//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more // contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with // this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. // The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 // (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with // the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package spark.layouts { import mx.core.ILayoutElement; import mx.core.IVisualElement; import mx.core.mx_internal; import mx.resources.ResourceManager; import spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase; import spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase; import spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutElementHelper; use namespace mx_internal; [ResourceBundle("layout")] /** * The BasicLayout class arranges the layout elements according to their individual settings, * independent of each-other. BasicLayout, also called absolute layout, requires that you * explicitly position each container child. * You can use the x and y properties of the child, * or constraints to position each child. * *

Note: The Spark list-based controls (the Spark List control and its subclasses * such as ButtonBar, ComboBox, DropDownList, and TabBar) do not support the BasicLayout class. * Do not use BasicLayout with the Spark list-based controls.

* *

Per-element supported constraints are left, right, * top, bottom, horizontalCenter, * verticalCenter, baseline, percentWidth, and percentHeight. * Element's minimum and maximum sizes will always be respected.

* *

The measured size of the container is calculated from the elements, their * constraints and their preferred sizes. The measured size of the container * is big enough to fit in all of the elements at their preferred sizes with * their constraints satisfied.

* *

Here are some examples of how measured size is calculated: *


* *

During a call to the updateDisplayList() method, * the element's size is determined according to * the rules in the following order of precedence (the element's minimum and * maximum sizes are always respected):

* * *

The BasicLayout class calculates its minimum size as the maximum of the minimum child sizes:

* *
  1. For each child in the container, determine the minimum size * to which the child could shrink: *
  2. *
  3. Find the maximum of the sizes from step 1.
  4. *
* *

Therefore, if a child is constrained to its parent, then the layout * uses the child's minimum size. * Otherwise, it uses its preferred size of the child to calculate * the minimum size for the container.

* *

The element's position is determined according to the rules in the following * order of precedence:

* * *

The content size of the container is calculated as the maximum of the * coordinates of the bottom-right corner of all the layout elements.

* * @mxml *

The <s:BasicLayout> tag inherits all of the tag * attributes of its superclass and adds no additional tag attributes:

