigation item. |
labelField — Property, class mx.controls.PopUpMenuButton |
Name of the field in the dataProvider Array that contains the text to
show for each menu item. |
labelField — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase |
The name of the field in the data provider items to display as the label. |
labelField — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase |
The name of the field in the data provider items to display as the label. |
labelField — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListData |
The value of the labelField property in the list class. |
labelField — Property, class spark.components.DataNavigator |
The name of the field in the data provider items to display
as the label. |
labelField — Property, class spark.components.IconItemRenderer |
The name of the field in the data provider items to display
as the label. |
labelField — Property, interface spark.components.itemRenderers.IMobileGridTextCellRenderer |
Implement this property so that the renderer can receive the dataField from its MobileGridColumn. |
labelField — Property, class spark.components.itemRenderers.MobileGridTextCellRenderer |
Implement this property so that the renderer can receive the dataField from its MobileGridColumn. |
labelField — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.ListBase |
The name of the field in the data provider items to display
as the label. |
labelField — Property, class spark.containers.Accordion |
The name of the field in the data provider items to display
as the label. |
labelFormat — Property, class mx.preloaders.DownloadProgressBar |
The TextFormat object of the TextField component of the label. |
labelFunction — Property, class mx.charts.AxisRenderer |
Called to format axis renderer values for display as labels. |
labelFunction — Property, class mx.charts.CategoryAxis |
Specifies a function that defines the labels that are generated
for each item in the CategoryAxis's dataProvider. |
labelFunction — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.NumericAxis |
Called to format axis values for display as labels. |
labelFunction — Property, class mx.charts.series.BarSeries |
Specifies a callback function used to render each label
of the Series. |
labelFunction — Property, class mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries |
Specifies a callback function used to render each label
of the Series. |
labelFunction — Property, class mx.charts.series.PieSeries |
Specifies a callback function used to render each label
of the PieSeries. |
labelFunction — Property, class mx.controls.ComboBox |
User-supplied function to run on each item to determine its label. |
labelFunction — Property, class mx.controls.DateField |
Function used to format the date displayed
in the text field of the DateField control. |
labelFunction — Property, class mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu |
The function that determines the text to display for each menu item. |
labelFunction — Property, class mx.controls.MenuBar |
The function that determines the text to display for each menu item. |
labelFunction — Property, class mx.controls.NavBar |
A user-supplied function to run on each item to determine its label. |
labelFunction — Property, class mx.controls.PopUpMenuButton |
A function that determines the text to display for each menu item. |
labelFunction — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn |
A function that determines the text to display in this column. |
labelFunction — Property, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn |
A function that determines the text to display in this column. |
labelFunction — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase |
A user-supplied function to run on each item to determine its label. |
labelFunction — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase |
A user-supplied function to run on each item to determine its label. |
labelFunction — Property, class spark.components.DataNavigator |
A user-supplied function to run on each item to determine its label. |
labelFunction — Property, class spark.components.IconItemRenderer |
A user-supplied function to run on each item to determine its label. |
_labelFunction — Property, class spark.components.ProgressBar |
In case you want to use your own label function
which will override any suffix or display percents properties
labelFunction — Property, class spark.components.ProgressBar |
| |
labelFunction — Property, class spark.components.gridClasses.GridColumn |
An idempotent function that converts a data provider item into a column-specific string
that's used to initialize the item renderer's label property. |
labelFunction — Property, interface spark.components.itemRenderers.IMobileGridTextCellRenderer |
Implement this property so that the renderer can receive the labelFunction its MobileGridColumn
labelFunction — Property, class spark.components.itemRenderers.MobileGridTextCellRenderer |
Implement this property so that the renderer can receive the labelFunction its MobileGridColumn
labelFunction — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.ListBase |
A user-supplied function to run on each item to determine its label. |
labelFunction — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.MobileGridColumn |
An user-defined function that converts a data provider item into a column-specific string
that's used to initialize the item renderer's label property. |
labelFunction — Property, class spark.containers.Accordion |
A user-supplied function to run on each item to determine its label. |
labelGap — Style, class mx.charts.AxisRenderer |
| Specifies the gap between the end of the tick marks and the top of the labels, in pixels. |
| |
LabelItemRenderer — class, package spark.components |
The LabelItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer
for a list-based control in the mobile theme. |
LabelItemRenderer() — Constructor, class spark.components.LabelItemRenderer |
Constructor. |
labelMaximum — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.NumericAxis |
The maximum value where a label should be placed. |
labelMinimum — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.NumericAxis |
The minimum value where a label should be placed. |
labelOffset — Style, class mx.controls.sliderClasses.Slider |
| The y-position offset (if direction is horizontal) or x-position offset (if direction is vertical) of the labels relative to the track. |
| |
labelPlacement — Style, class mx.charts.Legend |
| Specifies the label placement of the legend element. |
| |
labelPlacement — Style, class mx.charts.LegendItem |
| Specifies the label placement of the legend element. |
| |
labelPlacement — Style, class spark.components.CheckBox |
| Orientation of the Label in relation to the CheckBox. |
| |
labelPlacement — Property, class mx.controls.Button |
Orientation of the label in relation to a specified icon. |
labelPlacement — Property, class mx.controls.ProgressBar |
Placement of the label. |
labelPlacement — Property, class mx.controls.RadioButton |
Position of the label relative to the RadioButton icon. |
labelPlacement — Property, class mx.controls.RadioButtonGroup |
Position of the RadioButton label relative to the RadioButton icon
for each control in the group. |
labelPlacement — Property, class spark.components.CheckBox |
Affects the placement of the label in relation to the checkbox. |
LabelPlacement — final class, package spark.components.supportClasses |
The LabelPlacement class defines the valid constant values for the
labelPlacement property of the Spark CheckBox. |
LabelPlacement() — Constructor, class spark.components.supportClasses.LabelPlacement |
Constructor. |
labelPosition — Style, class mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries |
| Determines the position of labels Possible values are none , outside and inside. |
| |
labelPosition — Style, class mx.charts.series.PieSeries |
| Specifies how to render value labels. |
| |
labelPosition — Style, class mx.charts.series.BarSeries |
| Determines the position of labels Possible values are "none" , "outside" and "inside". |
| |
labelRect — Property, class mx.preloaders.DownloadProgressBar |
The dimensions of the TextField component for the label. |
labelRenderer — Property, class mx.charts.AxisRenderer |
A reference to the factory used to render the axis labels. |
labelRotation — Style, class mx.charts.AxisRenderer |
| Specifies the label rotation. |
| |
labels — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.AxisLabelSet |
An array of AxisLabel objects
representing the values of the generating axis. |
labels — Property, class mx.controls.sliderClasses.Slider |
An array of strings used for the slider labels. |
labelScale — Property, class mx.charts.series.renderData.BarSeriesRenderData |
The scale factor of the labels rendered by the bar series. |
labelScale — Property, class mx.charts.series.renderData.ColumnSeriesRenderData |
The scale factor of the labels rendered by the column series. |
labelScale — Property, class mx.charts.series.renderData.PieSeriesRenderData |
The scale factor of the labels rendered by the pie series. |
labelSizeLimit — Style, class mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries |
| Specifies the font size threshold, in points, below which labels are considered illegible. |
| |
labelSizeLimit — Style, class mx.charts.series.BarSeries |
| Specifies the font size threshold, in points, below which labels are considered illegible. |
| |
labelStyleName — Style, class mx.containers.FormItem |
| Name of the CSS Style declaration to use for the styles for the FormItem's label. |
| |
labelStyleName — Style, class mx.controls.sliderClasses.Slider |
| The name of the style to use for the slider label. |
| |
labelToItemFunction — Property, class spark.components.ComboBox |
Specifies a callback function to convert a new value entered
into the prompt area to the same data type as the data items in the data provider. |
labelUnits — Property, class mx.charts.DateTimeAxis |
The units that the axis uses to generate labels. |
LabelUtil — class, package spark.utils |
The LabelUtil class is used by components to determine the correct
text to display for their renderers or sub-parts. |
labelVerticalOffset — Style, class mx.controls.Button |
| Number of pixels of vertical offset to apply to the label position. |
| |
labelWidth — Style, class mx.containers.FormHeading |
| Width of the form labels. |
| |
labelWidth — Style, class mx.containers.Form |
| Width of the form labels. |
| |
labelWidth — Style, class mx.containers.FormItem |
| Width of the form labels. |
| |
labelWidth — Style, class mx.controls.ProgressBar |
| The width of the label in pixels. |
| |
— Skin State, class spark.components.ViewNavigator |
| The state used when the navigator is in landscape orientation. |
| |
— Skin State, class spark.components.SplitViewNavigator |
| The skin state when the aspectRatio of the main application is landscape. |
| |
— Skin State, class spark.components.ViewNavigator |
| The state used when the navigator is in landscape orientation and the navigator controls are overlaid on top. |
| |
language — Property, class mx.resources.Locale |
The language code of this Locale instance. |
LAST — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.compose.TextFlowLineLocation |
| Specifies the last line in a paragraph. |
LAST — Static Property, class mx.collections.CursorBookmark |
A bookmark for the last item in an ICollectionView. |
LAST — Constant Static Property, class mx.rpc.mxml.Concurrency |
Making a request causes the client to ignore a result or fault for any current outstanding request. |
LAST — Constant Static Property, class mx.states.AddItems |
Documentation is not currently available. |
lastButton — Skin Part, class spark.components.ButtonBar |
| A skin part that defines the last button. |
A skin part that defines the last button. |
lastButton — Property, class spark.skins.android4.ButtonBarSkin |
A skin part that defines the last button. |
lastButton — Property, class spark.skins.ios7.ButtonBarSkin |
A skin part that defines the last button. |
lastButton — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.ButtonBarSkin |
A skin part that defines the last button. |
lastButton — Property, class spark.skins.richTextEditorClasses.AlignToolSkin |
A skin part that defines the last button. |
lastButton — Property, class spark.skins.spark.ButtonBarSkin |
A skin part that defines the last button. |
lastButtonStyleName — Style, class mx.controls.ButtonBar |
| Name of CSS style declaration that specifies styles for the last button. |
| |
LAST_CHILD — Constant Static Property, class spark.effects.AddAction |
Constant used to specify the position to add the item relative to the
object specified by the relativeTo property. |
lastDropIndex — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase |
The most recently calculated index where the drag item
should be added to the drop target. |
lastDropIndex — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase |
The most recently calculated index where the drag item
should be added to the drop target. |
lastFocusedStageText — Static Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.ScrollableStageText |
| |
_lastGoodStart — Property, class flashx.textLayout.compose.BaseCompose |
| |
lastIndexInView — Property, class spark.components.HGroup |
The index of the last column that is part of the layout and within
the layout target's scroll rectangle, or -1 if nothing has been displayed yet. |
lastIndexInView — Property, class spark.components.VGroup |
The index of the last row that's part of the layout and within
the container's scroll rectangle, or -1 if nothing has been displayed yet. |
lastIndexInView — Property, class spark.containers.HDividerGroup |
The index of the last row that's part of the layout and within
the container's scroll rectangle, or -1 if nothing has been displayed yet. |
lastIndexInView — Property, class spark.containers.VDividerGroup |
The index of the last row that's part of the layout and within
the container's scroll rectangle, or -1 if nothing has been displayed yet. |
lastIndexInView — Property, class spark.layouts.HorizontalLayout |
The index of the last column that is part of the layout and within
the layout target's scroll rectangle, or -1 if nothing has been displayed yet. |
lastIndexInView — Property, class spark.layouts.VerticalLayout |
The index of the last row that's part of the layout and within
the container's scroll rectangle, or -1 if nothing has been displayed yet. |
lastIndexInView — Property, interface spark.layouts.supportClasses.INavigatorLayout |
Comment. |
lastIndexInView — Property, class spark.layouts.supportClasses.NavigatorLayoutBase |
LAST_INDEX_MODE — Constant Static Property, class mx.collections.Sort |
When executing a find return the index for the last matching item. |
LAST_INDEX_MODE — Constant Static Property, class spark.collections.Sort |
When executing a find return the index for the last matching item. |
lastLeaf — Property, class flashx.textLayout.edit.ElementRange |
The FlowLeafElement object that contains the end of the range. |
_lastLineDescent — Property, class flashx.textLayout.compose.BaseCompose |
| effective descent of the last line. |
_lastLineLeading — Property, class flashx.textLayout.compose.BaseCompose |
| leading factor calculated for the line composed last. |
_lastLineLeadingModel — Property, class flashx.textLayout.compose.BaseCompose |
| leading model for the last line's para |
lastOperationStatus — Property, class spark.formatters.DateTimeFormatter |
The status of the most recent operation that this class object
performed. |
lastOperationStatus — Property, class spark.formatters.supportClasses.NumberFormatterBase |
The status of the most recent operation that this class object
performed. |
lastOperationStatus — Property, class spark.globalization.StringTools |
The status of the most recent operation that this class object
performed. |
lastOperationStatus — Property, class spark.globalization.supportClasses.CollatorBase |
The status of the most recent operation that this class object
performed. |
lastOperationStatus — Property, class spark.globalization.supportClasses.GlobalizationBase |
The status of the most recent operation that this class object
performed. |
lastOperationStatus — Property, class spark.validators.supportClasses.NumberValidatorBase |
The status of the most recent operation that this class object
performed. |
LastOperationStatus — final class, package spark.globalization |
The LastOperationStatus class enumerates constant values that represent the
