//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more // contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with // this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. // The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 // (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with // the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package spark.components.supportClasses { import flash.display.Bitmap; import flash.display.BitmapData; import flash.display.DisplayObject; import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer; import flash.display.PixelSnapping; import flash.events.Event; import flash.events.EventDispatcher; import flash.events.FocusEvent; import flash.events.KeyboardEvent; import flash.events.SoftKeyboardEvent; import flash.events.TimerEvent; import flash.geom.Matrix; import flash.geom.Point; import flash.geom.Rectangle; import flash.system.Capabilities; import flash.text.AutoCapitalize; import flash.text.ReturnKeyLabel; import flash.text.SoftKeyboardType; import flash.text.StageText; import flash.text.StageTextInitOptions; import flash.text.TextFormatAlign; import flash.text.TextLineMetrics; import flash.ui.Keyboard; import flash.utils.Timer; import flashx.textLayout.formats.LineBreak; import mx.core.FlexGlobals; import mx.core.IRawChildrenContainer; import mx.core.IUIComponent; import mx.core.LayoutDirection; import mx.core.UIComponent; import mx.core.mx_internal; import mx.events.DynamicEvent; import mx.events.EffectEvent; import mx.events.FlexEvent; import mx.events.MoveEvent; import mx.events.ResizeEvent; import mx.managers.FocusManager; import mx.managers.SystemManager; import mx.managers.systemClasses.ActiveWindowManager; import mx.utils.MatrixUtil; import spark.components.Application; import spark.components.ViewNavigator; import spark.core.IEditableText; import spark.core.ISoftKeyboardHintClient; import spark.effects.Fade; import spark.events.PopUpEvent; import spark.events.TextOperationEvent; use namespace mx_internal; //-------------------------------------- // Excluded APIs //-------------------------------------- [Exclude(name="alpha", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="horizontalScrollPosition", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="isTruncated", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="lineBreak", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="selectable", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="verticalScrollPosition", kind="property")] //-------------------------------------- // Events //-------------------------------------- /** * Dispatched after a user editing operation is complete. * * @eventType flash.events.Event.CHANGE * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion AIR 3.0 * @productversion Flex 4.6 */ [Event(name="change", type="flash.events.Event")] /** * Dispatched if the StageText is not multiline and the user presses the enter * key. * * @eventType mx.events.FlexEvent.ENTER * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion AIR 3.0 * @productversion Flex 4.6 */ [Event(name="enter", type="mx.events.FlexEvent")] /** * Dispatched after the native text control gains focus. This happens when a * user highlights the text field with a pointing device, keyboard navigation, * or a touch gesture. * *

Note: Since flash.text.StageText is not an * InteractiveObject, the Stage.focus property may * not be used to determine if a native text field has focus.

* * @eventType flash.events.FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion AIR 3.0 * @productversion Flex 4.6 */ [Event(name="focusIn", type="flash.events.FocusEvent")] /** * Dispatched after the native text control loses focus. This happens when a * user highlights an object other than the text field with a pointing device, * keyboard navigation, or a touch gesture. * *

Note: Since flash.text.StageText is not an * InteractiveObject, the Stage.focus property may * not be used to determine if a native text field has focus.

* * @eventType flash.events.FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion AIR 3.0 * @productversion Flex 4.6 */ [Event(name="focusOut", type="flash.events.FocusEvent")] /** * Dispatched when a soft keyboard is displayed. * * @eventType flash.events.SoftKeyboardEvent.SOFT_KEYBOARD_ACTIVATE * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion AIR 3.0 * @productversion Flex 4.6 */ [Event(name="softKeyboardActivate", type="flash.events.SoftKeyboardEvent")] /** * Dispatched immediately before a soft keyboard is displayed. If canceled by * calling preventDefault, the soft keyboard will not open. * * @eventType flash.events.SoftKeyboardEvent.SOFT_KEYBOARD_ACTIVATING * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion AIR 3.0 * @productversion Flex 4.6 */ [Event(name="softKeyboardActivating", type="flash.events.SoftKeyboardEvent")] /** * Dispatched when a soft keyboard is lowered or hidden. * * @eventType flash.events.SoftKeyboardEvent.SOFT_KEYBOARD_DEACTIVATE * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion AIR 3.0 * @productversion Flex 4.6 */ [Event(name="softKeyboardDeactivate", type="flash.events.SoftKeyboardEvent")] //-------------------------------------- // Styles //-------------------------------------- /** * Color of text in the component, including the component label. * * @default 0x000000 * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion AIR 3.0 * @productversion Flex 4.6 */ [Style(name="color", type="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")] /** * Name of the font to use. * Unlike in a full CSS implementation, * comma-separated lists are not supported. * You can use any font family name. * If you specify a generic font name, * it is converted to an appropriate device font. * * @default "_sans" * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion AIR 3.0 * @productversion Flex 4.6 */ [Style(name="fontFamily", type="String", inherit="yes")] /** * Height of the text, in pixels. * * @default 24 * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion AIR 3.0 * @productversion Flex 4.6 */ [Style(name="fontSize", type="Number", format="Length", inherit="yes")] /** * Determines whether the text is italic font. * Recognized values are "normal" and "italic". * * @default "normal" * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion AIR 3.0 * @productversion Flex 4.6 */ [Style(name="fontStyle", type="String", enumeration="normal,italic", inherit="yes")] /** * Determines whether the text is boldface. * Recognized values are "normal" and "bold". * * @default "normal" * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion AIR 3.0 * @productversion Flex 4.6 */ [Style(name="fontWeight", type="String", enumeration="normal,bold", inherit="yes")] /** * @copy spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase#style:locale * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion AIR 3.0 * @productversion Flex 4.6 */ [Style(name="locale", type="String", inherit="yes")] /** * Alignment of text within a container. * Possible values are "start", "end", "left", * "right", or "center". * * @default "start" * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion AIR 3.0 * @productversion Flex 4.6 */ [Style(name="textAlign", type="String", enumeration="start,end,left,right,center", inherit="yes")] /** * The StyleableStageText class is a text primitive for use in ActionScript * skins which is used to present the user with a native text input field. * It cannot be used in MXML markup, is not compatible with effects, and * is not compatible with transformations such as rotation, scale, and skew. * *

StageText allows for better text entry and manipulation experiences on mobile devices * using native text fields. * The native fields provide correct visuals, text spacing and reflow, selection behavior, and * text entry assistance. * This class can also be used on desktop platforms where it behaves as a wrapper around TextField. *

* * The padding around native text controls may be different than the padding around * TextField controls. * *

Similiar to other native applications, when you tap outside of the native text field, the * text field gives up focus and the soft keyboard goes away. * This differs from when you tap outside of a TextField and the focus stays in the TextField and * the soft keyboard remains visible.

* *

Limitation of StageText-based controls: *


* * @see flash.text.StageText * @see spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion AIR 3.0 * @productversion Flex 4.6 */ public class StyleableStageText extends UIComponent implements IEditableText, ISoftKeyboardHintClient { //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Class variables // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Class-global flag set by Design View in Builder to always display * bitmaps instead of native StageText components. */ mx_internal static var alwaysShowProxyImage:Boolean = false; /** * A reference to the ActiveWindowManager is necessary for detecting when a * popup is displayed. If that popup obscures any StyleableStageText, the * StageText within needs to be hidden so it doesn't draw on top of the * popup. */ private static var awm:ActiveWindowManager; private static var supportedStyles:String = "textAlign fontFamily fontWeight fontStyle fontSize color locale"; /** * StageText does not support setting its style-like properties to null or * undefined to restore their default values. So, the first time we create * a StageText, store its default values here. */ private static var defaultStyles:Object; /** * The last StageText to take focus. This needs to be kept track of because * StageTexts have a focus model compeletely separate from the rest of * Flash's focus model. Stage.focus will never point to a StageText. The * only way to get the focused StageText is to listen to all the * StageTexts' focus events. */ private static var focusedStageText:StageText = null; /** * A StageText corresponding to a control that was programmatically focused * while the StageText was unable to take focus. Focus should be set to * this StageText once it is able to take focus. */ private static var pendingFocusedStageText:StageText = null; /** * Text measuring behavior needs to be slightly different on Android * devices to account for its native text being slightly taller. Without * this adjustment, single-line text on Android will be clipped or will * scroll vertically. */ mx_internal static var androidHeightMultiplier:Number = 1.15; private static const isAndroid:Boolean = Capabilities.version.indexOf("AND") == 0; private static const isDesktop:Boolean = Capabilities.os.indexOf("Windows") != -1 || Capabilities.os.indexOf("Mac OS") != -1; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Constructor // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Constructor. * *

multiline determines what happens when you press the Enter key. * If it is true, the Enter key starts a new line. * If it is false, it causes a FlexEvent.ENTER * event to be dispatched.