* *
 *  <s:BasicLayout/>
* * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 10 * @playerversion AIR 1.5 * @productversion Flex 4 */ public class BasicLayout extends LayoutBase { include "../core/Version.as"; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Class methods // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- private static function constraintsDetermineWidth(layoutElement:ILayoutElement):Boolean { return !isNaN(layoutElement.percentWidth) || !isNaN(LayoutElementHelper.parseConstraintValue(layoutElement.left)) && !isNaN(LayoutElementHelper.parseConstraintValue(layoutElement.right)); } private static function constraintsDetermineHeight(layoutElement:ILayoutElement):Boolean { return !isNaN(layoutElement.percentHeight) || !isNaN(LayoutElementHelper.parseConstraintValue(layoutElement.top)) && !isNaN(LayoutElementHelper.parseConstraintValue(layoutElement.bottom)); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Constructor // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Constructor. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 10 * @playerversion AIR 1.5 * @productversion Flex 4 */ public function BasicLayout():void { super(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Properties // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @private */ override mx_internal function get virtualLayoutSupported():Boolean { return false; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Methods // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @private */ private function checkUseVirtualLayout():void { if (useVirtualLayout) throw new Error(ResourceManager.getInstance().getString("layout", "basicLayoutNotVirtualized")); } /** * @private */ override public function measure():void { // Check for unsuported values here instead of in the useVirtualLayout setter, as // List may toggle the property several times before the actual layout pass. checkUseVirtualLayout(); super.measure(); var layoutTarget:GroupBase = target; if (!layoutTarget) return; var width:Number = 0; var height:Number = 0; var minWidth:Number = 0; var minHeight:Number = 0; var count:int = layoutTarget.numElements; for (var i:int = 0; i < count; i++) { var layoutElement:ILayoutElement = layoutTarget.getElementAt(i); if (!layoutElement || !layoutElement.includeInLayout) continue; var hCenter:Number = LayoutElementHelper.parseConstraintValue(layoutElement.horizontalCenter); var vCenter:Number = LayoutElementHelper.parseConstraintValue(layoutElement.verticalCenter); var baseline:Number = LayoutElementHelper.parseConstraintValue(layoutElement.baseline); var left:Number = LayoutElementHelper.parseConstraintValue(layoutElement.left); var right:Number = LayoutElementHelper.parseConstraintValue(layoutElement.right); var top:Number = LayoutElementHelper.parseConstraintValue(layoutElement.top); var bottom:Number = LayoutElementHelper.parseConstraintValue(layoutElement.bottom); // Extents of the element - how much additional space (besides its own width/height) // the element needs based on its constraints. var extX:Number; var extY:Number; if (!isNaN(left) && !isNaN(right)) { // If both left & right are set, then the extents is always // left + right so that the element is resized to its preferred // size (if it's the one that pushes out the default size of the container). extX = left + right; } else if (!isNaN(hCenter)) { // If we have horizontalCenter, then we want to have at least enough space // so that the element is within the parent container. // If the element is aligned to the left/right edge of the container and the // distance between the centers is hCenter, then the container width will be // parentWidth = 2 * (abs(hCenter) + elementWidth / 2) // <=> parentWidth = 2 * abs(hCenter) + elementWidth // Since the extents is the additional space that the element needs // extX = parentWidth - elementWidth = 2 * abs(hCenter) extX = Math.abs(hCenter) * 2; } else if (!isNaN(left) || !isNaN(right)) { extX = isNaN(left) ? 0 : left; extX += isNaN(right) ? 0 : right; } else { extX = layoutElement.getBoundsXAtSize(NaN, NaN); } if (!isNaN(top) && !isNaN(bottom)) { // If both top & bottom are set, then the extents is always // top + bottom so that the element is resized to its preferred // size (if it's the one that pushes out the default size of the container). extY = top + bottom; } else if (!isNaN(vCenter)) { // If we have verticalCenter, then we want to have at least enough space // so that the element is within the parent container. // If the element is aligned to the top/bottom edge of the container and the // distance between the centers is vCenter, then the container height will be // parentHeight = 2 * (abs(vCenter) + elementHeight / 2) // <=> parentHeight = 2 * abs(vCenter) + elementHeight // Since the extents is the additional space that the element needs // extY = parentHeight - elementHeight = 2 * abs(vCenter) extY = Math.abs(vCenter) * 2; } else if (!isNaN(baseline)) { extY = Math.round(baseline - layoutElement.baselinePosition); } else if (!isNaN(top) || !isNaN(bottom)) { extY = isNaN(top) ? 0 : top; extY += isNaN(bottom) ? 0 : bottom; } else { extY = layoutElement.getBoundsYAtSize(NaN, NaN); } var preferredWidth:Number = layoutElement.getPreferredBoundsWidth(); var preferredHeight:Number = layoutElement.getPreferredBoundsHeight(); width = Math.max(width, extX + preferredWidth); height = Math.max(height, extY + preferredHeight); // Find the minimum default extents, we take the minimum width/height only // when the element size is determined by the parent size var elementMinWidth:Number = constraintsDetermineWidth(layoutElement) ? layoutElement.getMinBoundsWidth() : preferredWidth; var elementMinHeight:Number = constraintsDetermineHeight(layoutElement) ? layoutElement.getMinBoundsHeight() : preferredHeight; minWidth = Math.max(minWidth, extX + elementMinWidth); minHeight = Math.max(minHeight, extY + elementMinHeight); } // Use Math.ceil() to make sure that if the content partially occupies // the last pixel, we'll count it as if the whole pixel is occupied. layoutTarget.measuredWidth = Math.ceil(Math.max(width, minWidth)); layoutTarget.measuredHeight = Math.ceil(Math.max(height, minHeight)); layoutTarget.measuredMinWidth = Math.ceil(minWidth); layoutTarget.measuredMinHeight = Math.ceil(minHeight); } /** * @return Returns the maximum value for an element's dimension so that the component doesn't * spill out of the container size. Calculations are based on the layout rules. * Pass in unscaledWidth, hCenter, left, right, childX to get a maxWidth value. * Pass in unscaledHeight, vCenter, top, bottom, childY to get a maxHeight value. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 10 * @playerversion AIR 1.5 * @productversion Flex 4 */ static private function maxSizeToFitIn(totalSize:Number, center:Number, lowConstraint:Number, highConstraint:Number, position:Number):Number { if (!isNaN(center)) { // (1) x == (totalSize - childWidth) / 2 + hCenter // (2) x + childWidth <= totalSize // (3) x >= 0 // // Substitue x in (2): // (totalSize - childWidth) / 2 + hCenter + childWidth <= totalSize // totalSize - childWidth + 2 * hCenter + 2 * childWidth <= 2 * totalSize // 2 * hCenter + childWidth <= totalSize se we get: // (3) childWidth <= totalSize - 2 * hCenter // // Substitute x in (3): // (4) childWidth <= totalSize + 2 * hCenter // // From (3) & (4) above we get: // childWidth <= totalSize - 2 * abs(hCenter) return totalSize - 2 * Math.abs(center); } else if (!isNaN(lowConstraint)) { // childWidth + left <= totalSize return totalSize - lowConstraint; } else if (!isNaN(highConstraint)) { // childWidth + right <= totalSize return totalSize - highConstraint; } else { // childWidth + childX <= totalSize return totalSize - position; } } /** * @private */ override public function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void { // Check for unsuported values here instead of in the useVirtualLayout setter, as // List may toggle the property several times before the actual layout pass. checkUseVirtualLayout(); super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight); var layoutTarget:GroupBase = target; if (!layoutTarget) return; var count:int = layoutTarget.numElements; var maxX:Number = 0; var maxY:Number = 0; for (var i:int = 0; i < count; i++) { var layoutElement:ILayoutElement = layoutTarget.getElementAt(i); if (!layoutElement || !layoutElement.includeInLayout) continue; var hCenter:Number = LayoutElementHelper.parseConstraintValue(layoutElement.horizontalCenter); var vCenter:Number = LayoutElementHelper.parseConstraintValue(layoutElement.verticalCenter); var baseline:Number = LayoutElementHelper.parseConstraintValue(layoutElement.baseline); var left:Number = LayoutElementHelper.parseConstraintValue(layoutElement.left); var right:Number = LayoutElementHelper.parseConstraintValue(layoutElement.right); var top:Number = LayoutElementHelper.parseConstraintValue(layoutElement.top); var bottom:Number = LayoutElementHelper.parseConstraintValue(layoutElement.bottom); var percentWidth:Number = layoutElement.percentWidth; var percentHeight:Number = layoutElement.percentHeight; var elementMaxWidth:Number = NaN; var elementMaxHeight:Number = NaN; // Calculate size var childWidth:Number = NaN; var childHeight:Number = NaN; if (!isNaN(percentWidth)) { var availableWidth:Number = unscaledWidth; if (!isNaN(left)) availableWidth -= left; if (!isNaN(right)) availableWidth -= right; childWidth = Math.round(availableWidth * Math.min(percentWidth * 0.01, 1)); elementMaxWidth = Math.min(layoutElement.getMaxBoundsWidth(), maxSizeToFitIn(unscaledWidth, hCenter, left, right, layoutElement.getLayoutBoundsX())); } else if (!isNaN(left) && !isNaN(right)) { childWidth = unscaledWidth - right - left; } if (!isNaN(percentHeight)) { var availableHeight:Number = unscaledHeight; if (!isNaN(top)) availableHeight -= top; if (!isNaN(bottom)) availableHeight -= bottom; childHeight = Math.round(availableHeight * Math.min(percentHeight * 0.01, 1)); elementMaxHeight = Math.min(layoutElement.getMaxBoundsHeight(), maxSizeToFitIn(unscaledHeight, vCenter, top, bottom, layoutElement.getLayoutBoundsY())); } else if (!isNaN(top) && !isNaN(bottom)) { childHeight = unscaledHeight - bottom - top; } // Apply min and max constraints, make sure min is applied last. In the cases // where childWidth and childHeight are NaN, setLayoutBoundsSize will use preferredSize // which is already constrained between min and max. if (!isNaN(childWidth)) { if (isNaN(elementMaxWidth)) elementMaxWidth = layoutElement.getMaxBoundsWidth(); childWidth = Math.max(layoutElement.getMinBoundsWidth(), Math.min(elementMaxWidth, childWidth)); } if (!isNaN(childHeight)) { if (isNaN(elementMaxHeight)) elementMaxHeight = layoutElement.getMaxBoundsHeight(); childHeight = Math.max(layoutElement.getMinBoundsHeight(), Math.min(elementMaxHeight, childHeight)); } // Set the size. layoutElement.setLayoutBoundsSize(childWidth, childHeight); var elementWidth:Number = layoutElement.getLayoutBoundsWidth(); var elementHeight:Number = layoutElement.getLayoutBoundsHeight(); var childX:Number = NaN; var childY:Number = NaN; // Horizontal position if (!isNaN(hCenter)) childX = Math.round((unscaledWidth - elementWidth) / 2 + hCenter); else if (!isNaN(left)) childX = left; else if (!isNaN(right)) childX = unscaledWidth - elementWidth - right; else childX = layoutElement.getLayoutBoundsX(); // Vertical position if (!isNaN(vCenter)) childY = Math.round((unscaledHeight - elementHeight) / 2 + vCenter); else if (!isNaN(baseline)) childY = Math.round(baseline - IVisualElement(layoutElement).baselinePosition); else if (!isNaN(top)) childY = top; else if (!isNaN(bottom)) childY = unscaledHeight - elementHeight - bottom; else childY = layoutElement.getLayoutBoundsY(); // Set position layoutElement.setLayoutBoundsPosition(childX, childY); // update content limits maxX = Math.max(maxX, childX + elementWidth); maxY = Math.max(maxY, childY + elementHeight); } // Make sure that if the content spans partially over a pixel to the right/bottom, // the content size includes the whole pixel. layoutTarget.setContentSize(Math.ceil(maxX), Math.ceil(maxY)); } } }