status of the most recent globalization service operation. |
lastParagraph — Property, class flashx.textLayout.edit.ElementRange |
The ParagraphElement object that contains the end of the range. |
lastResult — Property, class mx.rpc.AbstractInvoker |
The result of the last invocation. |
lastResult — Property, class mx.rpc.CallResponder |
This property stores the result property of the token each time it
delivers a successful result. |
lastResult — Property, class mx.rpc.http.HTTPService |
The result of the last invocation. |
lastSeekPending — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase |
The most recent seek that caused a page fault. |
lastSeekPending — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase |
The most recent seek that caused a page fault. |
lastTabStyleName — Style, class mx.containers.TabNavigator |
| Name of CSS style declaration that specifies styles for the last tab. |
| |
lastTabStyleName — Style, class mx.controls.TabBar |
| Name of CSS style declaration that specifies the styles to use for the last tab navigation item. |
| |
lastURL — Property, class mx.events.BrowserChangeEvent |
The previous value of the url property in the BrowserManager. |
layerPropertyChange — Event, class mx.core.DesignLayer |
Dispatched by the layer when either effectiveVisibility or
effectiveAlpha changes. |
layer_PropertyChange(event:mx.events:PropertyChangeEvent) — method, class spark.components.BusyIndicator |
| |
layout — Property, class mx.containers.Panel |
Specifies the layout mechanism used for this container. |
layout — Property, class mx.core.LayoutContainer |
Specifies the layout mechanism used for this application. |
layout — Property, class spark.components.DataNavigator |
The layout object for this container. |
layout — Property, class spark.components.SkinnableContainer |
The layout object for this container. |
layout — Property, class spark.components.SkinnableDataContainer |
The layout object for this container. |
layout — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase |
The layout object for this container. |
layout — Property, class spark.containers.Navigator |
The layout object for this container. |
layout — Property, interface spark.supportClasses.INavigator |
| |
layoutAllButtonBarBounds — Property, class spark.layouts.AccordionLayout |
overlayButtonBar. |
LayoutAxis — class, package spark.layouts.supportClasses |
The DeferredCreationPolicy class defines the constant values
for the creationPolicy property of the DeferedGroup class. |
LayoutAxis() — Constructor, class spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutAxis |
layoutBackgroundImage() — method, interface mx.core.IRectangularBorder |
Layout the background image. |
layoutBackgroundImage() — method, class mx.skins.RectangularBorder |
Layout the background image. |
LayoutBase — class, package spark.layouts.supportClasses |
The LayoutBase class defines the base class for all Spark layouts. |
LayoutBase() — Constructor, class spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase |
Constructor. |
layoutBorderSize — Property, class spark.skins.android4.supportClasses.StageTextSkinBase |
Defines the border's thickness. |
layoutBorderSize — Property, class spark.skins.android4.supportClasses.TextSkinBase |
Defines the corner radius. |
layoutBorderSize — Property, class spark.skins.ios7.supportClasses.StageTextSkinBase |
Defines the border's thickness. |
layoutBorderSize — Property, class spark.skins.ios7.supportClasses.TextSkinBase |
Defines the corner radius. |
layoutBorderSize — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.ToggleSwitchSkin |
The size of the border surrounding the component. |
layoutBorderSize — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.ButtonSkinBase |
| |
layoutBorderSize — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.StageTextSkinBase |
Defines the border's thickness. |
layoutBorderSize — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.TextSkinBase |
| |
layoutChrome(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — method, class mx.charts.Legend |
Respond to size changes by setting the positions and sizes
of this container's borders. |
layoutChrome(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — method, class mx.controls.VideoDisplay |
Responds to size changes by setting the positions and sizes of
the borders. |
layoutChrome(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — method, class mx.core.Container |
Respond to size changes by setting the positions and sizes
of this container's borders. |
layoutChrome(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — method, class mx.core.ScrollControlBase |
Responds to size changes by setting the positions and sizes
of this control's borders. |
layoutColumnItemRenderer(c:mx.controls.dataGridClasses:DataGridColumn, item:mx.controls.listClasses:IListItemRenderer, xx:Number, yy:Number) — method, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridBase |
Sizes and temporarily positions an itemRenderer for a column, returning its size as a Point. |
LayoutContainer — class, package mx.core |
Flex defines a default, or Application, container that lets you start
adding content to your module or Application without explicitly defining
another container. |
LayoutContainer() — Constructor, class mx.core.LayoutContainer |
Constructor. |
layoutContent(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — method, class spark.layouts.ConstraintLayout |
Lays out the elements of the layout target using the current
widths and heights of the columns and rows. |
layoutContentGroupHeight — Property, class spark.skins.android4.ActionBarSkin |
Default height for navigationGroup, titleGroup and actionGroup. |
layoutContentGroupHeight — Property, class spark.skins.ios7.ActionBarSkin |
Default height for navigationGroup, titleGroup and actionGroup. |
layoutContentGroupHeight — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.ActionBarSkin |
Default height for navigationGroup, titleGroup and actionGroup. |
layoutContents(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — method, class spark.components.LabelItemRenderer |
Positions the children for this item renderer. |
layoutContents(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — method, class spark.skins.ActionScriptSkinBase |
Positions the children for this skin. |
layoutContents(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — method, class spark.skins.android4.CheckBoxSkin |
| |
layoutContents(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — method, class spark.skins.android4.RadioButtonSkin |
| |
layoutContents(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — method, class spark.skins.ios7.CheckBoxSkin |
| |
layoutContents(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — method, class spark.skins.ios7.RadioButtonSkin |
| |
layoutContents(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — method, class spark.skins.mobile.BusyIndicatorSkin |
| |
layoutContents(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — method, class spark.skins.mobile.DateSpinnerSkin |
Positions the children for this skin. |
layoutCornerEllipseSize — Property, class spark.skins.android4.ButtonSkin |
Defines the corner radius. |
layoutCornerEllipseSize — Property, class spark.skins.ios7.ButtonSkin |
Defines the corner radius. |
layoutCornerEllipseSize — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.ButtonSkin |
Defines the corner radius. |
layoutCornerEllipseSize — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.ToggleSwitchSkin |
The corner radius of the thumb and track. |
layoutCornerEllipseSize — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.StageTextSkinBase |
Defines the corner radius. |
layoutCornerEllipseSize — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.TextSkinBase |
Defines the corner radius. |
layoutDirection — Style, class mx.core.UIComponent |
| Specifies the desired layout direction of a component. |
| |
layoutDirection — Property, class mx.core.BitmapAsset |
Specifies the desired layout direction for an element: one of LayoutDirection.LTR
(left to right), LayoutDirection.RTL (right to left), or null (inherit). |
layoutDirection — Property, interface mx.core.ILayoutDirectionElement |
Specifies the desired layout direction for an element: one of LayoutDirection.LTR
(left to right), LayoutDirection.RTL (right to left), or null (inherit). |
layoutDirection — Property, class mx.core.SpriteAsset |
Specifies the desired layout direction for an element: one of LayoutDirection.LTR
(left to right), LayoutDirection.RTL (right to left), or null (inherit). |
layoutDirection — Property, class spark.core.SpriteVisualElement |
Specifies the desired layout direction for an element: one of LayoutDirection.LTR
(left to right), LayoutDirection.RTL (right to left), or null (inherit). |
layoutDirection — Property, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement |
Specifies the desired layout direction for an element: one of LayoutDirection.LTR
(left to right), LayoutDirection.RTL (right to left), or null (inherit). |
LayoutDirection — final class, package mx.core |
The LayoutDirection class defines the constant values
for the layoutDirection style of an IStyleClient and the
layoutDirection property of an ILayoutDirectionElement. |
layoutEditor(x:int, y:int, w:int, h:int) — method, class mx.controls.List |
Positions the item editor instance at the suggested position
with the suggested dimensions. |
layoutFeatures — Property, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement |
Contain all of the implementation details of how the GraphicElement implements
transform and layering support. |
layoutGap — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.ButtonSkinBase |
| |
layoutInnerPadding — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.ToggleSwitchSkin |
The padding between the labels and the thumb. |
layoutIs3D — Property, interface mx.core.IAssetLayoutFeatures |
True if the layout transform has 3D values. |
layoutLabel() — method, class spark.skins.android4.ToggleSwitchSkin |
| |
LayoutManager — class, package mx.managers |
The LayoutManager is the engine behind
Flex's measurement and layout strategy. |
layoutMatrix — Property, interface mx.core.IAssetLayoutFeatures |
The 2D matrix used during layout calculations to determine the layout and size of the component and its parent and siblings. |
layoutMatrix3D — Property, interface mx.core.IAssetLayoutFeatures |
The 3D matrix used during layout calculations to determine the layout and size of the component and its parent and siblings. |
layoutMatrix3D — Property, class mx.core.UIComponent |
The transform matrix that is used to calculate a component's layout
relative to its siblings. |
layoutOuterPadding — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.ToggleSwitchSkin |
The padding between the labels and the edge of the track. |
layoutPaddingBottom — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.ButtonSkinBase |
Bottom padding for icon or labelDisplay. |
layoutPaddingLeft — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.ButtonSkinBase |
Left padding for icon or labelDisplay. |
layoutPaddingRight — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.ButtonSkinBase |
Right padding for icon or labelDisplay. |
layoutPaddingTop — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.ButtonSkinBase |
Top padding for icon or labelDisplay. |
layoutRotationX — Property, interface mx.core.IAssetLayoutFeatures |
Layout transform convenience property. |
layoutRotationY — Property, interface mx.core.IAssetLayoutFeatures |
Layout transform convenience property. |
layoutRotationZ — Property, interface mx.core.IAssetLayoutFeatures |
Layout transform convenience property. |
layoutScaleX — Property, interface mx.core.IAssetLayoutFeatures |
Layout transform convenience property. |
layoutScaleY — Property, interface mx.core.IAssetLayoutFeatures |
Layout transform convenience property. |
layoutScaleZ — Property, interface mx.core.IAssetLayoutFeatures |
Layout transform convenience property. |
layoutShadowHeight — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.ActionBarSkin |
Height of shadow embedded in borderClass graphic. |
layoutStrokeWeight — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.ToggleSwitchSkin |
The stroke weight outlining the graphics of the skin. |
layoutTextShadowOffset — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.ToggleSwitchSkin |
The offset between a label and its shadow. |
layoutThumbHeight — Property, class spark.skins.android4.ToggleSwitchSkin |
| |
layoutThumbHeight — Property, class spark.skins.ios7.ToggleSwitchSkin |
| |
layoutThumbHeight — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.ToggleSwitchSkin |
The height to draw the thumb skin part. |
layoutThumbs() — method, class spark.skins.android4.ToggleSwitchSkin |
| |
layoutThumbs() — method, class spark.skins.ios7.ToggleSwitchSkin |
| |
layoutThumbWidth — Property, class spark.skins.android4.ToggleSwitchSkin |
| |
layoutThumbWidth — Property, class spark.skins.ios7.ToggleSwitchSkin |
| |
layoutThumbWidth — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.ToggleSwitchSkin |
The width to draw the thumb skin part. |
layoutTitleGroupHorizontalPadding — Property, class spark.skins.android4.ActionBarSkin |
Default horizontal padding for the titleGroup and titleDisplay. |
layoutTitleGroupHorizontalPadding — Property, class spark.skins.ios7.ActionBarSkin |
Default horizontal padding for the titleGroup and titleDisplay. |
layoutTitleGroupHorizontalPadding — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.ActionBarSkin |
Default horizontal padding for the titleGroup and titleDisplay. |
layoutWidth — Property, interface mx.core.IAssetLayoutFeatures |
Used by the mirroring transform. |
layoutX — Property, interface mx.core.IAssetLayoutFeatures |
Layout transform convenience property. |
layoutY — Property, interface mx.core.IAssetLayoutFeatures |
Layout transform convenience property. |
layoutZ — Property, interface mx.core.IAssetLayoutFeatures |
Layout transform convenience property. |
leading — Style, class mx.charts.chartClasses.DataTip |
| Additional vertical space between lines of text. |
| |
leading — Style, class mx.containers.FormHeading |
| Additional vertical space between lines of text. |
| |
leading — Style, class mx.controls.menuClasses.MenuBarItem |
| Additional vertical space between lines of text. |
| |
leading — Style, class mx.controls.ToolTip |
| Additional vertical space between lines of text. |
| |
leading — Style, class mx.controls.ColorPicker |
| Additional vertical space between lines of text. |
| |
leading — Style, class mx.controls.Button |
| Additional vertical space between lines of text. |
| |
leading — Style, class mx.controls.ComboBox |
| Additional vertical space between lines of text. |
| |
leading — Style, class mx.controls.NumericStepper |
| Additional vertical space between lines of text. |
| |
leading — Style, class mx.controls.MenuBar |
| Additional vertical space between lines of text. |
| |
leading — Style, class mx.controls.ProgressBar |
| Additional vertical space between lines of text. |
| |
leading — Style, class mx.controls.Text |
| Additional vertical space between lines of text. |
| |
leading — Style, class mx.controls.DateChooser |
| Additional vertical space between lines of text. |
| |
leading — Style, class mx.controls.DateField |
| Additional vertical space between lines of text. |
| |
leading — Style, class mx.core.ScrollControlBase |
| Additional vertical space between lines of text. |
| |
leading — Style, class mx.core.UITextField |
| Additional vertical space between lines of text. |
| |
leading — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.SliderBase |
| Additional vertical space between lines of text. |
| |
leading — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase |
| Additional vertical space between lines of text. |
| |
leading — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBase |
| Additional vertical space between lines of text. |
| |
leading — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase |
| Additional vertical space between lines of text. |
| |
leading — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField |
| Additional vertical space between lines of text. |
| |
leading — Style, class spark.components.Label |
| Additional vertical space between lines of text. |
| |
leading — Style, class spark.components.RichText |
| Additional vertical space between lines of text. |
| |
leading — Style, class spark.components.ActionBar |
