-------------------------- SpinnerList Manual Testing -------------------------- https://zerowing.corp.adobe.com/display/megastar/SpinnerList+Testplan -------------------------- Setup Instructions: This SpinnerList Mustella folder is setup as a Flash Builder project. You can easily import this project into Builder by: File > Import Flash Builder Project > Project Folder > path/to/mustella/tests/mobile/components/SpinnerList/ Manual Test Cases: 1. Push the "Events" view, drag scroll another item very close to the middle, let go, ensure change event fires right after any final scrolling has completed (SDK-30970) 2. Push the "Android Date Spinner" view, ensure click, drag, throw operations feel smooth 3. Push the "Android Timer" view, click start, ensure animations look smooth, click stop, click reset 4. Push the "iOS Date Spinner" view, change the month, day, year values and ensure the blue region updates (after any animations) 5. Push the "iOS Time Spinner" view, scroll the AM/PM spinner to examine the bounce/pull behavior and make sure it feels natural 6. Push the "Pop Up Date Spinner" view, click "Select start date", ensure the DateSpinner that is popped up feels natural 7. Push the "Pop Up Date Spinner" view, click "January 14, 2011", ensure the SpinnerLists that pop up feel natural 8. Push the "Pop Up Date Spinner" view, toggle Modal switch, click "January 14, 2011", ensure SpinnerLists that pop up feel natural 9. Push the "Slot Machine" view, ensure spinning the icon only SpinnerList feels natural 10. Push the "Virtual Layout" view, turn off virtual layout, ensure you can click/drag/throw naturally with no items truncated (...) 11. Push the "Expanding" view, toggle between the large and small states and watch the transition between those states