//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more // contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with // this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. // The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 // (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with // the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package mx.styles { import flash.display.DisplayObject; import flash.display.LoaderInfo; import flash.events.Event; import flash.events.EventDispatcher; import flash.events.IEventDispatcher; import flash.events.TimerEvent; import flash.system.ApplicationDomain; import flash.system.SecurityDomain; import flash.utils.Timer; import flash.utils.describeType; import mx.core.FlexVersion; import mx.core.IFlexModuleFactory; import mx.core.mx_internal; import mx.events.FlexChangeEvent; import mx.events.ModuleEvent; import mx.events.Request; import mx.events.StyleEvent; import mx.managers.ISystemManager; import mx.managers.SystemManagerGlobals; import mx.modules.IModuleInfo; import mx.modules.ModuleManager; import mx.resources.IResourceManager; import mx.resources.ResourceManager; import mx.styles.IStyleManager2; import mx.styles.IStyleModule; import mx.utils.MediaQueryParser; use namespace mx_internal; [ExcludeClass] [ResourceBundle("styles")] [Mixin] /** * @private */ public class StyleManagerImpl extends EventDispatcher implements IStyleManager2 { include "../core/Version.as"; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Class constants // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Class variables // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @private */ private static var instance:IStyleManager2; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Class methods // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @private */ public static function init(fbs:IFlexModuleFactory):void { var styleDataClassName:String = fbs.info()["styleDataClassName"]; if (styleDataClassName) { var sm:StyleManagerImpl = fbs.getImplementation("mx.styles::IStyleManager2") as StyleManagerImpl; if (!sm) sm = new StyleManagerImpl(fbs); var styleDataClass:Class = fbs.info()["currentDomain"].getDefinition(styleDataClassName); var styleNames:Array = styleDataClass["inheritingStyles"]; for each (var s:String in styleNames) { sm.registerInheritingStyle(s); } generateCSSStyleDeclarations(sm, styleDataClass["factoryFunctions"], styleDataClass["data"]); sm.initProtoChainRoots(); } } public static function generateCSSStyleDeclarations(styleManager:StyleManagerImpl, factoryFunctions:Object, data:Array, newSelectors:Array = null, overrideMap:Object = null):void { var arr:Array = data; var conditions:Array = null; var condition:CSSCondition = null; var selector:CSSSelector = null; var style:CSSStyleDeclaration; var declarationName:String = ""; var segmentName:String = ""; var effects:Array; var mergedStyle:CSSStyleDeclaration; var conditionCombiners:Object = {}; conditionCombiners[CSSConditionKind.CLASS] = "."; conditionCombiners[CSSConditionKind.ID] = "#"; conditionCombiners[CSSConditionKind.PSEUDO] = ':'; var n:int = arr.length; for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++) { var className:int = arr[i]; if (className == CSSClass.CSSSelector) { var selectorName:String = arr[++i]; selector = new CSSSelector(selectorName, conditions, selector); segmentName = selectorName + segmentName; if (declarationName != "") declarationName += " "; declarationName += segmentName; segmentName = ""; conditions = null; } else if (className == CSSClass.CSSCondition) { if (!conditions) conditions = []; var conditionType:String = arr[++i]; var conditionName:String = arr[++i]; condition = new CSSCondition(conditionType, conditionName); conditions.push(condition); segmentName = segmentName + conditionCombiners[conditionType] + conditionName; } else if (className == CSSClass.CSSStyleDeclaration) { var factoryName:int = arr[++i]; // defaultFactory or factory var defaultFactory:Boolean = factoryName == CSSFactory.DefaultFactory; if (defaultFactory) { mergedStyle = styleManager.getMergedStyleDeclaration(declarationName); style = new CSSStyleDeclaration(selector, styleManager, mergedStyle == null); } else { style = styleManager.getStyleDeclaration(declarationName); if (!style) { style = new CSSStyleDeclaration(selector, styleManager, mergedStyle == null); if (factoryName == CSSFactory.Override) newSelectors.push(style); } } if (defaultFactory) { if (style.defaultFactory == null) style.defaultFactory = factoryFunctions[declarationName]; } else { if (factoryName == CSSFactory.Factory) { if (style.factory == null) style.factory = factoryFunctions[declarationName]; } else { // apply overrides from CSS StyleModule var moduleStyles:Object = new factoryFunctions[declarationName]; for (var styleProp:String in moduleStyles) { style.setLocalStyle(styleProp, moduleStyles[styleProp]); if (!overrideMap[declarationName]) overrideMap[declarationName] = []; overrideMap[declarationName].push(styleProp); } } } if (defaultFactory && mergedStyle != null && (mergedStyle.defaultFactory == null || compareFactories(new style.defaultFactory(), new mergedStyle.defaultFactory()))) { styleManager.setStyleDeclaration(style.mx_internal::selectorString, style, false); } selector = null; conditions = null; declarationName = ""; mergedStyle = null; } } } private static var propList1:Vector. = new Vector.(); private static var propList2:Vector. = new Vector.(); /** * @private */ private static function compareFactories(obj1:Object, obj2:Object):int { propList1.length = propList2.length = 0; for (var p:String in obj1) propList1.push(p); for (p in obj2) propList2.push(p); if (propList1.length != propList2.length) return 1; for each (p in propList1) { if (obj1[p] !== obj2[p]) return 1; } return 0; } /** * @private */ public static function getInstance():IStyleManager2 { if (!instance) { // In Flex 4 each application/module creates its own style manager. // There will be no style manager if the application/module was compiled for // Flex 3 compatibility. In that case create there will be no instance // associated with the top-level application so create a new instance. instance = IStyleManager2(IFlexModuleFactory(SystemManagerGlobals.topLevelSystemManagers[0]). getImplementation("mx.styles::IStyleManager2")); if (!instance) instance = new StyleManagerImpl(SystemManagerGlobals.topLevelSystemManagers[0]); } return instance; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Constructor // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @private * * @param moduleFactory The module factory that is creating this instance. May not be null. */ public function StyleManagerImpl(moduleFactory:IFlexModuleFactory = null) { super(); if (!moduleFactory) return; this.moduleFactory = moduleFactory; this.moduleFactory.registerImplementation("mx.styles::IStyleManager2", this); // get our parent styleManager if (moduleFactory is DisplayObject) { var request:Request = new Request(Request.GET_PARENT_FLEX_MODULE_FACTORY_REQUEST); DisplayObject(moduleFactory).dispatchEvent(request); var parentModuleFactory:IFlexModuleFactory = request.value as IFlexModuleFactory; if (parentModuleFactory) { _parent = IStyleManager2(parentModuleFactory. getImplementation("mx.styles::IStyleManager2")); if (_parent is IEventDispatcher) { IEventDispatcher(_parent).addEventListener(FlexChangeEvent.STYLE_MANAGER_CHANGE, styleManagerChangeHandler, false, 0, true); } } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Variables // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @private * Used to assign the selectorIndex in CSSStyleDeclaration so we can track * the order they were added to the StyleManager. * MatchStyleDeclarations has to return the declarations in the order * they were declared */ private var selectorIndex:int = 0; /** * @private */ private var mqp:MediaQueryParser; /** * @private * Set of inheriting non-color styles. * This is not the complete set from CSS. * Some of the omitted we don't support at all, * others may be added later as needed. * The isInheritingTextFormatStyle() method queries this set. */ private var inheritingTextFormatStyles:Object = { align: true, bold: true, color: true, font: true, indent: true, italic: true, size: true }; /** * @private * Set of styles for which setStyle() causes * invalidateSize() to be called on the component. * The method registerSizeInvalidatingStyle() adds to this set * and isSizeInvalidatingStyle() queries this set. */ private var sizeInvalidatingStyles:Object = { alignmentBaseline: true, baselineShift: true, blockProgression: true, borderStyle: true, borderThickness: true, breakOpportunity : true, cffHinting: true, columnCount: true, columnGap: true, columnWidth: true, digitCase: true, digitWidth: true, direction: true, dominantBaseline: true, firstBaselineOffset: true, fontAntiAliasType: true, fontFamily: true, fontGridFitType: true, fontLookup: true, fontSharpness: true, fontSize: true, fontStyle: true, fontThickness: true, fontWeight: true, headerHeight: true, horizontalAlign: true, horizontalGap: true, justificationRule: true, justificationStyle: true, kerning: true, leading: true, leadingModel: true, letterSpacing: true, ligatureLevel: true, lineBreak: true, lineHeight: true, lineThrough: true, listAutoPadding: true, listStylePosition: true, listStyleType: true, locale: true, marginBottom: true, marginLeft: true, marginRight: true, marginTop: true, paddingBottom: true, paddingLeft: true, paddingRight: true, paddingTop: true, paragraphEndIndent: true, paragraphStartIndent: true, paragraphSpaceAfter: true, paragraphSpaceBefore: true, renderingMode: true, strokeWidth: true, tabHeight: true, tabWidth: true, tabStops: true, textAlign: true, textAlignLast: true, textDecoration: true, textIndent: true, textJustify: true, textRotation: true, tracking: true, trackingLeft: true, trackingRight: true, typographicCase: true, verticalAlign: true, verticalGap: true, wordSpacing:true, whitespaceCollapse: true } /** * @private * Set of styles for which setStyle() causes * invalidateSize() to be called on the component's parent. * The method registerParentSizeInvalidatingStyle() adds to this set * and isParentSizeInvalidatingStyle() queries this set. */ private var parentSizeInvalidatingStyles:Object = { baseline: true, bottom: true, horizontalCenter: true, left: true, right: true, top: true, verticalCenter: true } /** * @private * Set of styles for which setStyle() causes * invalidateDisplayList() to be called on the component's parent. * The method registerParentDisplayListInvalidatingStyle() adds to this set * and isParentDisplayListInvalidatingStyle() queries this set. */ private var parentDisplayListInvalidatingStyles:Object = { baseline: true, bottom: true, horizontalCenter: true, left: true, right: true, top: true, verticalCenter: true } /** * @private * Set of color names. * The method registerColorName() adds to this set * and isColorName() queries this set. * All color names in this set are lowercase in order to support * case-insensitive mapping in the StyleManager methods getColorName(), * getColorNames(), registerColorName(), and isColorName(). * We handle color names at runtime in a case-insensitive way * because the MXML compiler does this at compile time, * in conformance with the CSS spec. */ private var colorNames:Object = { transparent: "transparent", black: 0x000000, blue: 0x0000FF, green: 0x008000, gray: 0x808080, silver: 0xC0C0C0, lime: 0x00FF00, olive: 0x808000, white: 0xFFFFFF, yellow: 0xFFFF00, maroon: 0x800000, navy: 0x000080, red: 0xFF0000, purple: 0x800080, teal: 0x008080, fuchsia: 0xFF00FF, aqua: 0x00FFFF, magenta: 0xFF00FF, cyan: 0x00FFFF, // IMPORTANT: Theme colors must also be updated // in the Flex compiler's CSS parser // (in \src\java\macromedia\css\Descriptor.java) // and possibly other places as well. Grep for them! halogreen: 0x80FF4D, haloblue: 0x009DFF, haloorange: 0xFFB600, halosilver: 0xAECAD9 }; /** * @private * Whether any advanced selectors have been registered with this style * manager. */ private var _hasAdvancedSelectors:Boolean; /** * @private * A map of CSS pseudo states. If a pseudo selector exists for a * particular state name, it is likely that styles need to be recalculated. */ private var _pseudoCSSStates:Object; /** * @private * A map of CSS selectors -- such as "global", "Button", and ".bigRed" -- * to CSSStyleDeclarations. * This collection is accessed via getStyleDeclaration(), * setStyleDeclaration(), and clearStyleDeclaration(). */ private var _selectors:Object = {}; /** * @private */ private var styleModules:Object = {}; /** * @private * A map of selector "subjects" to an ordered map of selector Strings and * their associated CSSStyleDeclarations. * The subject is the right most simple type selector in a potential chain * of selectors. */ private var _subjects:Object = {}; /** * @private * Used for accessing localized Error messages. */ private var resourceManager:IResourceManager = ResourceManager.getInstance(); /** * @private * Cache merged styles between this and parent. */ private var mergedInheritingStylesCache:Object; /** * @private * This style manager's flex module factory. */ private var moduleFactory:IFlexModuleFactory; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Properties // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------- // parent //---------------------------------- /** * @private */ private var _parent:IStyleManager2; /** * @private * * The style manager that is the parent of this StyleManager. * * @return the parent StyleManager or null if this is the top-level StyleManager. */ public function