* * @param multiline Set to true to allow more than one line of text to be input. * * @default false * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion AIR 3.0 * @productversion Flex 4.6 */ public function StyleableStageText(multiline:Boolean = false) { super(); _multiline = multiline; getStageText(true); if (!defaultStyles) { defaultStyles = {}; defaultStyles["textAlign"] = stageText.textAlign; defaultStyles["fontFamily"] = stageText.fontFamily; defaultStyles["fontWeight"] = stageText.fontWeight; defaultStyles["fontStyle"] = stageText.fontPosture; defaultStyles["fontSize"] = stageText.fontSize; defaultStyles["color"] = stageText.color; defaultStyles["locale"] = stageText.locale; } _displayAsPassword = stageText.displayAsPassword; _maxChars = stageText.maxChars; _restrict = stageText.restrict; // Flex's default for autoCorrect is now true, so we need to turn on // autoCorrect on the runtime side during construction. stageText.autoCorrect = _autoCorrect; addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addedToStageHandler, false, 0, true); addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, removedFromStageHandler, false, 0, true); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Variables // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * The runtime StageText object that this field uses for text display and * editing. */ private var stageText:StageText; /** * Flag indicating one or more styles have changed. If invalidateStyleFlag * is false, commitStyles is a no-op, so it is safe to call commitStyles * whenever this object is measured or drawn. */ private var invalidateStyleFlag:Boolean = true; /** * The rectangle that defines the StageText's bounds in this object's * parent's coordinate space. */ private var localViewPort:Rectangle; /** * Flag indicating the position or size of the StageText needs to change. */ private var invalidateViewPortFlag:Boolean = false; /** * The StageText's view port needs to be assigned after the StageText has * its stage reference set. Otherwise, it will never show up. So, if we get * called to set up the view port before this object is added to a stage, * defer setting the StageText's view port. */ private var deferredViewPortUpdate:Boolean = false; /** * Along with the text, need to save the selection, when the StageText is * removed from the stage, so that when the StageText is restored, the * selection can be restored. */ private var savedSelectionAnchorIndex:int = 0; private var savedSelectionActiveIndex:int = 0; /** * When transitions run or when a popup is displayed over this component, * the StageText needs to be hidden and replaced with a bitmap proxy. This * prevents StageText, which is always in a layer above everything else, * from obscuring UI which is supposed to be on top and from handling * gestures intended for other components. In transitons, it allows text to * animate smoothly. */ private var proxyImage:Bitmap = null; private var showProxyImage:Boolean = false; private var numEffectsRunning:int = 0; /** * The proxy bitmap has been updated once during a view transition. Further * updates during the transition will not be visible and only serve to slow * the transition's frame rate. */ private var ignoreProxyUpdatesDuringTransition:Boolean = false; /** * Some transitions cause components to be reparented temporarily. As an * optimization, we ignore the remove and re-adds that these reparenting * operations cause. However, if this component is removed from the stage * and not re-added during the transition, we need to clean up after the * transition is complete. */ private var removedDuringTransition:Boolean = false; /** * Because StageText exists outside of the display hierarchy, its visiblity * needs to be calculated as the aggregate visibility of all of its * ancestors. */ private var ancestorsVisible:Boolean; private var invalidateAncestorsVisibleFlag:Boolean = true; /** * If a complete event is pending when we are about to show the StageText, * we set this flag to wait for the complete event before showing it. * Otherwise, the StageText may show then snap to a new location when the * complete event happens. */ private var showOnComplete:Boolean = false; /** * Ancestors watched for changes in visibility or geometry. Any change in * an ancestor's visibility or position may affect the StageText's * visibility or position. */ private var watchedAncestors:Vector. = new Vector.(); /** * When StageText.visible is changed, the platform text control is shown * immediately. Because of this, when a view is temporarily shown in * preparation for a transition, the StageText may flash. To prevent this, * delay changes to StageText.visible for a frame. */ private var stageTextVisibleChangePending:Boolean = false; private var stageTextVisible:Boolean; private var viewTransitionRunning:Boolean = false; /** * @private * This flag is used to track if this text component has already requested * that ViewTransitions be disabled. This prevents the stage text from * incrementing ViewNavigator's suspend count multiple times. */ private var suspendedViewTransitions:Boolean = false; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Overridden properties // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------- // enabled //---------------------------------- /** * Storage for the enabled property. */ private var _enabled:Boolean = true; /** * Storage for the effective enabled property. */ private var _effectiveEnabled:Boolean; /** * Flag indicating that the aggregate enabled states of the StageText's * ancestors is unknown. */ private var invalidateEffectiveEnabledFlag:Boolean = true; /** * @private */ override public function set enabled(value:Boolean):void { super.enabled = value; _enabled = value; invalidateEffectiveEnabledFlag = true; invalidateProperties(); } private function get effectiveEnabled():Boolean { if (invalidateEffectiveEnabledFlag) { _effectiveEnabled = _enabled; if (_effectiveEnabled) { var ancestor:DisplayObject = parent; while (ancestor != null) { if (ancestor is IUIComponent && !IUIComponent(ancestor).enabled) { _effectiveEnabled = false; break; } ancestor = ancestor.parent; } } invalidateEffectiveEnabledFlag = false; } return _effectiveEnabled; } //---------------------------------- // height //---------------------------------- /** * @private */ override public function get height():Number { if (!localViewPort) return 0; return localViewPort.height; } /** * @private */ override public function set height(value:Number):void { super.height = value; if (value == height) return; if (!localViewPort) localViewPort = new Rectangle(); localViewPort.height = Math.max(0, value); invalidateViewPortFlag = true; invalidateProperties(); } //---------------------------------- // visible //---------------------------------- /** * Storage for the visible property. */ private var _visible:Boolean = true; /** * @private */ override public function get visible():Boolean { return _visible; } /** * @private */ override public function set visible(value:Boolean):void { super.visible = value; if (value == _visible) return; _visible = value; invalidateProperties(); } //---------------------------------- // width //---------------------------------- /** * @private */ override public function get width():Number { if (!localViewPort) return 0; return localViewPort.width; } /** * @private */ override public function set width(value:Number):void { super.width = value; if (value == width) return; if (!localViewPort) localViewPort = new Rectangle(); localViewPort.width = Math.max(0, value); invalidateViewPortFlag = true; invalidateProperties(); } //---------------------------------- // x //---------------------------------- /** * @private */ override public function get x():Number { if (!localViewPort) return 0; return localViewPort.x; } /** * @private */ override public function set x(value:Number):void { super.x = value; if (value == x) return; if (!localViewPort) localViewPort = new Rectangle(); localViewPort.x = value; invalidateViewPortFlag = true; invalidateProperties(); } //---------------------------------- // y //---------------------------------- /** * @private */ override public function get y():Number { if (!localViewPort) return 0; return localViewPort.y; } /** * @private */ override public function set y(value:Number):void { super.y = value; if (value == y) return; if (!localViewPort) localViewPort = new Rectangle(); localViewPort.y = value; invalidateViewPortFlag = true; invalidateProperties(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Properties // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------- // baselinePosition //---------------------------------- /** * @private */ override public function get baselinePosition():Number { return measureTextLineHeight(); } //---------------------------------- // densityScale //---------------------------------- private var _densityScale:Number; /** * The scale factor necessary to account for differences in the design * resolution of the application (applicationDPI) and the resolution of the * device the application is running on. */ private function get densityScale():Number { if (isNaN(_densityScale)) { var application:Application = FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication as Application; var sm:SystemManager = application ? application.systemManager as SystemManager : null; _densityScale = sm ? sm.densityScale : 1.0; } return _densityScale; } //---------------------------------- // displayAsPassword //---------------------------------- /** * Storage for the displayAsPassword property. * This is needed because clients may ask for this after the StageText has * been disposed. */ private var _displayAsPassword:Boolean; /** * Specifies whether the text field is a password text field. * * @default false * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion AIR 3.0 * @productversion Flex 4.6 */ public function get displayAsPassword():Boolean { return _displayAsPassword; } public function set displayAsPassword(value:Boolean):void { if (stageText != null) stageText.displayAsPassword = value; _displayAsPassword = value; } //---------------------------------- // editable //---------------------------------- /** * Storage for the editable property. */ private var _editable:Boolean = true; /** * Flag that indicates whether the text in the field is editable. * * @default true * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion AIR 3.0 * @productversion Flex 4.6 */ public function get editable():Boolean { return _editable; } public function set editable(value:Boolean):void { _editable = value; invalidateProperties(); } //---------------------------------- // horizontalScrollPosition //---------------------------------- /** * @private * The horizontal scroll position of the text. StageText doesn't support * this currently. Even so, we need to have this to satisfy requirements * of the IEditableText interface. */ public function get horizontalScrollPosition():Number { // TODO: StageText doesn't support this yet return 0; } public function set horizontalScrollPosition(value:Number):void { // TODO: StageText doesn't support this yet } //---------------------------------- // isTruncated //---------------------------------- /** * @private * A flag that indicates whether the text has been truncated. StageText * doesn't support this currently. Even so, we need to have this to satisfy * requirements of the IEditableText interface. */ public function get isTruncated():Boolean { // TODO: StageText doesn't support measuring text yet return false; } //---------------------------------- // lineBreak //---------------------------------- /** * @private * Controls word wrapping within the text. This property corresponds * to the lineBreak style. StageText doesn't support this currently. Even * so, we need to have this to satisfy requirements of the IEditableText * interface. */ public function get lineBreak():String { return LineBreak.TO_FIT; } public function set lineBreak(value:String):void { // StageText only supports LineBreak.TO_FIT } //---------------------------------- // maxChars //---------------------------------- /** * Storage for the maxChars property. * This is needed because clients may ask for this after the StageText has * been disposed. */ private var _maxChars:int; /** * @copy flash.text.StageText#maxChars * * @default 0 * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion AIR 3.0 * @productversion Flex 4.6 */ public function get maxChars():int { return _maxChars; } public function set maxChars(value:int):void { if (stageText != null) stageText.maxChars = value; _maxChars = value; } //---------------------------------- // multiline //---------------------------------- /** * Storage for the multiline property. * This is needed because clients may ask for this after the StageText has * been disposed. */ private var _multiline:Boolean; /** * @copy flash.text.StageText#multiline * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion AIR 3.0 * @productversion Flex 4.6 */ public function get multiline():Boolean { return _multiline; } /** * @private * StageText doesn't support setting its multiline property after it has * been created. This setter is only here to satisfy requirements of the * IEditableText interface. */ public function set multiline(value:Boolean):void { // Do nothing. // multiline cannot be set on StageText after it is created. } //---------------------------------- // restrict //---------------------------------- /** * Storage for the restrict property. * This is needed because clients may ask for this after the StageText has * been disposed. */ private var _restrict:String; /** * @copy flash.text.StageText#restrict * * @default null * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion AIR 3.0 * @productversion Flex 4.6 */ public function get restrict():String { return _restrict; } public function set restrict(value:String):void { if (stageText != null) stageText.restrict = value; _restrict = value; } //---------------------------------- // selectable //---------------------------------- /** * @private * @inheritDoc */ public function get selectable():Boolean { return true; } public function set selectable(value:Boolean):void { // Text is always selectable in StageText } //---------------------------------- // selectionActivePosition //---------------------------------- /** * The active, or last clicked position, of the selection. If the * implementation does not support selection anchor this is the last * character of the selection. * *

