// This script does the following: // // 1. Calls the "Make Flex Component" command // // 2. Creates a "FlexContent" symbol that uses FlexContentHolder as a base class // var doc = null; function getSymbol(name) { // search library for specified item var items = doc.library.items; for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { var shortName = items[i].name; var slashIndex = shortName.lastIndexOf("/"); if (slashIndex >= 0) { shortName = shortName.substr(slashIndex + 1); } if (shortName == name) { return items[i]; } } return null; } function createFlexContentSymbol() { var flexContentSymbol = getSymbol("FlexContentHolder"); // If the symbol already exists, there is nothing more to do... if (flexContentSymbol != null) return true; var holderDoc = fl.openDocument(fl.configURI + "Libraries/ContentHolder.fla"); var copiedSymbol = false; if (holderDoc) { holderDoc.library.addItemToDocument({x:0, y:0}, "FlexContentHolder"); holderDoc.clipCopy(); holderDoc.close(false); copiedSymbol = true; } if (copiedSymbol) { doc.clipPaste(); doc.deleteSelection(); flexContentSymbol = getSymbol("FlexContentHolder"); if (flexContentSymbol != null) { flexContentSymbol.linkageExportForAS = true; flexContentSymbol.linkageExportInFirstFrame = true; flexContentSymbol.linkageBaseClass = "mx.flash.FlexContentHolder"; // the randomness gives the classname a unique ID so that a unique class name can // map to this instance of the FlexContentHolder and multiple swcs can co-exist peacefully flexContentSymbol.linkageClassName = "FlexContentHolder" + Math.random().toString().substring(2); return true; } } return false; } // Main execution starts here doc = fl.getDocumentDOM(); if (fl.runScript(fl.configURI + 'Javascript/MakeFlexComponent.jsfl', 'makeFlexComponent', 'mx.flash.ContainerMovieClip', 'Add the \'FlexContentHolder\' symbol to define the Flex content area.')) createFlexContentSymbol()