//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more // contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with // this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. // The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 // (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with // the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package mx.utils { import flash.display.DisplayObject; import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer; import flash.display.Stage; import flash.display.StageDisplayState; import flash.geom.ColorTransform; import flash.geom.Matrix; import flash.geom.Point; import flash.geom.Rectangle; import mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject; import mx.core.ILayoutElement; import mx.core.mx_internal; import mx.managers.ISystemManager; use namespace mx_internal; [ExcludeClass] /** * Helper functionality for working with pop-ups. */ public class PopUpUtil { /** * Calculates the position for a pop-up in sanboxRoot coordinates (the pop-up coordinate space). * * @param component The component that defines the component coordinate space. * * @param systemManager The systemManager that defines the SandboxRoot. Typically component.systemManager. * * @param popUpWidth The width of the popup, in SandboxRoot coordinates (i.e. popUp.width). * * @param popUpHeight The height of the popup, in SandboxRoot coordinates (i.e. popUp.height). * * @param verticalCenter The desired distance from the center of the popUp to the top edge of the * component. In component coordinates. For example, to center relative to the * component, pass component.heihgt / 2. To disable centering, pass NaN. * * @param popUpPosition The position of the pop-up, specified in SandboxRoot coordinates (i.e. pupUp.x, popUp.y) * * @param regPoint The position of the popUp, specified in the component's coordinate space. This is ignored if * popUpPosition is specified. * * @param ensureOnScreen When true, will check against the visible screen of the application and adjust the position * if necessary. * * @return The position of the pop-up in SandboxRoot coordinates. */ public static function positionOverComponent(component:DisplayObject, systemManager:ISystemManager, // The component's systemManager popUpWidth:Number, // in sandboxRoot coordinates popUpHeight:Number, // in sandboxRoot coordinates verticalCenter:Number = NaN, // in component coordinates, if NaN, it's ignored popUpPosition:Point = null, // in sandboxRoot coordinates, if specified, regPoint is ignored regPoint:Point = null, // in component coordinates, if not specified defaults to (0,0) ensureOnScreen:Boolean = true):Point { // Original code: // var toolTip:IToolTip = event.toolTip; // // // Calculate global position of label. // var sm:ISystemManager = systemManager.topLevelSystemManager; // var sbRoot:DisplayObject = sm.getSandboxRoot(); // var screen:Rectangle = sm.getVisibleApplicationRect(null, true);; // var pt:Point = new Point(0, 0); // pt = label.localToGlobal(pt); // pt = sbRoot.globalToLocal(pt); // // toolTip.move(pt.x, pt.y + (height - toolTip.height) / 2); // // var screenRight:Number = screen.x + screen.width; // pt.x = toolTip.x; // pt.y = toolTip.y; // pt = sbRoot.localToGlobal(pt); // if (pt.x + toolTip.width > screenRight) // toolTip.move(toolTip.x - (pt.x + toolTip.width - screenRight), toolTip.y); // Refactored for correctness when there's scale in play: // var sm:ISystemManager = systemManager.topLevelSystemManager; // var sbRoot:DisplayObject = sm.getSandboxRoot(); // // // Calculate sbRoot position of label. // var pt:Point = new Point(0, 0); // pt = sbRoot.globalToLocal(localToGlobal(pt)); // point in sbRoot coordinates // // // Screen in sbRoot cooridnates // var screen:Rectangle = sm.getVisibleApplicationRect(null, true); // var screenRight:Number = sbRoot.globalToLocal(screen.bottomRight).x; // // // Height in sbRoot coordinates // var h:Number = sbRoot.globalToLocal(localToGlobal(new Point(0, height))).y; // // // Center vertically, make sure tooltip doesn't overlap right edge of the screen // var x:Number = Math.min(pt.x, screenRight - toolTip.width); // var y:Number = pt.y + (h - toolTip.height) / 2; // toolTip.move(x, y); // Would translate to: // var toolTip:IToolTip = event.toolTip; // var pt:Point = PopUpUtil.positionOverComponent(DisplayObject(label), // systemManager, // toolTip.width, // toolTip.height, // height / 2); // toolTip.move(pt.x, pt.y); var sm:ISystemManager = systemManager.topLevelSystemManager; var sbRoot:DisplayObject = sm.getSandboxRoot(); // Find the position of the popup in sandboxRoot coordinates var x:Number = 0; var y:Number = 0; if (popUpPosition) { // Already in sandboxRoot coordinates x = popUpPosition.x; y = popUpPosition.y; } else { // If not specified, regPoint defaults to component's (0,0). if (!regPoint) regPoint = new Point(0, 0); // Convert to sandboxRoot coordinates var position:Point = sbRoot.globalToLocal(component.localToGlobal(regPoint)); x = position.x; y = position.y; } // Do we need to center vertically? if (!isNaN(verticalCenter)) { // verticalCenter is in component coordinates, convert to sandboxRoot var vc:Number = sbRoot.globalToLocal(component.localToGlobal(new Point(0, verticalCenter))).y; y = vc - popUpHeight / 2; } if (ensureOnScreen) { // Convert screen to sandboxRoot cooridnates var screen:Rectangle = sm.getVisibleApplicationRect(null, true); var topLeft:Point = sbRoot.globalToLocal(screen.topLeft); var bottomRight:Point = sbRoot.globalToLocal(screen.bottomRight); // clamp position, don't round x = Math.max(topLeft.x, Math.min(bottomRight.x - popUpWidth, x)); y = Math.max(topLeft.y, Math.min(bottomRight.y - popUpHeight, y)); } return new Point(x, y); } /** * Apply transforms from a popUp owner to the popUp. * * @param owner Pop-up owner * @param systemManager The systemManager that defines the SandboxRoot. Typically component.systemManager. * @param popUp The pop-up to apply the owner's transform to. * @param popUpPoint Absolute position of the pop-up in the global coordinate space. * @param colorTransform The owner's color transform */ public static function applyPopUpTransform(owner:DisplayObjectContainer, colorTransform:ColorTransform, systemManager:ISystemManager, popUp:IFlexDisplayObject, popUpPoint:Point):void { var m:Matrix = MatrixUtil.getConcatenatedMatrix(owner, systemManager.getSandboxRoot()); // the transformation doesn't take the fullScreenRect in to account // if we are in fulLScreen mode. This code will throw a RTE if run from inside of a sandbox. try { var smStage:Stage = systemManager.stage; if (smStage && smStage.displayState != StageDisplayState.NORMAL && smStage.fullScreenSourceRect) { popUpPoint.x += smStage.fullScreenSourceRect.x; popUpPoint.y += smStage.fullScreenSourceRect.y; } } catch (e:Error) { // Ignore the RTE } // Position the popUp. m.tx = Math.round(popUpPoint.x); m.ty = Math.round(popUpPoint.y); if (popUp is ILayoutElement) ILayoutElement(popUp).setLayoutMatrix(m,false); else if (popUp is DisplayObject) DisplayObject(popUp).transform.matrix = m; // apply the color transformation, but restore alpha value of popup var oldAlpha:Number = DisplayObject(popUp).alpha; var tmpColorTransform:ColorTransform = colorTransform; if (tmpColorTransform != null) { tmpColorTransform.alphaMultiplier = oldAlpha; tmpColorTransform.alphaOffset = 0; DisplayObject(popUp).transform.colorTransform = tmpColorTransform; } } } }