//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more // contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with // this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. // The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 // (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with // the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package { import flash.display.DisplayObject; import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer; import flash.display.InteractiveObject; import flash.events.KeyboardEvent; import flash.events.FocusEvent; import flash.net.LocalConnection; import flash.system.ApplicationDomain; import flash.system.Capabilities; import flash.system.System; import flash.ui.Keyboard; import flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName; import flash.utils.getTimer; import mx.core.mx_internal; use namespace mx_internal; /** * The test step that fakes a keyboard event * MXML attributes: * target * className * waitTarget * waitEvent * timeout */ public class ResetComponent extends TestStep { private static var effectsInEffect:QName = new QName(mx_internal, "effectsInEffect"); private static var activeTweens:QName = new QName(mx_internal, "activeTweens"); private static var tooltipReset:QName = new QName(mx_internal, "reset"); private var actualWaitEvent:String; private var waited:Boolean = false; /** * Called by the TestCase when it is time to start this step * fake waitEvent because we don't want to listen to the old one */ override public function execute(root:DisplayObject, context:UnitTester, testCase:TestCase, testResult:TestResult):Boolean { if (waitTarget == null) waitTarget = target; // let super think there is no waitEvent if (waitEvent && waitTarget == target) { actualWaitEvent = waitEvent; waitEvent = null; } var val:Boolean = super.execute(root, context, testCase, testResult); if (actualWaitEvent && !waited) { var actualTarget:Object = context.stringToObject(waitTarget); if (!actualTarget) { testResult.doFail("Target " + waitTarget + " not found"); return true; } waitEvent = actualWaitEvent; actualTarget.addEventListener(actualWaitEvent, waitEventHandler); testCase.setExpirationTime(getTimer() + timeout); } return (actualWaitEvent || waited) ? false : val; } /** * Set the target's property to the specified value */ override protected function doStep():void { var effects:Boolean = false; var appDom:ApplicationDomain = root["topLevelSystemManager"]["info"]().currentDomain; if (!appDom) appDom = ApplicationDomain.currentDomain; var effectMgr:Class = Class(appDom.getDefinition("mx.effects.EffectManager")); if (effectMgr) { effects = effectMgr[effectsInEffect](); } if (!effects) { effectMgr = Class(appDom.getDefinition("mx.effects.Tween")); if (effectMgr) { effects = effectMgr[activeTweens].length > 0; } } if (!effects) effects = UnitTester.getSandboxedEffects(); if (!effects) { actuallyDoStep(waited); waited = false; } else { UnitTester.callback = doStep; waited = true; } } private function actuallyDoStep(addListener:Boolean):void { var actualTarget:Object = context.stringToObject(target); if (!actualTarget) { testResult.doFail("Target " + target + " not found"); return; } // Introspect target type. var targetType:TypeInfo = context.getTypeInfo(actualTarget); var targetIsGraphic:Boolean = targetType.implementsInterface("spark.core::IGraphicElement"); // Save id to apply later. if (actualTarget is DisplayObject) { var id:String = actualTarget.id; } try { // Save parent context. if (actualTarget is DisplayObject || targetIsGraphic) { var parent:Object = actualTarget.parent; if (!parent) { testResult.doFail("Target " + target + " not parented"); return; } } } catch (se:SecurityError) { UnitTester.resetSandboxedComponent(target, className); return; } // Garbage collect. attemptGC(); // Introspect parent type. if (parent) { var parentType:TypeInfo = context.getTypeInfo(parent); var parentIsGroup:Boolean = parentType.isAssignableTo("spark.components::Group"); } // Ensure parent of graphic primitive is a Group. if (targetIsGraphic && !parentIsGroup) { testResult.doFail("Graphic primitive " + target + " not parented by a Group."); return; } // Infer className is none provided. className = className != null ? className : targetType.className; var targetClass:Class; var child:Object; var appdom:ApplicationDomain = UnitTester.getApplicationDomain(target, actualTarget, className); if (!appdom) { UnitTester.resetSandboxedComponent(target, className); return; } if (actualTarget is DisplayObject || targetIsGraphic) { // Remove original instance if (parentIsGroup) { var index:int = parent.getElementIndex(actualTarget); parent.removeElement(actualTarget); } else { index = parent.getChildIndex(actualTarget); parent.removeChild(actualTarget); } // Cleanup any related or housekeeping objects. cleanupOtherDisplayObjects(); // Lookup requested type for new instance. targetClass = Class(appdom.getDefinition(className)); if (!targetClass) { testResult.doFail("className " + className + " is not a valid class"); return; } // Create new instance. child = new targetClass(); var childType:TypeInfo = context.getTypeInfo(child); if (!