List Testing Project --------------------------- This project contains a MobileApplication with a set of common List/scrolling test cases for manual testing, and in general getting a feel for the current state of the feature. Each view covers at least one test case. This file describes how this project is setup to cover some of those test cases and lists specific manual tests. ======================== General Testing Coverage ======================== NOTE: I am using in the dataProvider generation methods that has all bindable properties. - Expanding ItemRenderers View - These item renderers expand to show more information when selected - Check that selecting them looks smooth, scrolling after selection doesn't mess up - Covers expanding item renderers with effects - Greydient View - A very simple item renderer that is a different shade of grey based on its index - Check scrolling performance and feel - Covers basic vertical scrolling - Airline View - This is a complicated real world (non optimized) MXML renderer that looks like a air travel application - Check the responsiveness and feel of scrolling performance - Make sure selection works - This covers basic scrolling performance - Nested View - Covers basics of nested scrolling - PhoneDialer View - The first view the buttons are item renderers of a List. Check the responsiveness of quickly tapping (selecting) elements of the List and compare that to the behavior of the "Group" view that just uses Button's that aren't in a List or Scroller. - Try quickly typing in your phone number into each view. You should be able to type it pretty quickly without many errors. - Note: Using a List like this isn't really a great use case, but it is informative to compare selection of the List with the Group of Button's example, also compare the Scroller+Group case - Also turn the orientation sideways to check how the scrolling works in this case. - This covers selection delay responsiveness and a List with contentSize = size - RSS Reader View - This loads in an RSS feed and displays the results in a List. - Check the scrolling feel and performance of this List - Check the scrollbar size and position is correct and smooth and consistent - This covers not renderers that are not all equal sizes as some have more text lines that others - Split List View - Simple item renderers in two Lists using different layouts - This covers scrolling multiple Lists at once and basic HorizontalLayout - This covers performance of simple itemRendererFunction - This uses a simple itemRendererFunction - Hockey Rosters View - A list of players on hockey teams. This uses an itemRendererFunction with MXML (non-optimized) item renderers - Check scrolling performance and feel - Covers scrolling performance of item renderer function + lots of renderers on screen - TileLayout View - Basic List with selection in a TileLayout - Check scrolling feel and quickness of selection - Covers basic TileLayout - Calculator View - Buttons inside of a scroller - Demonstrates having effects on click - Demonstrates a Scroller skin that doesn't have scroll bars. - Demonstrates no actionBarVisible=false - Check mouse down on a button, scroll, scroll back, mouse up on that button shouldnt show fade effect (SDK-27363) - TODO: Ideally I want this to demonstrate how to cancel some throws + drag scrolls so you can only swipe to get the exra controls when you throw large enough... looks like that isn't possible tho - Make sure you can scroll to the right to expose the extra buttons - Hover View - Use the List, drag, touch, tap, throw, select, play around. - At no time should the title of the view display "FAIL" as that would mean a renderer went into the hovered state - Button Down View - Holding the increment buttons should repeatedly increment. - Scrolling after holding down should stop the increment and actually scroll. - Touch Delay View - Demonstrates how the touchDelay style works on a Button/CheckBox/List - Increase the slider to a higher touch delay and confirm that pressing down on the controls takes longer before any visual feedback is shown. ===================== Specific Manual Tests ===================== 1. Check that selecting an item renderer shows the highlight right away (SDK-27068) a. Click on Sports Players view, ensure the selection highlights instantly while the view is loading b. Click on different items in the Home View, ensure each renderer highlights equally fast as the others 2. Click on the Scroll Policy view a. set auto/auto, scroll, ensure both scrollbars appear b. set auto/on, scroll, ensure both scrollbars appear c. set auto/off, scroll, ensure only horizontal scrollbar appears d. set on/auto, scroll, ensure both scrollbars appear e. set on/on, scroll, ensure both scrollbars appear f. set on/off, scroll, ensure only horizontal scrollbar appears g. set off/auto, scroll, ensure only vertical scrollbar appears h. set off/on, scroll, ensure only vertical scrollbar appears i. set off/off, scroll, ensure no scrollbars appear j. scroll to the right, check size of scrollbars are equal to size of yellow bars k. scroll, check that scrollbars appear instantly, and then fade away after scroll is complete 3. Check that throw and then drag scroll doesn't cause scrollbar to jump (SDK-27031) a. Click on the Greydient view, throw scroll down the list, wait for scrollbar to disappear, start a drag scroll, ensure scrollbar doesn't jump 4. Check that a horizontal scroll track doesn't appear when using the Home view's list (SDK-27368) 5. Check that orientation changes still work after a push transition happens (SDK-28633) 6. Push a view, start a drag scroll, but don't mouse up yet. Press back with your other finger then mouse up on the new view. There shouldn't be an RTE (SDK-28654). 7. Throw the Lists in the Split List View and make sure the scrollbars fade away (SDK-28414) 8. Check that you can scroll the buttons in the Calculator view (SDK-28793) 9. Check that in Checkmark Selection view if you mouse down on a renderer, then induce a scroll, that no fade transition plays (SDK-28578) 10. Check that in Checkmark Selection view if you quickly tap a renderer to select that a transition plays. Same for deselect. Test both on ADL and device (SDK-28868) 11. Pull the HomeView into the negative and ensure the scrollbar thumb doesn't get smaller than a circle (SDK-29046) 12. Scroll to the bottom of the Contact List view in landscape mode. Change orientation to portrait. Ensure bottom of List is still visible and scroll position did not animate. (SDK-29213) 13. Push the Button Renderer view, then go through to the TextInput view. Ensure clicking on a TextInput does select the list item (SDK-29177) 14. Try using the 5-way to navigate different lists. It should affect the caret, but not selection when navigating. Clicking the 5-way should select the item. (SDK-27016) 15. Push the IconItemRenderer view. Press next until "IIR_Styles_messageStyleName". Ensure the message text is red. 16. Push the Sports News view. Throw to the bottom in a single throw. Ensure you made it to the bottom (SDK-28854) 17. Drag scroll a List, then wait for the scrollbar to fade away. Try scrolling again while the fade animation is running, the initial fade out shouldn't go to completion. 18. Scroll the Home View, then select another view while the scrollbar is fading away, the view transition should still happen (SDK-27793) 19. Disconnect the Internet, go to IconItemRendererView, cycle to the iconPlaceholder renderer, scroll around and ensure the placeholder icon is showing (SDK-30141) 20. Go to the IconItemRenderer view, cycle to the textStyles renderer, ensure all text styles are being applied: red label, black message, underlined, letter spacing very small 21. Go to Snapping in Tile Group view and make sure scrolling and snapping feels right on portrait mode (SDK-31511) 22. Go to Paging Horozontal List and select full screen view. Ensure paging is smooth and does not flicker around before snapping (SDK-31348) 23. Go to Snapping in HGroup and select center snapping mode. Then choose the first element and check if scrollbar size remains consistent while scrolling (SDK-30922)