This value can not be used as the source for data binding.

* * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion AIR 3.0 * @productversion Flex 4.6 */ public function get selectionActivePosition():int { return stageText ? stageText.selectionActiveIndex : 0; } //---------------------------------- // selectionAnchorPosition //---------------------------------- /** * The anchor, or first clicked position, of the selection. If the * implementation does not support selection anchor this is the first * character of the selection. * *

This value can not be used as the source for data binding.

* * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion AIR 3.0 * @productversion Flex 4.6 */ public function get selectionAnchorPosition():int { return stageText ? stageText.selectionAnchorIndex : 0; } //---------------------------------- // text //---------------------------------- /** * Storage for the text property. * This is needed because clients may ask for this after the StageText has * been disposed. */ private var _text:String = ""; /** * A string that is the current text in the text field. * Lines are separated by the carriage return character ('\r', ASCII 13). * This property contains unformatted text in the text field, without any formatting tags. * *

If there was a prior selection, it will be preserved. * If the length of the old text was less than the length of the new text, the selection * will be adjusted so that neither selectionAnchorPosition or * selectionActivePosition is greater than the length of the new text.

* * @default "" * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion AIR 3.0 * @productversion Flex 4.6 */ public function get text():String { return _text; } public function set text(value:String):void { // This is to match legacy behavior. Setting text to null really just // sets it to the empty string. if (value == null) value = ""; if (value != _text) { // Like TextField, preserve the selection when setting text. This is necessary so that // if there is a binding to the text property, the insertion poiint doesn't reset after // every character typed. if (stageText != null) { var anchorIndex:int = stageText.selectionAnchorIndex; var activeIndex:int = stageText.selectionActiveIndex; stageText.text = value; stageText.selectRange(anchorIndex, activeIndex); } _text = value; dispatchEvent(new TextOperationEvent(TextOperationEvent.CHANGE)); updateProxyImage(); } } //---------------------------------- // verticalScrollPosition //---------------------------------- /** * @private * The vertical scroll position of the text. StageText doesn't support * this currently. Even so, we need to have this to satisfy requirements * of the IEditableText interface. */ public function get verticalScrollPosition():Number { // TODO: StageText doesn't support this yet return 0; } public function set verticalScrollPosition(value:Number):void { // TODO: StageText doesn't support this yet } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ISoftKeyboardHint properties // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------- // autoCapitalize //---------------------------------- /** * Storage for the autoCapitalize property. */ private var _autoCapitalize:String = AutoCapitalize.NONE; /** * @inheritDoc * * @default "none" * * @see flash.text.AutoCapitalize * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion AIR 3.0 * @productversion Flex 4.6 */ public function get autoCapitalize():String { return stageText ? stageText.autoCapitalize : _autoCapitalize; } public function set autoCapitalize(value:String):void { if (value == "") value = AutoCapitalize.NONE; if (stageText != null) stageText.autoCapitalize = value; _autoCapitalize = value; } //---------------------------------- // autoCorrect //---------------------------------- /** * Storage for the autoCorrect property. */ private var _autoCorrect:Boolean = true; /** * @inheritDoc * * @default true * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion AIR 3.0 * @productversion Flex 4.6 */ public function get autoCorrect():Boolean { return stageText ? stageText.autoCorrect : _autoCorrect; } public function set autoCorrect(value:Boolean):void { if (stageText != null) stageText.autoCorrect = value; _autoCorrect = value; } //---------------------------------- // returnKeyLabel //---------------------------------- /** * Storage for the returnKeyLabel property. */ private var _returnKeyLabel:String = ReturnKeyLabel.DEFAULT; /** * @inheritDoc * * @default "default" * * @see flash.text.ReturnKeyLabel * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion AIR 3.0 * @productversion Flex 4.6 */ public function get returnKeyLabel():String { return stageText ? stageText.returnKeyLabel : _returnKeyLabel; } public function set returnKeyLabel(value:String):void { if (value == "") value = ReturnKeyLabel.DEFAULT; if (stageText != null) stageText.returnKeyLabel = value; _returnKeyLabel = value; } //---------------------------------- // softKeyboardType //---------------------------------- /** * Storage for the softKeyboardType property. */ private var _softKeyboardType:String = SoftKeyboardType.DEFAULT; /** * @inheritDoc * * @default "default" * * @see flash.text.SoftKeyboardType * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion AIR 3.0 * @productversion Flex 4.6 */ public function get softKeyboardType():String { return stageText ? stageText.softKeyboardType : _softKeyboardType; } public function set softKeyboardType(value:String):void { if (value == "") value = SoftKeyboardType.DEFAULT; if (stageText != null) stageText.softKeyboardType = value; _softKeyboardType = value; } //---------------------------------- // completeEventPending //---------------------------------- /** * Storage for the completeEventPending private property. */ private var _completeEventPending:Boolean = false; private var completeEventBackstop:Timer = null; /** * Flag indicating a change has been made to the runtime StageText object * that requires asynchronous processing before a bitmap may be captured * from it. */ private function get completeEventPending():Boolean { return _completeEventPending; } private function set completeEventPending(value:Boolean):void { if (_completeEventPending != value) { _completeEventPending = value; if (value) { completeEventBackstop = new Timer(1000, 1); completeEventBackstop.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, completeEventBackstop_timerHandler); completeEventBackstop.start(); } else { completeEventBackstop.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, completeEventBackstop_timerHandler); completeEventBackstop = null; // The suspend/resume of transitions for bitmap capture is to // fix framerate issues on Android. While the suspend/resume // should work on iOS as well, it isn't necessary. In the spirit // of keeping this change as localized as possible, we are // limiting transition suspend/resume to Android. if (!isDesktop && viewTransitionRunning && isAndroid) { ViewNavigator.resumeTransitions(); suspendedViewTransitions = false; } } } else if (_completeEventPending) { completeEventBackstop.reset(); completeEventBackstop.start(); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Overridden methods // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @private */ override public function move(x:Number, y:Number):void { super.move(x, y); if (!localViewPort) localViewPort = new Rectangle(); localViewPort.x = x; localViewPort.y = y; invalidateViewPortFlag = true; invalidateProperties(); } /** * @private */ override public function setFocus():void { // The proxy bitmap should not be showing and somebody is trying to set // focus on us. Make sure the proxy bitmap really is gone and the // StageText is visible. if (!showProxyImage && !alwaysShowProxyImage) commitVisible(true); // Do not set focus if the StageText is invisible (it has been replaced // by a proxy image). This component may be in a form that is lower in // z-order than the topmost form and we cannot allow the StageText, // which cannot clip, to appear above the topmost form. if (effectiveEnabled && stageText != null) { if (stageText.visible) stageText.assignFocus(); else pendingFocusedStageText = stageText; } } /** * @private */ override public function styleChanged(styleProp:String):void { super.styleChanged(styleProp); if (styleProp == null || styleProp == "styleName" || supportedStyles.indexOf(styleProp) >= 0) { invalidateStyleFlag = true; } } /** * @private */ override public function setActualSize(w:Number, h:Number):void { super.setActualSize(w, h); if (!localViewPort) localViewPort = new Rectangle(); localViewPort.width = Math.max(0, w); localViewPort.height = Math.max(0, h); invalidateViewPortFlag = true; invalidateProperties(); } /** * @private */ override protected function measure():void { commitStyles(); var minMetrics:TextLineMetrics = measureText("Wj"); var currentMetrics:TextLineMetrics = measureText(text); measuredMinWidth = minMetrics.width; measuredWidth = Math.max(measuredMinWidth, currentMetrics.width); if (isAndroid) { // Android text heights are slightly different from Flex's. measuredMinHeight = minMetrics.height * androidHeightMultiplier; measuredHeight = Math.max(measuredMinHeight, currentMetrics.height * androidHeightMultiplier); } else { measuredMinHeight = minMetrics.height; measuredHeight = Math.max(measuredMinHeight, currentMetrics.height); } } /** * @private */ override protected function commitProperties():void { super.commitProperties(); // DesignView may call validateNow before the path which normally // creates the proxy bitmap. In that case, make sure the proxy bitmap // gets created here. var proxyCreated:Boolean = false; if (alwaysShowProxyImage && !showProxyImage) { createProxyImage(); proxyCreated = true; } if (stageText != null) stageText.editable = _editable && effectiveEnabled; if (!proxyCreated) commitVisible(); if (invalidateViewPortFlag) { updateViewPort(); invalidateViewPortFlag = false; // If this is a new StageText created while a popup is already open, // a proxy image needs to be created for it. updateProxyImageForTopmostForm(); } if (!proxyCreated && showProxyImage) updateProxyImage(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Methods // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @inheritDoc * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion AIR 3.0 * @productversion Flex 4.6 */ public function appendText(text:String):void { if (stageText != null && text.length > 0) { if (stageText.text != null) stageText.text += text; else stageText.text = text; _text = stageText.text; // Move the cursor to the end of the appended text. stageText.selectRange(_text.length, _text.length); dispatchEvent(new TextOperationEvent(TextOperationEvent.CHANGE)); updateProxyImage(); } } /** * Calculate whether the StageText needs to be shown or hidden. If any * ancestor of this StyleableStageText is hidden, the StageText itself must * be hidden. This will not happen automatically because the StageText is * not part of the display hierarchy. */ private function commitVisible(immediate:Boolean = false):void { if (showProxyImage) { if (proxyImage != null) { proxyImage.x = 0; proxyImage.y = 0; if (stageText != null) { stageText.visible = false; stageTextVisibleChangePending = false; removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameHandler); } } } else { if (stageText != null) { var calculatedVisible:Boolean = _visible && calcAncestorsVisible(); if (completeEventPending && calculatedVisible) { showOnComplete = true; } else { if (immediate) { stageText.visible = calculatedVisible; // The focused stageText may have been replaced by a bitmap during // an animation. When restoring its visibility, restore its focus as // well if the soft keyboard is open. (If the soft keyboard is not // open, do not restore focus because doing so will force the soft // keyboard to open.) if (stageText.visible) { if (stageText == focusedStageText && stage.softKeyboardRect.height > 0 || stageText == pendingFocusedStageText) { stageText.assignFocus(); } } // Do not remove the proxy bitmap until after stageText has been // made visible to reduce flicker. disposeProxyImage(); stageTextVisibleChangePending = false; removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameHandler); } else { stageTextVisible = calculatedVisible; stageTextVisibleChangePending = true; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameHandler); } } } } } /** * @inheritDoc * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion AIR 3.0 * @productversion Flex 4.6 */ public function insertText(text:String):void { if (stageText == null || text.length == 0) return; var origText:String = stageText.text; var selectionActiveIndex:int = stageText.selectionActiveIndex; var selectionAnchorIndex:int = stageText.selectionAnchorIndex; var startIndex:int = origText.length; var endIndex:int = startIndex; if (selectionActiveIndex >= 0 && selectionAnchorIndex >= 0) { startIndex = Math.min(selectionActiveIndex, selectionAnchorIndex); endIndex = Math.max(selectionActiveIndex, selectionAnchorIndex); } else if (selectionActiveIndex >= 0) { startIndex = selectionActiveIndex; endIndex = selectionActiveIndex; } else if (selectionAnchorIndex >= 0) { startIndex = selectionAnchorIndex; endIndex = selectionAnchorIndex; } var newText:String = ""; if (startIndex > 0) newText += origText.substring(0, startIndex); newText += text; if (endIndex < origText.length) newText += origText.substring(endIndex); stageText.text = newText; // Move the cursor to the end of the inserted text. stageText.selectRange(startIndex + text.length, startIndex + text.length); _text = stageText.text; // TODO: scrollToRange so the insertion point is visible dispatchEvent(new TextOperationEvent(TextOperationEvent.CHANGE)); updateProxyImage(); } /** * @private * Scroll so the specified range is in view. */ public function scrollToRange(anchorPosition:int, activePosition:int):void { // TODO: StageText doesn't support this yet } /** * Selects all of the text. * *

