The ResizeMode class defines an enumeration of the modes
a component uses to resize its children in the dimensions
specified by the layout system.
The component can change its own dimensions (width and height)
and re-layout its children appropriately (this is the default resize mode).
An alternative option for the component is to change its scale, in which case
the children don't need to change at all. This option is supported by Group.
Resizes by setting the scaleX
and scaleY properties.
Constant Detail
public static const NO_SCALE:String = noScale
Language Version :
ActionScript 3.0
Product Version :
Flex 4
Runtime Versions :
Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5
Resizes by changing the width and height.
The component always sizes itself and then lays out
its children at the actual size specified by the layout or the user.
public static const SCALE:String = scale
Language Version :
ActionScript 3.0
Product Version :
Flex 4
Runtime Versions :
Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5
Resizes by setting the scaleX
and scaleY properties.
The component always sizes itself and then lays out
its children at its measured size.
The scale is adjusted to match the specified size by the layout or the user.