get parent():IStyleManager2 { return _parent; } //---------------------------------- // qualifiedTypeSelectors //---------------------------------- /** * @private */ private static var _qualifiedTypeSelectors:Boolean = true; public function get qualifiedTypeSelectors():Boolean { if (FlexVersion.compatibilityVersion < FlexVersion.VERSION_4_0) return false; if (_qualifiedTypeSelectors) return _qualifiedTypeSelectors; if (parent) return parent.qualifiedTypeSelectors; return false; } public function set qualifiedTypeSelectors(value:Boolean):void { _qualifiedTypeSelectors = value; } //---------------------------------- // stylesRoot //---------------------------------- /** * @private */ private var _stylesRoot:Object; /** * @private * The root of all proto chains used for looking up styles. * This object is initialized once by initProtoChainRoots() and * then updated by calls to setStyle() on the global CSSStyleDeclaration. * It is accessed by code that needs to construct proto chains, * such as the initProtoChain() method of UIComponent. */ public function get stylesRoot():Object { return _stylesRoot; } public function set stylesRoot(value:Object):void { _stylesRoot = value; } //---------------------------------- // inheritingStyles //---------------------------------- /** * @private */ private var _inheritingStyles:Object = {}; /** * @private * Set of inheriting non-color styles. * This is not the complete set from CSS. * Some of the omitted we don't support at all, * others may be added later as needed. * The method registerInheritingStyle() adds to this set * and isInheritingStyle() queries this set. */ public function get inheritingStyles():Object { if (mergedInheritingStylesCache) return mergedInheritingStylesCache; var mergedStyles:Object = _inheritingStyles; if (parent) { var otherStyles:Object = parent.inheritingStyles; for (var obj:Object in otherStyles) { if (mergedStyles[obj] === undefined) mergedStyles[obj] = otherStyles[obj]; } } mergedInheritingStylesCache = mergedStyles; return mergedStyles; } public function set inheritingStyles(value:Object):void { _inheritingStyles = value; mergedInheritingStylesCache = null; if (hasEventListener(FlexChangeEvent.STYLE_MANAGER_CHANGE)) dispatchInheritingStylesChangeEvent(); } //---------------------------------- // typeHierarchyCache //---------------------------------- /** * @private */ private var _typeHierarchyCache:Object; /** * @private */ public function get typeHierarchyCache():Object { if (_typeHierarchyCache == null) _typeHierarchyCache = {}; return _typeHierarchyCache; } /** * @private */ public function set typeHierarchyCache(value:Object):void { _typeHierarchyCache = value; } //---------------------------------- // typeSelectorCache //---------------------------------- /** * @private */ private var _typeSelectorCache:Object; /** * @private */ public function get typeSelectorCache():Object { if (_typeSelectorCache == null) _typeSelectorCache = {}; return _typeSelectorCache; } /** * @private */ public function set typeSelectorCache(value:Object):void { _typeSelectorCache = value; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Methods // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @private * This method is called by code autogenerated by the MXML compiler, * after StyleManager.styles is popuplated with CSSStyleDeclarations. */ public function initProtoChainRoots():void { if (!stylesRoot) { var style:CSSStyleDeclaration = getMergedStyleDeclaration("global"); if (style != null) { stylesRoot = style.addStyleToProtoChain({}, null); } } } /** * Returns an array of strings of all CSS selectors registered with the StyleManager. * Pass items in this array to the getStyleDeclaration function to get the corresponding CSSStyleDeclaration. * Note that class selectors are prepended with a period. * * @return An array of all of the selectors * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public function get selectors():Array { var theSelectors:Array = []; for (var i:String in _selectors) theSelectors.push(i); if (parent) { var otherSelectors:Array = parent.selectors; for (i in otherSelectors) theSelectors.push(i); } return theSelectors; } /** * Determines whether any of the selectors registered with the style * manager have been advanced selectors (descendant selector, id selector, * non-global class selector, pseudo selector). * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 10 * @playerversion AIR 1.5 * @productversion Flex 4 */ public function hasAdvancedSelectors():Boolean { if (_hasAdvancedSelectors) return true; if (parent) return parent.hasAdvancedSelectors(); return false; } /** * @private * Determines whether at least one pseudo-condition has been specified for * the given state. */ public function hasPseudoCondition(cssState:String):Boolean { if (_pseudoCSSStates != null && _pseudoCSSStates[cssState] != null) return true; if (parent) return parent.hasPseudoCondition(cssState); return false; } private static var propNames:Array = ["class", "id", "pseudo", "unconditional"]; /** * Retrieve all style declarations applicable to this subject. The subject * is the right most simple type selector in a selector chain. Returns a * map of selectors with four properties: class for class selectors, * id for id selectors, pseudo for pseudo selectors and unconditional * for selectors without conditions * * * @param subject The subject of the style declaration's selector. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 10 * @playerversion AIR 1.5 * @productversion Flex 4 */ public function getStyleDeclarations(subject:String):Object { // For Flex 3 and earlier, if we were passed a subject with a package // name, such as "mx.controls.Button", strip off the package name // leaving just "Button" and look for that subject. if (FlexVersion.compatibilityVersion < FlexVersion.VERSION_4_0) { if (subject.charAt(0) != ".") { var index:int = subject.lastIndexOf("."); if (index != -1) subject = subject.substr(index + 1); } } // NOTE: It's important the parent declarations come before this style // manager's styles because the order here is the order they are added to the // prototype chain. var theSubjects:Object = null; if (parent) theSubjects = parent.getStyleDeclarations(subject); var subjectsObject:Object = _subjects[subject]; if (!theSubjects) { if (subjectsObject) theSubjects = subjectsObject; } else if (subjectsObject) { var mergedSubjects:Object = {}; for each (var prop:String in propNames) { mergedSubjects[prop] = subjectsObject[prop]; } mergedSubjects.parent = theSubjects; theSubjects = mergedSubjects; } return theSubjects; } private function isUnique(element:*, index:int, arr:Array):Boolean { return (arr.indexOf(element) >= 0); } /** * Gets the CSSStyleDeclaration object that stores the rules * for the specified CSS selector. * *