On iOS, for non multiline StyleableStageText objects, this function * is not supported and does nothing.

* *

For some devices or operating systems, the selection may only be * visible when the StageText object has focus.

* * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion AIR 3.0 * @productversion Flex 4.6 */ public function selectAll():void { if (stageText != null && stageText.text != null) { stageText.selectRange(0, stageText.text.length); updateProxyImage(); } } /** * @inheritDoc * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion AIR 3.0 * @productversion Flex 4.6 */ public function selectRange(anchorIndex:int, activeIndex:int):void { if (stageText != null) { stageText.selectRange(anchorIndex, activeIndex); updateProxyImage(); } } /** * @private */ public function commitStyles():void { if (invalidateStyleFlag && stageText != null) { var textAlign:String = getStyle("textAlign"); if (textAlign) { var rtl:Boolean = getStyle("layoutDirection") == LayoutDirection.RTL; if (textAlign == "start") textAlign = rtl ? TextFormatAlign.RIGHT : TextFormatAlign.LEFT; else if (textAlign == "end") textAlign = rtl ? TextFormatAlign.LEFT : TextFormatAlign.RIGHT; stageText.textAlign = textAlign; } else { stageText.textAlign = defaultStyles["textAlign"]; } var fontFamily:String = getStyle("fontFamily"); if (fontFamily) stageText.fontFamily = fontFamily; else stageText.fontFamily = defaultStyles["fontFamily"]; var fontPosture:String = getStyle("fontStyle"); if (fontPosture) stageText.fontPosture = fontPosture; else stageText.fontPosture = defaultStyles["fontStyle"]; var fontWeight:String = getStyle("fontWeight"); if (fontWeight) stageText.fontWeight = fontWeight; else stageText.fontWeight = defaultStyles["fontWeight"]; var fontSize:* = getStyle("fontSize"); if (fontSize != undefined) stageText.fontSize = fontSize * densityScale; else stageText.fontSize = defaultStyles["fontSize"] * densityScale; var color:* = getStyle("color"); if (color != undefined) stageText.color = color; else stageText.color = defaultStyles["color"]; var locale:* = getStyle("locale"); if (locale != undefined) stageText.locale = locale; else stageText.locale = defaultStyles["locale"]; invalidateStyleFlag = false; updateProxyImage(); } } /** * If a StageText is visible, this will capture a bitmap copy of what it is * displaying. This includes any text visible in the StageText and may * include the text insertion cursor if it is visible at the time of the * call. */ mx_internal function captureBitmapData():BitmapData { if (!stageText || !stageText.stage || !localViewPort || localViewPort.width == 0 || localViewPort.height == 0) return null; // The StageText is invisible. if (stageText.viewPort.width == 0 || stageText.viewPort.height == 0) updateViewPort(); // The StageText viewport is stale. // Make sure any pending style changes get saved before replacing // the StageText with a bitmap commitStyles(); var bitmap:BitmapData = new BitmapData(stageText.viewPort.width, stageText.viewPort.height, true, 0x00FFFFFF); stageText.drawViewPortToBitmapData(bitmap); return bitmap; } private function beginAnimation():void { // The first effect affecting the StageText that starts causes us to // replace the StageText with a bitmap. if (numEffectsRunning++ == 0) { // Unlike other places where bitmap swapping is necessary (popups), // effects may run immediately after a text component is created. // So, we need to make sure anything that could affect the size or // contents of the bitmap (viewPort and styles) are saved to the // StageText before creating a new bitmap. Effects may play too // quickly to rely on subsequent updates to correct the bitmap. if (invalidateViewPortFlag) { // Update the viewport now so a subsequent "complete" event will // allow us to get a bitmap of the correct size updateViewPort(); invalidateViewPortFlag = false } createProxyImage(); } } /** * Generate an image that represents this StageText and replace the live * StageText display with that image. Used for display while effects are * playing. */ private function createProxyImage():void { if (!showProxyImage && proxyImage != null) { // In this case, we have just received an event that causes us to // dispose the proxy image, but havent disposed it yet // (commitProperties hasn't been called yet). So, we don't need to // create a new text image. Just update the one we have and update // our state variables. showProxyImage = true; updateProxyImage(); commitVisible(true); } else if (proxyImage == null) { var imageData:BitmapData = captureBitmapData(); if (imageData) { if (densityScale == 1) { proxyImage = new Bitmap(imageData); } else { proxyImage = new Bitmap(imageData, PixelSnapping.NEVER, true); proxyImage.scaleX = 1.0 / densityScale; proxyImage.scaleY = 1.0 / densityScale; } // This order seems backwards, but it isn't. Setting the // visibility of a StageText does not happen immediately. To // reduce the amount of time where both the StageText and the // bitmap are visible, we tell the StageText to hide before we // show the proxy bitmap. showProxyImage = true; commitVisible(); addChild(proxyImage); } } } private function endAnimation():void { // The last effect affecting the StageText to end causes us to put // the live StageText back and remove the bitmap. // If alwaysShowProxyImage is set, don't dispose the image. if (--numEffectsRunning == 0 && !alwaysShowProxyImage) { if (removedDuringTransition) { removedFromStageHandler(null); } else { updateViewPort(); // The effect may have played while a popup is open. If so, we // need to make sure the proxy image stays. if (awm) updateProxyImageForTopmostForm(); else disposeProxyImageLater(); } } } /** * Iterate through the forms tracked by ActiveWindowManager and return the * one that is highest in z-order excluding the passed-in form. */ private function findTopmostForm(excludeForm:Object):Object { if (!awm) return null; var form:Object = awm.form; var formIndex:int = getFormIndex(form); for each (var otherForm:Object in awm.forms) { var otherIndex:int = getFormIndex(otherForm); if (otherIndex > formIndex && otherForm != excludeForm) { form = otherForm; formIndex = otherIndex; } } return form; } /** * Determine an index for the given form that may be used to determine the * relative z-orders of forms. */ private function getFormIndex(form:Object):int { return form is DisplayObject ? systemManager.rawChildren.getChildIndex(form as DisplayObject) : -1; } private function getGlobalViewPort():Rectangle { // We calculate the parent's concatenated matrix to deal with // issues in the runtime where the concatenated matrix of the // parent is out of sync. See SDK-31538. var m:Matrix = MatrixUtil.getConcatenatedMatrix(parent, stage); var globalTopLeft:Point = m.transformPoint(localViewPort.topLeft); // Transform the bottom-right corner of the local rect // instead of setting width/height to account for any // transformations applied to ancestor objects. var globalBottomRight:Point = m.transformPoint(localViewPort.bottomRight); var globalRect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(); // StageText can't deal with upside-down or mirrored rectangles // or non-integer values. Fix those here. globalRect.x = Math.floor(Math.min(globalTopLeft.x, globalBottomRight.x)); globalRect.y = Math.floor(Math.min(globalTopLeft.y, globalBottomRight.y)); globalRect.width = Math.ceil(Math.abs(globalBottomRight.x - globalTopLeft.x)); globalRect.height = Math.ceil(Math.abs(globalBottomRight.y - globalTopLeft.y)); return globalRect; } private function hasOverlappingForm():Boolean { if (!localViewPort || !parent || !stageText || !awm) return false; // Prevent the StageText from becoming interactive if there is a modal // window open by assuming that the modal window overlaps everything. // If the StageText is part of the topmost popup, we won't get here, so // those StageTexts will remain interactive (as designed). // If a StageText is part of some other popup or the application root // and there is at least one modal open, the StageText will be replaced // by a bitmap. // This is the best we can do as far as modal popups is concerned. The // association between popup and modality is private to PopUpManager, so // all we can do is determine if there are any modal windows open. We // can't associate a given modal window with a given popup. // This means that, if somebody opens a modal popup and then opens a // modeless popup on top of that, only the StageTexts in the topmost // of the two popups will remain interactive. if (awm.numModalWindows > 0) return true; var globalRect:Rectangle = getGlobalViewPort(); var result:Boolean = false; for each (var otherForm:Object in awm.forms) { var otherFormDisplayObj:DisplayObject = otherForm as DisplayObject; if (otherFormDisplayObj && (!otherForm.hasOwnProperty("focusManager") || otherForm.focusManager != focusManager)) { var formGlobalRect:Rectangle = otherFormDisplayObj is UIComponent ? UIComponent(otherFormDisplayObj).getVisibleRect() : otherFormDisplayObj.getBounds(stage); if (formGlobalRect.intersects(globalRect)) { result = true; break; } } } return result; } /** * Determine whether the given