| Additional vertical space between lines of text. |
| |
leading — Style, class spark.components.FormHeading |
| Additional vertical space between lines of text. |
| |
leading — Style, class spark.components.NumericStepper |
| Additional vertical space between lines of text. |
| |
leading — Style, class spark.components.SkinnableContainer |
| Additional vertical space between lines of text. |
| |
leading — Style, class spark.components.SkinnableDataContainer |
| Additional vertical space between lines of text. |
| |
leading — Style, class spark.components.Scroller |
| Additional vertical space between lines of text. |
| |
leading — Style, class spark.components.DateSpinner |
| Additional vertical space between lines of text. |
| |
leading — Style, class spark.components.DataGrid |
| Additional vertical space between lines of text. |
| |
leading — Style, class spark.components.RichEditableText |
| Additional vertical space between lines of text. |
| |
leading — Style, class spark.components.LabelItemRenderer |
| Additional vertical space between lines of text. |
| |
leading — Style, class spark.components.VideoPlayer |
| Additional vertical space between lines of text. |
| |
leading — Style, class spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer |
| Additional vertical space between lines of text. |
| |
LEADING_EDGE — Constant Static Property, class spark.components.ScrollSnappingMode |
Elements are snapped to the left (horizontal) or top (vertical)
edge of the viewport. |
leadingModel — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController |
Specifies the leading model, which is a combination of leading basis and leading direction. |
leadingModel — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement |
Specifies the leading model, which is a combination of leading basis and leading direction. |
leadingModel — Property, interface flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat |
Specifies the leading model, which is a combination of leading basis and leading direction. |
leadingModel — Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat |
Specifies the leading model, which is a combination of leading basis and leading direction. |
leadingModel — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase |
| Specifies the leading model, which is a combination of leading basis and leading direction. |
| |
leadingModel — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase |
| Specifies the leading model, which is a combination of leading basis and leading direction. |
| |
leadingModel — Style, class spark.components.RichText |
| Specifies the leading model, which is a combination of leading basis and leading direction. |
| |
leadingModel — Style, class spark.components.FormHeading |
| Specifies the leading model, which is a combination of leading basis and leading direction. |
| |
leadingModel — Style, class spark.components.NumericStepper |
| Specifies the leading model, which is a combination of leading basis and leading direction. |
| |
leadingModel — Style, class spark.components.SkinnableContainer |
| Specifies the leading model, which is a combination of leading basis and leading direction. |
| |
leadingModel — Style, class spark.components.Scroller |
| Specifies the leading model, which is a combination of leading basis and leading direction. |
| |
leadingModel — Style, class spark.components.RichEditableText |
| Specifies the leading model, which is a combination of leading basis and leading direction. |
| |
leadingModel — Style, class spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer |
| Specifies the leading model, which is a combination of leading basis and leading direction. |
| |
LeadingModel — final class, package flashx.textLayout.formats |
Defines values for setting the leadingModel property
of the TextLayoutFormat class, composed of valid combinations of leading basis and leading direction. |
leadingModelProperty — Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat |
| |
leadingZero — Property, class spark.formatters.supportClasses.NumberFormatterBase |
Specifies whether a leading zero is included in a formatted
number when there are no integer digits to the left of the decimal
separator. |
leafFormat — Property, class flashx.textLayout.operations.ApplyFormatOperation |
The format properties to apply to the leaf elements in the range. |
leafFormat — Property, class flashx.textLayout.operations.ClearFormatOperation |
The format properties to undefine on the leaf elements in the range. |
left — Style, class mx.core.UIComponent |
| The horizontal distance, in pixels, from the left edge of the component to the left edge of its parent container's content area. |
| |
left — Property, class mx.core.EdgeMetrics |
The width, in pixels, of the left edge region. |
left — Property, interface mx.core.ILayoutElement |
The horizontal distance in pixels from the left edge of the component to the
anchor target's left edge. |
left — Property, class mx.core.UIComponent |
For components, this layout constraint property is a
facade on top of the similarly-named style. |
left — Property, class spark.core.SpriteVisualElement |
The horizontal distance in pixels from the left edge of the component to the
anchor target's left edge. |
left — Property, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement |
The horizontal distance in pixels from the left edge of the component to the
anchor target's left edge. |
LEFT — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.ClearFloats |
| Specifies that text skips over left floats. |
LEFT — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.Float |
| Graphic floats on the left side of the text. |
LEFT — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextAlign |
| Specifies left edge alignment. |
LEFT — Constant Static Property, class mx.controls.ButtonLabelPlacement |
Specifies that the label appears to the left of the icon. |
LEFT — Constant Static Property, class mx.controls.ProgressBarDirection |
Specifies to fill the progress bar from the right to the left. |
LEFT — Constant Static Property, class mx.controls.ProgressBarLabelPlacement |
Specifies to place the label to the left of the progress bar. |
LEFT — Constant Static Property, class mx.validators.CurrencyValidatorAlignSymbol |
Specifies "left" as the alignment of the currency symbol
for the CurrencyValidator class. |
LEFT — Constant Static Property, class spark.components.ArrowDirection |
Arrow points left. |
LEFT — Constant Static Property, class spark.components.IconPlacement |
Specifies that the icon appears to the left of the label. |
LEFT — Constant Static Property, class spark.components.PopUpPosition |
Position to the left of the target
LEFT — Constant Static Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.LabelPlacement |
Specifies that the Label appears to the left of the CheckBox. |
LEFT — Constant Static Property, class spark.core.NavigationUnit |
Navigate one line or "step" to the left. |
LEFT — Constant Static Property, class spark.effects.WipeDirection |
Wipe direction that starts at the right and moves left
LEFT — Constant Static Property, class spark.layouts.ColumnAlign |
Do not justify the rows. |
LEFT — Constant Static Property, class spark.layouts.HorizontalAlign |
Align children to the left of the container. |
LEFT — Constant Static Property, class spark.transitions.ViewTransitionDirection |
Transition animates to the left. |
leftExtension — Property, class spark.filters.ShaderFilter |
| |
leftIconGap — Style, class mx.controls.Menu |
| The gap to the left of the label in a menu item. |
| |
leftOffset — Property, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridHeader |
The offset, in pixels, from the left side of the content of the renderer. |
leftOffset — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBaseContentHolder |
Offset, in pixels, for the upper-left corner in the list control of the content defined
by the ListBase.listContent property. |
leftRightTextPadding — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.HSliderDataTip |
Left and right padding for the text in the ToolTip. |
leftTextPadding — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.HSliderDataTip |
Left padding for the text in the ToolTip. |
LegacyMobileThemeOverride — class, package mx.utils |
Set OS version to older values to force legacy mobile theme
Legend — class, package mx.charts |
The Legend control adds a legend to your charts,
where the legend displays the label for each data series in the chart
and a key showing the chart element for the series. |
Legend() — Constructor, class mx.charts.Legend |
Constructor. |
legendData — Property, class mx.charts.LegendItem |
The LegendData instance that this LegendItem object represents. |
legendData — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase |
An array of Legend items. |
legendData — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.HLOCSeriesBase |
An Array of LegendData instances that describe the items
that should show up in a legend representing this series. |
legendData — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.Series |
An Array of LegendData instances that describe the items
that should show up in a legend representing this series. |
legendData — Property, class mx.charts.series.BubbleSeries |
An Array of LegendData instances that describe the items
that should show up in a legend representing this series. |
LegendData — class, package mx.charts.chartClasses |
The LegendData structure is used by charts to describe the items
that should be displayed in an auto-generated legend. |
LegendData() — Constructor, class mx.charts.chartClasses.LegendData |
Constructor. |
legendDataChanged() — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase |
Dispatches a new LegendDataChanged event. |
legendDataChanged() — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.Series |
Updates the Legend items when the series display name changes
by dispatching a new LegendDataChanged event. |
LegendItem — class, package mx.charts |
Controls the individual legend elements in a chart legend. |
LegendItem() — Constructor, class mx.charts.LegendItem |
Constructor. |
legendItemClass — Property, class mx.charts.Legend |
The class used to instantiate LegendItem objects. |
legendMarkerRenderer — Style, class mx.charts.chartClasses.HLOCSeriesBase |
| The class that the series uses to render the series's marker in any associated legends. |
| |
legendMarkerRenderer — Style, class mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries |
| The class that the series uses to render the series's marker in any associated legends. |
| |
legendMarkerRenderer — Style, class mx.charts.series.PlotSeries |
| The class that the series uses to render the series's marker in any associated legends. |
| |
legendMarkerRenderer — Style, class mx.charts.series.LineSeries |
| The class that the series uses to render the series's marker in any associated legends. |
| |
legendMarkerRenderer — Style, class mx.charts.series.PieSeries |
| The class that the series uses to render the series's marker in any associated legends. |
| |
legendMarkerRenderer — Style, class mx.charts.series.BarSeries |
| The class that the series uses to render the series's marker in any associated legends. |
| |
legendMarkerRenderer — Style, class mx.charts.series.AreaSeries |
| The class that the series uses to render the series's marker in any associated legends. |
| |
legendMarkerRenderer — Style, class mx.charts.series.BubbleSeries |
| The class that the series uses to render the series's marker in any associated legends. |
| |
legendMarkerRenderer — Style, class mx.charts.LegendItem |
| Specifies the class that renders the marker portion of the legend item. |
| |
LegendMouseEvent — class, package mx.charts.events |
The LegendMouseEvent class represents event objects that are specific to the chart legend components. |
LegendMouseEvent(type:String, triggerEvent:flash.events:MouseEvent, item:mx.charts:LegendItem) — Constructor, class mx.charts.events.LegendMouseEvent |
Constructor. |
length — Property, class mx.charts.AxisRenderer |
Specifies the length of the axis, in screen coordinates. |
length — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.RenderData |
The number of items represented in this render data. |
length — Property, class mx.collections.ArrayList |
Get the number of items in the list. |
length — Property, class mx.collections.AsyncListView |
The number of items in this collection. |
length — Property, class mx.collections.HierarchicalCollectionView |
The length of the currently parsed collection (i.e. |
length — Property, interface mx.collections.ICollectionView |
The number of items in this view. |
length — Property, interface mx.collections.IList |
The number of items in this collection. |
length — Property, class mx.collections.ListCollectionView |
The number of items in this view. |
length — Property, class mx.controls.TextArea |
The number of characters of text displayed in the TextArea. |
length — Property, class mx.controls.TextInput |
The number of characters of text displayed in the TextArea. |
length — Property, class mx.core.FTETextField |
| |
length — Property, interface mx.core.IUITextField |
| |
length — Property, class mx.utils.LinkedList |
Returns length of list. |
length — Property, class org.apache.flex.collections.ArrayList |
Get the number of items in the list. |
length — Property, class org.apache.flex.collections.VectorList |
Get the number of items in the list. |
length — Property, class spark.collections.NumericDataProvider |
The number of items in this collection. |
length — Property, class spark.components.DataNavigator |
The number of items in this collection. |
length — Property, class spark.components.DataNavigatorGroup |
The number of items in this collection. |
length — Property, class spark.components.TabbedViewNavigator |
The number of child view navigators being managed by the
this component. |
length — Property, class spark.components.ViewNavigator |
Returns the number of views being managed by the navigator. |
length — Property, class spark.containers.Navigator |
The number of items in this collection. |
length — Property, class spark.containers.NavigatorGroup |
The number of items in this collection. |
lessThanMinError — Property, class spark.validators.supportClasses.NumberValidatorBase |
Error message when the value is less than the minValue. |
LETTERBOX — Constant Static Property, class mx.graphics.BitmapScaleMode |
The bitmap fill is scaled while maintaining the aspect
ratio of the original content. |
letterSpacing — Style, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianChart |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class mx.charts.chartClasses.DataTip |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class mx.charts.series.PieSeries |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class mx.charts.series.BarSeries |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class mx.charts.Legend |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class mx.charts.AxisRenderer |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class mx.charts.PieChart |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class mx.charts.LegendItem |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class mx.containers.FormHeading |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class mx.controls.menuClasses.MenuBarItem |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class mx.controls.ToolTip |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class mx.controls.ColorPicker |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class mx.controls.Label |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class mx.controls.Button |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class mx.controls.TextInput |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class mx.controls.ComboBox |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class mx.controls.NumericStepper |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class mx.controls.MenuBar |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class mx.controls.ProgressBar |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class mx.controls.DateChooser |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class mx.controls.DateField |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class mx.core.ScrollControlBase |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class mx.core.UITextField |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class mx.core.Container |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.SliderBase |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBase |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class spark.components.Label |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class spark.components.RichText |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class spark.components.ActionBar |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class spark.components.FormHeading |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class spark.components.NumericStepper |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class spark.components.SkinnableContainer |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class spark.components.SkinnableDataContainer |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class spark.components.Scroller |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class spark.components.DateSpinner |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class spark.components.DataGrid |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class spark.components.RichEditableText |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class spark.components.LabelItemRenderer |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class spark.components.VideoPlayer |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Style, class spark.skins.spark.DefaultGridItemRenderer |