If the selector parameter starts with a period (.), * the returned CSSStyleDeclaration is a class selector and applies only to those instances * whose styleName property specifies that selector * (not including the period). * For example, the class selector ".bigMargins" * applies to any UIComponent whose styleName * is "bigMargins".

* *

If the selector parameter does not start with a period, * the returned CSSStyleDeclaration is a type selector and applies to all instances * of that type. * For example, the type selector "Button" * applies to all instances of Button and its subclasses.

* *

The global selector is similar to a type selector * and does not start with a period.

* * @param selector The name of the CSS selector. * * @return The style declaration whose name matches the selector property. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public function getStyleDeclaration(selector:String):CSSStyleDeclaration { // For Flex 3 and earlier, if we were passed a selector with a package // name, such as "mx.controls.Button", strip off the package name // leaving just "Button" and look for that type selector. if (FlexVersion.compatibilityVersion < FlexVersion.VERSION_4_0) { if (selector.charAt(0) != ".") { var index:int = selector.lastIndexOf("."); if (index != -1) selector = selector.substr(index + 1); } } return _selectors[selector]; } /** * Gets a CSSStyleDeclaration object that stores the rules * for the specified CSS selector. The CSSStyleDeclaration object is the created by merging * the properties of the specified CSS selector of this style manager with all of the parent * style managers. * *

* If this style manager contains a style declaration for the given selector, its style properties * will be updated with properties from the parent style manager's merged style declaration. If * this style manager does not have a style declaration for a given selector, the parent's merged * style declaration will be set into this style manager depending on the value of the * setSelector parameter. *

* *

If the selector parameter starts with a period (.), * the returned CSSStyleDeclaration is a class selector and applies only to those instances * whose styleName property specifies that selector * (not including the period). * For example, the class selector ".bigMargins" * applies to any UIComponent whose styleName * is "bigMargins".

* *

If the selector parameter does not start with a period, * the returned CSSStyleDeclaration is a type selector and applies to all instances * of that type. * For example, the type selector "Button" * applies to all instances of Button and its subclasses.

* *

The global selector is similar to a type selector * and does not start with a period.

