//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more // contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with // this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. // The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 // (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with // the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package spark.transitions { import flash.display.DisplayObject; import flash.events.Event; import flash.geom.Point; import flash.geom.Rectangle; import mx.core.IVisualElement; import mx.core.mx_internal; import mx.effects.IEffect; import spark.components.ActionBar; import spark.components.Group; import spark.components.TabbedViewNavigator; import spark.components.ViewNavigator; import spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBarBase; import spark.components.supportClasses.ViewNavigatorBase; import spark.effects.Animate; import spark.effects.Move; import spark.effects.animation.MotionPath; import spark.effects.animation.SimpleMotionPath; import spark.primitives.BitmapImage; use namespace mx_internal; /** * The SlideViewTransition class performs a simple slide transition for views. * The existing view slides out as the new view slides in. * The slide transition supports several modes (push, cover, and * uncover) as well as an optional direction (up, down, left, or right). * *
Note:Create and configure view transitions in ActionScript; * you cannot create them in MXML.
* * @see SlideViewTransitionMode * @see ViewTransitionDirection * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion AIR 2.5 * @productversion Flex 4.5 */ public class SlideViewTransition extends ViewTransitionBase { //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Constructor // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Constructor. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion AIR 2.5 * @productversion Flex 4.5 */ public function SlideViewTransition() { super(); // Defaut duration of 300 yields a smooth result. duration = 300; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Variables // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @private * Flag used to indicate whether the tab bar should animate in or out. */ private var animateTabBar:Boolean = false; /** * @private * Bitmap image of the action bar before it is updated with the properties * of the new view. This snapshot is leveraged by this transition when * doing a full screen animation. */ private var cachedActionBar:BitmapImage; /** * @private * Stores the location of the action bar in the global coordinate space * so that the transition can properly position the cached actionbar * when added to the display list. */ private var cachedActionBarGlobalPosition:Point = new Point(); /** * @private * Variable used to store the startView's initial global position to * determine how much it needs to be shifted before a consolidated * transition runs. */ private var cachedStartViewGlobalPosition:Point; /** * @private * Bitmap image of the tab bar before it is updated with the properties * of the new view. This snapshot is leveraged by this transition when * doing a full screen animation. */ private var cachedTabBar:BitmapImage; /** * @private * Stores the location of the action bar in the global coordinate space * so that the transition can properly position the cached actionbar * when added to the display list. */ private var cachedTabBarGlobalPosition:Point = new Point(); /** * @private * Property bag used to save any start view properties that * are then restored after the transition is complete. */ private var startViewProps:Object; /** * @private * Property bag used to save any end view properties that * are then restored after the transition is complete. */ private var endViewProps:Object; /** * @private * Property bag used to save any navigator centric properties that * are then restored after the transition is complete. */ private var navigatorProps:Object; /** * @private */ private var transitionGroup:Group; /** * @private * Indicates whether the end view needs explicit validations during the * transition, which will be the case when the view is in advanced * layout mode. */ private var endViewNeedsValidations:Boolean; /** * @private * Indicates whether the start view needs explicit validations during the * transition, which will be the case when the view is in advanced * layout mode. */ private var startViewNeedsValidations:Boolean; /** * @private */ private var moveEffect:Move; /** * @private */ private var