Export converter for plain text format. This class provides an alternative to
the TextConverter.export() static method for exporting plain text.
The PlainTextExporter class's export() method results in the
same output string as the TextConverter.export() static method
if the two properties of the PlainTextExporter class, the PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR_PROPERTY
and the STRIP_DISCRETIONARY_HYPHENS_PROPERTY properties, contain their
default values of "\n" and true, respectively.
[static] A converter that converts clipboard data into a TextFlow should use the MERGE_TO_NEXT_ON_PASTE property
to control how the elements are treated when they are merged into an existing TextFlow on paste.
Specifies the character sequence used (in a text flow's plain-text equivalent) to separate paragraphs.
The paragraph separator is not added after the last paragraph.
This property applies to the PLAIN_TEXT_FORMAT exporter.
The default value is "\n".
Implementation public function get paragraphSeparator():String public function set paragraphSeparator(value:String):void
Language Version :
ActionScript 3.0-
Runtime Versions :
Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5
This property indicates whether discretionary hyphens in the text should be stripped during the export process.
Discretionary hyphens, also known as "soft hyphens", indicate where to break a word in case the word must be
split between two lines. The Unicode character for discretionary hyphens is \u00AD.
If this property is set to true, discretionary hyphens that are in the original text will not be in the exported text,
even if they are part of the original text. If false, discretionary hyphens will be in the exported text.
Implementation public function get stripDiscretionaryHyphens():Boolean public function set stripDiscretionaryHyphens(value:Boolean):void
Constructor Detail
public function PlainTextExporter()
Language Version :
ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions :
Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5
Method Detail
public function export(source:TextFlow, conversionType:String):Object
Export text content from a TextFlow instance in String, or XML, or a user defined format.
Set the conversionType parameter to either of the following values,
or a user defined format in user-defined exporters.