| The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
| |
letterSpacing — Property, class mx.controls.textClasses.TextRange |
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character. |
level — Property, class flashx.textLayout.events.FlowOperationEvent |
Operations may be merged into composite operations through nesting. |
level — Property, class mx.logging.AbstractTarget |
Provides access to the level this target is currently set at. |
level — Property, interface mx.logging.ILoggingTarget |
Provides access to the level this target is currently set at. |
level — Property, class mx.logging.LogEvent |
Provides access to the level for this log event. |
level — Property, interface mx.olap.IOLAPMember |
The level to which this member belongs. |
level — Property, class mx.olap.OLAPMember |
The level to which this member belongs. |
levels — Property, interface mx.olap.IOLAPHierarchy |
All the levels of this hierarchy, as a list of IOLAPLevel instances. |
levels — Property, class mx.olap.OLAPHierarchy |
All the levels of this hierarchy, as a list of IOLAPLevel instances. |
LHS — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TableFrame |
| The left-hand side only. |
ligatureLevel — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController |
Controls which of the ligatures that are defined in the font may be used in the text. |
ligatureLevel — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement |
Controls which of the ligatures that are defined in the font may be used in the text. |
ligatureLevel — Property, interface flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat |
Controls which of the ligatures that are defined in the font may be used in the text. |
ligatureLevel — Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat |
Controls which of the ligatures that are defined in the font may be used in the text. |
ligatureLevel — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.SliderBase |
| Controls which of the ligatures that are defined in the font may be used in the text. |
| |
ligatureLevel — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase |
| Controls which of the ligatures that are defined in the font may be used in the text. |
| |
ligatureLevel — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBase |
| Controls which of the ligatures that are defined in the font may be used in the text. |
| |
ligatureLevel — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase |
| Controls which of the ligatures that are defined in the font may be used in the text. |
| |
ligatureLevel — Style, class spark.components.Label |
| Controls which of the ligatures that are defined in the font may be used in the text. |
| |
ligatureLevel — Style, class spark.components.RichText |
| Controls which of the ligatures that are defined in the font may be used in the text. |
| |
ligatureLevel — Style, class spark.components.FormHeading |
| Controls which of the ligatures that are defined in the font may be used in the text. |
| |
ligatureLevel — Style, class spark.components.NumericStepper |
| Controls which of the ligatures that are defined in the font may be used in the text. |
| |
ligatureLevel — Style, class spark.components.SkinnableContainer |
| Controls which of the ligatures that are defined in the font may be used in the text. |
| |
ligatureLevel — Style, class spark.components.SkinnableDataContainer |
| Controls which of the ligatures that are defined in the font may be used in the text. |
| |
ligatureLevel — Style, class spark.components.Scroller |
| Controls which of the ligatures that are defined in the font may be used in the text. |
| |
ligatureLevel — Style, class spark.components.DataGrid |
| Controls which of the ligatures that are defined in the font may be used in the text. |
| |
ligatureLevel — Style, class spark.components.RichEditableText |
| Controls which of the ligatures that are defined in the font may be used in the text. |
| |
ligatureLevel — Style, class spark.components.VideoPlayer |
| Controls which of the ligatures that are defined in the font may be used in the text. |
| |
ligatureLevel — Style, class spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer |
| Controls which of the ligatures that are defined in the font may be used in the text. |
| |
ligatureLevelProperty — Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat |
| |
LIME — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.ColorName |
| |
Line — class, package spark.primitives |
The Line class is a graphic element that draws a line between two points. |
Line() — Constructor, class spark.primitives.Line |
Constructor. |
Linear — class, package mx.effects.easing |
The Linear class defines easing functions to implement
linear motion with Flex effect classes. |
Linear — class, package spark.effects.easing |
The Linear class defines an easing with three phases:
acceleration, uniform motion, and deceleration. |
Linear(easeInFraction:Number, easeOutFraction:Number) — Constructor, class spark.effects.easing.Linear |
Constructor. |
LinearAxis — class, package mx.charts |
The LinearAxis class maps numeric values evenly
between a minimum and maximum value along a chart axis. |
LinearAxis() — Constructor, class mx.charts.LinearAxis |
Constructor. |
LinearGradient — class, package mx.graphics |
The LinearGradient class lets you specify the fill of a graphical element,
where a gradient specifies a gradual color transition in the fill color. |
LinearGradient() — Constructor, class mx.graphics.LinearGradient |
Constructor. |
LinearGradientStroke — class, package mx.graphics |
The LinearGradientStroke class lets you specify a gradient filled stroke. |
LinearGradientStroke(weight:Number, pixelHinting:Boolean, scaleMode:String, caps:String, joints:String, miterLimit:Number) — Constructor, class mx.graphics.LinearGradientStroke |
Constructor. |
lineBreak — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController |
Controls word wrapping within the container (adopts default value if undefined during cascade). |
lineBreak — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement |
Controls word wrapping within the container (adopts default value if undefined during cascade). |
lineBreak — Property, interface flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat |
Controls word wrapping within the container (adopts default value if undefined during cascade). |
lineBreak — Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat |
Controls word wrapping within the container (adopts default value if undefined during cascade). |
lineBreak — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase |
| Controls word wrapping within the container. |
| |
lineBreak — Style, class spark.components.Label |
| Controls word wrapping within the container. |
| |
lineBreak — Style, class spark.components.RichText |
| Controls word wrapping within the container. |
| |
lineBreak — Style, class spark.components.RichEditableText |
| Controls word wrapping within the container. |
| |
lineBreak — Style, class spark.skins.spark.DefaultGridItemRenderer |
| Controls word wrapping within the container. |
| |
lineBreak — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField |
Controls word wrapping within the text. |
lineBreak — Property, interface spark.core.IEditableText |
Controls word wrapping within the text. |
LineBreak — final class, package flashx.textLayout.formats |
| Defines values for setting the lineBreak property of TextLayoutFormat to
specify how lines are broken within wrapping text. |
lineBreakProperty — Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat |
| |
LineChart — class, package mx.charts |
The LineChart control represents a data series
as points connected by a continuous line. |
LineChart() — Constructor, class mx.charts.LineChart |
Constructor. |
lineCountLimit — Property, class flashx.textLayout.factory.TruncationOptions |
The maximum number of lines to create. |
LINE_DOWN — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.ScrollEventDetail |
Indicates that the scroll bar has moved down by one line. |
LineFormattedTarget — class, package mx.logging.targets |
All logger target implementations that have a formatted line style output
should extend this class. |
LineFormattedTarget() — Constructor, class mx.logging.targets.LineFormattedTarget |
Constructor. |
lineHeight — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController |
Leading controls for the text. |
lineHeight — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement |
Leading controls for the text. |
lineHeight — Property, interface flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat |
Leading controls for the text. |
lineHeight — Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat |
Leading controls for the text. |
lineHeight — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.SliderBase |
| Leading controls for the text. |
| |
lineHeight — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase |
| Leading controls for the text. |
| |
lineHeight — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBase |
| Leading controls for the text. |
| |
lineHeight — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase |
| Leading controls for the text. |
| |
lineHeight — Style, class spark.components.Label |
| Leading controls for the text. |
| |
lineHeight — Style, class spark.components.RichText |
| Leading controls for the text. |
| |
lineHeight — Style, class spark.components.FormHeading |
| Leading controls for the text. |
| |
lineHeight — Style, class spark.components.NumericStepper |
| Leading controls for the text. |
| |
lineHeight — Style, class spark.components.SkinnableContainer |
| Leading controls for the text. |
| |
lineHeight — Style, class spark.components.SkinnableDataContainer |
| Leading controls for the text. |
| |
lineHeight — Style, class spark.components.Scroller |
| Leading controls for the text. |
| |
lineHeight — Style, class spark.components.DataGrid |
| Leading controls for the text. |
| |
lineHeight — Style, class spark.components.RichEditableText |
| Leading controls for the text. |
| |
lineHeight — Style, class spark.components.VideoPlayer |
| Leading controls for the text. |
| |
lineHeight — Style, class spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer |
| Leading controls for the text. |
| |
LINE_HEIGHT — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.BaselineOffset |
| Specifies an offset equal to the height of the line. |
lineHeightProperty — Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat |
| |
LINE_LEFT — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.ScrollEventDetail |
Indicates that the scroll bar has moved left by one line. |
_lineOffset — Property, class flashx.textLayout.compose.TextFlowLine |
| |
lineOffset — Property, class flashx.textLayout.compose.TextFlowLine |
The line's offset in pixels from the appropriate container inset (as dictated by paragraph direction and container block progression),
prior to alignment of lines in the paragraph. |
_linePass — Property, class flashx.textLayout.compose.BaseCompose |
| |
LineRenderer — class, package mx.charts.renderers |
A simple implementation of a line segment renderer
that is used by LineSeries objects. |
LineRenderer() — Constructor, class mx.charts.renderers.LineRenderer |
Constructor. |
LINE_RIGHT — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.ScrollEventDetail |
Indicates that the scroll bar has moved right by one line. |
lineScrollSize — Property, class mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar |
Amount to scroll when an arrow button is pressed, in pixels. |
lineSegmentRenderer — Style, class mx.charts.series.LineSeries |
| A factory that represents the class the series uses to represent the individual line segments in the series. |
| |
lineSegmentType — Property, class mx.charts.series.LineSeries |
The class used by this series to store all data
necessary to represent a line segment. |
LineSeries — class, package mx.charts.series |
Defines a data series for a LineChart control. |
LineSeries() — Constructor, class mx.charts.series.LineSeries |
Constructor. |
LineSeriesItem — class, package mx.charts.series.items |
Represents the information required to render an item as part of a LineSeries. |
LineSeriesItem(element:mx.charts.series:LineSeries, data:Object, index:uint) — Constructor, class mx.charts.series.items.LineSeriesItem |
Constructor. |
LineSeriesRenderData — class, package mx.charts.series.renderData |
Represents all the information needed by the LineSeries to render. |
LineSeriesRenderData(cache:Array, filteredCache:Array, validPoints:Number, segments:Array, radius:Number) — Constructor, class mx.charts.series.renderData.LineSeriesRenderData |
Constructor. |
LineSeriesSegment — class, package mx.charts.series.items |
Represents the information required
to render a segment in a LineSeries. |
LineSeriesSegment(element:mx.charts.series:LineSeries, index:uint, items:Array, start:uint, end:uint) — Constructor, class mx.charts.series.items.LineSeriesSegment |
Constructor. |
_lineSlug — Property, class flashx.textLayout.compose.BaseCompose |
| |
lineStroke — Style, class mx.charts.series.LineSeries |
| Sets the stroke for the actual line segments. |
| |
lineStyle(thickness:Number, color:uint, alpha:Number, pixelHinting:Boolean, scaleMode:String, caps:String, joints:String, miterLimit:Number) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianDataCanvas |
Specifies a line style that Flash uses for subsequent calls to other Graphics methods (such as lineTo()
or drawCircle()) for the object. |
lineStyle(thickness:Number, color:uint, alpha:Number, pixelHinting:Boolean, scaleMode:String, caps:String, joints:String, miterLimit:Number) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarDataCanvas |
Specifies a line style that Flash uses for subsequent calls to other Graphics methods (such as lineTo()
or drawCircle()) for the object. |
lineThrough — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController |
If true, applies strikethrough, a line drawn through the middle of the text. |
lineThrough — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement |
If true, applies strikethrough, a line drawn through the middle of the text. |
lineThrough — Property, interface flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat |
If true, applies strikethrough, a line drawn through the middle of the text. |
lineThrough — Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat |
If true, applies strikethrough, a line drawn through the middle of the text. |
lineThrough — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.SliderBase |
| If true, applies strikethrough, a line drawn through the middle of the text. |
| |
lineThrough — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase |
| If true, applies strikethrough, a line drawn through the middle of the text. |
| |
lineThrough — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBase |
| If true, applies strikethrough, a line drawn through the middle of the text. |
| |
lineThrough — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase |
| If true, applies strikethrough, a line drawn through the middle of the text. |
| |
lineThrough — Style, class spark.components.Label |