* * @param selector The name of the CSS selector. * @param localOnly Controls whether the returned style declaration is the result of merging * the properties of this and any parent style managers or if the style declaration is only * from this style manager. * * @return The style declaration whose name matches the selector property. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 4 */ public function getMergedStyleDeclaration(selector:String):CSSStyleDeclaration { var style:CSSStyleDeclaration = getStyleDeclaration(selector); var parentStyle:CSSStyleDeclaration = null; // If we have a parent, get its style and merge them with our style. if (parent) parentStyle = parent.getMergedStyleDeclaration(selector); if (style || parentStyle) { style = new CSSMergedStyleDeclaration(style, parentStyle, style ? style.selectorString : parentStyle.selectorString, this, false); } return style; } /** * Sets the CSSStyleDeclaration object that stores the rules * for the specified CSS selector. * *

If the selector parameter starts with a period (.), * the specified selector is a class selector and applies only to those instances * whose styleName property specifies that selector * (not including the period). * For example, the class selector ".bigMargins" * applies to any UIComponent whose styleName * is "bigMargins".

* *

If the selector parameter does not start with a period, * the specified selector is a "type selector" and applies to all instances * of that type. * For example, the type selector "Button" * applies to all instances of Button and its subclasses.

* *

The global selector is similar to a type selector * and does not start with a period.

* *

Note that the provided selector will update the selector and subject * of the styleDeclaration to keep them in sync.

* * @param selector The name of the CSS selector. * @param styleDeclaration The new style declaration. * @param update Set to true to force an immediate update of the styles. * Set to false to avoid an immediate update of the styles in the application. * The styles will be updated the next time this method or the clearStyleDeclaration() method * is called with the update property set to true. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public function setStyleDeclaration(selector:String, styleDeclaration:CSSStyleDeclaration, update:Boolean):void { // For Flex 3 and earlier, if we were passed a selector with a package // name, such as "mx.controls.Button", strip off the package name // leaving just "Button" and look for that type selector. if (FlexVersion.compatibilityVersion < FlexVersion.VERSION_4_0) { if (selector.charAt(0) != ".") { var index:int = selector.lastIndexOf("."); if (index != -1) selector = selector.substr(index + 1); } } // Populate the selectors Array for this style declaration styleDeclaration.selectorRefCount++; styleDeclaration.selectorIndex = selectorIndex++; _selectors[selector] = styleDeclaration; // We also index by subject to help match advanced selectors var subject:String = styleDeclaration.subject; if (selector) { if (!styleDeclaration.subject) { // If the styleDeclaration does not yet have a subject we // update its selector to keep it in sync with the provided // selector. styleDeclaration.selectorString = selector; subject = styleDeclaration.subject; } else if (selector != styleDeclaration.selectorString) { // The styleDeclaration does not match the provided selector, so // we ignore the subject on the styleDeclaration and try to // determine the subject from the selector var firstChar:String = selector.charAt(0); if (firstChar == "." || firstChar == ":" || firstChar == "#") { subject = "*"; } else { // TODO: Support parsing Advanced CSS selectors for a // subject... subject = selector; } // Finally, we update the styleDeclaration's selector to keep // it in sync with the provided selector. styleDeclaration.selectorString = selector; } } if (subject != null) { // determine the kind of selector and add it to the appropriate // bin of selectors for this subject var kind:String = styleDeclaration.selector.conditions ? styleDeclaration.selector.conditions[0].kind : "unconditional"; var declarations:Object = _subjects[subject]; if (declarations == null) { declarations = {}; declarations[kind] = [styleDeclaration]; _subjects[subject] = declarations; } else { var declarationList:Array = declarations[kind] as Array; if (declarationList == null) declarations[kind] = [styleDeclaration]; else declarationList.push(styleDeclaration); } } // Also remember subjects that have pseudo-selectors to optimize // styles during component state changes. var pseudoCondition:String = styleDeclaration.getPseudoCondition(); if (pseudoCondition != null) { if (_pseudoCSSStates == null) _pseudoCSSStates = {}; _pseudoCSSStates[pseudoCondition] = true; } // Record whether this is an advanced selector so that style declaration // look up can be optimized for when no advanced selectors have been // declared if (styleDeclaration.isAdvanced()) _hasAdvancedSelectors = true; // Flush cache and start over. if (_typeSelectorCache) _typeSelectorCache = {}; if (update) styleDeclarationsChanged(); } /** * Clears the CSSStyleDeclaration object that stores the rules * for the specified CSS selector. * *

If the specified selector is a class selector (for example, ".bigMargins" or ".myStyle"), * you must be sure to start the * selector property with a period (.).

* *

If the specified selector is a type selector (for example, "Button"), do not start the * selector property with a period.

* *

The global selector is similar to a type selector * and does not start with a period.

