step2_ti.selectionActivePosition ? "pass" : "fail: anchor = " + step2_ti.selectionAnchorPosition + ", active = " + step2_ti.selectionActivePosition; results.addItem(step2_ti_result); step2_ta.enabled = true; step2_ta_con.enabled = true; step2_ti.enabled = false; step2_ti_con.enabled = false; } protected function step2ta(event:FlexEvent):void { var step2_ta_result:Object = new Object(); = "Step2-TextArea"; step2_ta_result.result = step2_ta.selectionAnchorPosition > step2_ta.selectionActivePosition ? "pass" : "fail: anchor = " + step2_ta.selectionAnchorPosition + ", active = " + step2_ta.selectionActivePosition; results.addItem(step2_ta_result); this.currentState = "results"; } /* Currently unsupported by StageText. protected function step3ti(event:FlexEvent):void { var step3_ti_result:Object = new Object(); = "Step3-TextInput"; step3_ti_result.result = step3_ti.selectionAnchorPosition == -1 && step3_ti.selectionActivePosition == -1 ? "pass" : "fail: anchor = " + step3_ti.selectionAnchorPosition + ", active = " + step3_ti.selectionActivePosition; results.addItem(step3_ti_result); step3_ta.enabled = true; step3_ta_con.enabled = true; step3_ti.enabled = false; step3_ti_con.enabled = false; } protected function step3ta(event:FlexEvent):void { var step3_ta_result:Object = new Object(); = "Step3-TextArea"; step3_ta_result.result = step3_ta.selectionAnchorPosition == -1 && step3_ta.selectionActivePosition == -1 ? "pass" : "fail: anchor = " + step3_ta.selectionAnchorPosition + ", active = " + step3_ta.selectionActivePosition; results.addItem(step3_ta_result); this.currentState = "results"; }*/ ]]> This is the view for single line selection. Please follow the directions, results will be presented at the end. Press continue when you're ready to start. Select text in the following two components from left to right. Press continue when you're done. Select text in the following two components from right to left. Press continue when you're done.