| If true, applies strikethrough, a line drawn through the middle of the text. |
| |
lineThrough — Style, class spark.components.RichText |
| If true, applies strikethrough, a line drawn through the middle of the text. |
| |
lineThrough — Style, class spark.components.FormHeading |
| If true, applies strikethrough, a line drawn through the middle of the text. |
| |
lineThrough — Style, class spark.components.NumericStepper |
| If true, applies strikethrough, a line drawn through the middle of the text. |
| |
lineThrough — Style, class spark.components.SkinnableContainer |
| If true, applies strikethrough, a line drawn through the middle of the text. |
| |
lineThrough — Style, class spark.components.SkinnableDataContainer |
| If true, applies strikethrough, a line drawn through the middle of the text. |
| |
lineThrough — Style, class spark.components.Scroller |
| If true, applies strikethrough, a line drawn through the middle of the text. |
| |
lineThrough — Style, class spark.components.DataGrid |
| If true, applies strikethrough, a line drawn through the middle of the text. |
| |
lineThrough — Style, class spark.components.RichEditableText |
| If true, applies strikethrough, a line drawn through the middle of the text. |
| |
lineThrough — Style, class spark.components.VideoPlayer |
| If true, applies strikethrough, a line drawn through the middle of the text. |
| |
lineThrough — Style, class spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer |
| If true, applies strikethrough, a line drawn through the middle of the text. |
| |
lineThroughProperty — Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat |
| |
lineTo(x:any, y:any) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianDataCanvas |
Draws a line using the current line style from the current drawing position to (x, y);
the current drawing position is then set to (x, y). |
lineTo(angle:any, radial:any) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarDataCanvas |
Draws a line using the current line style from the current drawing position to (angle, radial);
the current drawing position is then set to (angle, radial). |
LINE_UP — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.ScrollEventDetail |
Indicates that the scroll bar has moved up by one line. |
link — Event, class mx.controls.Label |
Dispatched when a user clicks a hyperlink in an
HTML-enabled text field, where the URL begins with "event:". |
link — Event, class mx.controls.TextArea |
Dispatched when a user clicks a hyperlink in text defined by the
htmlText property, where the URL begins with "event:". |
LINK — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.LinkState |
Value for the normal, default link state. |
LINK — Constant Static Property, class mx.managers.DragManager |
Constant that specifies that the type of drag action is "link". |
linkActiveFormat — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController |
Defines the formatting attributes used for links in normal state. |
linkActiveFormat — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement |
Defines the formatting attributes used for links in normal state. |
linkActiveFormat — Property, interface flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat |
Defines the formatting attributes used for links in normal state. |
linkActiveFormat — Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat |
Defines the formatting attributes used for links in normal state. |
linkActiveFormatProperty — Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat |
| |
LinkBar — class, package mx.controls |
A LinkBar control defines a horizontal or vertical row of LinkButton controls
that designate a series of link destinations. |
LinkBar() — Constructor, class mx.controls.LinkBar |
Constructor. |
LinkButton — class, package mx.controls |
The LinkButton control is a borderless Button control
whose contents are highlighted when a user moves the mouse over it. |
LinkButton() — Constructor, class mx.controls.LinkButton |
Constructor. |
LinkButtonAccImpl — class, package mx.accessibility |
LinkButtonAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation
which implements accessibility for the LinkButton class. |
LinkButtonAccImpl(master:mx.core:UIComponent) — Constructor, class mx.accessibility.LinkButtonAccImpl |
Constructor. |
LinkButtonSkin — class, package mx.skins.halo |
The skin for all the states of a LinkButton. |
LinkButtonSkin — class, package mx.skins.spark |
| The Spark skin class for the MX LinkButton component. |
LinkButtonSkin() — Constructor, class mx.skins.halo.LinkButtonSkin |
Constructor. |
LinkButtonSkin() — Constructor, class mx.skins.spark.LinkButtonSkin |
| Constructor. |
linkButtonStyleName — Style, class mx.controls.LinkBar |
| Name of CSS style declaration that specifies the styles to use for the link button navigation items. |
| |
linkCursor — Style, class mx.managers.DragManager |
| Cursor displayed during a link operation. |
| |
LinkedList — class, package mx.utils |
Provides a generic doubly linked list implementation. |
LinkedList() — Constructor, class mx.utils.LinkedList |
Constructor. |
LinkedListNode — class, package mx.utils |
Class representing a doubly linked list node. |
LinkedListNode(value:any) — Constructor, class mx.utils.LinkedListNode |
LinkElement — final class, package flashx.textLayout.elements |
| The LinkElement class defines a link to a URI (Universal Resource Identifier), which is executed when the user clicks it. |
LinkElement() — Constructor, class flashx.textLayout.elements.LinkElement |
| Constructor - creates a new LinkElement instance. |
linkHoverFormat — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController |
Defines the formatting attributes used for links in hover state, when the mouse is within the bounds (rolling over) a link. |
linkHoverFormat — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement |
Defines the formatting attributes used for links in hover state, when the mouse is within the bounds (rolling over) a link. |
linkHoverFormat — Property, interface flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat |
Defines the formatting attributes used for links in hover state, when the mouse is within the bounds (rolling over) a link. |
linkHoverFormat — Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat |
Defines the formatting attributes used for links in hover state, when the mouse is within the bounds (rolling over) a link. |
linkHoverFormatProperty — Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat |
| |
linkNormalFormat — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController |
Defines the formatting attributes used for links in normal state. |
linkNormalFormat — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement |
Defines the formatting attributes used for links in normal state. |
linkNormalFormat — Property, interface flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat |
Defines the formatting attributes used for links in normal state. |
linkNormalFormat — Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat |
Defines the formatting attributes used for links in normal state. |
linkNormalFormatProperty — Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat |
| |
LinkSeparator — class, package mx.skins.halo |
The skin for the separator between the Links in a LinkBar. |
LinkSeparator() — Constructor, class mx.skins.halo.LinkSeparator |
Constructor. |
linkState — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.LinkElement |
The current state of the link. |
LinkState — final class, package flashx.textLayout.elements |
The LinkState class defines a set of constants for the linkState property
of the LinkElement class. |
linkTool — Skin Part, class spark.components.RichTextEditor |
| |
| |
linkTool — Property, class spark.skins.RichTextEditorSkin |
| |
LinkTool — class, package spark.components.richTextEditorClasses |
| |
LinkTool() — Constructor, class spark.components.richTextEditorClasses.LinkTool |
| Constructor. |
linkToolTip — Property, class mx.controls.RichTextEditor |
The ToolTip that appears when the user hovers over the link text input field. |
list — Property, class mx.collections.AsyncListView |
The IList object that this collection wraps. |
list — Property, class mx.collections.ComplexFieldChangeWatcher |
| |
list — Property, class mx.collections.ListCollectionView |
The IList that this collection view wraps. |
List — class, package mx.controls |
The List control displays a vertical list of items. |
List — class, package spark.components |
The List control displays a vertical list of items. |
List() — Constructor, class mx.controls.List |
Constructor. |
List() — Constructor, class spark.components.List |
Constructor. |
ListAccImpl — class, package mx.accessibility |
ListAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation
which implements accessibility for the List class. |
ListAccImpl — class, package spark.accessibility |
ListAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class
for spark.components.List. |
ListAccImpl(master:mx.core:UIComponent) — Constructor, class mx.accessibility.ListAccImpl |
Constructor. |
ListAccImpl(master:mx.core:UIComponent) — Constructor, class spark.accessibility.ListAccImpl |
Constructor. |
listAutoPadding — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController |
This specifies an auto indent for the start edge of lists when the padding value of the list on that side is auto. |
listAutoPadding — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement |
This specifies an auto indent for the start edge of lists when the padding value of the list on that side is auto. |
listAutoPadding — Property, interface flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat |
This specifies an auto indent for the start edge of lists when the padding value of the list on that side is auto. |
listAutoPadding — Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat |
This specifies an auto indent for the start edge of lists when the padding value of the list on that side is auto. |
listAutoPadding — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase |
| This specifies an auto indent for the start edge of lists when the padding value of the list on that side is auto. |
| |
listAutoPadding — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase |
| This specifies an auto indent for the start edge of lists when the padding value of the list on that side is auto. |
| |
listAutoPadding — Style, class spark.components.RichText |
| This specifies an auto indent for the start edge of lists when the padding value of the list on that side is auto. |
| |
listAutoPadding — Style, class spark.components.FormHeading |
| This specifies an auto indent for the start edge of lists when the padding value of the list on that side is auto. |
| |
listAutoPadding — Style, class spark.components.NumericStepper |
| This specifies an auto indent for the start edge of lists when the padding value of the list on that side is auto. |
| |
listAutoPadding — Style, class spark.components.SkinnableContainer |
| This specifies an auto indent for the start edge of lists when the padding value of the list on that side is auto. |
| |
listAutoPadding — Style, class spark.components.Scroller |
| This specifies an auto indent for the start edge of lists when the padding value of the list on that side is auto. |
| |
listAutoPadding — Style, class spark.components.RichEditableText |
| This specifies an auto indent for the start edge of lists when the padding value of the list on that side is auto. |
| |
listAutoPadding — Style, class spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer |
| This specifies an auto indent for the start edge of lists when the padding value of the list on that side is auto. |
| |
listAutoPaddingProperty — Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat |
| |
ListBase — class, package mx.controls.listClasses |
The ListBase class is the base class for controls that represent lists
of items that can have one or more selected and can scroll through the
items. |
ListBase — class, package spark.components.supportClasses |
The ListBase class is the base class for all components that support
selection. |
ListBase() — Constructor, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase |
Constructor. |
ListBase() — Constructor, class spark.components.supportClasses.ListBase |
Constructor. |
ListBaseAccImpl — class, package mx.accessibility |
ListBaseAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation
which implements accessibility for the ListBase class. |
ListBaseAccImpl — class, package spark.accessibility |
ListBaseAccImpl is a superclass of the Spark ListAccImpl,
DropDownListAccImpl, ComboBoxAccImpl, ButtonBarBaseAccImpl,
and TabBarAccImpl. |
ListBaseAccImpl(master:mx.core:UIComponent) — Constructor, class mx.accessibility.ListBaseAccImpl |
Constructor. |
ListBaseAccImpl(master:mx.core:UIComponent) — Constructor, class spark.accessibility.ListBaseAccImpl |
Constructor. |
ListBaseContentHolder — class, package mx.controls.listClasses |
The ListBaseContentHolder class defines a container in a list-based control
of all of the control's item renderers and item editors. |
ListBaseContentHolder(parentList:mx.controls.listClasses:ListBase) — Constructor, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBaseContentHolder |
Constructor. |
ListBaseSeekPending — class, package mx.controls.listClasses |
An object that stores data about a seek operation
that was interrupted by an ItemPendingError error. |
ListBaseSeekPending(bookmark:mx.collections:CursorBookmark, offset:int) — Constructor, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBaseSeekPending |
Constructor. |
ListBaseSelectionData — class, package mx.controls.listClasses |
Records used by list classes to keep track of what is selected. |
ListBaseSelectionData(data:Object, index:int, approximate:Boolean) — Constructor, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBaseSelectionData |
Constructor. |
ListCollectionView — class, package mx.collections |
The ListCollectionView class adds the properties and methods of the
ICollectionView interface to an object that conforms to the
IList interface. |
ListCollectionView(list:mx.collections:IList) — Constructor, class mx.collections.ListCollectionView |
The ListCollectionView constructor. |
listContainer — Skin Part, class spark.components.DateSpinner |
| The container for the date part lists. |
The container for the date part lists. |
listContainer — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.DateSpinnerSkin |
Skin part; container of dateItem list(s). |
listContent — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase |
An internal display object that parents all of the item renderers,
selection and highlighting indicators and other supporting graphics. |
listContent — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase |
An internal display object that parents all of the item renderers,
selection and highlighting indicators and other supporting graphics. |
listContentStyleFilters — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase |
The set of styles to pass from the ListBase to the listContent. |
listData — Property, class mx.controls.Button |
When a component is used as a drop-in item renderer or drop-in
item editor, Flex initializes the listData property
of the component with the appropriate data from the list control. |
listData — Property, class mx.controls.ComboBox |
When a component is used as a drop-in item renderer or drop-in item
editor, Flex initializes the listData property of the
component with the appropriate data from the List control. |
listData — Property, class mx.controls.DateField |
When a component is used as a drop-in item renderer or drop-in
item editor, Flex initializes the listData property
of the component with the appropriate data from the List control. |
listData — Property, class mx.controls.HTML |
When a component is used as a drop-in item renderer or drop-in
item editor, Flex initializes the listData property
of the component with the appropriate data from the List control. |
listData — Property, class mx.controls.Image |
When a component is used as a drop-in item renderer or drop-in
item editor, Flex initializes the listData property
of the component with the appropriate data from the List control. |
listData — Property, class mx.controls.Label |
When a component is used as a drop-in item renderer or drop-in
item editor, Flex initializes the listData property
of the component with the appropriate data from the List control. |
listData — Property, class mx.controls.MXFTETextInput |