* * @param selector The name of the CSS selector to clear. * @param update Set to true to force an immediate update of the styles. * Set to false to avoid an immediate update of the styles in the application. * The styles will be updated the next time this method or the setStyleDeclaration() method is * called with the update property set to true. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public function clearStyleDeclaration(selector:String, update:Boolean):void { var styleDeclaration:CSSStyleDeclaration = getStyleDeclaration(selector); if (styleDeclaration && styleDeclaration.selectorRefCount > 0) styleDeclaration.selectorRefCount--; // Clear out legacy selectors map delete _selectors[selector]; // Clear out matching decls from our selectors stored by subject var decls:Array; var i:int; var decl:CSSStyleDeclaration; if (styleDeclaration && styleDeclaration.subject) { decls = _subjects[styleDeclaration.subject] as Array; if (decls) { // Work from the back of the array so we can remove elements // as we go. for (i = decls.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { decl = decls[i]; if (decl && decl.selectorString == selector) { if (decls.length == 1) delete _subjects[styleDeclaration.subject]; else decls.splice(i, 1); } } } } else { // Without a subject, we start searching all declarations for this // selector, clear out matching selectors if found and then assume // this we can limit our search to this subject and stop looking. var matchingSubject:Boolean = false; for each (decls in _subjects) { if (decls) { // Work from the back of the array so we can remove elements // as we go. for (i = decls.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { decl = decls[i]; if (decl && decl.selectorString == selector) { matchingSubject = true; if (decls.length == 1) delete _subjects[decl.subject]; else decls.splice(i, 1); } } if (matchingSubject) break; } } } if (update) styleDeclarationsChanged(); } /** * @private * After an entire selector is added, replaced, or removed, * this method updates all the DisplayList trees. */ public function styleDeclarationsChanged():void { var sms:Array /* of SystemManager */ = SystemManagerGlobals.topLevelSystemManagers; var n:int = sms.length; for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++) { // Type as Object to avoid dependency on SystemManager or WindowedSystemManager var sm:ISystemManager = sms[i]; var cm:Object = sm.getImplementation("mx.managers::ISystemManagerChildManager"); Object(cm).regenerateStyleCache(true); Object(cm).notifyStyleChangeInChildren(null, true); } } /** * Adds to the list of styles that can inherit values * from their parents. * *

Note: Ensure that you avoid using duplicate style names, as name * collisions can result in decreased performance if a style that is * already used becomes inheriting.

* * @param styleName The name of the style that is added to the list of styles that can inherit values. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public function registerInheritingStyle(styleName:String):void { if (_inheritingStyles[styleName] != true) { _inheritingStyles[styleName] = true; mergedInheritingStylesCache = null; if (hasEventListener(FlexChangeEvent.STYLE_MANAGER_CHANGE)) dispatchInheritingStylesChangeEvent(); } } /** * Tests to see if a style is inheriting. * * @param styleName The name of the style that you test to see if it is inheriting. * * @return Returns true if the specified style is inheriting. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public function isInheritingStyle(styleName:String):Boolean { if (mergedInheritingStylesCache) return mergedInheritingStylesCache[styleName] == true; if (_inheritingStyles[styleName] == true) return true; if (parent && parent.isInheritingStyle(styleName)) return true; return false; } /** * Test to see if a TextFormat style is inheriting. * * @param styleName The name of the style that you test to see if it is inheriting. * * @return Returns true if the specified TextFormat style * is inheriting. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public function isInheritingTextFormatStyle(styleName:String):Boolean { if (inheritingTextFormatStyles[styleName] == true) return true; if (parent && parent.isInheritingTextFormatStyle(styleName)) return true; return false; } /** * Adds to the list of styles which may affect the measured size * of the component. * When one of these styles is set with setStyle(), * the invalidateSize() method is automatically called on the component * to make its measured size get recalculated later. * * @param styleName The name of the style that you add to the list. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public function registerSizeInvalidatingStyle(styleName:String):void { sizeInvalidatingStyles[styleName] = true; } /** * Tests to see if a style changes the size of a component. * *

When one of these styles is set with the setStyle() method, * the invalidateSize() method is automatically called on the component * to make its measured size get recalculated later.

* * @param styleName The name of the style to test. * * @return Returns true if the specified style is one * which may affect the measured size of the component. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public function isSizeInvalidatingStyle(styleName:String):Boolean { if (sizeInvalidatingStyles[styleName] == true) return true; if (parent && parent.isSizeInvalidatingStyle(styleName)) return true; return false; } /** * Adds to the list of styles which may affect the measured size * of the component's parent container. *

When one of these styles is set with setStyle(), * the invalidateSize() method is automatically called on the component's * parent container to make its measured size get recalculated * later.

* * @param styleName The name of the style to register. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public function registerParentSizeInvalidatingStyle(styleName:String):void { parentSizeInvalidatingStyles[styleName] = true; } /** * Tests to see if the style changes the size of the component's parent container. * *

When one of these styles is set with setStyle(), * the invalidateSize() method is automatically called on the component's * parent container to make its measured size get recalculated * later.

* * @param styleName The name of the style to test. * * @return Returns true if the specified style is one * which may affect the measured size of the component's * parent container. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public function isParentSizeInvalidatingStyle(styleName:String):Boolean { if (parentSizeInvalidatingStyles[styleName] == true) return true; if (parent && parent.isParentSizeInvalidatingStyle(styleName)) return true; return false; } /** * Adds to the list of styles which may affect the appearance * or layout of the component's parent container. * When one of these styles is set with setStyle(), * the invalidateDisplayList() method is auomatically called on the component's * parent container to make it redraw and/or relayout its children. * * @param styleName The name of the style to register. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public function registerParentDisplayListInvalidatingStyle( styleName:String):void { parentDisplayListInvalidatingStyles[styleName] = true; } /** * Tests to see if this style affects the component's parent container in * such a way as to require that the parent container redraws itself when this style changes. * *

When one of these styles is set with setStyle(), * the invalidateDisplayList() method is auomatically called on the component's * parent container to make it redraw and/or relayout its children.

