-------------------------- StageText Manual Testing -------------------------- https://zerowing.corp.adobe.com/display/megastar/StageText+Test+Plan -------------------------- Setup Instructions: This StageText Mustella folder is setup as a Flash Builder project. You can easily import this project into Builder by: File > Import Flash Builder Project > Project Folder > pathTo/mustella/tests/mobile/StageText/ Manual Test Cases: Run StageTextViewNav on the desktop 1. Push the "EmailView", verify text can be edited using keyboard. Run StageText160dpi app on 240 and 320 DPI device 1. Push the "ReviewView, click "Back", ensure ViewTransition is smooth (SDK-31433, SDK-31436, SDK-30739) 2. Push the "CalloutView, click "CalloutButton", tap on TextArea, turn to landscape, ensure text resize is correct, and text does not spill out of callout (SDK-31459) 3. Push the "SkinnablePopUpContainer" view, open SkinnablePopUpContainer, tap on "Bottom" TextInput, verify SkinnablePopUpContainer moves smoothly 4. Push the "ReviewView, click on text, click "Home", and verify ViewTransition is fast 5. Push the "EmailView", click on text, go to landscape state, and back to portrait, verify text resized correctly, and stays inside of it's border 6. Push the "EmailView", tap on textInput, verify prompt looks correctly, verify caret is in the right position Run StageTextViewNav app on variety of devices 1. Push the "ReviewView, long press on TextArea,verify text can be selected, verify copy/cut/paste work 2. Push the "ReviewView, ensure scroll,and throw TextArea operations feel smooth 3. Push the "EmailView", start editing text, verify hints work the same as native hints 4. Push the "EmailView", click on text, go to landscape state, and verify text can be edited in lanscape 5. Push the "EmailView", click on text, click "Home", and verify ViewTransition is fast 6. Push the "SkinnablePopUpContainer" view, open SkinnablePopUpContainer, tap on TextArea, tap on TextInput, verify Text can be edited, SPUC can be closed, opened, verify transitions are smooth 7. Push the "EmailView", tap close to the border of TextInput and TextArea, verify SoftKeyboard opens and stays open 8. Push the "EmailView", tap between TextInput and TextArea, verify SoftKeyboard opens and stays open, no blinking, verify TextArea resizes only once 9. Push the "ReviewView, scroll down,tap on text at the end, verify softKeyboard opens, and caret is at the end of text 10. On Android device Push the "EmailView", go to landscape mode, tap on TextInput,click "Done", verify SoftKeyboard closes 11. Push the "ReviewView, open soft keyboard, remove most of the text, verify no verticalScrollBar appears 12. Push the "ReviewView, open soft keyboard,click "Back" button, verify softKeyboard closes. and HomeView appears 13. Push the "EmailView", long press "MENU" button, verify softKeyboard opens. 14. Push the "EmailView", tap TextInput to open SK, long press "MENU" button, verify softKeyboard closes. 15. On Android device Push the "EmailView", tap on TextInput "To" ,click "Enter", verify text changes to "Enter" - sdk 31669 16. Push the "SearchView", add text to TextInput ,go to ReviewView, verify titleContent does not have leftover text - sdk 31797 17. Push the "SearchView", add "ca" to TextInput, tap on the list in an empty space above or below a label ,click "Clear", verify stage resizes correctly - sdk 31775 18. Set Auto-Correct to false on android device.Push the "EmailView", tap between TextInput and TextArea, verify SoftKeyboard opens and stays open, no blinking, verify TextArea resizes only once