(child is DisplayObject) && !childType.implementsInterface("spark.core::IGraphicElement")) { testResult.doFail("className " + className + " is not a DisplayObject or GraphicElement primitive."); return; } // Re-add new instance to visual DOM. if (parentIsGroup) parent.addElementAt(child, index); else parent.addChildAt(child as DisplayObject, index); } else { // Fallback for non-DOM component instances. targetClass = Class(appdom.getDefinition(className)); if (!targetClass) { testResult.doFail("className " + className + " is not a valid class"); return; } child = new targetClass(); } // Update top level document slots with reference to new instance. var obj:Object; var varName:String; if (target.indexOf(".") == -1) { if (target.indexOf("script:") == 0) { obj = context; varName = target.substring(7); } else { obj = root["document"]; varName = target; } } else { var path:String = target.substring(0, target.lastIndexOf(".")); obj = context.stringToObject(path); varName = target.substring(target.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); } if (!obj) { testResult.doFail("path " + path + " is not valid"); return; } if (!(varName in obj)) { testResult.doFail("property " + varName + " is not valid"); return; } if (actualTarget is DisplayObject) if (id && child) Object(child).id = id; try { obj[varName] = child; } catch (e1:Error) { TestOutput.logResult("Exception thrown setting path to new class instance."); testResult.doFail (e1.getStackTrace()); } // Initiate wait if requested, otherwise complete step. if (actualWaitEvent && addListener) { actualTarget = context.stringToObject(waitTarget); if (!actualTarget) { testResult.doFail("Target " + waitTarget + " not found"); stepComplete(); return; } waitEvent = actualWaitEvent; actualTarget.addEventListener(actualWaitEvent, waitEventHandler); testCase.setExpirationTime(getTimer() + timeout); } else if (addListener) { stepComplete(); } } private function cleanupOtherDisplayObjects():void { var r:Object; var i:int; var n:int; var c:Object; var appDom:ApplicationDomain = root["info"]().currentDomain; if (!appDom) appDom = ApplicationDomain.currentDomain; r = root; r = root["topLevelSystemManager"]; UnitTester.blockFocusEvents = false; r.stage.focus = null; UnitTester.blockFocusEvents = true; n = r.numChildren; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (context.knownDisplayObjects[r.getChildAt(i)] == null) { c = r.getChildAt(i); if (getQualifiedClassName(c) == "mx.managers::SystemManagerProxy") { while (c.rawChildren.numChildren) c.rawChildren.removeChildAt(c.rawChildren.numChildren - 1); } else r.removeChildAt(i); i--; n--; } } r = root; r = root["topLevelSystemManager"]; r = r.popUpChildren; n = r.numChildren; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (context.knownDisplayObjects[r.getChildAt(i)] == null) { c = r.getChildAt(i); if (getQualifiedClassName(c) == "mx.managers::SystemManagerProxy") { while (c.rawChildren.numChildren) c.rawChildren.removeChildAt(c.rawChildren.numChildren - 1); } else r.removeChildAt(i); i--; n--; } } r = root; r = root["topLevelSystemManager"]; r = r.toolTipChildren; n = r.numChildren; if (n > 0) { var mgr:Class = Class(appDom.getDefinition("mx.core.Singleton")); var impl:Object = mgr["getInstance"]("mx.managers::IToolTipManager2"); try { impl[tooltipReset](); } catch (e:Error) { // ignore, chart datatips don't setup tooltipmanager so reset will RTE. } } n = r.numChildren; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (context.knownDisplayObjects[r.getChildAt(i)] == null) { r.removeChildAt(i); i--; n--; } } r = root; r = root["topLevelSystemManager"]; r = r.cursorChildren; n = r.numChildren; if (n > 0) { var cmgr:Class = Class(appDom.getDefinition("mx.core.Singleton")); var cimpl:Object = cmgr["getInstance"]("mx.managers::ICursorManager"); cimpl["removeAllCursors"](); } n = r.numChildren; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { var o:DisplayObject = r.getChildAt(i); if (context.knownDisplayObjects[o] == null) { if (o.name == "cursorHolder") continue; r.removeChildAt(i); i--; n--; } } } private function attemptGC():void { if (Capabilities.isDebugger) { System.gc(); return; } // unsupported hack that seems to force a full GC try { var lc1:LocalConnection = new LocalConnection(); var lc2:LocalConnection = new LocalConnection(); lc1.connect('name'); lc2.connect('name'); } catch (e:Error) { } } /** * The type of the event to send (keyUp, keyDown, etc). * If not set, we'll send both a keyDown and a keyUp */ public var target:String; /** * The char to send as a string/char if you don't know the charCode (optional) */ public var className:String; /** * customize string representation */ override public function toString():String { var s:String = "ResetComponent"; if (target) s += ": target = " + target; if (className) s += ", className = " + className; return s; } } }