* * @param styleName The name of the style to test. * * @return Returns true if the specified style is one * which may affect the appearance or layout of the component's * parent container. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public function isParentDisplayListInvalidatingStyle( styleName:String):Boolean { if (parentDisplayListInvalidatingStyles[styleName] == true) return true; if (parent && parent.isParentDisplayListInvalidatingStyle(styleName)) return true; return false; } /** * Adds a color name to the list of aliases for colors. * * @param colorName The name of the color to add to the list; for example, "blue". * If you later access this color name, the value is not case-sensitive. * * @param colorValue Color value, for example, 0x0000FF. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public function registerColorName(colorName:String, colorValue:uint):void { colorNames[colorName.toLowerCase()] = colorValue; } /** * Tests to see if the given String is an alias for a color value. For example, * by default, the String "blue" is an alias for 0x0000FF. * * @param colorName The color name to test. This parameter is not case-sensitive. * * @return Returns true if colorName is an alias * for a color. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public function isColorName(colorName:String):Boolean { if (colorNames[colorName.toLowerCase()] !== undefined) return true; if (parent && parent.isColorName(colorName)) return true; return false; } /** * Returns the numeric RGB color value that corresponds to the * specified color string. * The color string can be either a case-insensitive color name * such as "red", "Blue", or * "haloGreen", a hexadecimal value such as 0xFF0000, or a #-hexadecimal String * such as "#FF0000". * *

This method returns a uint, such as 4521830, that represents a color. You can convert * this uint to a hexadecimal value by passing the numeric base (in this case, 16), to * the uint class's toString() method, as the following example shows:

	 *  import mx.styles.StyleManager;
	 *  private function getNewColorName():void {
	 *      StyleManager.registerColorName("soylentGreen",0x44FF66);
	 *      trace(StyleManager.getColorName("soylentGreen").toString(16));
	 *  }
* * @param colorName The color name. * * @return Returns a uint that represents the color value or NOT_A_COLOR * if the value of the colorName property is not an alias for a color. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public function getColorName(colorName:Object):uint { var n:Number; if (colorName is String) { if (colorName.charAt(0) == "#") { // Map "#77EE11" to 0x77EE11 n = Number("0x" + colorName.slice(1)); return isNaN(n) ? StyleManager.NOT_A_COLOR : uint(n); } if (colorName.charAt(1) == "x" && colorName.charAt(0) == '0') { // Map "#77EE11" to 0x77EE11 n = Number(colorName); return isNaN(n) ? StyleManager.NOT_A_COLOR : uint(n); } // Map "red" or "Red" to 0xFF0000; // Map "haloGreen" or "HaLoGrEeN" to 0x46FF00. var c:* = colorNames[colorName.toLowerCase()]; if (c === undefined) { // If not found then try our parent if (parent) c = parent.getColorName(colorName); } if (c === undefined) return StyleManager.NOT_A_COLOR; return uint(c); } return uint(colorName); } /** * Converts each element of the colors Array from a color name * to a numeric RGB color value. * Each color String can be either a case-insensitive color name * such as "red", "Blue", or * "haloGreen", a hexadecimal value such as 0xFF0000, or a #-hexadecimal String * such as "#FF0000".. * * @param colors An Array of color names. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public function getColorNames(colors:Array /* of Number or String */):void { if (!colors) return; var n:int = colors.length; for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++) { if ((colors[i] != null) && isNaN(colors[i])) { var colorNumber:uint = getColorName(colors[i]); if (colorNumber != StyleManager.NOT_A_COLOR) colors[i] = colorNumber; } } } /** * Determines if a specified parameter is a valid style property. For example: * *
	 *  trace(StyleManager.isValidStyleValue(myButton.getStyle("color")).toString());
* *

This can be useful because some styles can be set to values * such as 0, NaN, * the empty String (""), or null, which can * cause an if (value) test to fail.