consolidatedEffect:Animate; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Properties // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------- // direction //--------------------------------- private var _direction:String = ViewTransitionDirection.LEFT; [Inspectable(category="General", enumeration="left,right,up,down", defaultValue="left")] /** * Specifies the direction of slide transition. * * @default ViewTransitionDirection.LEFT * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion AIR 2.5 * @productversion Flex 4.5 */ public function get direction():String { return _direction; } /** * @private */ public function set direction(value:String):void { _direction = value; } //--------------------------------- // mode //--------------------------------- private var _mode:String = SlideViewTransitionMode.PUSH; [Inspectable(category="General", enumeration="push,cover,uncover", defaultValue="push")] /** * Specifies the type of slide transition to perform. * * @default SlideViewTransitionMode.PUSH * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion AIR 2.5 * @productversion Flex 4.5 */ public function get mode():String { return _mode; } /** * @private */ public function set mode(value:String):void { _mode = value; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Methods // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- override mx_internal function preInit():void { if (mode == SlideViewTransitionMode.UNCOVER) setComponentChildIndex(endView, navigator, 0); } /** * @private * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion AIR 2.5 * @productversion Flex 4.5 */ override public function captureStartValues():void { var p:Point; super.captureStartValues(); // Initialize the property bag used to save some of our // properties that are then restored after the transition is over. navigatorProps = new Object(); navigatorProps.initialHeight = navigator.height; // Determine if we will be animating the tabBar as part of the // transition animateTabBar = false; if (tabBar && startView) { // Animate the tabBar if its overlayControls or visible property is toggled. animateTabBar = startView.overlayControls != endView.overlayControls || startView.tabBarVisible != endView.tabBarVisible; } // Generate initial bitmaps for the transition. If the transition will be // a push type, we only need to cache the actionBar as we will animate the // views in manually. If its cover or uncover, an entire image of the navigator // is needed. if (mode != SlideViewTransitionMode.PUSH) { var oldVisibility:Boolean = endView.visible; endView.visible = false; if (tabBar && !animateTabBar) cachedNavigator = getSnapshot(targetNavigator.contentGroup, 0, cachedNavigatorGlobalPosition); else cachedNavigator = getSnapshot(targetNavigator, 0, cachedNavigatorGlobalPosition); endView.visible = oldVisibility; } else { cachedActionBar = getSnapshot(navigator.actionBar, 4, cachedActionBarGlobalPosition); } // If the tabBar exists, a bitmap image of it is created if (tabBar) { cachedTabBar = getSnapshot(TabbedViewNavigator(parentNavigator).tabBar, 4, cachedTabBarGlobalPosition); navigatorProps.tabBarIncludeInLayout = tabBar.includeInLayout; navigatorProps.tabBarCacheAsBitmap = tabBar.cacheAsBitmap; } if (startView) { startViewProps = { includeInLayout: startView.includeInLayout, visible: startView.visible, cacheAsBitmap: startView.cacheAsBitmap, opaqueBackground: startView.opaqueBackground }; // Remove the startView from layout so that it doesn't resize as the // contentGroups of each navigator is resized startView.includeInLayout = false; cachedStartViewGlobalPosition = getTargetNavigatorCoordinates(startView); } } /** * @private * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion AIR 2.5 * @productversion Flex 4.5 */ override protected function createViewEffect():IEffect { // Prepare our start and end views by positioning them prior to // the start of our transition, ensuring that they are cached as // surfaces, and adjust z-order if necessary. var slideTargets:Array = new Array(); endViewNeedsValidations = false; startViewNeedsValidations = false; if (startView) { // Store the original x and y position of the view so that we can restore // it after the animation startViewProps.x = startView.x, startViewProps.y = startView.y; startView.cacheAsBitmap = true; // If the startView has an opaque background color, set that as the // opaqueBackground property to improve performance. if (startView.getStyle("backgroundAlpha") >= 1) startView.opaqueBackground = startView.getStyle("backgroundColor"); if (startView.contentGroup) { startViewProps.cgIncludeInLayout = startView.contentGroup.includeInLayout; startView.contentGroup.includeInLayout = false; } if (mode != SlideViewTransitionMode.COVER) { if (startView.transformRequiresValidations()) startViewNeedsValidations = true; slideTargets.push(startView); } } if (endView) { endViewProps = { cacheAsBitmap:endView.cacheAsBitmap, opaqueBackground:endView.opaqueBackground}; endView.cacheAsBitmap = true; // If the endView has an opaque background color, set that as the // opaqueBackground property to improve performance. if (endView.getStyle("backgroundAlpha") >= 1) endView.opaqueBackground = endView.getStyle("backgroundColor"); if (endView.contentGroup) { endViewProps.cgIncludeInLayout = endView.contentGroup.includeInLayout; endView.contentGroup.includeInLayout = false; } if (mode != SlideViewTransitionMode.UNCOVER) { if (endView.transformRequiresValidations()) endViewNeedsValidations = true; slideTargets.push(endView); } // if (mode == SlideViewTransitionMode.UNCOVER) // setComponentChildIndex(endView, navigator, 0); } var slideDistance:Number; var slideOffset:Number = 0; var animatedProperty:String; var verticalTransition:Boolean; // Predetermine slide direction and distance. switch (direction) { case ViewTransitionDirection.DOWN: animatedProperty = "$y"; slideDistance = navigator.height; slideOffset = -navigator.contentGroup[animatedProperty]; verticalTransition = true; break; case ViewTransitionDirection.UP: animatedProperty = "$y"; slideDistance = -navigator.height; slideOffset = navigator.contentGroup[animatedProperty]; verticalTransition = true; break; case ViewTransitionDirection.RIGHT: animatedProperty = "$x"; slideDistance = navigator.width; break; case ViewTransitionDirection.LEFT: default: animatedProperty = "$x"; slideDistance = -navigator.width; break; } // Position the end view prior to start of transition. if (mode != SlideViewTransitionMode.UNCOVER) endView[animatedProperty] = -slideDistance - slideOffset; // Construction animation sequence. var animation:Move = new Move(); animation.targets = slideTargets; animation.duration = duration; animation.easer = easer; if (verticalTransition) animation.yBy = slideDistance + slideOffset; else animation.xBy = slideDistance + slideOffset; if (startViewNeedsValidations || endViewNeedsValidations) animation.addEventListener("effectUpdate", effectUpdateHandler); moveEffect = animation; return animation; } private function effectUpdateHandler(e:Event):void { // Note that the calls to validateDisplayList here should // really only result in validateMatrix, which is fairly // lightweight. if (startViewNeedsValidations) startView.validateDisplayList(); if (endViewNeedsValidations) endView.validateDisplayList(); } /** * @private * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion AIR 2.5 * @productversion Flex 4.5 */ override protected function createConsolidatedEffect():IEffect { // Prepare our start and end view elements by positioning them prior to // the start of our transition, ensuring that they are cached as // surfaces, and adjust z-order if necessary. var slideTargets:Array = new Array(); endViewNeedsValidations = false; startViewNeedsValidations = false; // Remove the navigator's contentGroup from layout navigatorProps.navigatorContentGroupIncludeInLayout = navigator.contentGroup.includeInLayout; navigator.contentGroup.includeInLayout = false; // Check if the navigator is a child of TabbedViewNavigator, if so // remove the contentGroup from layout. if (tabBar) { navigatorProps.topNavigatorContentGroupIncludeInLayout = targetNavigator.contentGroup.includeInLayout; targetNavigator.contentGroup.includeInLayout = false; } transitionGroup = new Group(); transitionGroup.includeInLayout = false; // Add the necessary views to the slide targets array. When in PUSH mode, // both start and end views are added. if (startView && mode == SlideViewTransitionMode.PUSH) { if (startView.transformRequiresValidations()) startViewNeedsValidations = true; slideTargets.push(startView); } if (mode != SlideViewTransitionMode.UNCOVER) { if (endView.transformRequiresValidations()) endViewNeedsValidations = true; slideTargets.push(endView); } // Ensure the views are in the right stacking order based on our // transition mode (cover vs. uncover for instance). if (mode == SlideViewTransitionMode.COVER) { // When doing a cover animation, the transition group is added to the bottom // of the main navigator's skin with a bitmap image of the previous state. The // end view and ui controls will then animate on top of this image to create // the