This text is 10 point black, italic, and bold."; [Bindable] public var htmlDamyText:String = "This text is 10 point black, italic, and bold."; [Bindable] public var resulthtmlData:String = "

This is 14 point blue italic text.

This text is 10 point black, italic, and bold.

"; [Bindable] public var plainText:String ="This is a plain text"; import flash.text.TextLineMetrics; private var courier10Data:TextLineMetrics; private var vivaldi20Data:TextLineMetrics; private var stdWidth:int = 200; private var stdHeight:int = 100; // Protect bitmaps from changes in the default size by always // specifying a standard size. private function setToStandardSize(obj:Object):void{ obj.width = stdWidth; obj.height = stdHeight; } // Use for comparing TextLineMetrics data. private function setUpTextLineMetrics():void{ // Courier (TTF) 10: ascent=8.3 descent=3 height=13.3 leading=2 width=131.9 x=2 // Vivaldi (Flash type) 20: ascent=18.05 descent=5.7 height=25.75 leading=2 width=123.35000000000001 x=2 courier10Data = new TextLineMetrics(2, 131.9, 13.3, 8.3, 3, 2); vivaldi20Data = new TextLineMetrics(2, 123.35000000000001, 25.75, 18.05, 5.7, 2); } ]]>
@namespace "library://"; @font-face{ src: url("../../../../Assets/Fonts/Cousine/Cousine-Regular.ttf"); fontFamily: "myCourier"; } @font-face { src: url("../../../../Assets/Fonts/Lobster_Two/LobsterTwo-Regular.ttf"); fontFamily: "Vivaldi"; }