* * @param value The style property to test. * * @return If you pass the value returned by a getStyle() method call * to this method, it returns true if the style * was set and false if it was not set. * * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public function isValidStyleValue(value:*):Boolean { // By convention, we don't allow style values to be undefined, // so we can check for this as the "not set" value. if (value !== undefined) return true; if (parent) return parent.isValidStyleValue(value); return false; } /** * @private */ public function loadStyleDeclarations( url:String, update:Boolean = true, trustContent:Boolean = false, applicationDomain:ApplicationDomain = null, securityDomain:SecurityDomain = null): IEventDispatcher { return loadStyleDeclarations2(url, update, applicationDomain, securityDomain); } /** * Loads a style SWF. * * @param url Location of the style SWF. * * @param update If true, all the DisplayList trees will be updated. * The default is true. * * @return An IEventDispatcher implementation that supports * StyleEvent.PROGRESS, StyleEvent.COMPLETE, and * StyleEvent.ERROR. * * @see flash.system.SecurityDomain * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public function loadStyleDeclarations2( url:String, update:Boolean = true, applicationDomain:ApplicationDomain = null, securityDomain:SecurityDomain = null): IEventDispatcher { var module:IModuleInfo = ModuleManager.getModule(url); var thisStyleManager:IStyleManager2 = this; var readyHandler:Function = function(moduleEvent:ModuleEvent):void { var styleModule:IStyleModule = IStyleModule(moduleEvent.module.factory.create()); // Register the style module to use this style manager. moduleEvent.module.factory.registerImplementation("mx.styles::IStyleManager2", thisStyleManager); styleModule.setStyleDeclarations(thisStyleManager); styleModules[moduleEvent.module.url].styleModule = styleModule; if (update) styleDeclarationsChanged(); }; module.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.READY, readyHandler, false, 0, true); var styleEventDispatcher:StyleEventDispatcher = new StyleEventDispatcher(module); var errorHandler:Function = function(moduleEvent:ModuleEvent):void { var errorText:String = resourceManager.getString( "styles", "unableToLoad", [ moduleEvent.errorText, url ]); if (styleEventDispatcher.willTrigger(StyleEvent.ERROR)) { var styleEvent:StyleEvent = new StyleEvent( StyleEvent.ERROR, moduleEvent.bubbles, moduleEvent.cancelable); styleEvent.bytesLoaded = 0; styleEvent.bytesTotal = 0; styleEvent.errorText = errorText; styleEventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(styleEvent); } else { throw new Error(errorText); } }; module.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.ERROR, errorHandler, false, 0, true); styleModules[url] = new StyleModuleInfo(module, readyHandler, errorHandler); // This Timer gives the loadStyleDeclarations() caller a chance // to add event listeners to the return value, before the module // is loaded. var timer:Timer = new Timer(0); var timerHandler:Function = function(event:TimerEvent):void { timer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timerHandler); timer.stop(); module.load(applicationDomain, securityDomain, null, moduleFactory); }; timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timerHandler, false, 0, true); timer.start(); return styleEventDispatcher; } /** * Unloads a style SWF. * * @param url Location of the style SWF. * * @param update If true, all the DisplayList trees will be updated. * The default is true. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public function unloadStyleDeclarations( url:String, update:Boolean = true):void { var styleModuleInfo:StyleModuleInfo = styleModules[url]; if (styleModuleInfo) { styleModuleInfo.styleModule.unload(); var module:IModuleInfo = styleModuleInfo.module; module.unload(); module.removeEventListener(ModuleEvent.READY, styleModuleInfo.readyHandler); module.removeEventListener(ModuleEvent.ERROR, styleModuleInfo.errorHandler); styleModules[url] = null; } if (update) styleDeclarationsChanged(); } /** * @private */ private function dispatchInheritingStylesChangeEvent():void { var event:Event = new FlexChangeEvent(FlexChangeEvent.STYLE_MANAGER_CHANGE, false, false, {property: "inheritingStyles"}); dispatchEvent(event); } /** * @private */ public function acceptMediaList(value:String):Boolean { if (!mqp) { mqp = MediaQueryParser.instance; if (!mqp) { mqp = new MediaQueryParser(moduleFactory); MediaQueryParser.instance = mqp; } } return mqp.parse(value); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Event handlers // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- private function styleManagerChangeHandler(event:FlexChangeEvent):void { if (!event.data) return; // invalid message var property:String = event.data["property"]; if (property == "inheritingStyles") { mergedInheritingStylesCache = null; } if (hasEventListener(FlexChangeEvent.STYLE_MANAGER_CHANGE)) dispatchEvent(event); } } } import flash.events.EventDispatcher; import mx.events.ModuleEvent; import mx.events.StyleEvent; import mx.modules.IModuleInfo; import mx.styles.IStyleModule; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Helper class: StyleEventDispatcher // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * @private */ class StyleEventDispatcher extends EventDispatcher { //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Constructor // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Constructor * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public function StyleEventDispatcher(moduleInfo:IModuleInfo) { super(); moduleInfo.addEventListener( ModuleEvent.PROGRESS, moduleInfo_progressHandler, false, 0, true); moduleInfo.addEventListener( ModuleEvent.READY, moduleInfo_readyHandler, false, 0, true); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Event handlers // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @private */ private function moduleInfo_progressHandler(event:ModuleEvent):void { var styleEvent:StyleEvent = new StyleEvent( StyleEvent.PROGRESS, event.bubbles, event.cancelable); styleEvent.bytesLoaded = event.bytesLoaded; styleEvent.bytesTotal = event.bytesTotal; dispatchEvent(styleEvent); } /** * @private */ private function moduleInfo_readyHandler(event:ModuleEvent):void { var styleEvent:StyleEvent = new StyleEvent(StyleEvent.COMPLETE); styleEvent.bytesLoaded = event.bytesLoaded; styleEvent.bytesTotal = event.bytesTotal; dispatchEvent(styleEvent); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Helper class: StyleModuleInfo // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * @private */ class StyleModuleInfo { //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Constructor // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Constructor * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public function StyleModuleInfo(module:IModuleInfo, readyHandler:Function, errorHandler:Function) { super(); this.module = module; this.readyHandler = readyHandler; this.errorHandler = errorHandler; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Properties // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------- // errorHandler //---------------------------------- /** * @private */ public var errorHandler:Function; //---------------------------------- // readyHandler //---------------------------------- /** * @private */ public var readyHandler:Function; //---------------------------------- // styleModule //---------------------------------- /** * @private */ public var styleModule:IStyleModule; //---------------------------------- // module //---------------------------------- /** * @private */ public var module:IModuleInfo } class CSSClass { public static const CSSSelector:int = 0; public static const CSSCondition:int = 1; public static const CSSStyleDeclaration:int = 2; } class CSSFactory { public static const DefaultFactory:int = 0; public static const Factory:int = 1; public static const Override:int = 2; } class CSSDataType { public static const Native:int = 0; public static const Definition:int = 1; }