When a component is used as a drop-in item renderer or drop-in
item editor, Flex initializes the listData property
of the component with the appropriate data from the list control. |
listData — Property, class mx.controls.NumericStepper |
When a component is used as a drop-in item renderer or drop-in
item editor, Flex initializes the listData property
of the component with the appropriate data from the List control. |
listData — Property, class mx.controls.TextArea |
When a component is used as a drop-in item renderer or drop-in
item editor, Flex initializes the listData property
of the component with the appropriate data from the list control. |
listData — Property, class mx.controls.TextInput |
When a component is used as a drop-in item renderer or drop-in
item editor, Flex initializes the listData property
of the component with the appropriate data from the list control. |
listData — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridGroupItemRenderer |
The implementation of the listData property as
defined by the IDropInListItemRenderer interface. |
listData — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridHeaderRenderer |
The implementation of the listData property
as defined by the IDropInListItemRenderer interface. |
listData — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridItemRenderer |
The implementation of the listData property as
defined by the IDropInListItemRenderer interface. |
listData — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.FTEAdvancedDataGridItemRenderer |
The implementation of the listData property as
defined by the IDropInListItemRenderer interface. |
listData — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.MXAdvancedDataGridItemRenderer |
The implementation of the listData property
as defined by the IDropInListItemRenderer interface. |
listData — Property, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridItemRenderer |
The implementation of the listData property as
defined by the IDropInListItemRenderer interface. |
listData — Property, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.FTEDataGridItemRenderer |
The implementation of the listData property as
defined by the IDropInListItemRenderer interface. |
listData — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase |
When a component is used as a drop-in item renderer or drop-in
item editor, Flex initializes the listData property
of the component with the additional data from the list control. |
listData — Property, interface mx.controls.listClasses.IDropInListItemRenderer |
Implements the listData property
using setter and getter methods. |
listData — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase |
When a component is used as a drop-in item renderer or drop-in
item editor, Flex initializes the listData property
of the component with the additional data from the list control. |
listData — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListItemRenderer |
The implementation of the listData property
as defined by the IDropInListItemRenderer interface. |
listData — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.MXItemRenderer |
The implementation of the listData property
as defined by the IDropInListItemRenderer interface. |
listData — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.TileListItemRenderer |
The implementation of the listData property as
defined by the IDropInListItemRenderer interface. |
listData — Property, class mx.controls.menuClasses.MenuItemRenderer |
The implementation of the listData property
as defined by the IDropInListItemRenderer interface. |
listData — Property, class mx.controls.olapDataGridClasses.OLAPDataGridGroupRenderer |
The implementation of the listData property as
defined by the IDropInListItemRenderer interface. |
listData — Property, class mx.controls.treeClasses.TreeItemRenderer |
The implementation of the listData property as
defined by the IDropInListItemRenderer interface. |
ListData — class, package mx.controls.listClasses |
The ListData class defines the data type of the listData
property implemented by drop-in item renderers or drop-in item editors
for the List control. |
ListData(text:String, icon:Class, labelField:String, uid:String, owner:mx.core:IUIComponent, rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int) — Constructor, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListData |
Constructor. |
ListDropIndicator — class, package mx.skins.halo |
The skin for the drop indicator of a list-based control. |
ListDropIndicator — class, package spark.skins.spark |
The default skin for the drop indicator of a List component in case
List doesn't have a dropIndicator part defined in its skin. |
ListDropIndicator() — Constructor, class mx.skins.halo.ListDropIndicator |
Constructor. |
ListDropIndicator() — Constructor, class spark.skins.spark.ListDropIndicator |
Constructor. |
ListElement — class, package flashx.textLayout.elements |
The List class is used for grouping together items into a numbered or unnumbered list. |
listener — Property, class mx.effects.Tween |
Object that is notified at each interval of the animation. |
listener — Property, class mx.events.EventListenerRequest |
The method or function to call
listener — Property, class mx.validators.Validator |
Specifies the validation listener. |
listener — Property, class spark.validators.supportClasses.GlobalizationValidatorBase |
Specifies the validation listener. |
ListEvent — class, package mx.events |
The ListEvent class represents events associated with items
in list-based controls such as List, Tree, Menu, and DataGrid. |
ListEvent — class, package spark.events |
ListEvents dispatched by ListBase components like ButtonBar and List
in response to MouseEvents are constructed with
the incoming mouse event's properties. |
ListEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, columnIndex:int, rowIndex:int, reason:String, itemRenderer:mx.controls.listClasses:IListItemRenderer) — Constructor, class mx.events.ListEvent |
Constructor. |
ListEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, localX:Number, localY:Number, relatedObject:flash.display:InteractiveObject, ctrlKey:Boolean, altKey:Boolean, shiftKey:Boolean, buttonDown:Boolean, delta:int, itemIndex:int, item:Object, itemRenderer:spark.components:IItemRenderer) — Constructor, class spark.events.ListEvent |
Constructor. |
ListEventReason — final class, package mx.events |
Constants for the values of the reason property of a
ListEvent object where the value of the type property is
ListEvent.ITEM_EDIT_END. |
listFormat — Property, class flashx.textLayout.operations.CreateListOperation |
| TextLayoutFormat to be applied to the new ListElement. |
ListItemDragProxy — class, package mx.controls.listClasses |
The default drag proxy used when dragging from an MX list-based control
(except for the DataGrid class). |
ListItemDragProxy — class, package spark.components.supportClasses |
The ListItemDragProxy class defines the default drag proxy used
when dragging from a Spark List based control. |
ListItemDragProxy() — Constructor, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListItemDragProxy |
Constructor. |
ListItemDragProxy() — Constructor, class spark.components.supportClasses.ListItemDragProxy |
Constructor. |
_listItemElement — Property, class flashx.textLayout.compose.BaseCompose |
| |
ListItemElement — final class, package flashx.textLayout.elements |
ListItemElement is an item in a list. |
ListItemRenderer — class, package mx.controls.listClasses |
The ListItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer
for a List control. |
ListItemRenderer() — Constructor, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListItemRenderer |
Constructor. |
listItems — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase |
An Array of Arrays that contains
the item renderer instances that render each data provider item. |
listItems — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase |
An Array of Arrays that contains
the itemRenderer instances that render each data provider item. |
listItems — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBaseContentHolder |
An Array of Arrays that contains
the item renderer instances that render each data provider item. |
listMarkerFormat — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController |
Defines the formatting attributes list markers. |
listMarkerFormat — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement |
Defines the formatting attributes list markers. |
listMarkerFormat — Property, interface flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat |
Defines the formatting attributes list markers. |
listMarkerFormat — Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat |
Defines the formatting attributes list markers. |
ListMarkerFormat — class, package flashx.textLayout.formats |
| Defines the marker format in a ListItemElement. |
ListMarkerFormat(initialValues:flashx.textLayout.formats:IListMarkerFormat) — Constructor, class flashx.textLayout.formats.ListMarkerFormat |
| Create a ListMarkerFormat that holds all the properties possible for a list marker. |
listMarkerFormatProperty — Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat |
| |
listOwner — Property, class spark.components.itemRenderers.MenuCoreItemRenderer |
| |
listOwner — Property, interface spark.components.listClasses.IListItemRenderer |
| |
ListRowInfo — class, package mx.controls.listClasses |
Used by the list-based classes to store information about their IListItemRenderers. |
ListRowInfo(y:Number, height:Number, uid:String, data:Object) — Constructor, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListRowInfo |
Constructor. |
ListSkin — class, package spark.skins.mobile |
ActionScript-based skin for the List components in mobile applications. |
ListSkin — class, package spark.skins.spark |
| The default skin class for a Spark List component. |
ListSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.mobile.ListSkin |
Constructor. |
ListSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.spark.ListSkin |
| Constructor. |
listStylePosition — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController |
Legal values are ListStylePosition.INSIDE, ListStylePosition.OUTSIDE, FormatValue.INHERIT.
Default value is undefined indicating not set.
If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. |
listStylePosition — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement |
Legal values are ListStylePosition.INSIDE, ListStylePosition.OUTSIDE, FormatValue.INHERIT.
Default value is undefined indicating not set.
If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. |
listStylePosition — Property, interface flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat |
Legal values are ListStylePosition.INSIDE, ListStylePosition.OUTSIDE, FormatValue.INHERIT.
Default value is undefined indicating not set.
If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. |
listStylePosition — Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat |
Legal values are ListStylePosition.INSIDE, ListStylePosition.OUTSIDE, FormatValue.INHERIT.
Default value is undefined indicating not set.
If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. |
listStylePosition — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase |
| This controls the placement of a list item marker relative to the list item. |
| |
listStylePosition — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase |
| This controls the placement of a list item marker relative to the list item. |
| |
listStylePosition — Style, class spark.components.RichText |
| This controls the placement of a list item marker relative to the list item. |
| |
listStylePosition — Style, class spark.components.FormHeading |
| This controls the placement of a list item marker relative to the list item. |
| |
listStylePosition — Style, class spark.components.NumericStepper |
| This controls the placement of a list item marker relative to the list item. |
| |
listStylePosition — Style, class spark.components.SkinnableContainer |
| This controls the placement of a list item marker relative to the list item. |
| |
listStylePosition — Style, class spark.components.Scroller |
| This controls the placement of a list item marker relative to the list item. |
| |
listStylePosition — Style, class spark.components.RichEditableText |
| This controls the placement of a list item marker relative to the list item. |
| |
listStylePosition — Style, class spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer |
| This controls the placement of a list item marker relative to the list item. |
| |
ListStylePosition — final class, package flashx.textLayout.formats |
Defines values for setting the listStylePosition property. |
listStylePositionProperty — Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat |
| |
listStyleType — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController |
Legal values are ListStyleType.UPPER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.LOWER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.UPPER_ROMAN, ListStyleType.LOWER_ROMAN, ListStyleType.NONE, ListStyleType.DISC, ListStyleType.CIRCLE, ListStyleType.SQUARE, ListStyleType.BOX, ListStyleType.CHECK, ListStyleType.DIAMOND, ListStyleType.HYPHEN, ListStyleType.ARABIC_INDIC, ListStyleType.BENGALI, ListStyleType.DECIMAL, ListStyleType.DECIMAL_LEADING_ZERO, ListStyleType.DEVANAGARI, ListStyleType.GUJARATI, ListStyleType.GURMUKHI, ListStyleType.KANNADA, ListStyleType.PERSIAN, ListStyleType.THAI, ListStyleType.URDU, ListStyleType.CJK_EARTHLY_BRANCH, ListStyleType.CJK_HEAVENLY_STEM, ListStyleType.HANGUL, ListStyleType.HANGUL_CONSTANT, ListStyleType.HIRAGANA, ListStyleType.HIRAGANA_IROHA, ListStyleType.KATAKANA, ListStyleType.KATAKANA_IROHA, ListStyleType.LOWER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.LOWER_GREEK, ListStyleType.LOWER_LATIN, ListStyleType.UPPER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.UPPER_GREEK, ListStyleType.UPPER_LATIN, FormatValue.INHERIT.
Default value is undefined indicating not set.
If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. |
listStyleType — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement |
Legal values are ListStyleType.UPPER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.LOWER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.UPPER_ROMAN, ListStyleType.LOWER_ROMAN, ListStyleType.NONE, ListStyleType.DISC, ListStyleType.CIRCLE, ListStyleType.SQUARE, ListStyleType.BOX, ListStyleType.CHECK, ListStyleType.DIAMOND, ListStyleType.HYPHEN, ListStyleType.ARABIC_INDIC, ListStyleType.BENGALI, ListStyleType.DECIMAL, ListStyleType.DECIMAL_LEADING_ZERO, ListStyleType.DEVANAGARI, ListStyleType.GUJARATI, ListStyleType.GURMUKHI, ListStyleType.KANNADA, ListStyleType.PERSIAN, ListStyleType.THAI, ListStyleType.URDU, ListStyleType.CJK_EARTHLY_BRANCH, ListStyleType.CJK_HEAVENLY_STEM, ListStyleType.HANGUL, ListStyleType.HANGUL_CONSTANT, ListStyleType.HIRAGANA, ListStyleType.HIRAGANA_IROHA, ListStyleType.KATAKANA, ListStyleType.KATAKANA_IROHA, ListStyleType.LOWER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.LOWER_GREEK, ListStyleType.LOWER_LATIN, ListStyleType.UPPER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.UPPER_GREEK, ListStyleType.UPPER_LATIN, FormatValue.INHERIT.
Default value is undefined indicating not set.
If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. |
listStyleType — Property, interface flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat |
Legal values are ListStyleType.UPPER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.LOWER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.UPPER_ROMAN, ListStyleType.LOWER_ROMAN, ListStyleType.NONE, ListStyleType.DISC, ListStyleType.CIRCLE, ListStyleType.SQUARE, ListStyleType.BOX, ListStyleType.CHECK, ListStyleType.DIAMOND, ListStyleType.HYPHEN, ListStyleType.ARABIC_INDIC, ListStyleType.BENGALI, ListStyleType.DECIMAL, ListStyleType.DECIMAL_LEADING_ZERO, ListStyleType.DEVANAGARI, ListStyleType.GUJARATI, ListStyleType.GURMUKHI, ListStyleType.KANNADA, ListStyleType.PERSIAN, ListStyleType.THAI, ListStyleType.URDU, ListStyleType.CJK_EARTHLY_BRANCH, ListStyleType.CJK_HEAVENLY_STEM, ListStyleType.HANGUL, ListStyleType.HANGUL_CONSTANT, ListStyleType.HIRAGANA, ListStyleType.HIRAGANA_IROHA, ListStyleType.KATAKANA, ListStyleType.KATAKANA_IROHA, ListStyleType.LOWER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.LOWER_GREEK, ListStyleType.LOWER_LATIN, ListStyleType.UPPER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.UPPER_GREEK, ListStyleType.UPPER_LATIN, FormatValue.INHERIT.
Default value is undefined indicating not set.