cover effect. addComponentToContainerAt(transitionGroup, targetNavigator.skin, 0); addCachedElementToGroup(transitionGroup, cachedNavigator, cachedNavigatorGlobalPosition); } else if (mode == SlideViewTransitionMode.UNCOVER) { // When doing an uncover transition, we want the real tabBar to be under the cached // bitmap of the original navigator when the tabBar visibility or overlayControls // mode changes. When the tabBar isn't animating, we want the image to animate // underneath the real tabBar. if (animateTabBar) addComponentToContainer(transitionGroup, targetNavigator.skin); else addComponentToContainer(transitionGroup, navigator.skin); startView.visible = false; } else { // Add the transition group to the top of the skin addComponentToContainer(transitionGroup, targetNavigator.skin); } if (actionBar) { if (mode != SlideViewTransitionMode.UNCOVER) slideTargets.push(actionBar); navigatorProps.actionBarIncludeInLayout = actionBar.includeInLayout; actionBar.includeInLayout = false; navigatorProps.actionBarCacheAsBitmap = actionBar.cacheAsBitmap; actionBar.cacheAsBitmap = true; } if (mode == SlideViewTransitionMode.COVER) { // Hide the start view since we have a cached image of the initial // navigator state. startViewProps = {visible: startView.visible}; startView.visible = false; } else if (startView) { // Store the position of the startView navigatorProps.startViewX = startView.x; navigatorProps.startViewY = startView.y; var globalPoint:Point = getTargetNavigatorCoordinates(startView); var delta:int = globalPoint.x - cachedStartViewGlobalPosition.x; if (delta != 0) startView.x -= delta; delta = globalPoint.y - cachedStartViewGlobalPosition.y; if (delta != 0) startView.y -= delta; navigatorProps.startViewCacheAsBitmap = startView.contentGroup.cacheAsBitmap; startView.contentGroup.cacheAsBitmap = true; } if (endView) { navigatorProps.endViewCacheAsBitmap = endView.contentGroup.cacheAsBitmap; endView.contentGroup.cacheAsBitmap = true; } if (cachedActionBar) { cachedActionBar.includeInLayout = false; addCachedElementToGroup(transitionGroup, cachedActionBar, cachedActionBarGlobalPosition); } if (tabBar) { // Cache the tabBar as bitmap for performance navigatorProps.tabBarCacheAsBitmap = tabBar.cacheAsBitmap; tabBar.cacheAsBitmap = true; if (animateTabBar) { navigatorProps.tabBarIncludeInLayout = tabBar.includeInLayout; tabBar.includeInLayout = false; if (mode != SlideViewTransitionMode.UNCOVER) { slideTargets.push(tabBar); // When Uncovering, the cachedTabBar is not needed because the transition // animates a cachedBitamp if (cachedTabBar) { cachedTabBar.includeInLayout = false; addCachedElementToGroup(transitionGroup, cachedTabBar, cachedTabBarGlobalPosition); } } } } var slideDistance:Number; var animatedProperty:String; var verticalTransition:Boolean; // Predetermine slide direction and distance. switch (direction) { case ViewTransitionDirection.RIGHT: animatedProperty = "x"; slideDistance = targetNavigator.width; break; case ViewTransitionDirection.DOWN: animatedProperty = "y"; slideDistance = targetNavigator.height; verticalTransition = true; break; case ViewTransitionDirection.UP: animatedProperty = "y"; slideDistance = -targetNavigator.height; verticalTransition = true; break; case ViewTransitionDirection.LEFT: default: animatedProperty = "x"; slideDistance = -targetNavigator.width; break; } // Position the elements of the animation if (mode != SlideViewTransitionMode.UNCOVER) { endView[animatedProperty] = -slideDistance + endView[animatedProperty]; if (actionBar) actionBar[animatedProperty] = -slideDistance + actionBar[animatedProperty]; if (animateTabBar) tabBar[animatedProperty] = -slideDistance + tabBar[animatedProperty]; } else { if (cachedNavigator) { cachedNavigator.includeInLayout = false; addCachedElementToGroup(transitionGroup, cachedNavigator, cachedNavigatorGlobalPosition); } } // Validate to ensure our snapshots are rendered. transitionGroup.validateNow(); // Add the cached images to the display list. This has to occur after the validation // so that the displayObjects for the bitmaps are created. Otherwise the displayObject // property will be null. if (cachedActionBar && mode != SlideViewTransitionMode.COVER) slideTargets.push(cachedActionBar.displayObject); if (cachedTabBar && mode == SlideViewTransitionMode.PUSH) slideTargets.push(cachedTabBar.displayObject); if (cachedNavigator && mode == SlideViewTransitionMode.UNCOVER) slideTargets.push(cachedNavigator.displayObject); // Construct animation sequence. var animate:Animate = new Animate(); var vector:Vector.