form is an application. This is the same * check as is used by ActiveWindowManager. */ private function isFormApplication(form:DisplayObject):Boolean { return systemManager.document is IRawChildrenContainer ? IRawChildrenContainer(systemManager.document).rawChildren.contains(form) : systemManager.document.contains(form); } /** * Determine whether the given form is owned by an ancestor of this * StyleableStageText. This is used by bitmap swapping for popups. If a * text component or ancestor of one owns the popup, the text component * should not be swapped for a bitmap to support workflows where performing * an action within the text component displays the callout or determines * the callout's content. */ private function isFormOwnedByAncestor(form:Object):Boolean { var result:Boolean = false; if (form is UIComponent) { var formComponent:UIComponent = form as UIComponent; var formOwner:DisplayObjectContainer = formComponent.owner; result = formOwner != null && formOwner.contains(this); } return result; } /** * Replace the existing proxy image representing this StageText with a new * one. Call this whenever the StageText's properties, contents, or * geometry changes. This does nothing if there is no proxy image, so it is * safe to call updateProxyImage even if the state of the proxy image is * unknown. */ private function updateProxyImage():void { if (stageText == null || completeEventPending) return; if (ignoreProxyUpdatesDuringTransition) return; if (proxyImage != null) { var newImageData:BitmapData = captureBitmapData(); if (newImageData) { var oldImageData:BitmapData = proxyImage.bitmapData; proxyImage.bitmapData = newImageData; oldImageData.dispose(); } } } private function disposeProxyImage():void { if (proxyImage != null) { var fade:Fade = new Fade(proxyImage); fade.alphaTo = 0; fade.duration = 125; fade.addEventListener(EffectEvent.EFFECT_END, function (event:EffectEvent):void { if (proxyImage) { removeChild(proxyImage); proxyImage.bitmapData.dispose(); proxyImage = null; } }, false, 0, true); fade.play(); } } /** * Destroy any previously created proxy image and restore the visibility of * the StageText display that the proxy image had represented. */ private function disposeProxyImageLater():void { if (showProxyImage) { showProxyImage = false; invalidateProperties(); } } /** * If this component is part of the form that is active, remove the proxy * bitmap (if present) and show the StageText. Otherwise, create or update * the proxy bitmap and hide the StageText. */ private function updateProxyImageForForm(form:Object):void { // If we are always showing proxy bitmaps, then there is nothing to do // here. if (alwaysShowProxyImage) return; if (form && form.hasOwnProperty("focusManager")) { if (form.focusManager != focusManager && (!isFormOwnedByAncestor(form) || hasOverlappingForm())) { createProxyImage(); } else { disposeProxyImageLater(); } } } /** * Find the topmost form in z-order and show the StageText if this is a * child of that form. Otherwise, create or update the proxy bitmap and * hide the StageText. When searching for the topmost form, optionally * exclude a form that is known to be hiding or closing. */ private function updateProxyImageForTopmostForm(excludeForm:Object = null):void { // If there is no active window manager or we are always showing proxy // bitmaps, then there is nothing to do here. if (!awm || alwaysShowProxyImage) return; var form:Object = awm.form; if (!(form is DisplayObject) || isFormApplication(form as DisplayObject)) form = findTopmostForm(excludeForm); updateProxyImageForForm(form); } /** * Tell the StageText what rectangle it needs to render in. The StageText * is not part of the normal display hierarchy, so its coordinates are * always specified in global space. */ private function updateViewPort():void { if (parent && localViewPort && stageText != null) { if (stageText.stage) { var globalRect:Rectangle = getGlobalViewPort(); if (!globalRect.equals(stageText.viewPort)) { if (stageText.viewPort.width != globalRect.width || stageText.viewPort.height != globalRect.height) completeEventPending = true; stageText.viewPort = globalRect; } deferredViewPortUpdate = false; } else { deferredViewPortUpdate = true; } } } /** * StageText does not have any provision for measuring text. To get * approximate sizing, this uses UIComponent's text measurement method on a * string with an ascender and a descender. Because platform rendering and * UIComponent's rendering differ, the measurement should only be used as * an approximation. */ private function measureTextLineHeight():Number { var lineMetrics:TextLineMetrics = measureText("Wj"); // Android text heights are slightly different from Flex's. if (isAndroid) return lineMetrics.height * androidHeightMultiplier; return lineMetrics.height; } /** * Returns true if every ancestor of this object is visible. */ private function calcAncestorsVisible():Boolean { if (invalidateAncestorsVisibleFlag) { var result:Boolean = visible; var ancestor:DisplayObject = parent; while (result && ancestor) { result = ancestor.visible; ancestor = ancestor.parent; } ancestorsVisible = result; invalidateAncestorsVisibleFlag = false; } return ancestorsVisible; } private function gatherAncestorComponents():Vector. { var ancestors:Vector. = new Vector.(); var ancestorObj:DisplayObject = parent; while (ancestorObj) { if (ancestorObj is UIComponent) ancestors.push(ancestorObj as UIComponent); ancestorObj = ancestorObj.parent; } return ancestors; } /** * Search for ancestor components and add listeners to them for changes in * visibility or geometry. This is necessary because StageText is separate * from the display object hierarchy and must have its position and * visibilty updated manually to account for changes in the hierarchy. * Listeners are needed on all ancestor components because components will * not dispatch move, resize, show, or hide events unless they have * listeners for those events. */ private function updateWatchedAncestors():void { var newWatchedAncestors:Vector. = gatherAncestorComponents(); var i:int; for (i = 0; i < watchedAncestors.length; i++) { var ancestor:UIComponent = watchedAncestors[i]; if (newWatchedAncestors.indexOf(ancestor) == -1) { ancestor.removeEventListener(FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, ancestor_creationCompleteHandler); ancestor.removeEventListener(MoveEvent.MOVE, ancestor_moveHandler); ancestor.removeEventListener(ResizeEvent.RESIZE, ancestor_resizeHandler); ancestor.removeEventListener(FlexEvent.SHOW, ancestor_showHandler); ancestor.removeEventListener(FlexEvent.HIDE, ancestor_hideHandler); ancestor.removeEventListener(PopUpEvent.CLOSE, ancestor_closeHandler); ancestor.removeEventListener(PopUpEvent.OPEN, ancestor_openHandler); } } var foundUninitialized:Boolean = false; for (i = newWatchedAncestors.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var newAncestor:UIComponent = newWatchedAncestors[i]; if (watchedAncestors.indexOf(newAncestor) == -1) { newAncestor.addEventListener(MoveEvent.MOVE, ancestor_moveHandler, false, 0, true); newAncestor.addEventListener(ResizeEvent.RESIZE, ancestor_resizeHandler, false, 0, true); newAncestor.addEventListener(FlexEvent.SHOW, ancestor_showHandler, false, 0, true); newAncestor.addEventListener(FlexEvent.HIDE, ancestor_hideHandler, false, 0, true); if (newAncestor.isPopUp) { newAncestor.addEventListener(PopUpEvent.CLOSE, ancestor_closeHandler, false, 0, true); newAncestor.addEventListener(PopUpEvent.OPEN, ancestor_openHandler, false, 0, true); } if (!newAncestor.initialized && !foundUninitialized) { foundUninitialized = true; newAncestor.addEventListener(FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, ancestor_creationCompleteHandler, false, 0, true); } } } watchedAncestors = newWatchedAncestors; } /** * For each form that the ActiveWindowManager knows about, add listeners * for changes to geometry. These listeners are necessary because changes * to the geometry of a form may cause popups to start or stop overlapping * StageTexts. When that happens, StageTexts need to be replaced with proxy * bitmaps or vice-versa. */ private function updateWatchedForms(excludeForm:Object = null):void { if (awm) { for each (var form:Object in awm.forms) { if (form is EventDispatcher) { var formDispatcher:EventDispatcher = form as EventDispatcher; // Remove event listeners in case we've already seen this form before. formDispatcher.removeEventListener(MoveEvent.MOVE, form_moveHandler); formDispatcher.removeEventListener(ResizeEvent.RESIZE, form_resizeHandler); if (form != excludeForm) { // Use weak references so we don't prevent the form from being garbage collected. formDispatcher.addEventListener(MoveEvent.MOVE, form_moveHandler, false, 0, true); formDispatcher.addEventListener(ResizeEvent.RESIZE, form_resizeHandler, false, 0, true); } } } } } /** * Stop watching for visibility and geometry events on all ancestors. Call * this when disposing the StageText. */ private function clearWatchedAncestors():void { while (watchedAncestors.length > 0) { var ancestor:UIComponent = watchedAncestors.pop(); ancestor.removeEventListener(FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, ancestor_creationCompleteHandler); ancestor.removeEventListener(MoveEvent.MOVE, ancestor_moveHandler); ancestor.removeEventListener(ResizeEvent.RESIZE, ancestor_resizeHandler); ancestor.removeEventListener(FlexEvent.SHOW, ancestor_showHandler); ancestor.removeEventListener(FlexEvent.HIDE, ancestor_hideHandler); ancestor.removeEventListener(PopUpEvent.CLOSE, ancestor_closeHandler); ancestor.removeEventListener(PopUpEvent.OPEN, ancestor_openHandler); } } private function restoreStageText():void { if (stageText != null) { // This has to happen here instead of waiting for commitProperties // because this will cause stageText.text to get cleared. Subsequent // change events would then copy that cleared text to the _text // storage variable, making the change permanent. stageText.editable = _editable && effectiveEnabled; // Restore the text and the selection. stageText.text = _text; stageText.selectRange(savedSelectionAnchorIndex, savedSelectionActiveIndex); savedSelectionAnchorIndex = 0; savedSelectionActiveIndex = 0; stageText.displayAsPassword = _displayAsPassword; stageText.maxChars = _maxChars; stageText.restrict = _restrict; // Soft keyboard hints stageText.autoCapitalize = _autoCapitalize; stageText.autoCorrect = _autoCorrect; stageText.returnKeyLabel = _returnKeyLabel; stageText.softKeyboardType = _softKeyboardType; // Make sure styles are restored invalidateStyleFlag = true; // Make sure viewPort and enabled state are recalculated invalidateViewPortFlag = true; invalidateAncestorsVisibleFlag = true; invalidateProperties(); } } mx_internal function getStageText(create:Boolean = false):StageText { if (stageText == null && create) stageText = StageTextPool.acquireStageText(this); return stageText; } private function registerStageTextListeners():void { if (stageText != null) { stageText.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, stageText_changeHandler); stageText.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, stageText_focusInHandler); stageText.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, stageText_focusOutHandler); stageText.addEventListener(SoftKeyboardEvent.SOFT_KEYBOARD_ACTIVATING, stageText_softKeyboardHandler); stageText.addEventListener(SoftKeyboardEvent.SOFT_KEYBOARD_ACTIVATE, stageText_softKeyboardHandler); stageText.addEventListener(SoftKeyboardEvent.SOFT_KEYBOARD_DEACTIVATE, stageText_softKeyboardHandler); stageText.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, stageText_keyDownHandler); stageText.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, stageText_keyUpHandler); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Overridden event handlers // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @private */ override protected function focusInHandler(event:FocusEvent):void { // Forward the focus event to the StageText. The focusedStageText flag // is modified by the StageText's focus event handlers, not this one. if (stageText != null && focusedStageText != stageText && effectiveEnabled) stageText.assignFocus(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Event handlers // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- private function ancestor_closeHandler(event:PopUpEvent):void { ancestorsVisible = false; invalidateAncestorsVisibleFlag = false; invalidateProperties(); } private function ancestor_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void { if (!invalidateAncestorsVisibleFlag) { invalidateAncestorsVisibleFlag = true; invalidateProperties(); } } private function ancestor_hideHandler(event:FlexEvent):void { // Shortcut: If any ancestor hid, the StageText must hide. No need to // recalculate visibility. ancestorsVisible = false; invalidateAncestorsVisibleFlag = false; invalidateProperties(); } private function ancestor_moveHandler(event:MoveEvent):void { // Any change in ancestor geometry may affect the StageText's geometry. invalidateViewPortFlag = true; invalidateProperties(); } private function ancestor_openHandler(event:PopUpEvent):void { invalidateAncestorsVisibleFlag = true; invalidateProperties(); } private function ancestor_resizeHandler(event:ResizeEvent):void { // Any change in ancestor geometry may affect the StageText's geometry. invalidateViewPortFlag = true; invalidateProperties(); } private function ancestor_showHandler(event:FlexEvent):void { // An ancestor was shown, but some other ancestor may still be hidden. // Invalidate visibility and recalculate it later. invalidateAncestorsVisibleFlag = true; invalidateProperties(); } private function ancestor_viewChangeStartHandler(event:Event):void { viewTransitionRunning = true; } private function ancestor_viewChangeCompleteHandler(event:Event):void { viewTransitionRunning = false; if (stageTextVisibleChangePending) enterFrameHandler(null); } private function awm_activatedFormHandler(event:DynamicEvent):void { updateWatchedForms(); updateProxyImageForTopmostForm(); } private function awm_deactivatedFormHandler(event:DynamicEvent):void { updateWatchedForms(); // When the ActiveWindowManager dispatches the deactivatedForm event, // its internal list of forms has not been updated yet. So, determining // the topmost form from that list will fail and find the old topmost // form (the one that is going away). Always assume that the form passed // as the event property will be the new topmost form. var form:Object = event.hasOwnProperty("form") ? event.form : null; updateProxyImageForForm(form); } private function awm_removeFocusManagerHandler(event:FocusEvent):void { // When a popup is removed from the popup manager, its focus manager // gets removed from the ActiveWindowManager. This happens even in cases // where the AWM will not send a deactivatedForm event for that popup. // This happens before the popup is removed from the AWM's forms array, // though, so the popup whose focus manager is getting removed needs to // be explicitly skipped when determining the new topmost form. var removedForm:Object = event.relatedObject; updateWatchedForms(removedForm); updateProxyImageForTopmostForm(removedForm); } private function completeEventBackstop_timerHandler(event:TimerEvent):void { completeEventPending = false; if (showOnComplete) { commitVisible(true); showOnComplete = false; } } private function form_moveHandler(event:MoveEvent):void { updateProxyImageForTopmostForm(); } private function form_resizeHandler(event:ResizeEvent):void { updateProxyImageForTopmostForm(); } private function stageText_changeHandler(event:Event):void { var foundChange:Boolean = false; if (stageText != null) { var oldText:String = _text; var newText:String = stageText.text; foundChange = newText != oldText; _text = stageText.text; } if (foundChange) dispatchEvent(new TextOperationEvent(event.type)); } private function stageText_completeHandler(event:Event):void { // Since Android devices update their text asynchronously, // there may be situations where a complete event is received // during a transition. If one is received, we reset the // ignoreProxyUpdatesDuringTransition flag so that updateProxyImage() // method recreates the bitmap representing the text. if (!completeEventPending && !isDesktop && isAndroid && viewTransitionRunning) ignoreProxyUpdatesDuringTransition = false; completeEventPending = false; updateProxyImage(); if (!isDesktop && viewTransitionRunning && isAndroid) ignoreProxyUpdatesDuringTransition = true; if (showOnComplete) { commitVisible(true); showOnComplete = false; } } private function stageText_focusInHandler(event:FocusEvent):void { focusedStageText = stageText; pendingFocusedStageText = null; // Focus events are documented as bubbling. However, all events coming // from StageText are set to not bubble. So we need to create an // appropriate bubbling event here. dispatchEvent(new FocusEvent(event.type, true, event.cancelable, event.relatedObject, event.shiftKey, event.keyCode, event.direction)); } private function stageText_focusOutHandler(event:FocusEvent):void { // This is to fix a race condition in PopUpManager and // ActiveWindowManager. When a form (popup) is removed from // ActiveWindowManager, it reactivates the FocusManager of the previous // active form. That causes that FocusManager to set focus back to the // last component to have focus. In the race condition case, that // component has a focusIn handler that opens the popup that we were // closing to start this whole chain of events. Because the popup is // opening while it is in the middle of closing, it gets into an // inconsistent state. This race condition doesn't happen with non- // StageText-based text components because FocusManager normally // prevents focus from going to nothing (thereby preventing focus from // leaving the text component to begin with). StageText, however, does // not dispatch the necessary cancellable focus change events to allow // FocusManager to do this. So, to prevent these such race conditions // that the rest of the framework isn't prepared for, we must prevent // FocusManager from immediately setting focus back to this StageText. if (focusedStageText == stageText) { focusedStageText = null; if (focusManager is FocusManager) { var fm:FocusManager = focusManager as FocusManager; var lastFocus:Object = fm.lastFocus as Object; if (lastFocus && lastFocus.hasOwnProperty("textDisplay") && lastFocus.textDisplay == this) fm.lastFocus = null; } } // Focus events are documented as bubbling. However, all events coming // from StageText are set to not bubble. So we need to create an // appropriate bubbling event here. dispatchEvent(new FocusEvent(event.type, true, event.cancelable, event.relatedObject, event.shiftKey, event.keyCode, event.direction)); } private function stageText_keyDownHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void { // Taps on the Enter key on soft keyboards may send us the Next keycode if ((event.keyCode == Keyboard.ENTER || event.keyCode == Keyboard.NEXT) && !_multiline) { dispatchEvent(new FlexEvent(FlexEvent.ENTER)); } // Keyboard events are documented as bubbling. However, all events // coming from StageText are set to not bubble. So we need to create an // appropriate bubbling event here. dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent(event.type, true, event.cancelable, event.charCode, event.keyCode, event.keyLocation, event.ctrlKey, event.altKey, event.shiftKey, event.controlKey, event.commandKey)); if ((event.keyCode == Keyboard.ENTER || event.keyCode == Keyboard.NEXT) && !_multiline && !isDesktop) { event.preventDefault(); } } private function stageText_keyUpHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void { // Keyboard events are documented as bubbling. However, all events // coming from StageText are set to not bubble. So we need to create an // appropriate bubbling event here. dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent(event.type, true, event.cancelable, event.charCode, event.keyCode, event.keyLocation, event.ctrlKey, event.altKey, event.shiftKey, event.controlKey, event.commandKey)); if ((event.keyCode == Keyboard.ENTER || event.keyCode == Keyboard.NEXT) && !_multiline && !isDesktop) { event.preventDefault(); } } private function stageText_softKeyboardHandler(event:SoftKeyboardEvent):void { dispatchEvent(new SoftKeyboardEvent(event.type, true, event.cancelable, this, event.triggerType)); } private function eventTargetsAncestor(event:Event):Boolean { var ancestor:DisplayObject = parent; var target:Object = event.target; while (ancestor != null && ancestor != target) ancestor = ancestor.parent; return ancestor != null; } private function stage_effectStartHandler(event:EffectEvent):void { // An effect is starting, but the effect will only affect the StageText // if its target is an ancestor of it. if (eventTargetsAncestor(event)) beginAnimation(); } private function stage_effectEndHandler(event:EffectEvent):void { if (eventTargetsAncestor(event)) endAnimation(); } private function stage_enabledChangedHandler(event:Event):void { if (eventTargetsAncestor(event)) { invalidateEffectiveEnabledFlag = true; invalidateProperties(); } } private function stage_hierarchyChangedHandler(event:Event):void { // If an ancestor is added to or removed from the list of this // StageText's ancestors, update the list of components we watch for // visibility and geometry changes. if (eventTargetsAncestor(event)) updateWatchedAncestors(); } private function viewTransition_prepareHandler(event:Event):void { // When a view transition runs, the first event that we see is // "viewTransitionPrepare", which is dispatched by ViewNavigator. // This event gives StyleableStageText a chance to suspend the // transition. Suspension of the transition is necessary if the // StageText is not ready to give us a bitmap. Otherwise, by the time // the StageText is ready to give us a bitmap, capturing one would // case a noticeable stutter during the transition. If we suspend the // transition here, the next "complete" event we receive from the // StageText will cause us to resume transitions. // The suspend/resume of transitions for bitmap capture is to // fix framerate issues on Android. While the suspend/resume // should work on iOS as well, it isn't necessary. In the spirit // of keeping this change as localized as possible, we are // limiting transition suspend/resume to Android. if (!isDesktop && isAndroid) { if (completeEventPending && !suspendedViewTransitions) { ViewNavigator.suspendTransitions(); suspendedViewTransitions = true; } else ignoreProxyUpdatesDuringTransition = true; } viewTransitionRunning = true; beginAnimation(); } private function stage_transitionEndHandler(event:FlexEvent):void { // This component may have been created during a view transition. In // that case, it will not have received a call to its prepareHandler and // allowing endAnimation to run would get its running animation counter // into a bad state. if (viewTransitionRunning) { viewTransitionRunning = false; endAnimation(); } ignoreProxyUpdatesDuringTransition = false; // If stageTextVisibleChangePending is true, a visibility change which // we ignored happened during the transition. Apply that visibility // change now. if (stageTextVisibleChangePending) enterFrameHandler(null); } private function addHierarchyListeners():void { if (stageText == null) return; updateWatchedAncestors(); stageText.stage.addEventListener(Event.ADDED, stage_hierarchyChangedHandler, false, 0, true); stageText.stage.addEventListener(Event.REMOVED, stage_hierarchyChangedHandler, false, 0, true); } private function removeHierarchyListeners():void { if (stageText == null) return; stageText.stage.removeEventListener(Event.ADDED, stage_hierarchyChangedHandler); stageText.stage.removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED, stage_hierarchyChangedHandler); clearWatchedAncestors(); } private function addedToStageHandler(event:Event):void { if (viewTransitionRunning) { removedDuringTransition = false; return; } var needsRestore:Boolean = false; if (!awm) awm = ActiveWindowManager(systemManager.getImplementation("mx.managers::IActiveWindowManager")); if (awm) { awm.addEventListener("activatedForm", awm_activatedFormHandler, false, 0, true); awm.addEventListener("deactivatedForm", awm_deactivatedFormHandler, false, 0, true); awm.addEventListener("removeFocusManager", awm_removeFocusManagerHandler, false, 0, true); } if (stageText == null) { needsRestore = !StageTextPool.hasCachedStageText(this); getStageText(true); } // Don't let the StageText show up until we've calculated its correct // visibility. stageText.visible = false; // The "complete" handler must be registered before changes to the stage // or viewPort. StageText on iOS dispatches complete events during the // setting of these properties, unlike Android which does so some time // afterward. stageText.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, stageText_completeHandler); stageText.stage = stage; // Setting stageText.stage requires a complete event for bitmap swapping completeEventPending = true; stageText.stage.addEventListener(EffectEvent.EFFECT_START, stage_effectStartHandler, true, 0, true); stageText.stage.addEventListener(EffectEvent.EFFECT_END, stage_effectEndHandler, true, 0, true); stageText.stage.addEventListener(FlexEvent.TRANSITION_END, stage_transitionEndHandler, false, 0, true); stageText.stage.addEventListener("viewTransitionPrepare", viewTransition_prepareHandler, false, 0, true); stageText.stage.addEventListener("enabledChanged", stage_enabledChangedHandler, true, 0, true); addHierarchyListeners(); if (needsRestore) { restoreStageText(); } else if (savedSelectionAnchorIndex > 0 || savedSelectionActiveIndex > 0) { // Even if the StageText has been retrieved from the cache, its // selection is not preserved. Restore the selection if necessary. if (savedSelectionAnchorIndex <= _text.length && savedSelectionActiveIndex <= _text.length) stageText.selectRange(savedSelectionAnchorIndex, savedSelectionActiveIndex); savedSelectionAnchorIndex = 0; savedSelectionActiveIndex = 0; } if (deferredViewPortUpdate) updateViewPort(); registerStageTextListeners(); if (alwaysShowProxyImage) createProxyImage(); invalidateAncestorsVisibleFlag = true; invalidateEffectiveEnabledFlag = true; invalidateProperties(); } private function enterFrameHandler(event:Event):void { removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameHandler); // If a transition is running, delay pending changes to the visibility // of the StageText until the transition is complete. if (!viewTransitionRunning && stageTextVisibleChangePending) { stageText.visible = stageTextVisible; // The focused stageText may have been replaced by a bitmap during // an animation. When restoring its visibility, restore its focus as // well if the soft keyboard is open. (If the soft keyboard is not // open, do not restore focus because doing so will force the soft // keyboard to open.) if (stageTextVisible) { if (stageText == focusedStageText && stage.softKeyboardRect.height > 0 || stageText == pendingFocusedStageText) { stageText.assignFocus(); } } // Do not remove the proxy bitmap until after stageText has been // made visible to reduce flicker. disposeProxyImage(); stageTextVisibleChangePending = false; } } private function removedFromStageHandler(event:Event):void { if (viewTransitionRunning) { removedDuringTransition = true; return; } if (awm) { awm.removeEventListener("activatedForm", awm_activatedFormHandler); awm.removeEventListener("deactivatedForm", awm_deactivatedFormHandler); awm.removeEventListener("removeFocusManager", awm_removeFocusManagerHandler); } if (stageText == null) return; // Text is saved in _text. Also need to save the selection so it can be restored. savedSelectionAnchorIndex = stageText.selectionAnchorIndex; savedSelectionActiveIndex = stageText.selectionActiveIndex; stageText.stage.removeEventListener(EffectEvent.EFFECT_START, stage_effectStartHandler, true); stageText.stage.removeEventListener(EffectEvent.EFFECT_END, stage_effectEndHandler, true); stageText.stage.removeEventListener(FlexEvent.TRANSITION_END, stage_transitionEndHandler); stageText.stage.removeEventListener("viewTransitionPrepare", viewTransition_prepareHandler); stageText.stage.removeEventListener("enabledChanged", stage_enabledChangedHandler, true); removeHierarchyListeners(); stageText.stage = null; stageText.removeEventListener(Event.CHANGE, stageText_changeHandler); stageText.