If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. |
listStyleType — Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat |
Legal values are ListStyleType.UPPER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.LOWER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.UPPER_ROMAN, ListStyleType.LOWER_ROMAN, ListStyleType.NONE, ListStyleType.DISC, ListStyleType.CIRCLE, ListStyleType.SQUARE, ListStyleType.BOX, ListStyleType.CHECK, ListStyleType.DIAMOND, ListStyleType.HYPHEN, ListStyleType.ARABIC_INDIC, ListStyleType.BENGALI, ListStyleType.DECIMAL, ListStyleType.DECIMAL_LEADING_ZERO, ListStyleType.DEVANAGARI, ListStyleType.GUJARATI, ListStyleType.GURMUKHI, ListStyleType.KANNADA, ListStyleType.PERSIAN, ListStyleType.THAI, ListStyleType.URDU, ListStyleType.CJK_EARTHLY_BRANCH, ListStyleType.CJK_HEAVENLY_STEM, ListStyleType.HANGUL, ListStyleType.HANGUL_CONSTANT, ListStyleType.HIRAGANA, ListStyleType.HIRAGANA_IROHA, ListStyleType.KATAKANA, ListStyleType.KATAKANA_IROHA, ListStyleType.LOWER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.LOWER_GREEK, ListStyleType.LOWER_LATIN, ListStyleType.UPPER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.UPPER_GREEK, ListStyleType.UPPER_LATIN, FormatValue.INHERIT.
Default value is undefined indicating not set.
If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. |
listStyleType — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase |
| This controls the appearance of items in a list. |
| |
listStyleType — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase |
| This controls the appearance of items in a list. |
| |
listStyleType — Style, class spark.components.RichText |
| This controls the appearance of items in a list. |
| |
listStyleType — Style, class spark.components.FormHeading |
| This controls the appearance of items in a list. |
| |
listStyleType — Style, class spark.components.NumericStepper |
| This controls the appearance of items in a list. |
| |
listStyleType — Style, class spark.components.SkinnableContainer |
| This controls the appearance of items in a list. |
| |
listStyleType — Style, class spark.components.Scroller |
| This controls the appearance of items in a list. |
| |
listStyleType — Style, class spark.components.RichEditableText |
| This controls the appearance of items in a list. |
| |
listStyleType — Style, class spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer |
| This controls the appearance of items in a list. |
| |
ListStyleType — final class, package flashx.textLayout.formats |
Defines values for setting the listStyleType property of a TextLayoutFormat object. |
listStyleTypeProperty — Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat |
| |
live — Property, class mx.controls.VideoDisplay |
Specifies whether the control is streaming a live feed. |
liveDragging — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.SliderBase |
| When true, the thumb's value is committed as it is dragged along the track instead of when the thumb button is released. |
| |
liveDragging — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.ScrollBarBase |
| If true (the default) then dragging the scrollbar's thumb with the mouse immediately updates the scrollbar's value. |
| |
liveDragging — Property, class mx.containers.DividedBox |
If true, the children adjacent to a divider
are continuously resized while the user drags it. |
liveDragging — Property, class mx.controls.sliderClasses.Slider |
Specifies whether live dragging is enabled for the slider. |
liveScrolling — Style, class spark.components.Scroller |
| A proxy for the liveDragging style of the scrollbars used by the Scroller component. |
| |
liveScrolling — Property, class mx.core.ScrollControlBase |
A flag that indicates whether scrolling is live as the
scrollbar thumb is moved
or the view is not updated until the thumb is released. |
load(url:Object) — method, class mx.controls.SWFLoader |
Loads an image or SWF file. |
load() — method, class mx.controls.VideoDisplay |
Loads the media file without playing it. |
load() — method, class mx.effects.SoundEffect |
Loads the MP3 if the source property points to a URL. |
load(applicationDomain:flash.system:ApplicationDomain, securityDomain:flash.system:SecurityDomain, bytes:flash.utils:ByteArray, moduleFactory:mx.core:IFlexModuleFactory) — method, interface mx.modules.IModuleInfo |
Requests that the module be loaded. |
load — Event, class mx.rpc.soap.WebService |
The LoadEvent.LOAD is dispatched when the WSDL
document has loaded successfully. |
load(source:Object, contentLoaderGrouping:String) — method, class spark.core.ContentCache |
Initiates a content request for the resource identified
by the key specified. |
load(source:Object, contentLoaderGrouping:String) — method, interface spark.core.IContentLoader |
Initiates a content request for the resource identified
by the key specified. |
load() — method, interface spark.managers.IPersistenceManager |
Initializes the persistence manager. |
load() — method, class spark.managers.PersistenceManager |
Initializes the persistence manager. |
LOAD — Constant Static Property, class mx.rpc.events.WSDLLoadEvent |
The LOAD constant defines the value of the type property of the event object
for a wsdlLoad event. |
LOAD — Constant Static Property, class mx.rpc.events.XMLLoadEvent |
The LOAD constant defines the value of the type property of the event object
for a xmlLoad event. |
LOAD — Constant Static Property, class mx.rpc.soap.LoadEvent |
The LOAD constant defines the value of the type property
of the event object for a load event. |
loaded — Property, class mx.controls.HTML |
A flag which indicates whether the JavaScript load event
corresponding to the previous loading operation
has been delivered to the HTML DOM in this control. |
loaded — Property, interface mx.modules.IModuleInfo |
A flag that is true if the load()
method has been called on this module. |
loadedRangeArea — Skin Part, class spark.components.mediaClasses.ScrubBar |
| An optional skin part for the area on the track representing the currently loaded in part of the video. For a progressive download video, this will correspond to the number of bytes downloaded. For a streaming video, the whole video is "loaded in" as it's quick to seek to any spot in the video. |
An optional skin part for the area on the track
representing the currently loaded in part of the video. |
loadedRangeArea — Property, class spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen.ScrubBarSkin |
An optional skin part for the area on the track
representing the currently loaded in part of the video. |
loadedRangeArea — Property, class spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal.ScrubBarSkin |
An optional skin part for the area on the track
representing the currently loaded in part of the video. |
loadedRangeEnd — Property, class spark.components.mediaClasses.ScrubBar |
The range of currently loaded in values. |
loaderContext — Property, class mx.controls.SWFLoader |
A LoaderContext object to use to control loading of the content. |
loaderInfo — Property, class mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter |
| |
loaderInfo — Property, interface mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject |
| |
loaderInfo — Property, class mx.events.RSLEvent |
The LoaderInfo object associated with this event. |
loaderInfo — Property, interface mx.managers.ISystemManager |
The LoaderInfo object that represents information about the application. |
LoaderInvalidationEvent — class, package spark.events |
The LoaderInvalidationEvent class represents events that are dispatched
to notify ContentRequest instances that their original request
has been invalidated. |
LoaderInvalidationEvent(type:String, content:any) — Constructor, class spark.events.LoaderInvalidationEvent |
Constructor. |
LoaderUtil — class, package mx.utils |
The LoaderUtil class defines utility methods for use with Flex RSLs and
generic Loader instances. |
LoadEvent — class, package mx.rpc.soap |
This event is dispatched when a WSDL XML document has loaded successfully. |
LoadEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, wsdl:mx.rpc.wsdl:WSDL, location:String) — Constructor, class mx.rpc.soap.LoadEvent |
Creates a new WSDLLoadEvent. |
loadForCompatibility — Property, class mx.controls.SWFLoader |
A flag that indicates whether the content is loaded so that it can
interoperate with applications built with a different verion of the Flex compiler. |
loadForCompatibility — Property, interface mx.core.ISWFLoader |
A flag that indicates whether the content is loaded so that it can
interoperate with applications that were built with a different verion of Flex. |
— Skin State, class spark.components.Image |
| The preloading state of the Image control. The enableLoadingState style must be set to true to enable this component state. |
| |
— Skin State, class spark.components.VideoPlayer |
| Loading state of the VideoPlayer. The VideoPlayer is loading or connecting to the source. |
| |
loading — Event, class mx.modules.ModuleLoader |
Dispatched when the ModuleLoader starts to load a URL. |
loading — Event, class spark.modules.ModuleLoader |
Dispatched when the ModuleLoader starts to load a URL. |
LOADING — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.InlineGraphicElementStatus |
| Load has been initiated (but not completed) on a graphic element that is a URL. |
LOADING — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.FlexEvent |
The FlexEvent.LOADING constant defines the value of the
type property of the event object for a loading event. |
LOADING — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.VideoEvent |
The value of the VideoDisplay.state property
immediately after a call to the
play() or load() method. |
— Skin State, class spark.components.VideoPlayer |
| Loading state of the VideoPlayer when in full screen mode. The VideoPlayer is loading or connecting to the source. |
| |
loadingIndicator — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.ImageSkin |
Displayed if the "enableLoadingState" style is true
loadModule(url:String, bytes:flash.utils:ByteArray) — method, class mx.modules.ModuleLoader |
Loads the module. |
loadModule(url:String, bytes:flash.utils:ByteArray) — method, class spark.modules.ModuleLoader |
Loads the module. |
loadNavigatorState() — method, class spark.components.supportClasses.ViewNavigatorApplicationBase |
Responsible for restoring the application's state when the
persistNavigatorState property is set to true. |
LOAD_PENDING — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.InlineGraphicElementStatus |
| Graphic element is an URL that has not been loaded. |
loadResourceModule(url:String, update:Boolean, applicationDomain:flash.system:ApplicationDomain, securityDomain:flash.system:SecurityDomain) — method, interface mx.resources.IResourceManager |
Begins loading a resource module containing resource bundles. |
loadState(state:Object) — method, class mx.containers.Accordion |
Loads the state of this object. |
loadState(state:Object) — method, class mx.containers.ViewStack |
Loads the state of this object. |
loadState(state:Object) — method, interface mx.managers.IHistoryManagerClient |
Loads the state of this object. |
loadStyleDeclarations(url:String, update:Boolean, trustContent:Boolean, applicationDomain:flash.system:ApplicationDomain, securityDomain:flash.system:SecurityDomain) — method, interface mx.styles.IStyleManager |
Loads a style SWF. |
loadStyleDeclarations(url:String, update:Boolean, trustContent:Boolean, applicationDomain:flash.system:ApplicationDomain, securityDomain:flash.system:SecurityDomain) — Static Method , class mx.styles.StyleManager |
Loads a style SWF. |
loadViewData(value:Object) — method, class spark.components.supportClasses.ViewNavigatorBase |
Restores the state of a navigator's view
from the value argument. |
loadWSDL(uri:String) — method, class mx.rpc.soap.WebService |
Instructs the WebService to download the WSDL document. |
locale — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController |
The locale of the text. |
locale — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement |
The locale of the text. |
locale — Property, interface flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat |
The locale of the text. |
locale — Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat |
The locale of the text. |
locale — Style, class mx.charts.chartClasses.DataTip |
| The locale of the text displayed by this component. |
| |
locale — Style, class mx.charts.Legend |
| The locale of the text displayed by this component. |
| |
locale — Style, class mx.containers.FormHeading |
| The locale of the text displayed by this component. |
| |
locale — Style, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn |
| The locale of the text displayed by this component. |
| |
locale — Style, class mx.controls.menuClasses.MenuBarItem |
| The locale of the text displayed by this component. |
| |
locale — Style, class mx.controls.ToolTip |
| The locale of the text displayed by this component. |
| |
locale — Style, class mx.controls.ColorPicker |
| The locale of the text displayed by this component. |
| |
locale — Style, class mx.controls.Label |
| The locale of the text displayed by this component. |
| |
locale — Style, class mx.controls.Button |
| The locale of the text displayed by this component. |
| |
locale — Style, class mx.controls.TextInput |
| The locale of the text displayed by this component. |
| |
locale — Style, class mx.controls.ComboBox |
| The locale of the text displayed by this component. |
| |
locale — Style, class mx.controls.NumericStepper |
| The locale of the text displayed by this component. |
| |
locale — Style, class mx.controls.MenuBar |
| The locale of the text displayed by this component. |
| |
locale — Style, class mx.controls.ProgressBar |
| The locale of the text displayed by this component. |
| |
locale — Style, class mx.controls.DateChooser |
| The locale of the text displayed by this component. |
| |
locale — Style, class mx.controls.DateField |
| The locale of the text displayed by this component. |
| |
locale — Style, class mx.core.ScrollControlBase |
| The locale of the text displayed by this component. |
| |
locale — Style, class mx.core.UITextField |
| The locale of the text displayed by this component. |
| |
locale — Style, class mx.core.Container |
| The locale of the text displayed by this component. |
| |
locale — Style, class spark.collections.Sort |
| The locale identifier that specifies the language, region, script and optionally other related tags and keys. |
| |
locale — Style, class spark.collections.SortField |
| The locale identifier that specifies the language, region, script and optionally other related tags and keys. |
| |
locale — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.SliderBase |
| The locale of the text. |
| |
locale — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase |
| The locale of the text. |
| |
locale — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBase |
| The locale of the text. |
| |
locale — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableStageText |
| The locale of the text. |
| |
locale — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase |
| The locale of the text. |
| |
locale — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.ScrollableStageText |
| The locale of the text. |
| |
locale — Style, class spark.components.Label |
| The locale of the text. |
| |
locale — Style, class spark.components.RichText |
| The locale of the text. |
| |
locale — Style, class spark.components.FormHeading |
| The locale of the text. |
| |
locale — Style, class spark.components.NumericStepper |
| The locale of the text. |
| |
locale — Style, class spark.components.SkinnableContainer |
| The locale of the text. |
| |
locale — Style, class spark.components.SkinnableDataContainer |
| The locale of the text. |
| |
locale — Style, class spark.components.Scroller |
| The locale of the text. |
| |
locale — Style, class spark.components.DateSpinner |
