SPUC Keyboard Effects Testing Project --------------------------- This project contains a mobile Application with a set of common SPUC and Callout test cases for manual testing. ===================== Specific Manual Tests ===================== 1. Run the fb project and open the "SPUC Move" view - Click on the button to open the SPUC and verify the SPUC pops up - Click on the TA inside the SPUC and verify the Softkeyboard effects and transitions look good - Click on text area outside and see the resizing back to original size, close the SPUC 2. Go to "Callout Move" view - Open calloutbutton and verify callout pops up - Change orientation and make sure the arrow direction changes to fit in screen - Verify the transition effects are smooth - Change focus from text area to text input on SPUC and verify there is no jitter or SPUC resize while the sK is up 3. Go to the "Callout Button" view - Open resizable Callout and make sure it fills the stage initially - Click on the Text inside the Callout and verify the keyboard effects and transitions as the callout resizes - Close and go to landscape and repeat same thing. - On Android, SK occupies whole screen while on ios, SPUC should be resized for keyboard in both orientations - Verify on changing orientations from portrait to landscape and back to portrait does not change direction of callout arrow on ios (sdk-31726) 4. Go to Callout Resize view - Open callout, the callout should resize for softkeyboard - click ok, keyboard should close with proper transition - Do the same on landscape orientation and verify the effects