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, stageText_completeHandler); stageText.removeEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, stageText_focusInHandler); stageText.removeEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, stageText_focusOutHandler); stageText.removeEventListener(SoftKeyboardEvent.SOFT_KEYBOARD_ACTIVATING, stageText_softKeyboardHandler); stageText.removeEventListener(SoftKeyboardEvent.SOFT_KEYBOARD_ACTIVATE, stageText_softKeyboardHandler); stageText.removeEventListener(SoftKeyboardEvent.SOFT_KEYBOARD_DEACTIVATE, stageText_softKeyboardHandler); stageText.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, stageText_keyDownHandler); stageText.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, stageText_keyUpHandler); StageTextPool.releaseStageText(this, stageText); stageText = null; removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameHandler); stageTextVisibleChangePending = false; // This component may be removed from the stage by a Fade effect. In // that case, we will not receive the EFFECT_END event, but should still // reset the effect running state and remove any bitmap representation // of the StageText. showProxyImage = false; if (proxyImage != null) { // If a textImage exists, we need to get rid of it to keep it in // sync with our proxy image state. disposeProxyImage does not do // this. It only sets a flag and invalidates properties. removeChild(proxyImage); proxyImage.bitmapData.dispose(); proxyImage = null; } numEffectsRunning = 0; removedDuringTransition = false; } } } import flash.events.TimerEvent; import flash.text.StageText; import flash.text.StageTextInitOptions; import flash.utils.Dictionary; import flash.utils.Timer; import spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableStageText; class StageTextPool { //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Class constants // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- private static const poolReserve:Number = 5; private static const poolTimerInterval:Number = 10000; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Class variables // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- private static var map_StyleableStageText_to_StageText:Dictionary = new Dictionary(true); private static var map_StageText_to_StyleableStageText:Dictionary = new Dictionary(true); private static var multilinePool:Vector. = new Vector.(); private static var multilinePoolTimer:Timer; private static var singleLinePool:Vector. = new Vector.(); private static var singleLinePoolTimer:Timer; private static var cleanProperties:Object = null; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Class methods // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Acquires a StageText and removes it from the pool. If the host * StyleableStageText has recently released a StageText and that StageText * is still in the pool, that StageText will be returned. */ public static function acquireStageText(host:StyleableStageText):StageText { var result:StageText = map_StyleableStageText_to_StageText[host]; if (!result) { if (host.multiline) { if (multilinePool.length == 0) while (multilinePool.length < poolReserve) multilinePool.push(new StageText(new StageTextInitOptions(true))); result = multilinePool.pop(); } else { if (singleLinePool.length == 0) while (singleLinePool.length < poolReserve) singleLinePool.push(new StageText(new StageTextInitOptions(false))); result = singleLinePool.pop(); } // The first time a StageText is acquired, it's guaranteed to have been // newly-created. Take that opportunity to stash away the StageText's // defaults for properties that StyleableStageText may not necessarily // overwrite during its initialization. This is necessary because this // object pool "recycles" StageTexts and we need to ensure that those // StageTexts are clean when they are reused. // While the "editable" property is set in commitProperties, there is a // bug on Android devices where setting editable to false fails to make // the StageText read-only if it's already false. So, make sure // "editable" is one of the properties that gets restored to its // default value. if (!cleanProperties) { cleanProperties = new Object(); cleanProperties["autoCapitalize"] = result.autoCapitalize; cleanProperties["autoCorrect"] = result.autoCorrect; //cleanProperties["color"] = result.color; // Set in commitStyles cleanProperties["displayAsPassword"] = result.displayAsPassword; cleanProperties["editable"] = result.editable; //cleanProperties["fontFamily"] = result.fontFamily; // Set in commitStyles //cleanProperties["fontPosture"] = result.fontPosture; // Set in commitStyles //cleanProperties["fontSize"] = result.fontSize; // Set in commitStyles //cleanProperties["fontWeight"] = result.fontWeight; // Set in commitStyles //cleanProperties["locale"] = result.locale; // Set in commitStyles cleanProperties["maxChars"] = result.maxChars; cleanProperties["restrict"] = result.restrict; cleanProperties["returnKeyLabel"] = result.returnKeyLabel; cleanProperties["softKeyboardType"] = result.softKeyboardType; cleanProperties["text"] = result.text; //cleanProperties["textAlign"] = result.textAlign; // Set in commitStyles //cleanProperties["visible"] = result.visible; // Set in commitVisible } else { for (var prop:String in cleanProperties) result[prop] = cleanProperties[prop]; } } else { var index:int; if (host.multiline) { index = multilinePool.indexOf(result); multilinePool.splice(index, 1); } else { index = singleLinePool.indexOf(result); singleLinePool.splice(index, 1); } } uncacheStageText(result); return result; } /** * Returns true if the StageText that would be returned by acquireStageText * for the given StyleableStageText will be the same as the last StageText * it released. */ public static function hasCachedStageText(host:StyleableStageText):Boolean { return map_StyleableStageText_to_StageText[host] !== undefined; } /** * Puts a StageText back into the pool and caches the StyleableStageText/ * StageText pair so the same StageText may be returned if the * StyleableStageText re-acquires it. If this causes the pool to grow * larger than its reserve size, this starts a timer to check and reduce * the size of the pool poolTimerInterval milliseconds later. */ public static function releaseStageText(host:StyleableStageText, stageText:StageText):void { map_StyleableStageText_to_StageText[host] = stageText; map_StageText_to_StyleableStageText[stageText] = host; if (host.multiline) { multilinePool.push(stageText); if (multilinePool.length > poolReserve) { if (!multilinePoolTimer) { multilinePoolTimer = new Timer(poolTimerInterval, 1); multilinePoolTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, function (event:TimerEvent):void { shrinkPool(true); multilinePoolTimer = null; }, false, 0, true); } multilinePoolTimer.reset(); multilinePoolTimer.start(); } } else { singleLinePool.push(stageText); if (singleLinePool.length > poolReserve) { if (!singleLinePoolTimer) { singleLinePoolTimer = new Timer(poolTimerInterval, 1); singleLinePoolTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, function (event:TimerEvent):void { shrinkPool(false); singleLinePoolTimer = null; }, false, 0, true); } singleLinePoolTimer.reset(); singleLinePoolTimer.start(); } } } /** * Return the pool to its reserve size. */ private static function shrinkPool(multiline:Boolean):void { var oldStageText:StageText; if (multiline) { while (multilinePool.length > poolReserve) { oldStageText = multilinePool.shift(); uncacheStageText(oldStageText); oldStageText.dispose(); } } else { while (singleLinePool.length > poolReserve) { oldStageText = singleLinePool.shift(); uncacheStageText(oldStageText); oldStageText.dispose(); } } } /** * Remove a StageText and its last known StyleableStageText host from the * cache. */ private static function uncacheStageText(stageText:StageText):void { var host:StyleableStageText = map_StageText_to_StyleableStageText[stageText]; delete map_StyleableStageText_to_StageText[host]; delete map_StageText_to_StyleableStageText[stageText]; } }