| The locale of the component. |
| |
locale — Style, class spark.components.DataGrid |
| The locale of the text. |
| |
locale — Style, class spark.components.RichEditableText |
| The locale of the text. |
| |
locale — Style, class spark.components.VideoPlayer |
| The locale of the text. |
| |
locale — Style, class spark.globalization.supportClasses.GlobalizationBase |
| The locale identifier that specifies the language, region, script and optionally other related tags and keys. |
| |
locale — Style, class spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer |
| The locale of the text. |
| |
locale — Style, class spark.skins.spark.DefaultGridItemRenderer |
| The locale of the text. |
| |
locale — Property, class mx.core.FTETextField |
The locale of the text displayed by FTETextField. |
locale — Property, class mx.core.UITextFormat |
The locale of the text. |
locale — Property, interface mx.resources.IResourceBundle |
The locale for which this bundle's resources have been localized. |
locale — Property, class mx.resources.ResourceBundle |
The locale for which this bundle's resources have been localized. |
Locale — class, package mx.resources |
The Locale class can be used to parse a locale String such as "en_US_MAC"
into its three parts: a language code, a country code, and a variant. |
Locale(localeString:String) — Constructor, class mx.resources.Locale |
Constructor. |
localeChain — Property, interface mx.resources.IResourceManager |
An Array of locale Strings, such as [ "en_US" ],
which specifies one or more locales to be searched for resources. |
localeProperty — Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat |
| |
localeUndefinedError — Property, class spark.validators.supportClasses.NumberValidatorBase |
Error message when the locale is undefined or is not available. |
LOCALE_UNDEFINED_ERROR — Constant Static Property, class spark.globalization.LastOperationStatus |
Indicates that Locale is not defined. |
localIndex — Property, class mx.collections.ListCollectionView |
When the view is sorted or filtered the localIndex property
contains an array of items in the sorted or filtered (ordered, reduced)
view, in the sorted order. |
localToContent(point:flash.geom:Point) — method, class mx.charts.Legend |
Converts a Point object from local to content coordinates. |
localToContent(point:flash.geom:Point) — method, class mx.core.Container |
Converts a Point object from local to content coordinates. |
localToContent(point:flash.geom:Point) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent |
Converts a Point object from local to content coordinates. |
localToData(v:flash.geom:Point) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianDataCanvas |
Converts a coordinate on screen to a tuple of data values. |
localToData(pt:flash.geom:Point) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartElement |
Converts a coordinate on screen to a tuple of data values. |
localToData(pt:flash.geom:Point) — method, interface mx.charts.chartClasses.IChartElement2 |
Converts a coordinate on screen to a tuple of data values. |
localToData(v:flash.geom:Point) — method, class mx.charts.series.PieSeries |
| |
localToGlobal(point:flash.geom:Point) — method, class mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter |
| |
localToGlobal(point:flash.geom:Point) — method, interface mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject |
| |
localToGlobal(point:flash.geom:Point) — method, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement |
Converts the point object from the object's (local) coordinates
to the Stage (global) coordinates. |
localX — Property, class mx.events.AdvancedDataGridEvent |
The column's x-position, in pixels; used for replaying column stretch events. |
localX — Property, class mx.events.DataGridEvent |
The column's x-position; used for replaying column stretch events. |
location — Property, class flashx.textLayout.compose.TextFlowLine |
One of the values from TextFlowLineLocation for specifying a line's location within a paragraph. |
location — Property, class mx.controls.HTML |
The URL of an HTML page to be displayed by this control. |
location — Property, class mx.events.CollectionEvent |
When the kind value is CollectionEventKind.ADD,
CollectionEventKind.REMOVE, or
CollectionEventKind.REPLACE, this property is the
zero-base index in the collection of the item(s) specified in the
items property. |
location — Property, class mx.rpc.events.XMLLoadEvent |
The location from which the document was loaded. |
locationChange — Event, class mx.controls.HTML |
Dispatched when the location property changes. |
lockedColumnAndRowContent — Property, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridBase |
The sub-component that contains locked rows for locked columns. |
lockedColumnContent — Property, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridBase |
The sub-component that contains locked columns. |
lockedColumnCount — Property, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid |
The index of the first column in the control that scrolls. |
lockedColumnCount — Property, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridBase |
The index of the first column in the control that scrolls. |
lockedColumnCount — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase |
The index of the first column in the control that scrolls,
where the first column is at an index of 0. |
lockedColumnCount — Property, class spark.components.DataGrid |
The first lockedColumnCount columns are "locked", i.e. |
lockedColumnCount — Property, class spark.components.Grid |
The first lockedColumnCount columns are "locked", i.e. |
lockedColumnHeader — Property, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridBase |
The header sub-component for locked columns. |
lockedColumnsSeparator — Skin Part, class spark.components.DataGrid |
| The IVisualElement class used to render the vertical separator between locked and unlocked columns. |
The IVisualElement class used to render the vertical separator between locked and unlocked columns. |
lockedColumnsSeparator — Property, class spark.components.Grid |
A visual element displayed between the locked and unlocked columns. |
lockedRowContent — Property, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridBase |
The sub-component that contains locked rows. |
lockedRowCount — Property, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid |
The index of the first row in the control that scrolls. |
lockedRowCount — Property, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridBase |
The index of the first row in the control that scrolls. |
lockedRowCount — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase |
The index of the first row in the control that scrolls,
where the first row is at an index of 0. |
lockedRowCount — Property, class spark.components.DataGrid |
The first lockedRowCount rows are "locked", i.e. |
lockedRowCount — Property, class spark.components.Grid |
The first lockedRowCount rows are "locked", i.e. |
lockedRowsSeparator — Skin Part, class spark.components.DataGrid |
| The IVisualElement class used to render the horizontal separator between locked and unlocked rows. |
The IVisualElement class used to render the horizontal separator between locked and unlocked rows. |
lockedRowsSeparator — Property, class spark.components.Grid |
A visual element displayed between the locked and unlocked rows. |
log(level:int, message:String, ... rest) — method, interface mx.logging.ILogger |
Logs the specified data at the given level. |
log(level:int, msg:String, ... rest) — method, class mx.logging.LogLogger |
Logs the specified data at the given level. |
Log — class, package mx.logging |
Provides pseudo-hierarchical logging capabilities with multiple format and
output options. |
LOG — Constant Static Property, class mx.logging.LogEvent |
Event type constant; identifies a logging event. |
LogAxis — class, package mx.charts |
The LogAxis class maps numeric values logarithmically
between a minimum and maximum value along a chart axis. |
LogAxis() — Constructor, class mx.charts.LogAxis |
Constructor. |
logEvent(event:mx.logging:LogEvent) — method, class mx.logging.AbstractTarget |
This method handles a LogEvent from an associated logger. |
logEvent(event:mx.logging:LogEvent) — method, class mx.logging.targets.LineFormattedTarget |
This method handles a LogEvent from an associated logger. |
LogEvent — class, package mx.logging |
Represents the log information for a single logging event. |
LogEvent(message:String, level:int) — Constructor, class mx.logging.LogEvent |
Constructor. |
LogEventLevel — final class, package mx.logging |
Static class containing constants for use in the level
property. |
login(username:String, password:String, charset:String) — method, class mx.messaging.ChannelSet |
Authenticates the ChannelSet with the server using the provided credentials. |
LOGIN_AFTER_DISCONNECT — Constant Static Property, class mx.messaging.channels.PollingChannel |
| |
LOGIN_OPERATION — Constant Static Property, class mx.messaging.messages.CommandMessage |
This operation is used to send credentials to the endpoint so that
the user can be logged in over the current channel. |
LogLogger — class, package mx.logging |
The logger that is used within the logging framework. |
LogLogger(category:String) — Constructor, class mx.logging.LogLogger |
Constructor. |
logout(agent:mx.messaging:MessageAgent) — method, class mx.messaging.Channel |
Sends a CommandMessage to the server to logout if the Channel is connected. |
logout(agent:mx.messaging:MessageAgent) — method, class mx.messaging.ChannelSet |
Logs the ChannelSet out from the server. |
logout() — method, class mx.messaging.MessageAgent |
Logs the MessageAgent out from its remote destination. |
logout() — method, class mx.rpc.AbstractService |
Logs the user out of the destination. |
logout() — method, class mx.rpc.http.HTTPService |
Logs the user out of the destination. |
LOGOUT_OPERATION — Constant Static Property, class mx.messaging.messages.CommandMessage |
This operation is used to log the user out of the current channel, and
will invalidate the server session if the channel is HTTP based. |
lookAheadDuration — Property, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx |
The type look-ahead duration, in milliseconds, for multi-character look ahead. |
loop — Property, class spark.components.VideoDisplay |
Indicates whether the media should play again after playback has completed. |
loop — Property, class spark.components.VideoPlayer |
Indicates whether the media should play again after playback has completed. |
LOOP — Constant Static Property, class spark.effects.animation.RepeatBehavior |
Specifies that a repeating animation should progress in a forward direction on
every iteration. |
loops — Property, class mx.effects.SoundEffect |
The number of times to play the sound in a loop, where a value of
0 means play the effect once, a value of 1 means play the effect twice,
and so on. |
loops — Property, class mx.effects.effectClasses.SoundEffectInstance |
The number of times to play the sound in a loop, where a value of
0 means play the effect once, a value of 1 means play the effect twice,
and so on. |
low — Property, class mx.charts.series.items.HLOCSeriesItem |
The low value of this item converted into screen coordinates. |
LOW — Constant Static Property, class mx.managers.CursorManagerPriority |
Constant that specifies the lowest cursor priority when passed
as the priority argument to setCursor(). |
LOWER_ALPHA — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.ListStyleType |
| Lower-case alphabetic "numbering": a-z, aa-zz, and so on. |
LOWERCASE — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TLFTypographicCase |
| Specifies that all characters use lowercase glyphs on output. |
LOWERCASE_TO_SMALL_CAPS — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TLFTypographicCase |
| Converts all lowercase characters to uppercase, then applies small caps to only the
characters that the conversion changed. |
LOWER_GREEK — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.ListStyleType |
| Lower-case Greek alphabetic "numering". |
LOWER_LATIN — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.ListStyleType |
| Lower-case alphabetic "numbering": a-z, aa-zz, and so on. |
lowerMargin — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.BoundedValue |
The margin, in pixels, required below the value
in order to render properly. |
LOWER_ROMAN — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.ListStyleType |
| Lower-case Roman numbering: i, ii, iii, iv, and so on. |
lowerThanMinError — Property, class mx.validators.CurrencyValidator |
Error message when the value is less than minValue. |
lowerThanMinError — Property, class mx.validators.NumberValidator |
Error message when the value is less than minValue. |
lowField — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.HLOCSeriesBase |
Specifies the field of the data provider that determines
the y-axis location of the low value of the element. |
lowFilter — Property, class mx.charts.series.items.HLOCSeriesItem |
The low value of this item, filtered against the vertical axis of the containing chart. |
lowlight — Property, class spark.skins.ColorPickerButtonSkin |
| |
lowNumber — Property, class mx.charts.series.items.HLOCSeriesItem |
The low value of this item, converted to a number by the vertical axis of the containing chart. |
lowValue — Property, class mx.charts.series.items.HLOCSeriesItem |
The low value of this item. |
LTR — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.Direction |
| Specifies left-to-right direction for text. |
LTR — Constant Static Property, class mx.core.LayoutDirection |
Specifies left-to-right layout direction for a style client or a
visual element. |
LUMINOSITY — Constant Static Property, class spark.core.MaskType |
The mask respects both opacity and RGB color values and
uses the strokes and bitmap filters of the mask. |
luminosityClip — Property, class spark.components.RichText |
A property that controls whether the luminosity
mask clips the masked content. |
luminosityClip — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase |
A property that controls whether the luminosity
mask clips the masked content. |
luminosityClip — Property, class spark.core.SpriteVisualElement |
A property that controls whether the luminosity
mask clips the masked content. |
luminosityClip — Property, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement |
A property that controls whether the luminosity
mask clips the masked content. |
luminosityInvert — Property, class spark.components.RichText |
A property that controls the calculation of the RGB
color value of a graphic element being masked by
a luminosity mask. |
luminosityInvert — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase |
A property that controls the calculation of the RGB
color value of a graphic element being masked by
a luminosity mask. |
luminosityInvert — Property, class spark.core.SpriteVisualElement |
A property that controls the calculation of the RGB
color value of a graphic element being masked by
a luminosity mask. |
luminosityInvert — Property, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement |
A property that controls the calculation of the RGB
color value of a graphic element being masked by
a luminosity mask. |
LuminosityMaskShader — class, package mx.graphics.shaderClasses |
Creates a blend shader that is equivalent
to the luminosity masking option (also known as soft masking) available
in Adobe Creative Suite tools. |
LuminosityMaskShader() — Constructor, class mx.graphics.shaderClasses.LuminosityMaskShader |
Constructor. |
LuminosityShader — class, package mx.graphics.shaderClasses |
Creates a blend shader that is equivalent to
the 'Luminosity' blend mode for RGB premultiplied colors available
in Adobe Creative Suite tools. |
LuminosityShader() — Constructor, class mx.graphics.shaderClasses.LuminosityShader |
Constructor. |
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |